Jongwon Han - Recipe Book Assessment

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Recipe Book Assignment

Let’s cook!

Task 1: Insert your information into this website to find out how many carbohydrates, how much
protein, fiber and fat your body needs on a daily basis.

Create a table and include the macronutrients and micronutrients that your body needs in grams.
What does your body need to survive each day?
Macro Recommended Micro Recommended
Nutrient Intake Per Day Nutrient Intake Per Day

Protein 59 grams Dietary As low as possible

Cholesterol while consuming a
adequate diet.

Carbs 373 - 538 grams Vitamin D 15 mcg

(avg 455.5 grams)

Fiber 38 grams Vitamin C 75 mg

Fats 92 - 129 grams (avg Calcium 1,300 mg

110.5 grams)

Saturated Fats As low as possible Iron 11 mg

while consuming a
adequate diet.

Trans Fats As low as possible Sodium 1,500 mg

while consuming a
adequate diet.

Task 2: You need to create 3 recipes based on your needs. List the ingredients and nutritional aspects
for each main ingredient (carbs, fat, proteins) for:

1. High protein/energy boosting breakfast or snack (include 30% of your daily protein

Strawberry Sweet Vanilla Smoothie:

- 1 ½ cup milk
- 1 ripe frozen banana
- 2 cups strawberries
- ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt

Ingredients Carbs Fats Proteins

1 ½ cup milk 18 g 7.2 g 12 g

1 ripe frozen banana 27 g 0.4 g 1.3 g

2 cups strawberries 27.6 g 1.1 g 2.4 g

½ cup vanilla Greek 4.6 g 0.5 g 12.8 g


Total 77.2 g 9.2 g 28.5 g

% of my daily 77.2 /455.5 = 16.9% 9.2 / 110.5 = 8.3% 28.5 / 59 = 48.3%


1. Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender, and blend for 60-120 seconds until you get a
smooth and creamy texture.
2. Taste the smoothie, adding more milk if it is too thick or adding more sweetener if it’s not
sweet enough for you. Pour into a cup or mason jar. Enjoy immediately, or store in fridge for
up to 24 hours.


2. High in complex carbohydrates snack (include 30% of your daily carb requirement and list
included fiber)

Stuff Baked Sweet Potatoes:


- 5 small sweet potatoes (orange, white and/or purple), washed

- 1 small bunch broccolini, trimmed, chopped
- 2 green shallots, thinly sliced
- 45g (1/4 cup) tamari almonds, chopped
- 120g mixed salad leaves, to serve (optional)

Ingredients Carbs Fats Proteins

5 small sweet potatoes 120 g 0.9 g 11.5 g
(orange, white and/or
purple), washed

1 small bunch 7.3 g 0.6 g 2.4 g

broccolini, trimmed,

2 green shallots, thinly 14.2 g 0.1 g 2.2 g


45g (1/4 cup) tamari 10 g 25.5 g 10 g

almonds, chopped

120g mixed salad 5.6 g 0.3 g 1.6 g

leaves, to serve

Total 157.1 g 27.4 g 27.7 g

% of my daily 157.1 /455.5 = 34.5% 27.4 / 110.5 = 24.8% 27.7 / 59 = 46.9 %


1. Preheat the oven to 220C/200C fan forced. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Cut
sweet potatoes in half lengthways. Place, cut side up, on the prepared tray. Spray lightly with
oil and season. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until softened and lightly golden.
2. Meanwhile, combine the broccolini and shallot in a large bowl. Set aside.
3. Reduce the oven temperature to 200°C/180°C fan forced. Scoop the soft flesh from the sweet
potatoes, leaving a 5mm-thick shell. Add the sweet potato flesh to the mixture from step 2. Stir
to combine. Scatter over the almonds. Spray lightly with oil and bake for 30-35 minutes or
until golden. Serve with mixed salad leaves , if you like.


3. Healthy (unsaturated) fat lunch (include 30% of your daily fats requirement)

Avocado Egg Toast:


- ¾ avocado
- ¼ teaspoon ground pepper
- ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 slice whole-wheat bread, toasted
- 2 large egg, fried
- 1 teaspoon Sriracha (Optional)
- 1 tablespoon scallion, sliced (Optional)

Ingredients Carbs Fats Proteins

¾ avocado 12.9 g 21.9 g 3g

¼ teaspoon ground 0.3 g 0.1 g 0.1 g


⅛ teaspoon garlic 0.6 g 0g 0.1 g


1 slice whole-wheat 14 g 1.1 g 4g

bread, toasted

2 large egg, fried 0.8 g 13.6 g 12.6 g

1 teaspoon Sriracha 1.2 g 0.1 g 0.1 g


1 tablespoon scallion, 1.1 g 0g 0.3 g

sliced (Optional)

Total 30.9 g 36.8 g 20.2 g

% of my daily 30.9 /455.5 = 6.8% 36.8 / 110.5 = 33.3% 20.2 / 59 = 34.2 %


1. Combine avocado, pepper and garlic powder in a small bowl and gently mash.
2. Top toast with the avocado mixture and fried egg. Garnish with Sriracha and scallion, if

For example: if you need 63 grams of protein a day then your recipe should include 21 grams of
protein. No need to include calories.

