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Requirement analysis is a critical process in the development of any software or

system. It involves gathering and defining the requirements that the system must
meet to fulfill its intended purpose. This process helps to ensure that the final
product meets the needs and expectations of its users.
functional Requirements:
User Registration: The system should allow users to register for an account and
create a profile.

Tour Package Listings: The system should display a list of available tour packages,
including the destination, itinerary, pricing, and availability.

Tour Package Booking: The system should allow users to book a tour package by
selecting the desired package, providing their personal and payment information,
and receiving a booking confirmation.

Payment Processing: The system should be able to process online payments securely
and efficiently.
Booking Management: The system should allow users to view their booking history,
manage their bookings, and make changes or cancellations if necessary.
Admin Management: The system should have an admin panel to manage tour packages,
bookings, and user information. Admin should be able to add, edit, or delete tours
and manage user information.

Reporting: The system should be able to generate reports on tour package bookings,
revenue, and customer feedback.
non functional Requirements:
Non-functional requirements of a simple tourism management system project refer to
the quality attributes and constraints that are necessary for the system's
performance, usability, security, and maintainability. Some non-functional
requirements of a simple tourism management system project may include:

Performance: The system should be able to handle a high volume of user requests and
transactions without significant delay or downtime. It should also be able to
process payments and generate reports efficiently.

Usability: The system should be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive

interface that allows users to easily navigate through the tour package listings,
make bookings, and manage their accounts.

Security: The system should ensure the privacy and security of user information,
including personal and payment details, through encryption and other security
measures. It should also have mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and protect
against hacking attempts.

Reliability: The system should be reliable and available 24/7, with minimal
downtime or errors. It should also have backup and recovery mechanisms in case of
unexpected outages.

Scalability: The system should be able to accommodate a growing number of users and
transactions without compromising its performance or usability.

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