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 Advertising

 Sales promotion

 Publicity

 Public relations

 Event

 Direct marketing

 Personal selling

 Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It
ensures that all forms of communications tools and messages are
carefully linked together.

 so that they work together in harmony.

 Promotion is one of the Ps in the marketing mix. Promotions have

their own mix of communications tools.

 Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across

business functions - for example, production, finance, distribution
and communications should work together and be conscious that
their decisions and actions send messages to customers.

 While different departments such as sales, direct mail and

advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This
requires a marketing information system which collects and shares
relevant data across different departments.
 Vertical Integration means marketing and communications
objectives must support the higher level corporate objectives
and corporate missions

 Meanwhile Internal Integration requires internal marketing -

keeping all staff informed and motivated about any new
developments from new advertisements, to new corporate
identities, new service standards, new strategic partners and
so on.

 External Integration, on the other hand, requires external

partners such as advertising and PR agencies to work closely
together to deliver a single seamless solution - a cohesive
message - an integrated message.

 It can create competitive advantage, boost sales and profits, while
saving money, time and stress.

 IMC wraps communications around customers and helps them

move through the various stages of the buying process. The
organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a
dialogue and nurtures its relationship with customers.

 IMC also increases profits through increased effectiveness. At its

most basic level, a unified message has more impact than a
disjointed myriad of messages. In a busy world, a consistent,
consolidated and crystal clear message has a better chance of
cutting through the 'noise' of over five hundred commercial
messages which bombard customers each and every day.

 IMC can boost sales by stretching messages across several

communications tools to create more avenues for customers to
become aware, aroused, and ultimately, to make a purchase
 Carefully linked messages also help buyers by giving timely
reminders, updated information and special offers

 IMC also makes messages more consistent and therefore more


 Un-integrated communications send disjointed messages which

dilute the impact of the message. This may also confuse, frustrate
and arouse anxiety in customers.

 Consistent images and relevant, useful, messages help nurture long
term relationships with customers.

 Finally, IMC saves money as it eliminates duplication in areas such
as graphics and photography since they can be shared and used in
say, advertising, exhibitions and sales literature. Agency fees are
reduced by using a single agency for all communications and even if
there are several agencies, time is saved when meetings bring all
the agencies together - for briefings, creative sessions, tactical or
strategic planning. This reduces workload and subsequent stress
levels - one of the many benefits of IMC.

 There are many other obstacles which restrict IMC. These include:
Functional Silos; Stifled Creativity; Time Scale Conflicts and a lack
of Management know-how.

 Take functional silos. Rigid organizational structures are infested

with managers who protect both their budgets and their power base.

 For example the PR department often doesn't report to marketing.

The sales force rarely meets the advertising or sales promotion
people and so on. Imagine what can happen when sales reps are
not told about a new promotional offer!

 Add different time scales into a creative brief and you'll see Time
Horizons provide one more barrier to IMC.

 For example, image advertising, designed to nurture the brand over

the longer term, may conflict with shorter term advertising or sales
promotions designed to boost quarterly sales. However the two
objectives can be accommodated within an overall IMC if carefully

•IMC is coordinating all the promotional and other marketing
activities that communicate with a firm’s customers and other

• Coordination or integration
• Consistency, else confusion
• Clarity, else confusion
• Impact, since diff tools have diff strengths
• Why are AD, SP, PR and DM clubbed together?
• All communicate
• All aim to persuade; Persuasion is the aim

What Indian advertisements taught me.???

1. Kareena has dandruff problem, Katrina has dry hair problem, Shilpa
has hairfall problem and Priyanka has chip-chip.

2. If you've a hot wife, make sure your neighbor doesn't use a deodorant
in your absence.

3. Your complexion is more important than your qualifications.

4. If there is no salt in your kitchen you can use Toothpaste.

5. Every second oral care brand is No. 1 and recommended by every

dentist in India!!!

6. If your daughter is not Ready to Get married, take her to a

jewelry/textile shop.

7. Only reason why men use deodorant is to get girls.

8. Most colas cure all kinds of phobias. You will be close to a superman, if
you drink these regularly!!

9. All superstars are so poor that they prefer to risk life for a cool drink
than to purchase it for Rs:10

10. The special effects in shampoo ads are greater than special effects in

11. Fruit content in shampoo and soap is more than fruit content in 99% of

12. Amul has better satirical cartoonists than people who make better milk

13. Most people buy vehicles to travel in bad roads but complain about
roads in India.


14. You can't eat Dairy Milk Silk without spreading it all over you

15. Nobody uses motorbikes for commuting, its only to pick up girls.

16. All soaps kill 99.9% of germs.

17. People believe that Bacardi makes music CD's and Directors
special/Kingfisher make mineral water.

18. The only time mothers and daughters talk to each other, it's
usually about hair oil.

19. No matter what kind of expert one is, he'll always wear a white
laboratory coat.

And, finally this

rdocumentcarefullybeforeinvesting. 15

 The Unique Selling Proposition (also Unique Selling Point or USP)

is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain
a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early
1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to
the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands.

 Refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar


 A number of businesses currently use USP as a basis for their

marketing campaigns.
USP of Kellogg’s

◦ Initially when Kellogg’s entered the Indian Market they failed to

reach the breakfast tables as the Indian Woman Failed to realize
its nutritional value.
◦ Kellogg’s then had to adopt the revamping technique by showing
that one bowl of Kellogg’s gives nutrition’s equivalent to a one
time Indian meal

◦ The Highlighting Factor was that it was a tasty meal which was
nutritious and healthy and came in varied flavours to suit every
ones taste palette
 1. Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer.
Not just words, not just product puffery, not just show-window
advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this
product, and you will get this specific benefit.“

 2. The proposition must be one that the competition either cannot, or

does not, offer. It must be unique—either a uniqueness of the brand
or a claim not otherwise made in that particular field of advertising.

 3. The proposition must be so strong that it can move the mass

millions, i.e., pull over new customers to your product.
 Some good current examples of products with a clear USP are:

 Head & Shoulders: "You get rid of dandruff“

 Domino's Pizza: "You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in
30 minutes or less -- or it's free.“

 FedEx: "When your package absolutely, positively has to get there


 M&M Sweets: “Melts in your Mouth not in your Hands”

 USP of

1. BSA Lady Bird cycles

2. Tata Nano

3. Fiat Linea
Marketing Communications Mix ( Promotion Mix)
A company’s total marketing communication program is called
as “ Promotion Mix”

Promotion Mix Consists of specific mix of advertising, personal

selling, sales promotion, and public relations tools that the
company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing

Co-relate to IMC
 Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an
audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some
action upon products, ideas, or services.

 It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or

service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to
purchase or to consume that particular brand.

 These messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via
various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea
to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a
certain action.

Advertising is the paid, non-personal communication of information
about products or ideas by an identified sponsor through the mass
media in an effort to manipulate customer behavior

Paid, non-personal communication through various media by business
firms, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals who are identified in
the advertising message and who hope to inform or persuade
members of a particular audience

 • Build Awareness
 • TOMA (top of mind awareness )factor important given today’s time
 • In the Introductory phase of the PLC
 • Position a product/brand
 • Build preference
 • Differentiate your product/brand
 • The primary purpose of Advertising is to position your product
 • Differentiation is achieved as a result of advertising
 • Build Brand Equity
 • Brand Equity is the monetary value one can attach to a brand

Objectives of Advertising:
•To create a demand for new products by explaining its utility.

•To announce a new product or service.

•To increase its sales by attracting new customers.

•To expand the market preference for new buyers.

•To assists the salesmen in their selling efforts.

•To warn the public against imitation of the products of the firm.

•To prepare ground for new products.

•To make special offers through sales promotion.

•To neutralize the competitors advertising.

•To enhance goodwill of the firm.

•Barring new entrance.

Four Main Objectives of Advertising:
•To inform:
•To persuade:
•To remind:
•To reinforce:

 1.Introduction of new products:
 For the new products or services, reminder advertising is clearly
inapplicable. /Here the task is one of basic education - informing
potential customers of the benefits they will reap by purchasing the
new product.

 Example :
 Livon Silky Potion, when introduced, the ads differentiated the
product from the shampoos and conditioners by explaining usage
the product, positioning it to be better than the conditioners and how
hair become very manageable and silky after using it.
2.Overcoming Resistance/Changing Attitude : The people are wary
of buying unfamiliar products and the retailers are equally shy of stocking the
lines unknown to their customers..

Example :
As in the case of KAMASUTRA condoms -. people were against the use and
had a negative impression of using condoms. Their approach was that of being
high resistance. This was because they saw condoms as a means of
protection. Hence KAMASUTRA had a task of selling not only the product, but
also the desire of 'The pleasure of making love'. Hence in all their
advertisements they have brought the factor.
3.Reminding customers: A company has to constantly remind users of
their wares. The human memory is very short and frequent reminders are
necessary. The manufacturer who wants his product ad name to be
remembered amid the host of competing products and brand names will go for
high public attention.

