Twisted Fates Walkthrough 0.3: Heartbreakergaming Present

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HeartBreakerGaming Present

Twisted Fates Walkthrough 0.3

This walkthrough intends to show all the paths through the game in an objective way.
Colors and styles are only meant to highlights elements, not influence your decision.
There isn't a right or wrong way through the game, only you should decide.
Only decisions that have an impact on the story or your character are shown.
There are obviously many scenes that can play differently based on your choices, but
"cosmetic" differences
or small alterations in the dialogues are not part of this walkthrough.

Pink = Variable
Blue = + Point
Orange = - Points
Parentheses = (My Personal Notes)
Episode 1
Yuki “It’s almost 9 p.m now and I don’t want to make my dad worry.”
• Offer to give her a lift
o Yuki + 1
o Jump to Yuki Home (YukiHome=True)
• Go to Ely’s house. (As of now no perks for choosing this, you simply miss
out on Yuki Points)

Episode 2
Akino “Yes I can.”
• Let her go by herself
o (No Points Awarded)
• Carry Her
o Akino + 1
Customer “Come on, no need to be shy.”
• Interfere
o Akino + 1
• It’s just a selfie.
o (No Points Awarded)

Episode 3
MC “Should I let her win this once, to give her some sense of achievement”
• Yes
o Armwestling = True
o Irena + 1
o Ely + 1
o Hana + 1
• No
o Yuki + 1
o Akino + 1
MC “There we go”
• Kiss her forehead
o Irena + 1
• Leave the room
o (No Point Awarded)
MC "God dammit E, why do you need to be so heavy?!"
• Kiss her
o Ely + 1
• Leave
o (No Points Awarded)
MC "Now, where should I bring her to?"
• Let her sleep on the couch
o (No Point Awarded)
• Let her sleep in your room
o Hana +1
Irena "Please?"
• Agree
o Akinosalon = True
o Irena +1
o Yuki +1
o Akino +1
• Decline
o (No Points Awarded)

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