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Student Name: Arlyn Leane M.


Course & Section: BSBAMMOUM 1-A


After watching the video presented by NOVA, I have a lot of expression to feel
because of so many discoveries and mysteries I have found out with the help of this
video. I am amazed when they talked about how do mathematics relates to universal
and environmental pattern. When the scientist seek to understand the patterns of our
world, they come up to a powerful tool called mathematics. I am impressed when Mario
Livio, an astrophysicist (who was fascinated by the deep and mysterious connection
between mathematics and the actual world) discovered the relationship of FIBONACCI
SEQUENCE to number of petals of flowers. Even in the seed of a sunflower and the
shape of a pine cone, we will find a fibonacci number patterns. This idea was found out
by Christophe Gole.

It makes me feel thankful to our great scientists because without their theories
and invention we won’t be able to learn how important the mathematics is? I know that
you also wondered when Max Tegmark proved that our physical reality is just like to
software world of games and photographs. He said that when wee zoom in a photo until
we see the field of pixels each of it are represented by 3 numbers specified the amount
of a color; red, green and blue. Now, I believe that mathematics is connected to
everything just like what video presented and how they showed some examples like the
measurement of the cello vibrating string lengths. And how the moon orbits in earth as
well as how Plato believed that geometry in mathematics exist in our world.

One of the statement that made me more surprised is when Adam Steltzner
proven the idea of Galileo Galilei about the relationship of time and distance by the use
of a ramp where the distance the ball travel is directly proportional to the sqaure of time,
d=t². This documentary will blow our minds and expand our knowledge to our universe
and that’s why It really attracts my interest to continue watch this video. It’s also
amazing when they brought things up about Isaac Newton who is one of the most
popular scientist in the world. His theory about gravity helps more to explain the
mysteries of mathematics in our world. They said that the way the comet landed on our
planet is the same force that the cannon balls back to the Earth.

Learning all these universal matters is a very different experience because it

really makes us more ignorant when it comes to mysteries of mathematics, why?
because our basic knowledge in math is just to help us solve math and scientific
problems. But after watching this video I became more grateful to their experiments
because it gives me more knowledge to share with others. That’s why Mario Livio
answered the question “ Is mathematics a discovered part of a universe or human
invention?” He said that we invented the concepts and we discovered the relationship
among the different concepts. Who would believe that these people diescovered those
small things but has a big impact in our daily lives.

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