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Third Quarter Exam

Mapeh Grade 10

Uploaded by Nhey Cawigan on Mar 14, 2017

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Mar 14, 2017
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Original Title
Third Quarter Exam Mapeh grade 10

Copyright Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
© © All Rights Reserved Tarlac City Schools Di@ision
!ali"alo# Tarlac City
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each %uestion and their corresponding ans"ers carefully and completely& Choose the ans"er that
best fits the %uestion& 'rite the letter of your ans"ers on the space pro@ided before the number& Strictly NO ERASURES
and use BLACK in( only&

)))))))*& It refers to compositions that ha@e adopted ideas from +,th century music in the "est# as "ell as
the latest trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry&
a& Romantic period !usic Twitter
c& Contemporary Period !usic
b& -aro%ue period music d& Renaissance Period !usic
)))))))+& .is achie@ements include a citation in the /uinness -oo( of 'orld Records for being the only
person to ma(e "ith a mouth0blo"n leaf&

a& Le@i Celerio b& Lucio San Pedro c& !i(e 1elarde 2r& d& /eorge Canseco
)))))))3& .e passed a"ay on $ctober *4# *56+ after "hich a posthumous a"ard honored him "ith the title
7$utstanding Composer&8

a& 9rancisco -uencamino Sr& b& Ryan Cayabyab c& Lucio San Pedro d& Ramon Santos
))))))):& ; popular contemporary music composer and at present# he continues to be the in demand
professor# musical director# composer# arranger# and conductor in the Philippine concert and
recording scenes&
a& 9rancisco -uencamino Sr& b& Ryan Cayabyab c& Lucio San Pedro d& Ramon Santos
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)))))))6& It is a Spanish lyric0dramatic genre that alternates bet"een spo(en and sung scenes# the latter
incorporating operatic and popular song# as "ell as dance&
a& .arana b& <undiman c& Romantic Song d& =arzuela
)))))))4& !ost of the songs "ritten by these composers became theme songs in mo@ies and "ere popularized
by star performers&
a& traditional composers b& song composers c& ne" music composers d& classic composers
)))))))>& These composers e?pressed Philippines@ cultural identity through compositions&
a& traditional composers b& song composers c& ne" music composers d& classic composers
)))))))A& .o" the composers of 9ilipino Be" !usic retained the 9ilipino spirit in their compositionsc
a& by incorporating traditional music forms
Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document
b& by incorporating as indigenous rhythms
c& by incorporating indigenous instruments
d& ;ll of these
)))))))5& .e is the 9ather of <undiman and the composer of 7Pilipinas <ong !ahal&8
a& 9rancisco 9eliciano b& 9rancisco Santiago c& ;ntonio !olina d& Bicanor ;belardo
)))))))*,& Ito ay isang tradisyonal na a"it ng pag0ibig ng mga 9ilipino <arani"ang ipinapahayag sa a"it na
ito ang matapat na pag0ibig ng isang manliliga"&
a& .arana b& <undiman c& Romantic Song d& =arzuela
)))))))**& Ryan Cayabyab is a popular contemporary music composer& 'hat does a musical composer rolec
a& is someone "ho is in@ol@ed in "riting creati@e "ords that are used in songs&
b& is the one "ho "ritesdarrange the melody of the song&
c& is the one "ho plays the instruments li(e guitar&
d& Bone of these
)))))))*+& 'ho among the maeor Philippine contemporary composers belongs to the 7Trium@irate of 9ilipino
*& 9rancisco -uencamino Sr&
+& 9rancisco Santiago
3& Bicanor ;belardo
:& ;ntonio !olina
a& *# +# and 3 b& *# 3# and : c& +# 3# and : d& *# + and :

