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Current Affairs has an important role in the examinations conducted by Union Public Service Commission
and State Public Service Commissions. It is necessary for the candidate to have knowledge of relevant
information on issues of national and international importance. Perfect 7 Magazine is being presented
fortnightly in front of the students to fulfill this requirement. Preparation of civil services exam is only
completed when candidates have holistic knowledge and analysis of the dynamic nature of the current af-
fairs. 'Perfect7' keeps this vision and approach and understands the multidimensional need of students at
the content level, so this magazine has presented the current affairs with relevant issues of general stud-
ies. Keeping in mind the mains exam, current articles on 7 burning issues, Ethics Case Studies, Biographies
of important personalities, coverage of most useful topics of various sections of General Studies and the
most important current affairs issues are being covered for Preliminary Examination in which emphasis is
being given on environmental, ecology, art and culture, science and technology, economy issues. A short
section on Terminology will also be part of Perfect 7 Magazine.
Brain boosters with 7 themes based graphics are being presented in a concise form to enhance
the conceptual understanding of the students. Apart from this, updated information on Global Initiatives,
Global Institutions, Structure of Organizations, Functioning, Important Reports, and Indices will be includ-
ed in this magazine, which is asked prominently in the Civil Services Examination. To give emphasis on
facts and analysis, keeping in view the trends of new nature of questions in Preliminary and Main Exam-
ination of Civil Services, an inclusive magazine is being provided to the students so that they can give the
right direction to their preparation by understanding the new requirements of Civil Services Examination.
We hope that Perfect 7 in its new form will prove to be very useful. Your suggestions are always welcome.

Vinay Kumar Singh


Sub-Editor Ashutosh Mishra

Publica on
Manager Dr. S. M. Khalid 1-14

Aman Kumar Ÿ UGC Allows two degree corses simultaneously for students
Gaurav Chaudhary
Ÿ Achieving net-zero targets
Devendra Singh
Lokesh Shukla, Prince Ÿ Achieving Social Jus ce through Health Infrastructure
Ÿ New dimensions of India-UK Rela on
Co- Writer Mrityunjay Tripathi Ÿ Power crisis in India is a serious issue
Ÿ Lessons for MSMEs in the post Covid-19
Ÿ Growing Civiliza onal Crisis in India
Na onal Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15-16
Interna onal Issues ----------------------------------------------------------- 16-17
Environmental Issues --------------------------------------------------------- 18-19
Science and Tech Issues ------------------------------------------------------- 19-21
Economy Issues --------------------------------------------------------------- 22-23
News of Na onal and Interna onal Importance -------------------- 24-27
Current Affairs at a Glance --------------------------------------------------- 28
Credits: PIB, The Hindu, The Indian
Express, Jansatta, Dainik Jagran, Brain Boosters ----------------------------------------------------------------- 29-35
Down to Earth, Economic and
Political Weekly, Yojana, Kurukshetra, Environment & Ecology and Current Affairs Based MCQs ----------36-41
The Print
Case Study for GS Paper IV ------------------------------------------------- 42
Eminent Personality ---------------------------------------------------------- 43
History Terms ------------------------------------------------------------------- 44-45
UGC Allows Two Degree Courses
Simultaneously for Students
Why in News two open and distance learning/on- tation of the intent of the New Educa-
Recently, the University Grant Com- line programs simultaneously. tion Policy 2020.
mission (UGC) has released the guide- ● Degree or diploma programs un- ● The lack of flexibility before the
lines regarding the provision to pursue der open and distance learning/online release of this provision was a major
two regular academic programs simul- mode should be pursued with only bottleneck in advancing toward inter-
taneously at the higher education lev- such Higher Educational Institutions disciplinary research and sharing of
el. These provisions will be applicable which are recognised by UGC/ statu- knowledge.
from the academic season 2022-23. tory Council/Government of India for ● It will personalise and customise
These provisions are in line with the running such a program. education based on the students’ abil-
intentions of the New Education Pol- ● These guidelines will become ef- ities and aspirations.
icy 2020. fective from the date of notification ● This provision will also promote co-
by the UGC. No retrospective benefit operation between different universi-
Background can be claimed by students who have ties and colleges.
● According to the New Education already done two academic programs ● This provision will also help in im-
Policy 2020, education should be simultaneously before the notification proving the career and job prospects
more experiential, holistic, integrat- of these guidelines. of the students.
ed and flexible. This policy promotes ● The permitted combination of sub- ● It will remove the hard separation
the development of an imaginative jects will vary from one institution to between arts and science, curricu-
and flexible curricular structure to en- another according to the provisions lar and extracurricular activities and
able the combination of disciplines for made by the institutions themselves. between vocational and academic
study. ● The two programs opted for by the streams.
● This policy also offers multiple en- students have to be at the same level ● It will eliminate harmful hierarchies
tries and exit points to remove cur- either undergraduate level or post- among different areas of learning.
rently rigid boundaries. It also aims graduate level or diploma level. ● It will offer the students a range
to create new possibilities for lifelong ● The attendance for different cours- of disciplines including sciences, social
learning. It emphasizes the need to fa- es will be decided by the institutions sciences, arts, humanities, languages
cilitate multiple pathways to learning themselves. as well as professional, technical and
involving both formal and non-formal ● Eligibility criteria for each program vocational subjects to make them
educational modes. will be decided based on existing UGC thoughtful, well rounded and creative
and university norms. individuals.
Guidelines ● Students will not be allowed to use ● This provision provides necessary
● A student can pursue two full-time credit for one program to fulfil the re- autonomy to universities and colleges
academic programs in the physical quirements of another program. to design their courses according to
mode provided that class timings for their educational standards.
one program do not overlap with that Pursuing Two Regular Courses ● This provision will make sure that
of another program. The most controversial aspect of these there is no overlap between under-
● A student can pursue two academ- new guidelines is allowing two regular graduate, postgraduate or diploma
ic programs, one in full-time physical courses simultaneously. courses.
mode and another in open and dis- ● Allowing two regular courses at the
tance learning/online mode. Arguments in Favour same time is also in accordance with
● A student can also pursue up to ● This provision allows the implemen- the International best practices.

