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Students are asked to copy these narrative essay as a guide on their writing Continuous Writing.

(Narrative Essay) Begin your story with ..She came into the classroom looking very sad She came into the classroom looking very sad because she could not accept the really good words, that is I love you from Jeremy. She remembered when knew she actually likes Tae Kyung, Jeremy ran with tears on his face and went to the place he usually goes. So, she chased after Jeremy and found out that Jeremy as on the bus alone. Then, she boarded the bus, and saw Jeremy was leaning his back against the window and he looked upset. Then, she approached Jeremy and stared at him. But Jeremy still doesnt look at her. This is my bus. Get off!! finally Jeremy talked. She tried to persuade him. Jeremy I am okay if we are just friends. I am okay if I am nothing to you, but if you say that its Tae Kyung, I cant be fine. Why? Why it isnt me? I only told you my secret, I only let you touch my Jolie, the dog, I was going to sing a song only for you. Why? Why dont you like me? he kept on babbling. She was all sad that time. How could she accept Jeremy while Tae Kyung was always her star? Tears started to run. Jeremy always cheered her up when she was down, Jeremy was always there for her but she cant accept him. She would never accept him. She looked at Jeremys face. She never saw Jeremy like this before. Then, she slowly walked to another seat and sat down. Her face was still looking at Jeremy. All of a sudden, she heard Jeremys phone ringing and heard Jeremy talking on the phone. Hello, this is Jeremy. Yes, Im going to sing Really good word to someones special. Even he tried to sound cheerful, but he couldnt. she saw his face. He smiled but tears keep going down on his face. These very good words were so precious to me, that I held onto dearly. But holding on it dearly, can mean that it cant be said again. But I hope it doesnt become words that dont want to hear, words that are meaningless or words that cause sadness. Jeremy said meaningfully. Her eyes was on him all the time. She tried to smile but it was all useless because seeing Jeremys face that time was just like looking in hell. Jeremy was never at such that condition before. He was a joyful and cheerful guy.

The words I Love You are very good words, when our family wake up in the morning, these words we say to one another. The words I Love You, Jeremy wants to give that child, Because those words are good, Im excited all day long She was speechless when Jeremy sang that song. She cant stop crying. Even that song was a cheer song, but Jeremy cant sing it well. He was crying and so did she. They are very good words. She added. But you cant accept those words, right Go Mi Nam? It was true. I cant accept those beautiful words. Then she begged for his apologize, and Jeremy seemed like he cant forgive her. All he said was, he cant be all right. But when the bus stopped, he would be allright. Go Mi Nam was stunned again. Yes, she wanted the old Jeremy, but in that condition, she would let Jeremy to cry and when the bus stopped, they would be fine again. A few minutes later, the bus started to stop. Jeremy looked at her and rushed out of the bus. Go Mi Nam walked slowly as she was very sad. Although Jeremy was going to be fine, deep in her heart, she knew that Jeremy would never going to be fine. When we get off the bus, Ill be the fun-loving Jeremy again. The last moment they were on the bus, Jeremy told her that. She was shocked. She didnt even spoke one word. Then, Jeremy get off the bus. Standing still and waited patiently, while Go Ni Nam was still on the bus, speechless. Suddenly, Jeremy looked at her, and with his cheerful voice, happy face, he said, Go Mi Nam, come on quickly! If you miss this, youll have to ride this bus once again. After that, she quickly get off the bus and Jeremy grabbed her shoulder and embraced her. Go Mi Nam, want to go eat ice-cream? She knew, Jeremy was just pretending to be happy but deep inside, he was hurt. Badly hurt. To not upset him, she accepted the invitation to eat ice-cream. Hey buddy! Whats up? Go Mi Nam was shocked because all of a sudden someone tapped behind her. Why are you so sad today? Asked her friend.

Cheer up babe! Her other friend greet her. Go Mi Nam said nothing. She doesnt have mood to talk. She just wanted to be alone, to relax her mind. She heard her friends talking about her. She just ignored what they said. Babe, what is wrong with that punk? Usually, she is the happiest person ever exist in this world. But now she looks like a mother who lost a child! Her friends kept on talking about her. Ah, she doesnt care! All she wanted was to go back home. Ringgggg!!!!Yes!The bell has rung.It was time to go back home. She rushed out of the school. All of a sudden, she stopped. Jeremy! Jeremy was waiting for her with crooked smile! Go Mi Nam! Jeremy called, with his usual joyful voice. Mi Nam, lets go! Let me give you a ride, she tried to smile. Mi Nam, Im sorry! Friend, okay? No, dont worry, Ill be okay. Yesterday was an act. Hahaha..gotchaaa!! Was Jeremy out of his mind? She was totally and completely worried about him and all he said was its just an acting? That little rascal!! But that doesnt matter anymore. Jeremy was happy and she could date with Tae Kyung happily. How nice! Lets go!Quick! Jeremy grabbed her hand and went back home.

