Write The Time in Words

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1. Write the time in words.

(1 point each)

a)  7:20           

b)  12:00         
c)  1:45            
d)  3:05            
e)  8:10            
f)  6:47             
g)  9:30            
h)  11:15          

      2.   Write T if the statement is true or F if it is false. (1 point each)

a)  6: 35      Thirty past six               

b)  5:00       Five to five                    
c)  10:10     Ten past ten                  
d)  9: 50      Ten to nine                    
e)  11:15     Fifteen past eleven        
f)   2: 55      Five to three                 
g)  11:30     Half past eleven             
h)  7:40       Forty past seven           
      3.    Choose the correct option. (1 point each)
a)  4:45         
b)  3:00         
c)  5:30         
d)  6:10         
e)  8:35         
       4.   Write the time in words in the crossword puzzle. (1 point each)
2   6:54
4   9:55
1   6:00
3   12:10
3 5   4:20
6   2:30

      5.   Write the time in numbers. (1 point each)

a)  Half past eleven           
b)  Five to one                  
c)  Seven o'clock              
d)  Twenty past three        
e)   Twenty five to ten       
f)   Ten past six                 
g)   Quarter to eight           
h)   Five past three             
i)   Quarter past five           

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