1 May 2022/Issue-01
● It will help students in switching in India is 30 per lakh. These limited
careers from one discipline to another colleges should be promoted to serve
● It will also lead to the development a wider population rather than reserv-
of time management skills. ing two seats for one student.
● This provision will also save stu- ● UGC’s Furqan Qamar Com-
dents’ time in terms of years. mittee had also recommended against
this provision a decade earlier.
Arguments against
● There is no mention of this provi- Way forward
sion directly in the New Education Pol- ● UGC may reduce the duration of Conclusion
icy 2020. the second degree rather than allow- While the advantages and disadvan-
● It will create extra mental stress on ing two degrees simultaneously as tages of allowing two regular degrees
the students. suggested by its 2004 document for simultaneously may be debatable,
● It can be more expensive for stu- initiation of double/multiple degree there is no doubt that this step shows
dents, putting an unnecessary eco- programs in engineering disciplines. the resolve of UGC in migrating toward
nomic burden on them. ● Higher Education Institutions a more vibrant and competitive higher
● Achieving specialized knowledge in should ensure that applicants who are education atmosphere. While trying
a single field will be difficult. opting for only one program are given to make students more prepared for
● Having a degree in two different preference. the demands of the job market, UGC
streams cannot always be beneficial in ● Higher Education Institutions should should also ensure that higher edu-
the job market. offer only vacant seats to the students cation should fulfil the ancient Indi-
● Usually, a regular degree is de- to pursue a second degree in physical an goal of ‘Saa Vidya Yaa Vimuktaye’
signed in such a way that the holistic mode. ( Education which provides freedom)
and well-rounded development of ● UGC should design training and by developing character, ethical and
students occurs. so the use of two de- orientation programs for teachers to constitutional values, intellectual curi-
grees simultaneously may be limited. help them adapt to the new provision. osity, scientific temper, creativity and
● This provision may create a scarcity ● Institutional autonomy should not spirit of service.
of seats in reputed Higher Education be hampered in the garb of imple-
Institutions. menting the new provision. NOTES
● It may also lead to the capture of ● Reputed Higher Education Institu-
seats by students who belong to eco- tions should be promoted to design
nomically affluent families. more online courses so that the de-
● This provision may also create mand for a second degree is fulfilled
transport problems for students tak- without burdening the existing limited
ing courses in different colleges. classroom infrastructure.
● Usually pursuing one degree takes ● Career counselling facilities should
most of the time of the day, thus the be made available to the students
student pursuing two degrees may not pursuing a second degree so that they
do full justice with either of the two can choose the degree which com-
degrees. plements their first degree in the job
● Pedagogy will also require suitable market as well as be suitable accord-
changes to meet the demands of a di- ing to their talent and interest.
verse set of students. ● Multiple Intelligence tests should
● This provision will also create logis- be made available to the students to
tic, administrative and academic prob- make them identify the fields where
lems for universities and colleges. they have a natural advantage.
● According to the All India Survey ● Scholarship benefits for students
on Higher Education Report 2019-20, of vulnerable sections should contin-
the national average college density ue even for the second degree.