Continuous Writing. (Narrative Essay) Begin your story with ..She came into the classroom looking very sad She came into the classroom looking very sad, I wondered what happened to her all of a sudden. Just a few minutes before, she looked so cheerful ad happy. Everyone liked her including me because she was pretty, kind and not being arrogant for having all qualities even once. Her family was very rich, one of the richest family in the country. Yet, she was still being friends with all students and never showed off her wealth. It was really once in a blue moon to see her being sad. She had gone to meet our teacher for a while. Maybe, that was the reason that caused her to be sad? My eyes were following her until she sat down on her seat. I just stared at her curiously. Just then, she broke into tears and buried her face into her arms on the table. I sensed there must be something wrong. Stop doing my work, I got up and approached her. Jessica, what happened? I asked her carefully the night time. As she heard my voice, she lifted her head up and looked at me. I could see her tears. She hugged me. Do not worry. I am here. Just tell me your problem once you are ready. I will be a good listener. I comforted her. Thank you. She thanked me after feeling better as she let go of me. I looked at her with concerned face. She took a deep breath before starting telling me her problem. I met the teacher just now. Do you still remember the incident where a bunch of us have lost our things? I nodded. Last week, Johan, Mike and Amys things had been stolen, but the thief still could not be caught yet. She continued , Amy said she found her things in my bag and she brought our teacher along. And for now, the teacher thanks I am the one who stole it. My eyes went bigger. As far as I knew Jessica, she was someone who would do that especially to our best friend, Amy. Seriously, I am not the one who did it! she emphasized. She held my hand. You believe me, do you? she looked at me with full of hope. Well I hesitated. I bowed my head as I was not confident enough to keep my faith in her. There was a proof showing that Jessica was the culprit. You have to believe me. I am not paying! she raised her voice while stamping her legs. I dont know. I shook my head. I still cannot believe you, right now. I am sure there is someone putting it in my bag. I just shrugged. She added, If you still dont believe me, then you can help me? I looked at her in astonishment with her

sudden request. She continued, explaining further what she was talking about. Help me find that real culprit and finding out the truth. Please? All right. I agreed and nodded. I also wanted to know the truth. Honestly, I do not want to believe that Jessica would do that. What shall we do? Before I go after I met the teacher, I accidentally eavesdropped the conversation among the teachers. They were discussing about the stealing cases. Actually every day, there would be at least a student reporting that their thing has been stolen. For now, the teachers are suspecting me for all the lost things. I guess that real culprit will come to school today after school end. Please help me finding her today. I want to clear up everything, she begged. I gave a nod as a reply. She replied me with a thankful smile. We started our plan after all the students had gone home. I went to my house for a while to take something. She waited for me at school. After 15 minutes, I came back to school and brought along camera with me. What did you bring? She asked me. I still could not reply her as I was catching my breath after having some running. I just gave her the camera in my hand. She took the camera and observed it in confusion. What are we going to do with this? We should take a picture as a proof. Do you think our teacher will believe you if we just accuse someone without any evidence? I explained. Yes, you are right! She exclaimed with a wide smile on her face. It never came across my mind. She scratched her head. You are the best! She showed a thumb up. I just grinned awkwardly, not knowing what should I respond. We went to a hidden place from someones sight, waiting for the appearance of the real culprit. The atmosphere was very silent, completely different from usual and of course, it was because there were only both of us left in this school. We watched out for everything around us in case the real culprit appeared. We waited for five hours until we could see the sun almost gone from the sky. I think we should go home. It is getting late. I suggested after a few moments. No! We must catch the real culprit before we go tonight! she shook my hand, begging me to stay there. Lets find her tomorrow. I replied. It was getting darker. We could see each other vaguely. Honestly, I felt quite scared to be alone with Jessica in dark especially when we were at school. The school became a scary place at night! Tomorrow, I will get my punishment! She said. I really do not know what to do. Just then, we heard a sound of broken branch. It sounded like someone was here, around us. We immediately got up. Do you hear what I heard? Or it is just me? she whispered to me.

I think I heard it too. I got really scared now. I stood behind her. My body was trembling. Do you think it is because of someone or something? I whispered to her while holding tightly onto her hands. Do not be scared! She said to me. We saw a shadow of someone was passing by not too far from us. Lets follow her, she suggested. What??!Are you sure? I asked hesitantly. Of course. I suspect she is the real culprit or you want to stay here alone? she looked straight into my eyes. No, I will follow you, I blurted out. After that, we followed that person silently until she came to our class. We could see her face and she was someone familiar. Dont you think that she is Amy? I pointed to Amy, who looked suspicious. Yes, I think so too. What is she doing here at this time? We were full of questions in our head. We continued observing silently what Amy was doing. Amy was putting something on Jessicas table. So, she did that to me? She asked in shock. I do not believe this! How can she do that to me? I am her bestfriend! I comforted Jessica. We both were really shocked. We did not even know it would turn our like this. However, we should take a picture as a proof. We should clear up everything. I suggested. Jessica just nodded with a sad expression on her face. The next day, we told everything to our teacher and gave the photo. The teacher apologized to Jessica for the misunderstanding. Amy was called and she got punishment for what she had done. The teacher gave a piece of her mind to Amy. We both did not expect that Amy did that because of jealousy. The teacher praised us for showing determination in finding the real culprit. This incident became a memorable one in our minds.

Your Turn! Write a story ending with .. please dont ask me to keep secrets anymore.

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