Database of foods with calculations:

Task 3: For one of the above recipes, create an infographic, timelapse video, or blog AND
explain why eating those highly nutritious ingredients helps you mentally (mood changing) and/or
physically (conserve energy)?

Your justification could include such connections as glycemic index/load for complex carbohydrates,
the breakdown of fat type and quality, how it affects the microbiome, or how the foods you have
chosen help your brain function.

Follow the CER format (Claim: Quinoa helps lower cholesterol levels, Evidence: This Lancet study
shows in a group of 45 participants that ….. Reasoning: Eating quinoa regularly helps manage HDL
and LDL cholesterol levels. Processed food can increase high cholesterol levels and can lead to…)

Recipe: Strawberry Sweet Vanilla Smoothie

Ingredients: milk, ripe frozen banana, strawberries, Vanilla Greek yogurt

Claim: Greek yogurt, the main ingredient for the Strawberry Sweet Vanilla Smoothie, is an
ingredient high in protein and that has low glycemic index, which helps lower your blood sugar levels,
helping you both mentally and physically.

Evidence: Greek yogurt has high amounts of protein. This study by Fanelli shows that in a survey of
23,487 patients of diabetes, the “patients with a lower protein intake (0.8 mg/kg of total bodyweight)
consumed more carbohydrates and added sugars.” This same study by Fanelli also concluded that
“ower protein intake is associated with poor diet quality and physical limitations.” Another
prospective Whitehall II study led by Knüppel A, Shipley MJ, Llewellyn CH, Brunner EJ on ‘Sugar
intake from sweet food and beverages, common mental disorder and depression’ found that the
relationship between high sugar consumption and common mental disorders were positive. This
information is further supported by a study led by Anderson RJ, Freedland KE, Clouse RE, Lustman
PJ, which states that “depression currently affects about 25% of individuals with diabetes, a
population more susceptible to pronounced blood sugar highs and lows.”

Reasoning: Protein is important for one’s physical health, as it is strongly related to physical
health. Eating sufficient amount of protein is important as it helps muscle growth, a necessity for
physical activities of a human being, as it contains essential and important aminoacids. Sufficient
amounts of protein affects the intake of one’s sugar, as more amounts of protein consumed can
prevent more sugar from being consumed. In addition to this, Greek yogurt has a low glycemic index
of 11, meaning that it causes a smaller rise in blood sugar levels compared to high GI foods. These
effects of Greek Yogurt in blood sugar levels are not only important to our body physically, but it is
also important mentally as well. As the studies mentioned above notes, blood sugar levels lead to
depression and mental disorders. This is because our brain uses glucose for most, if not all, of its
functions, including emotions, and therefore excessive amount of glucose flowing through our body
will hurt our brain, resulting in mental stress and mental fatigue. As a result, the fact that Greek
Yogurt has sufficient amount of protein and a low glycemic index allows the Strawberry Sweet Vanilla
Smoothie, which uses Greek Yogurt as its main ingredient, to help one both physically and mentally.

Provide your link here:


Example videos: Recipe Infographics: Food Blog Examples:
1. Infographic Examples 1. https://www.101cookbo
vY&ab_channel=TastyR /
ecipes 2. https://www.budgetbyte
m/watch?v=yrWJ2-fUw e-instant-ramen/
98&ab_channel=Tasty 3. https://www.seriouseats
Standard: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
● 7.12.1: Analyze the role of individual responsibility for enhancing health.
● 7.12.2: Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve
the health of self and others.
● 7.12.3: Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.

Emerging Approaching Proficient Exemplary

(Task 3) Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s justification

Recipes justification has justification has justification has has all required
with some of the most of the all required elements for one
justificatio required elements required elements elements for one recipe in infographic,
n for the recipe in for one recipe in recipe in timelapse video, or
infographic, infographic, infographic, blog format. Goes into
timelapse video, or timelapse video, or timelapse video, strong detail using
blog format. blog format. or blog format. CER format as to how
Answers most Answers all Goes into detail their ingredients help
questions with questions with using CER format both physical and
some connection to some research and as to how their mental facets.
benefits. Makes a connection to ingredients help Thorough research is
limited attempt at benefits. Somewhat either physical or evident with a strong
the CER format. follows the CER mental facets. connection to
format to connect Research is used benefits.
to physical or to connect to
mental facets. benefits.

Task 1 & 2 Task 1 and 2 not Task 1 and 2 not Includes: Includes:
Elements fully completed, fully completed, ● Personal daily ● Completed table
missing multiple missing some nutrient needs with all listed
elements of daily elements of daily (carbohydrate, personal nutrients
nutrient needs, nutrient needs, protein, fat, needs
three recipes, and three recipes, and etc.) ● Three recipes with
connection to daily connection to daily ● Three recipes clear ingredient list
requirements requirements demonstrated and macro nutrient
with ingredient breakdown in an
list and macro organized structure
nutrient ● Recipes have 30%
breakdown of their daily
● Recipes have nutrient
30% of daily requirements and
nutrient make clear
requirements reference to daily

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