2 May 2022/Issue-01

Achieving net-zero targets will
need orderly fiscal transition
Why in News: energy sources. We use the Interna- goes this energy transition, it would be
The transition to renewables will add tional Energy Associations (IEA) sce- forced to undergo a fiscal transition.
stress on the Centre and States’ fi- narios for India to represent the future
nances. Imposing higher taxes on de- states of the world. Under fairly stan- Fiscal transition
merit goods could be a way out. dard assumptions on growth, prices • So, how will India cope with fiscal
and taxes, there would be continued transition? The government may im-
Context: growth in revenues from fossil fuels pose additional taxes on coal or some-
• India’s net-zero commitments have till 2040. However, revenues would fall thing like a carbon tax. Similarly, if cur-
made the energy transition from fos- significantly as a share of the gross do- rent events are any indication, when
sil fuel inevitable. It is going to be a mestic product (GDP) and overall gov- the government experiences revenue
complex task with many interlinked ernment budget, which would natu- stress, it finds energy to be the easiest
moving parts. As India currently gets rally impose fiscal challenges for both source of revenues.
a large part of its revenue from fossil the Central and State governments in • In our analysis, we calculated reve-
fuels, fiscal transition will play an im- the next two decades. nue from fossil fuels for 2019 and use
portant part. • On examining the revenue from the same for projections as well. How-
At the 26th Conference of Parties fossil fuels, we found that more than ever, if the events post 2019 are any
(CoP26), Indian Prime Minister Naren- a fifth of the Centre’s revenues were indication, it only reinforces our anal-
dra Modi declared a five-fold strategy from fossil fuels as of 2019 which in- ysis. During the Covid period, govern-
— termed as the panchamrita — to cluded both tax (both direct and indi- ments’ reliance on fossil fuel for reve-
achieve Net Zero emissions. These five rect) and non-tax revenues (including nues — mainly petroleum increased.
points include: royalties, dividends etc.) paid by pub- • Despite decrease in the interna-
• India will get its non-fossil energy lic sector undertakings. tional crude oil prices, taxes on petrol/
capacity to 500 gigawatt (GW) by 2030 • For the State governments, total diesel in India were increased leading
• India will meet 50 per cent of its revenue from fossil fuels was lower at to decoupling of international and do-
energy requirements from renewable about 8 per cent of total revenue. The mestic oil prices. According to latest
energy by 2030. combined revenue for both the Centre data, the revenue from petroleum was
• India will reduce the total project- and States was 13 per cent of the total 2.7 per cent of GDP in 2019-20 which
ed carbon emissions by one billion revenue collected, which translates in increased to 3.4 per cent of GDP in
tonnes from now onwards till 2030. to 3.2 per cent of India’s GDP. To un- 2020-21 on account of higher excise
• By 2030, India will reduce the car- derstand the enormity of the revenue and VAT.
bon intensity of its economy by less from fossil fuels, this is much higher • Such indirect measures can lead to
than 45 per cent. than India’s Defence expenditure, and higher revenues from fossil fuel, but
• So, by the year 2070, India will comparable to the combined educa- only for a limited period. Over time the
achieve the target of Net Zero. tion, culture and sports expenditures revenues from fossil fuel will steadily
• In a recently published IMF-BU of both the Centre and States. fall as India shifts to renewable energy
Working Paper, we have studied how • As we start pursuing our net-zero sources, ramps down the use of fossil
governments’ (both Centre and State) commitments, the first step would be fuels, and as electric vehicles (EVs) in-
revenue from coal, oil and natural gas, to reduce the use of fossil fuels and crease.
will be affected over the next two de- consequently this major source of rev- • According to our estimates, if
cades as India shifts toward renewable enues will disappear. As India under-

3 May 2022/Issue-01
current economic trends persist, reve-
nues are estimated to fall from 3.2 per
cent in 2019 of GDP to 1.8 per cent
and 1 per cent in 2030 and 2040 re-
• Fiscal pressures on the Centre
and States will make investing in en-
ergy infrastructure difficult. On the
top of that, a large part of the energy
transition may need to be supported
through direct or indirect subsidies
by concession of excise duty on EVs,
concessional GST on electric cars, con-
cessions given under Green Hydrogen
Policy etc like the Small wind energy financial institutions to bolster the Way forward:
and Hybrid systems programme. The transition towards net-zero emissions • Over a period of time, this buoy-
subsidies will add to the Centre and through continued efforts in financing ancy may compensate for the fall in
States’ fiscal stress. But without these green infrastructure in the country. fossil fuel revenues. Also, it is crucial
subsidies the energy transition itself • Green financing: India’s dedicated for the government to continue with
may slow down. “Green Finance” sector today is still at the formalisation drive to increase the
• The declining revenue can have a nascent stage. An ongoing study by tax base. However, these are long-
political economy ramifications as the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) finds term processes. In the short run, India
well. Last year, when GST compensa- that India could only mobilize ~$18 would need to increase revenues from
tion was paid to state governments, it billion in climate investments in 2018 some other source like increasing tax
put stress on certain state’s revenue.. compared to the annual requirement on demerit goods like alcohol, tobacco
Furthermore, under the GST struc- of ~$160 billion. Green bonds - fixed etc. to compensate for the reduction
ture, States have limited autonomy to income securities whose proceeds go in energy sourced from fossil fuels.
raise taxes, which may exacerbate the specifically to low carbon climate re-
issue. silient projects can be a key source of
• The Centre in the last few years funding for green initiatives in India.
have started collecting more reve-
nues via cess which is not shared with
States, running the risk of straining the NOTES
center-State relationship.
• The question that arises, is how
can India deal with this challenge? The
tax-to-GDP ratio in India has been very
sticky in the last decade but fortunate-
ly, GST revenues are buoyant now.

