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Question 1: Explain the need for IT Security Policy in an organization.

Provide scenarios through which the aforementioned need for a security

policy is made clear.

Information Security is the sum of technologies and resources that are deployed
and implemented within an organization in order to protect information assets. The three
principles of Information Security Are Confidentiality, Integrity and Accessibility (CIA). In
simple words, an information security policy is a collection of statements and directions,
developed to guide the behavior of employee within an organization to maintain security.

The key aim of developing IT Security Policy is to provide necessary direction to

the employees within an organization concerning the security. Here are few core reasons
about the necessity of information security policies.

 Information security policy defines the requirement for an organization’s

employees from perspective of security.
 Information security policies are the mechanism that assists legal and ethical
responsibilities of an organization.

Information security policy must include Access Control, data classification,

password management, data encryption, backup, sever and physical security.
For example, an organization has implemented the CIA triad security principle and the
employees follow the policy guidelines carefully, then the risk of losing data and
information is highly minimized.

Question 2: Can we consider the process of creating and implementing an

IT Security Policy, a project? Justify your answer. If yes, what key parties are
involved in the entire process and what can be their roles in the entire

Yes, the process of creating and implementing an IT Security Policy can be

considered as project. In fact, this process is a vital step towards a secure system. The
first and foremost aim of creating a security policy is to minimize the risk of losing data
and information on a system by bounding the users and employees in a certain group of
statements. And a security policy identifies all of a company's assets as well as all the
potential threats to those assets. Hence an organization can achieve their goals after a
successful and secure policy.

Question 3: What are Pain points and Trigger Events?

A pain point is a specific problem that prospective customers of your company is

experiencing. To put it simply, pain points are problems. Increasing Volume and
Complexity of Threats, Lack of Security Resources and Threat Prioritization can be three
major cybersecurity pain points.

A triggering event is an occurrence which causes another event to occur if the

first event is breached. Triggering Events include theft or loss of a computing device,
multiple failed attempts to gain system access, attempts to use old credentials, access
attempts that are outside of normal business hours, unauthorized access to a system
containing protected data, employee snooping or information capture etc.

Question 4: List down some general security policies which an organization

must look into and implement.

 Purpose: It defines; why does the organization needs the policy for example a
company might need policies for information security.
 Scope: An information security policy should address all data, programs, systems,
facilities, other tech infrastructure, users of technology and third parties in a given
organization. The policy should cover up all the aspects in an organization without
 Information Security Objectives: The process of maintaining Confidentiality,
Integrity and Availability of data should be the main objective of InfoSec.
 Authorization and Access Control: This step is about maintaining the balance
between allowing access to users who need to use the data as part of their job as
well as denying the unauthorized access.
 Classification of data: It can be arranged into three classes; High Risk,
Confidential and public class.
 Data Support and Operation: It defines data backup and regulation.
 Security Awareness Sessions: The employees must be well trained and aware
about how to collect/use/delete data, maintain data quality, records management,
confidentiality, privacy, appropriate utilization of IT systems, correct usage social
networking with a suitable training sessions.
 Responsibilities, rights and duties of personnel: The things that are considered
in this area generally focuses on the responsibility of persons appointed to carry
out the implementation, education, incident response, user access reviews and
periodic updates of an information security policy.
 References to relevant legislation: A security policy for an organization must be
built under the acts and laws of the particular nation.

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