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Joseph Emmanuel P.


Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come

Oftentimes, we’re always stressed for what will happen tomorrow. If we feel we

did something wrong today, it will have a big consequence sooner or later. That’s why

we worry all the time, thinking that tomorrow will bring us down and loose all our

progress. Like for instance, if we get a zero on an exam, we’re worried that we’ll have a

failed grade and go back next year. Or if you still haven’t memorized the play and it will

be showcased tomorrow, the result may be disastrous. Whether it will happen or not,

the important thing is you did your best today. Just as what old folks say, “Do your best

and let God do the rest”. Or what Saitama from One Punch Man said, “Let tomorrow’s

problems be faced by tomorrow’s me”. As for us, instead of worrying, try to imagine all

the things you have done today, be grateful and let God build tomorrow for you. Even if

you worry there’s nothing you can do about it, so why bother?

When we face problems whether in school, work or life, we became so worried

that we’re not thinking clearly to the situation so it ends up not well. That’s why, instead

of worrying, pause for a while and enjoy life today. Whether you play a sport or swim on

the beach, this makes your mind calm so afterwards it will properly assess the problem.

Problems are not eternal to worry more than the mortality of man, and what I mean
about it is life is too short to spend all of it worrying on a problem. So enjoy it while you

still can, but remember to have its limit, for we never know what tomorrow may bring to

us, or it may never come again.

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