Solution for climate financing:

• Role of banks in tackling climate
change: The banking sector has been
the backbone of India’s commercial
activity through its transition into a
major economic powerhouse. Its role,
therefore, as a major driver in mitigat-
ing the impact of climate change can-
not be ignored. It is important for

4 May 2022/Issue-01

Achieving Social Justice Through
Health Infrastructure
Context ture in India. • The private sector contributes
Recently, the Indian Prime Minister about 80 percent of the health expen-
has said that better health faacilities Challenges in front of Indian health diture in India while the remaining 20
are not only limited to the treatement infrastructure percent is contributed by the public
of disease but also encourage social • At present there are 541 Medical sector. Along with this, the private
justice. Colleges all over India with a com- sector represents 58 percent of hospi-
bined capacity of 80,312 MBBS seats. tals and 81 percent of doctors in India.
Introduction This is no doubt a large number, but Since the private sector is driven by a
After inaugurating (virtually) a in a large country like India, where a “profit oriented motive”, so either it
multi-specialty hospital in Bhuj, the large number of patients come out is out of the reach of the poor or af-
Indian Prime Minister has described every year, this number is insufficient. ter bearing its expenditure, the person
health services as an important tool There is only one doctor available for becomes financially crippled, which
in achieving social justice. He said that 13000 people in the country, whereas enhanced socio-economic inequality.
quality health services are linked to the global ideal ratio is 1:1000. Along with this, there are many other
poverty alleviation and promote so- • Most of the secondary and tertia- problems like the cost of health-relat-
cial justice. Along with this, the Prime ry health care hospitals are located in ed education, lack of skills among per-
Minister emphasized that now health Tier-I and Tier-II cities. Along with this sonnel, lack of suitable health-related
policies are being made by keeping so- , the highly specialized doctors do not machines in remote areas, etc., which
cial justice in center . want to practice in rural areas. As a re- weaken the health infrastructure of
sult of this, inequality comes between India.
Status of India’s Health Sector rural and urban areas, which will even-
India is a developing country with a tually result in state-wise inequality. Efforts done for strengthing health
large population. Here basic facilities States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Del- infrastructure
like health and education are still in hi have better health facilities, where- In recent years, several efforts have
the stage of development, which of- as Bihar, Jharkhand, and North Eastern been made to strengthen the health
ten face challenges. The recent pan- states have fewer health facilities. infrastructure, which are described as
demic (Corona) also exposed the • According to a 2017 World Bank follows:
shortcomings of India’s health system. report, India has 85.7 physicians per Health budget of India
Although the Indian health sector per- 100,000 people (98 in Pakistan, 100 • Normally India’s health budget
formed well even in such a large pop- in Sri Lanka, and 241 in Japan). India ranged from 1.3% to 1.5% of GDP.
ulation and absence of better health has only 53 beds per 100,000 people, However, to reduce the impact of the
infrastructure . But it was not enough while Pakistan has 63, Bangladesh Corona period, Rs 2,23,846 crore was
for a problem like Corona. Along with 79.5, and Japan has 1,298. allocated in the Union Budget for the
this, many problems like heart attack, • The same report also stated that financial year 2021-22 for expenditure
diabetes, and leprosy are found in In- India has 172.7 nurses and midwives on the ‘Health and Wellness Sector’.
dia, which not only affect the health of per 100,000 people, while Japan has This was about 6.43% of the total bud-
the people but also give rise to social 1,220. According to the report, OOP get provision..
and economic injustice by increasing accounts for 62% of the total health • In this year (Budget Year 2022-23),
inequality among people. The major expenditure in India and it is the high- a financial allocation of 89,251 crores
challenge before the health sector in est out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure has been made for the health sector.
India is the lack of health infrastruc- in the world. India’s target has been set to spend up

