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Drafting for the Revolution

by Meng-Try Ea and Sorya Sim


1. Summarize in one or two sentences how Seoun, Sat, Doeun, and Phai were convinced to join the
Khmer Rouge.
2. In what way were their circumstances different from how La, Khann and Thim joined the Khmer
3. Why couldn’t the parents of Thim, Sie, and Ruon stop their sons from becoming a Khmer Rouge
4. How was Hon’s recruitment into the Khmer Rouge different from the others? What do you think
happened to Hon?
5. Why do you think the writers have footnotes in this article?
6. Describe your reaction to the Khmer Rouge’s recruitment methods. Do the writers express an
opinion about the Khmer Rouge and their recruitment methods? Give reason to support your

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