)))))))*3& It is an organization that aims to create an identity for the Philippines "ithin the animation
a& ;nimation Council of the Philippines Inc&
b& ;nimahensayon
c& Philippine ;nimation Studio Inc&
d& Pi?el Inc&
)))))))*:& .e is an a"ard0"inning tra@el photographer "ho has "on Bational and international /eographic
Photo Contest&
a& /eorge Tappan
b& 2ohn <& Chua
c& !aryo 2& Delos Reyes
d& Ishmael -ernal
)))))))*6& The follo"ing mo@iesF Urduja@ Da!": Sa Mu#d" #$ E%&'&#(a%)a a#d RPG M&(a#")a belongs
to this (ind of film genre&
a& documentary film b& animated film c& art film d& special effects film
)))))))*4& Print !edia includes large publication such as the follo"ing EXCEPT:
a& eournals b& illustrated children@s boo(s c& magazines d& brochures
)))))))*>& .e is considered as the 79ather of 9ilipino Comics8&
a& Tony 1elas%uez b& Pol !edina 2r& c& Paolo 9abregas d& Ismael -ernal
)))))))*A& 'hich of the follo"ing is Tappan@s *st place0"inning image in the +,** Bational /eographic Photo
a& Into the green =one b& Sna(e Island# Pala"an c& /ulf of Da@ao d& -atanes

)))))))*5& !agnifico is a +,,3 9ilipino 9;!;S ;"ard0"inning drama film directed byc
a& /eorge Tappan Ishmael -ernal
b& !arilou Diaz ;baya
c& -rillante !endoza
d& !aryo 2& Delos Reyes
)))))))+,& The process of creating shape and motion by means of the rapid display of a se%uence of static
images that minimally differ from each other&
a& 9ilm !a(ing b& Photography c& ;nimation d& Print !edia
)))))))+*& 'hich of the follo"ing best describes the role of a film directorc
a& deli@ering lines naturally and belie@ably&
b& conceptualizes the scene# directs acting super@ised cinematography and editing and sound dubbing&
c& arranged the location# scenery# sets# lighting# costumes# and props
d& se%uencing and eoining the precise sections of film
)))))))++& Print media is a mediumdmaterial that disseminates printed matter& 'hich of the follo"ing is an
e?ample of print mediac
a& -oo(s b& !agazine c& Be"spaper d& ;ll of these
)))))))+3& 7!uro ;mi8 is a film directed byc
a& !i(e Deleon
b& !aryo 2& Delos Reyes
c& -rillante !endoza
d& !arilou Diaz ;baya
)))))))+:& .o" traditional animation is madec
a& Images are displayed in a rapid succession# usually +:# +6# 3,# or 4, frames per second&
b& It includes +D and three0dimensional obeects# such as paper cutouts# puppets and clay figures&
c& Computer is used to generate animated image&
d& Bone of these
)))))))+6& Despite the soaring popularity and seemingly limitless possibilities of online ad@ertising and social
media# Do traditional artists are still called upon to create ad@ertisements that "ill be physically
a& Ges# because there are still people "ho preferred using printed media&
b& Ges# because there are people "ho are not usingdbro"sing the internet&
c& Bo# because it is more economical and easy to use online ad@ertising and social media
d& -oth ;H-

)))))))+4& Refers to dance styles that ha@e e@ol@ed outside of dance studios& It is performed in streets# dance
parties# par(s# school yards# or in any a@ailable space&
a& Street Dance b& -allroom Dance c& .iphop Dance d& 9ol( Dance
)))))))+>& Choose the +r"#$ concept in the follo"ing choices&
a& Dancing must be combined "ith proper eating habits&
b& Dancing sustains fitness and "ellness&
c& Street dance and hip0hop dance are good recreational acti@ity
d& none of the abo@e
)))))))+A& 'hich of the follo"ing is not a pillar of .iphop culturec
a& D20ing b& Rapping c& 9liptop d& -rea(dancing
)))))))+5& It refers to the dance style "hich includes body spin and rotations&
a& -0boying b& Loc(ing c& Shuffling d& Tutting
)))))))3,& It is the dance form that e@ol@ed from a culture of D2 –ing# rapping# brea(dancing and ma(ing
graffiti art
a& .ip0hop dance b& Street Dance c& modern dance d& interpretati@e dance
)))))))3*& It is the term generally referring to the "ay "e li@e&
a& lifestyle b& habits c& recreation d& physical acti@ity
)))))))3+& .o" street dance and hip0hop dance can help indi@idual to impro@e fitnessc
a& it increased muscular strength# endurance# and motor fitness
b& It impro@es balance and spatial a"areness
c& It impro@es mental functions
d& ;ll of these
)))))))33& $ne of the follo"ing is the best reason "hy heart disease is still number one cause of death
among 9ilipinos&
a& -ecause of physical inacti@ity
b& because of an unhealthy lifestyle
c& because of the a@ailability of food that is rich in cholesterol
d& ;ll of the abo@e
)))))))3:& 'hich of the follo"ing are Street and .ip0hop dance stylesc
*& -0boying
+& 'aac(ing
3& Salsa
:& <rumping
a& *# +# and 3 b& *# 3# and : c& +# 3# and : d& *# + and :
)))))))36& 'hich of the follo"ing is not a street dance stylec
a& .ip0hop Dance b& Ra@e Dance c& .ouse Dance d& Rapping