5 May 2022/Issue-01
to 2.5% of GDP in the health sector by $2 billion loan to India for vaccination. compulsion also decrease. Elsewhere,
2025 (as per health policy ) Along with this, cooperation was also this situation leads to a step towards
provided by World Bank, World Health social justice.
National Health Policy:- Organization.
• This is launched in 2017. This policy Conclusion
includes the broad principles of Pro- How social justice can be achieved The concept of social justice is related
fessionalism, Integrity, Ethics, Equity, through health infrastructure? to social equality and social rights. The
Affordability, Universality, Patient-Cen- • Increase in social infrastructure main objective of this concept is to
tered and Quality of Care, Account- will lead to quality healthcare. Better end the “exploitation of human beings
ability, and Pluralism. health is essential for better human by human beings” on social grounds
• The objective of this policy is to resources. Better health increases the (gender, caste, religion, etc.). The im-
achieve universal access to quality productivity of man, so human re- portance of social justice is so much
health services without financial bur- sources based on the support of bet- that it is considered by socio-political
den. The policy seeks to increase pub- ter health infrastructure will improve philosophers to be an achievable val-
lic health expenditure to 2.5% of GDP the economic growth of the country ue. In the preamble of the Indian Con-
in a phased manner. as well as its living condition, which stitution, Social justice has been de-
will lead to “justice”. scribed as one of the objectives of the
Investment in health infrastructure • The participation of women work Constitution and is effectively placed
• Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat force (doctors, midwives, nurses) is in Part 4 of the Constitution (Directive
Health Infrastructure Mission has high in health services . Therefore, an Principles of State Policy). Through
been launched with an outlay of increase in health infrastructure will effective health infrastructure in the
₹64,180 crore over a period of five increase the representation of women country, not only life expectancy of
years. The scheme provides for es- which will help establish social justice people is increased but at the same
tablishment of Critical Care Hospital by reducing gender inequality. time, their standard of living will also
Blocks in 12 Central Institutes like All • The establishment of Hospitals or improve that will play an important
India Institute of Medical Sciences and other health service centers lead to role in achieving the ideal of social jus-
Government Medical Colleges and indirect employment ( like tea, trans- tice in the country. So we can say that
District Hospitals in 602 districts. port, medical stores) , which will help a health infrastructure is an important
• Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha in social justice through economic de- tool in achieving the objective of so-
Yojna Scheme promotes infrastructure velopment. cial justice.
in medical education and health ser- • Quality healthcare Helps in pover-
vice delivery in the inaccessible areas ty alleviation effort . if The health ex-
of the country. This year a budgetary penditure of the poor is borne by the
allocation of 10000 crores has been government, then not only can the
made for this scheme. poor invest their money in other use-
• Along with these schemes, health ful activities, but their trust in the gov-
services are being improved through ernment also increases. So the chaotic
investments in schemes like Ayush- acts (theft, dacoity, robbery) done by
man Bharat Digital Mission, Health and
Wellness Center, Ayushman Bharat Yo-
jana, Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yo-
jana, Corona Vaccination, etc., which
would be helpful to achieve the ideal
social justice.
• During the Corona period, India
also received wide support at the in-
ternational level. The Asian Infrastruc-
ture Investment Bank and the Asian
Development Bank jointly provided a

6 May 2022/Issue-01

New dimensions of India-UK
Context (May 2021) was finalized, along with forward the free trade agreement. It
Recently, British Prime Minister an agreement on the bilateral devel- should be noted that the initiative for
Boris Johnson visited India. It may opment of India-UK relations by 2030. a free trade agreement between India
be noted that sometime before this • Indo-Pacific Region: - Britain has and Britain has progressed. In this con-
British Foreign Secretary Miss Truss had advocated strong relations between text 26 policy areas will be discussed.
visited India. During the Russia-Ukraine India and Britain in the Indo-Pacific • Investment
war, these high-level visits have region and has said that bilateral re- o The Prime Minister of India has
given a new dimension to the relations lations will not only bring economic urged British companies to invest in
between India and Britain. prosperity but will also strengthen the National Infrastructure Pipeline
the security of the region. The UK has and Infrastructure Modernization
Introduction acknowledged being a part of India’s Plan.
The relations between India and Brit- Indo-Pacific Maritime Initiative to en- o The Indian Prime Minister has said
ain are touching new dimensions hance the security of the region and that the Global Innovation Partnership
amidst the challenges posed by the has pledged to be a partner in South- will prove to be a very important ini-
Russia-Ukraine war. In the middle of East Asia’s maritime security. tiative for India. Under this, India and
war, Britain’s Foreign Secretary came o It should be noted that in 2021, Britain will make a joint investment of
to India to finalize the Comprehensive a joint naval exercise was conducted up to $100 million to promote “Made
Strategic Partnership (May 2021) with in the Bay of Bengal between India, in India” in third world countries,
India. Now the British PM has visited Britain, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singa- which will achieve the Sustainable De-
India. It should be noted that India’s pore. velopment Goals and help in the miti-
international stature has increased • Cyber Security Program: - Britain gation of climate change.
during this war, this visit of the British has talked about promoting mutu- • Other Points
Prime Minister is an indicator of that al agreement on cyber security and o Britain has appreciated India’s
increased stature. During this, India is defense trade. During this, a new “Self-reliant India” plan. Along with
not only strengthening its internation- cyber security program has been an- this, both countries have agreed to
al stature but is also strengthening bi- nounced. The objective of this pro- the commitments of Glasgow and in
lateral relations. This was the first visit gram is to strengthen the online in- this context, India has invited Britain
of the Prime Minister of Britain to In- frastructure in India and to prepare to join the National Hydrogen Mission.
dia, which he started by paying tribute a framework for joint exercises to en- o Along with this, India and Britain
to Mahatma Gandhi at the Sabarmati hance cyber security between the two also held talks regarding the end of
Ashram. During this visit, many agree- countries. the Ukraine war, peaceful and stable
ments were signed, including free • Strategic Tech Dialogue: During Afghanistan, territorial integrity, and
trade agreements, comprehensive this visit, India and UK have announced counter-terrorism.
strategic agreements, agreements on the first Strategic Tech Dialogue which
cyber security, etc. will be a ministerial dialogue on inno- Challenges before new relationships
vative technologies. • Although the challenges between
New dimensions of cooperation • Energy Security: The UK has an- India and Britain are negligible at
between India and Britain: nounced an investment of £70 million present, the British Secretary, who
• Comprehensive Strategic Partner- for renewable energy sources in India. was on the former visit of the British
ship: - During this conference, the • Free trade: Negotiations have been Prime Minister, expressed concern
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership held between India and Britain to take

