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Petioner Cases-
1. Kitteridge v. Ritter (1915) 172 Iowa 55, 151 N. W. 1097
2. Rober v. Michelson (1908) 82 Neb. 48, 116 N. W. 949
3. El Salvador and Nicaragua (intervening) v Honduras, Judgment, Merits, ICJ GL No 75, [1992]
ICJ Rep 351, ICGJ 100 (ICJ 1992), 11th September 1992, United Nations [UN]; International
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Respondent Cases-

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2. 1892 Nebraska v. Missouri
3. U.S.A v. Mexico, 5 AJIL 1911, p. 782.
4. Arkansas v. Tennessee (1918) 246 U.S. 158 at p. 17
5. Nebraska v. Iowac (i89i) 143 U. S. 359, 12 SUP. Ct. 396
6. Pack v. Stepp (0908) 33 Ky. L. Rep. 677
7. Iowa v. Illinois (I892) 147 U. S. I, I3 SUP. Ct. 239
8. Philadelphia Co. v. Stirnson (I9II) 223 U. S. 605, 32 Sup. Ct. 340
9. Benin/Niger case, ICJ Reports, 2005, pp. 90, 126 and 149.
10. State of New Jersey v. State of Delaware 291 US 361 (1934)
11. Laguna (Argentina/Chile) case, 113 ILR, pp. 1, 209.
12. Hungary v Slovakia, Judgment, Merits, ICJ GL No 92, [1997] ICJ Rep 7, [1997] ICJ Rep 88, (1998) 37 ILM
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1. League of Nations: Treaty Between Czechoslovakia and Germany of September 29th, 1935.
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2. 1928 Kellogg–Briand Pact
3. 1843 Belgium-Netherlands boundary agreement on the river Meuse;
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