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The Quest for Truth: The Tale of Satyakama

Satyakama was a young boy who lived in ancient India. He was born to a poor
mother who did not know who his father was. Satyakama was determined to learn
the truth about his father and his lineage, so he left his home and sought
knowledge from a guru.

Satyakama came across a great sage named Haridrumata and approached him,
asking to become his student. Haridrumata asked Satyakama about his family and
lineage, but Satyakama could not answer him as he did not know his father.

Haridrumata was impressed by Satyakama's honesty and sincerity, and he agreed

to teach him. He told Satyakama to tend to his cows and return only when he had
a thousand of them.

Satyakama obediently tended to the cows for several years, until he had amassed
a large herd. He returned to Haridrumata and presented him with the cows, asking
to be taught the knowledge of the self.

Haridrumata was pleased with Satyakama's dedication and sincerity, and he

began to teach him about the nature of reality and the self. He explained that the
self is eternal and unchanging and the essence of all things.

Satyakama was a keen student and absorbed everything that Haridrumata taught
him. He would spend long hours meditating on the self and contemplating its

One day, while Satyakama was meditating, a bird landed on a nearby tree and
began to sing. Satyakama became distracted and lost his concentration. When he
told Haridrumata what had happened, the sage said, "That bird you saw was not a
distraction. It was a messenger from the divine. Its song was a message from the
gods, and you must go to its source to learn the truth.”

Satyakama set out on a journey to nd the bird's source. He travelled for many
days and nights, through forests and mountains, until he nally reached a river.
There, he met a woman named Jabala, who lived on the banks of the river.

Jabala asked Satyakama who his father was, and he truthfully replied that he did
not know. Jabala was surprised by his honesty and purity of heart, and she
recognised him as a great soul. She told him that he was the son of a great sage
and that his father had left him with her when he was a young boy. She also told
him that his name was Satyakama Jabala and that he had the right to know his
father's name.

Satyakama was overjoyed to learn the truth about his identity. He returned to
Haridrumata and told him what had happened. The sage was pleased and said,
"Your honesty and dedication have brought you the truth. You are now a true
brahmin, a seeker of knowledge, and a knower of the self."

Satyakama continued studying with Haridrumata and became a great sage and
teacher. He passed on the knowledge he had gained to others and helped guide
them on the path to liberation.

The story of Satyakama is a powerful reminder of the importance of honesty,

dedication, and purity of heart in the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. It
teaches us that true wisdom comes from within and that by seeking the truth with
sincerity and devotion, we can discover our true identity and realise our highest

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