Example :
SANTOOR constantly touched the consumer with its theme of 'mistaken
identity'. It raised the aspirations of a woman of looking younger.
4.Reinforcement advertising: Related to reminder advertising is
reinforcement advertising, which seeks to assure current purchasers that they
have made the right choice. Automobile Ads often depict satisfied customers
enjoying special features of their new car.

Example: Hyundai Santro had some ads quoting how customers were satisfied
with the 'Mobile' service that helped them in a difficult situation. This is a classic
example of reinforcement advertising.
5.New customers from other brands : One must try to find out which
existing users of the competing brand are the most dissatisfied with it and target
these switchable consumers. 20% of the customers (heavy users) are likely to
account for 50% of the sales volume and profits and are clearly worth focusing
on as new brand users.

ARIEL v/s SURF: When Ariel was launched, it showed comparisons between
itself and a known detergent (Surf packet without its name). Through its ads, it
showed how it was better than Surf and thus wanting to shift the Surf users to
6.New customers from other categories : Another approach is to
attract people from those not now using the product class.

PEPSI might conclude that it is easier to get young coffee drinkers to switch
from coffee to PEPSI. than it is to switch COKE drinkers to PEPSI

UJALA, when it entered the market, proved itself better than Neel (blue) and
made the users shift to it
7.Brand Image I Company Image: The company needs to have a
favourable image of it brand in the eyes of the customers. For this reason, the
company undertakes various campaigns to build the brand and the company.

Unique Selling Proposition

Example: SAFFOLA previously advertised the feature of its oil, which said that
its consumption would not lead to any heart problems.

Brand Personality
Example: MCDONALDS - Family oriented, Genuine, wholesome, cheerful, fun

Example: MRF Tyres run huge ads in print media on the onset of monsoon,
telling users to trust MRF for monsoon. Also, in all its ads it talks about the
awards it has won over the years, as 'the best tyres for Indian roads'.
8.Creating awareness of new products/brands and new
developments in the company:
Present customers may know the products of a company, but they may not
know the improvements made or the new lines added to their range. Firms
devote a great deal of time, money and effort in improving their products, but
this is of little purpose if the customers are left in the dark about them. Potential
customers will not become purchasers unless they know of the new
developments and advertising helps to keep them informed. Furthermore,
changes in you product line may open up new market segments for whom the
earlier products were not of interest.

PERK introduced the "PERK XL and PERK XXL" at the competitive price. They
have used 'Preeti Zinta' in their advertisements.

Ponds have a range of product, which was introduced consecutively, and it is

constantly advertised on television and other mediums
9.Supporting other sales promotion activities: Many times the
company introduces sales promotion activities " for its consumers. For this, they
advertise on different mediums to support the sales promotion program in
meeting its objectives.


FILMFARE uses hoardings at the latter' part of the month to advertise about the
freebie attached with the need month's issue.

10.Increasing usage:
It is possible to increase the usage of existing customers in the product class.
In essence the goal would be to increase the amount consumed per usage

CLINIC PLUS - recommended through its advertisement, that its shampoo must
be used three times in a week - "Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday."

The other way could be to suggest new usage occasions and opportunities.

ZANDU BALM - the advertisement depicted the various pains that could be
relived through Zandu Balm, without even visiting the doctor.

CADBURY'S DAIRY MILK - which showed the marriage scenario and how
people consumed Dairy Milk instead of the usual Mithais.
11.Increasing brand loyalty:
The company is not the only one in the market who advertises its product The
competitors are perpetually trying to steal their customers away or trying to
increase their own share of requirements. It is very important therefore to
recognize the effect that advertising has on reinforcing the present customers,
existing preference for the company's brand. (Though actual experience with
the product is probably the bigger determinant of brand satisfaction and loyalty)


INDIAN EXPRESS ad 'Hammer home the truth, we do it everyday' was meant

primarily for the existing readers of Indian Express, to promote brand loyalty.
The ad conveyed the 'true journalism' aspect of the Indian Express.
12 Umbrella campaigns:
Many organizations are found active in many activities and have multiple
brands for different categories, with separate divisions marketing separate
products to separate markets via separate advertising and selling campaigns.
Many such organizations realize that linking their self-contained business
operations would benefit all component companies.
Hence through one advertising campaign, all the products of the company are
exposed to the audience. This also builds up the image of the company and all
its brands.


AMUL - REAL TASTE OF INDIA campaign that was quite successful.

Other umbrella campaigns are that of CAMLIN, WIPRO, ADITYA BIRLA
GROUP, PARLE 'world of happiness', etc.
 O&M
 DDB Mudra
 Lowe Lintas
 FCB Ulka
 Madison
 Maccan erickson
 Leo burnett
 Percept
 R k swamy
 Dentsu
 Jwt

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