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Learning Area SCIENCE Grade Level 10

W4 Quarter THIRD Date


II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Explain how protein is made using information from DNA
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Explain how mutations may cause changes in the structure and function of a protein.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis
IV. LEARNING PHASES Timefram Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 In this lesson you will understand the structure of DNA and RNA and explain the role
of each nucleic acid in protein synthesis. After going through this lesson, you are expected
to identify the similarities and differences of DNA and RNA and how RNA used DNA
information to produce protein.
Now you will work on activities to assess your understanding on the structure of the
DNA, explain how DNA replication takes place, how ribonucleic acid (RNA) is made using
the information from DNA, how information in some genes is translated into proteins, and
explain how mutations may cause changes in the structure and functions of a protein.

Learning Task 1: DNA vs RNA

Fill in the comparison table below.
Basis of Comparison DNA RNA
1. Number of Strands
2. Location in the cell
3. Type of sugar
4. Nitrogenous base pair

B. Development Day 2 DNA and RNA Structure

DNA is a nucleic acid that stores and transmits the genetic information from one
generation of an organism to the next. The building block of DNA is called nucleotides and
each nucleotide is composed of one phosphate group, the sugar deoxyribose and one of the
four bases Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine (A, T, C, G)
Ribonucleic Acid, like DNA is a nucleic acid. However, RNA structure differs from
DNA structure in three ways: First, RNA is single stranded – whereas DNA is double
stranded. Second, the sugar in RNA is ribose; DNA has deoxyribose and finally, both DNA
and RNA contain four nitrogenous bases, but instead of thymine, RNA contains a similar
base called uracil (U). The uracil pairs with adenine. The major types of RNA include;
messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA).


Deoxyribonucleic acid is copied during interphase prior to mitosis and meiosis. It is

important that new copies are exactly like the original molecule. The structure of the DNA
provides a mechanism for making accurate copies of the molecule. The process of making
copies of DNA is called replication. When DNA replicates, two identical copies of DNA
molecules are produced, which are exactly the same as the original.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Timefram Learning Activities

The following are the events while DNA copies itself:

STEP 1: An enzyme called helicase breaks the bond between nitrogenous bases. The two
strands of DNA split.
STEP 2: The bases attached to each strand then pair up with the free nucleotides found in
the cytoplasm,
STEP 3: The complementary nucleotides are added to each strand by DNA polymerase to
form new strands. Two new DNA molecules, each with a parent strand and each with a
new strand are formed. The DNA replication is known as semi-conservative replication
because one of the old strands is conservative replication of DNA.

Three major types of RNA that helps in the building of protein.

1.Messenger RNA (mRNA) brings information from the DNA in the nucleus to the protein
manufacturing area, the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the mRNA becomes the template of
information to make proteins.
2.Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) holds tightly into the mRNA using its information to assemble
the amino acids in correct order.
3.Transfer RNA (tRNA) supplies amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled as protein.


Transcription is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA directs the order of nucleotides in

messenger RNA. The following are the processes of Transcription:

SET 1: Ribonucleic Acid polymerase enzyme binds and opens the DNA molecules that will
be transcribed.
SET 2: As the DNA molecule opens, the RNA polymerase slides along the DNA strands
and links free RNA nucleotides that pair with nitrogenous bases of the complementary
DNA strand. Hence, if the sequence of bases on the DNA strand were CCG TTA CAT, the
sequence of bases on the RNA strand would be GGC AAU GUA.
STEP 3: When the process of base-pairing is completed, the RNA molecule breaks away as
the DNA strands rejoin. The RNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the cytoplasm.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Timefram Learning Activities


Translation is the process of converting the information in messenger RNA into a

sequence of amino acids that make a protein. The following are the processes of

SET 1: As Translation begins, mRNA binds to a ribosome. The tRNA molecules, each
carrying a specific amino acid, approach the ribosome. The tRNA anticodon pairs with the
first mRNA (start) codon argenine – uracil – guanine (AUG), to form the initiation
complex. The two molecules temporarily join together.
SET 2: Usually, the first codon on mRNA is AUG, which codes for the amino acid
methionine. AUG signals the start of protein synthesis. Then, the ribosome slides along the
mRNA to the next codon.
SE 3: A new tRNA molecule carrying an amino acid pairs with the second mRNA codon.
SET 4: When the first and second amino acids are in place, an enzyme joins them by
forming a peptide bond between them.
SET 5: As the process continues, a chain of aiming acids is formed until the ribosome
reaches a stop codon on the mRNA strand. The polypeptide chain is released. Protein
synthesis is complete.


Mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA, it may affect only one gene or
they may affect the whole chromosomes. Mutation in eggs or sperm affect future
generation by transmitting these changes to their offspring. While mutation in the body cell
affect only the individual and are not passed on the offspring.


1. Gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequenced that makes up a gene.
2. Chromosomal mutation occurs at the chromosome level resulting in gene deletion,
duplication or rearrangement that may occur during the cell cycle and meiosis. It may be
caused by parts of chromosomes breaking off or rejoining incorrectly.

Most mutation are harmful. Some mutations in a body cell are known to cause
cancer, while mutations in sex cells cause birth defects. A severe mutation may lead to cell
IV. LEARNING PHASES Timefram Learning Activities
death and may have no effect on the body. Sometimes mutation may be useful for the
species. For example, a mutation in blood proteins prevents viruses or parasites to thrive in
host organisms.

Learning Task 2: TRUE or FALSE

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if FALSE change the underlined word
or words to make the statement correct.
_______1. A molecular group consisting of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group and a
nitrogenous base is a nucleic acid.
_______ 2. In a DNA molecule, a base pair would be composed of adenine and guanine.
_______ 3. Cytosine and adenine are purines.
_______ 4. During the replication of DNA, bonds are broken between the phosphate
_______ 5. RNA contains the nitrogenous base uracil.
_______ 6. There are 20 different amino acids in a cell.
_______ 7. The coded message carried by messenger RNA is translated into polypeptides at
organelles called chloroplasts.
_______ 8. The decoding of a messenger RNA message into a polypeptide chain is known
as translation
_______ 9. A severe mutation may lead to cell death and may have no effect on the body.
_______ 10. Most mutation are harmful

C. Engagement Day 3 Learning Task 3: TRACE THE CODE

Identify the amino acids coded for by the mRNA codon using the Genetic Code Table

Order or bases in Order of bases in Order of bases in Amino acid Coded

DNA mRNA (codon) tRNA into Proteins
UAC Methionine

1. Copy and fill in the table
2. Refer to the Genetic Code table to identify the amino acid.
3. To determine the order of bases in the first column (DNA), second column
(codon) and third column (anticodon), consider the complementary base pairs in DNA,
adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine.
4. To identify the amino acid. Look at the bases in the mRNA codon. Example,
AUG using the Genetic Code Table. Look for the first letter of the mRNA codon on the left
side of the genetic code table (A). The second letter of the mRNA on the second letter
column (U) and the third letter on the right-side column (G). AUG codes for the amino acid
5. Do the same with the other codons in the chart.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Timefram Learning Activities

D. Assimilation Day 4 Learning Task 4. Essay

Explain how protein is made using information from DNA.
Choose the letter of the correct answer that best completes each statement and write it on
the space provided before each number.
_____1. RNA that carries the genetic code to the ribosome.
a. mRNA b. tRNA c. rRNA d. RNA polymerase
_____ 2. DNA is a _______________.
a. carbohydrate b. lipids c. nucleic acid d. sterol
_____ 3. A nucleotide of DNA would contain __________.
a. uracil, deoxyribose and phosphate
b. phosphate, deoxyribose and thymine
c. nitrogenous base, phosphate, glucose
d. adenine, ribose and phosphate
_____ 4. Watson and Crick described the DNA molecules as a _____________.
a. branching chain b. straight chain c. single strand d. double helix
_____ 5. Between which types of compounds in a double – stranded DNA molecule must
the bonds break before replication takes place?
a. phosphate – base c. adenine - thymine
b. sugar – phosphate d. sugar – base
_____ 6. To which organelle does messenger RNA attached?
a. chloroplasts b. ribosomes c. mitochondria d. lysosomes
_____ 7. The coded information in a DNA molecule directly determines the formation of
a. polysaccharides b. lipids c. monosaccharides d. polypeptides
_____ 8. If the code for an amino acid is ATG on the DNA molecules, this code on the
transfer RNA molecule may be written as ________.
a. ATG b. CTG c. AUG d. CTA
_____ 9. It is the process of making mRNA strand from a DNA template.
a. Replication b. Transcription c. Translation d. Protein synthesis
_____ 10. Transcription takes place in ______.
a. cytoplasm b. chloroplasts c. nucleus d. mitochondria
VI. REFLECTION  The learner communicates the explanation of their personal assessment as
indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
 The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about the lesson
using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Science Learner’s Material pages 267 – 283

Biology Miller Livine New Edition pages 137 – 155

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