7 May 2022/Issue-01
over India’s relations with Russia. The dia and Britain.
British Secretary had appealed to In- • In the present time globalization
dia to stop Russia’s aggression in this is moving towards its possible end, in
context, s.jaishankar in USA argued such a situation challenges will come
against this crude issue by saying that before free trade and multilateral
India probably buys less oil from Rus- trade.
sia in month than what Europe does in • Western countries are opposing
one afternoon. Russia on the Russia-Ukraine issue
while India is following the policy of
Importance of Britain to India fairness.
• Britain is a significant power in the • Tension is building between the two
Indo-Pacific region. The UK Navy has countries on environmental issues,
access to Oman, Singapore, Kenya, bilateral free trade agreement with and issues of reform of international
Bahrain, and the British Indian Ocean India. institutions.
region. At present, the world balance • Britain was a global power before
of power is shifting from the Atlantic World War II which has now turned Conclusion
to the Indo-Pacific region where Chi- into a regional power. Britain is trying India looks forward to this “meaning-
na’s aggression already exists. There- to become a “Global Britain” again, for ful visit” of the British Prime Minister.
fore, India-UK cooperation is import- which it needs India’s cooperation. While Britain also wants to strengthen
ant in preventing China’s aggression in • India is the world’s youngest and relations with an important ally like
this area. largest market. India’s purchasing India, India’s cooperation after Brexit
• Britain is a permanent member of power is increasing continuously, even can strengthen Britain, while Britain
the United Nations Security Council. as it is the third-largest economy in can support India in becoming a net
At present, India has good relations the world based on purchasing power. security provider in the Asia-Pacific re-
with all other permanent countries ex- Therefore, India will prove to be an im- gion. Thus both the countries are im-
cept China, so in this situation, Britain portant ally for Britain’s economy and portant to each other. However, look-
can help India to get permanent mem- exports. ing at the current situation, it can be
bership of the United Nations Security • British Prime Minister Johnson is said that India is emerging as a leader,
Council. acknowledging the importance of In- in such a situation Britain can become
• Recently there has been an agree- dia at the global level, as well as all an important ally for India.
ment for nuclear submarines in Aus- countries are seeking India’s role in
tralia, the UK, and the USA. Potentially pacifying the Russo-Ukraine war. In NOTES
such agreements can also be made such a situation, Britain wants to make
with India which will be helpful in In- important relations with India.
dia’s defense and energy security. • India is the most important coun-
• India often urges developed coun- try in the Indo-Pacific region and cur-
tries to transfer finance and technolo- rently the balance of power is shifting
gy in the context of the environment. towards this region. And Britain is
India can become a leader of devel- looking to increase its role in the Asia
oping countries by talking to Britain in Pacific region, so it is looking forward
this regard. to cooperation from India.
• At present, India is focusing on bi-
lateral free trade agreements in place Challenges between the two
of multilateral trade. Britain can be- countries
come an important ally in this regard. • Britain had colonized India for cen-
turies and even today people of Indian
Importance of India to Britain origin are attacked in Britain. In these
• Britain is looking for a big post-Brex- situations, there are challenges in the
it market that can be met through a people-to-people contact between In-

