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Definition of Physical Education and Health

Physical education is a course focuses on health and wellness. It includes cognitive content and guidance to help
pupils improve their motor skills, knowledge, physical habits and health. Furthermore, it would provide pupils
with the opportunity and confidence to be physically active for the rest of their lives as a result of their
participation in academic and recreational activities.
In elementary school, health education is also focused on national guidelines which provide information based
on the pupils’ comprehension levels. It covers of basic health, including terms, meanings, significance and other
related topics.
According to Barrow, physical education is “education in and by human movement,” wherein many educational
goals are achieved through large muscles activities such as sports, games, gymnastics, dance and exercise.
Webster Dictionary describes physical education as a field of education what teaches children how to develop
and care for their bodies, varying from basic callisthenic exercises to a course of study that involves hygiene
gymnastics and competitive game performance and management.
Physical education, as per Jackson R. Sharman, is the component of education that takes place activities that
involve the human body’s motor system which results in individual developing behavior patterns.
On the other hand, health education is a social science that uses biological, environmental, psychological,
physical and medical knowledge to promote health and prevent illness, disability and premature death through
education-driven voluntary behavioral change activities. Person group, institutional, society and structural
strategies to enhance health awareness, attitudes, skills and actions are all considered part of health education.
Health education aims to positively impact people’s health habits. As defined by the Word Health Organization,
health promotion.
According to Dr. W.W. Bauer (1947) health education is the total of our interactions and motivations that
contribute to our understanding of health or affect our health actions.

Importance of Health and Physical Education

1. Builds Self-confidence
Engagement in physical education has a positive effect on a pupil’s personality, character and self-
steem. Communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with other pupils of various ethnic
backgrounds and personalities are also improved through the team-building process.

2. Development Motor Skills

Physical education is important for developing motor skills and improving reflexes. Hand-eye
coordination improves, as do proper body movements, which aid un the development of healthy posture

3. Health and Nutrition

Physical education instills in pupils value of physical fitness. Some pupils confuse the word “overweight,”
resulting in eating disorders. Pupils learn about healthy eating habits and dietary recommendations through
physical activity and education.

4. Relieves Stress
Curriculum, assignments, families and social pressures all cause significant stress in pupils. Participation
in sports, outdoor activities, or other types of physical activity will help them relax.

5. Considerations
Special considerations may be necessary regarding physical activities for pupils with health issues and
those pupils should proceed under the direction of a doctor.

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