)))))))34& It is a dance style to release anger&

a& Popping b& Loc(ing c& 'aac(ing d& <rumping
)))))))3>& .o" to perform the toproc( -0boyingc
a& foot"or(0oriented steps performed "hile standing up
b& stylish poses done on your hands
c& foot"or( performed "ith both hands and feet on the floor
d& comprise full0body spins and rotations that gi@e the illusion of defying gra@ity
)))))))3A& In dance# as in any athletic acti@ity# ineuries are pre@alent& To a@oid any (ind of ineuries one
a& do "arm0up and stretching acti@ities
b& e?ecute dance styles properly
c& obser@e safety measures at all times
d& ;ll of these
))))))35& .o" to perform the do"nroc( -0boyingc
a& foot"or(0oriented steps performed "hile standing up
b& stylish poses done on your hands
c& foot"or( performed "ith both hands and feet on the floor
d& comprise full0body spins and rotations that gi@e the illusion of defying gra@ity

)))))):,& .o" to perform the shuffling hip0hop dance stylec

a& by stopping the fast mo@ement that you are doing# loc(ing your body into a position
b& by comprising full0body spins and rotations that gi@e the illusion of defying gra@ity
c& by means of fast heel0and toe action
d& by stylized posing and fast synchronized arm mo@ements
)))))):*& It refers to di@erse health issues# concerns and trends "hich calls for all nations to address and act to
promote and protect health of indi@iduals and groups across boundaries&
a& health b& global health c& public health d& public education
)))))):+& 'hich of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for pro@iding leadership on
global health# setting norms and standards and pro@iding health support to countries around the "orldc
a& International Committee of the Red Cross
b& inited Bations .ealth and Life Insurance
c& 'orld -an(
d& 'orld .ealth $rganization
)))))):3& .o" .uman immunodeficiency @irus infection and ac%uired immune deficiency syndrome
J.I1d;IDSK is being transmittedc
a& @ia unprotected se?ual intercourse
b& contaminated blood transfusions
c& breastfeeding
d& ;ll of these
))))))::& Diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another&
a& Communicable b& Bon0Communicable c& 1irus d& Bone of These
)))))):6& ; global health effort to control# present and eradicate the spreading of mos%uito – borne infections
through de@elopment# pre@enti@e measures and effecti@e treatment&
a& Destroy !os%uito Program b& Roll -ac( Dengue
c& Roll -ac( !alaria d& Stop Dengue and !alaria
)))))):4& 'hich of the follo"ing is not a communicable diseasec
a& .I1 b& Diabetes c& Tuberculosis d& !alaria
)))))):>& The follo"ing are re%uirements of the 'orld .ealth $rganization 9rame"or( Con@ention Tobacco
Control ElCEPTF
a& decrease in age limit to use tobacco products
b& increase in price ta? measure of tobacco products
c& ne" pac(aging and labeling
d& comprehensi@e ban on ad@ertising and promotion
)))))):A& Bon0communicable diseases cannot spread from person to person& 'hat is the primary ris( factor
for de@eloping non0communicable diseasesc
a& physically inacti@e c& tobacco and alcohol use
b& unhealthy eating habits d& all of the abo@e
)))))):5& In the Philippines# it is the lead e?ecuti@e department of the go@ernment "hich ensures e@ery
9ilipino access to public heath through %uality and efficient health care programs and ser@ices&
a& Department of .ealth b& Department of Education
c& Department of Social 'or( and De@elopment d& 'orld .ealth $rganization
))))))6,& These are ,r"$ra'- set in motion by the inited Bations through the 'orld .ealth $rganization
"hich help address global health issues# concerns# and trends&
a& Stop Tb b& /lobal .ealth initiati@es
c& Roll -ac( !alaria d& Bone of These

“The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest”

!! !!
God Bless!
Prepared By: Noted By:


Teacher I Teacher I Teacher I Head Teacher III MAPEH
Approved By:


Principal II

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