8 May 2022/Issue-01

Power crisis in India is a
serious issue
Why in News? • Depleting coal supplies at thermal
Despite high coal production, thermal power plants, the mainstay of India’s Why is this crisis recurring every
power plants in India are suffering power sector, has resulted in this cri- year?
from shortages. sis. • Power plants in India having low
• Coal-based power generation, with supplies of coal is not a new phenom-
Context: a capacity of around 210 gigawatts enon. The shortage occurs almost ev-
• Several States across the country (GW) of the total 396 GW, accounts ery year and the government, despite
are expected to face coal shortages , a for about 53 per cent of India’s total its various measures, has not succeed-
scenario that leads to power shortag- power capacity as on March 2022. ed in overcoming the problem.
es in the coming weeks with India en- • Experts predict that depleted coal • At the heart of the issue is the lack
tering the peak power demand season supplies at power plants will lead to of planning and coordination between
from April to October. Experts predict power outages, a scenario that played various ministries involved in the pro-
that high global thermal coal prices out in September-October 2021. Due cess — Power Ministry, Coal Ministry
and below normal imports will further to high demand and interruption and Railways.
exacerbate the crisis. in coal supply (mainly due to heavy • While the Coal Ministry blames the
• In fact, coal supply shortage is play- rains), the coal stock at power plants Indian Railways for non-availability
ing out at a time when power demand fell sharply leading to power outages of adequate rakes, the Railways has
is rising and is expected to surpass the in several States. With concerted ef- pointed out the mismanagement in
July 2021 peak power demand of over forts of the government, the stocks loading and unloading of rakes by the
200 gigawatts (GW). The daily peak rose to levels which is sufficient for an Coal India (CIL).
power demand for Q4 FY22 averaged average of 10 days at 85 per cent of • Despite high coal production and
at 187 gigawatts (GW). During April the plant load factor (PLF), or simply despatch by CIL and other PSU min-
1-12, the average daily peak demand put, capacity. ers, the supply at power plants has still
was more than 194 GW. not gone above 15 days in the last six
• Prices in spot markets are also at How critical is the coal shortage? months and lack of coordination and
multi-year highs. The market clearing • The situation at thermal power planning is to be blamed for this.
price (MCP) at the Indian Energy Ex- plants is deteriorating consistently
change (IEX) in FY22 stood at around and had reached critical levels. For What steps has the government tak-
₹4.4 per kilowatt hour (kWh), which is perspective, as per the National Pow- en to tackle this problem?
the highest in the last 10 years. er Portal, 11 imported coal-based • To begin with, the government has
• Coal is the most important and (ICB) power plants had critical stocks, issued revised coal stocking norms,
abundant fossil fuel in India. It ac- as on April 13. Similarly, 79 domestic which mandate the power plants to
counts for 55% of the country’s ener- coal-based power plants were facing maintain sufficient stocks at all times;
gy needs. The country’s industrial her- critical stocks of the key commodity if necessary, through imports for
itage was built upon indigenous coal. on the same day. Again, on April 13, of blending to meet any contingent sit-
• Today, India has the fifth largest the total 173 coal-based power plants, uation.
coal reserves in the world. the total stocks available were 23.17 • Besides, an Inter-Ministerial Sub
• India is the second largest producer million tonnes (MT) against a daily Group with senior officials from Min-
of coal in the world, after China. requirement of 2.76 MT. The stocks istries of Power, Coal, Railways, CEA,
at this level will last for less than nine CIL and SCCL meet regularly to take
What is causing this crisis? days. various operational decisions to

9 May 2022/Issue-01
enhance supply of coal to thermal ation companies (gencos) is not ade-
power plants quate to meet the rising demand.
• Power Ministry has advised pow- 2. Lack of coal availability in stock:
er plants to import about 36 MT coal o Normally, a power plant must main-
for blending during 2022-23 with a tain 26 days of coal stock.
view to build sufficient coal stock at o However, at present, several power
Power Plants. The Ministry also has a plants are reporting critical levels of
Core Management Team (CMT) to en- coal stock.
sure close monitoring of coal stocks at o Data from the Central Electricity
thermal power plants (TPPs) and op- Authority (CEA) shows that 97 power
erational decisions are being taken in plants out of the 173 have critical lev-
CMT to augment supply of sufficient els of coal inventory. major coalfields, are mainly confined
quantity of coal to the TPPs. o These have an average of 28% of to eastern and south-central parts of
the stock compared to the normal sce- the country.
Why is Coal a necessary evil for nario. • The Coal resources of India are
India? 3. Poor logistic facilities and Covid-19 available in older Gondwana Forma-
• Coal is the most important and worsen the financial sheet: tions of peninsular India and younger
abundant fossil fuel in India. It ac- o The lack of railway rakes to trans- tertiary formations of north-eastern
counts for 55% of the country’s ener- port coal is also a major problem. region.
gy needs. The country’s industrial her- o The state power distribution com- • The lignite reserves stand at a lev-
itage was built upon indigenous coal. panies (discoms) have also not been el around 36 billion tonnes, of which
• The limited reserve potentiality of able to clear their dues to power gen- 90% occur in the southern State of
petroleum & natural gas, eco-conser- eration companies. Tamil Nadu.
vation restriction on hydel projects o The covid-19 pandemic has now • Top 5 States in terms of total coal
and geo-political perception of nucle- weakened the finances of many reserves in India are: Jharkhand > Odi-
ar power, coal will continue to occupy states, raising doubts about the ability sha > Chhattisgarh > West Bengal >
centre-stage of India’s energy scenario. of state-owned discoms to clear their Madhya Pradesh.
• Coal demand is driven by the rising dues.
population, expanding economy and a 4. Other factors quoted for coal Way Forward:
quest for improved quality of life. shortage: • With temperatures likely to contin-
• Currently, India doesn’t have a fea- o The stagnation of production by ue rising to a peak at the end of June
sible replacement of Coal Based Ther- Coal India Ltd (CIL) after the bumper or beginning of July, electricity de-
mal Energy in near future. production in FY15 and FY16. mand would further accelerate over
What are the reasons highlighted in o In FY22, however, the production the next two to four months.
the Editorial for Coal demand-supply rose 4.4% to 622.6 million tonnes. • Given the plummeting coal stocks,
mismatches? o Former coal secretary Anil Swarup the grid is unlikely to be able to serve
1. Demand for power has soared: has pointed to the tussle between the higher loads between May and Au-
o For instance, New Delhi’s peak Centre and non-Bharatiya Janata Party gust, making load-shedding and oth-
power demand touched 5,460 mega- coal-rich states, which can delay en- er power cuts more or less inevitable
watts (MW) recently, the highest ever vironment and land acquisition clear- during any period of unusually hot
in April’s first fortnight. ances. weather. In this scenario government
o The national capital’s peak power o High dues of discoms towards gen- has to take step for tackle the power
demand had not crossed this mark in cos and the eventual delay in gen- crisis in India’s states.
either 2021 or in the previous year. cos paying CIL has complicated the
o Several states, including Andhra scenario.
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab,
Haryana, Telangana, and Maharash- Do you know about the Coal Re-
tra, are facing power outages. serves in India?
o The coal stock with power gener- • Coal deposits spread over 27

10 May 2022/Issue-01

Lessons for MSMEs in Post
COVID-19 World
Why in News ited regulatory and marketplace infor- due to difficulty in assessing their
Medium Small and Micro Enterprises mation. They also have less access to creditworthiness as well as their in-
(MSMEs) had been adversely affected technical and legal experts and their ability to take advantage of most of
by COVID-19 and have been struggling training capabilities are limited. the government schemes.
to recover since then. According to a ● They often face the problem of de-
recent survey in the National Capital Importance of MSMEs in India layed payments affecting their cash
Region and Uttarakhand, the turnover MSMEs are critical for achieving the flow and working capital availability.
of around 90% of small firms had de- overall objective of economic devel- Delay in the realisation of such receiv-
clined in the financial year 2020-21. opment. They are significant contrib- ables increases their operating cycle
utors in terms of industrial output, and reduces their ability to procure
Medium Small and Micro Enterprises employment generation and the share new orders or fulfil the existing ones.
(MSMEs)- Definition in gross domestic product and export.
MSMEs related to manufacturing and They provide entrepreneurial oppor- Problems Faced by MSMEs during
service sectors have been defined tunities to vulnerable sections such as COVID-19 Pandemic
based on the criteria of investment SC/STs and women. This sector is also During the COVID-19 pandemic, MS-
and turnover. important in promoting balanced re- MEs faced restrictions on the eco-
● Medium Enterprises- Investment gional development and bridging the nomic activities and mobilities due
in Plant and Machinery or Equipment: rural-urban divide. This sector also to lockdown imposed by the govern-
Not more than Rs.50 crore and Annu- plays a role in promoting and preserv- ment and health precautions taken
al Turnover: Not more than Rs. 250 ing traditional artisanal industries in by employees and employers. They
crore. India. also faced a decrease in demand due
● Small Enterprises- Investment in to limited capital availability with the
Plant and Machinery or Equipment: Reasons for Backwardness of MSMEs public and firms. There were also
Not more than Rs.10 crore and Annual in India shortages of raw materials and restric-
Turnover: Not more than Rs. 50 crore. Despite the significant contribution of tions on trade. Payment delays and
● Micro Enterprises- Investment in the MSME sector toward the Indian labour shortage also affected their
Plant and Machinery or Equipment: economy, their condition is still back- working cycle.
Not more than Rs.1 crore and Annual ward due to the following reasons
Turnover: Not more than Rs. 5 crore. ● There are infrastructure bottle- Hurdles in Recovery
necks, especially for Micro Enterpris- Even after a resurgence in economic
Characteristics of MSMEs es. They are inadequately equipped activities, MSMEs are still facing busi-
MSMEs are usually run from a single with necessary support systems such ness uncertainties. These uncertain-
business establishment by the sole as formalisation, technology adoption, ties make them hesitant to avail the fi-
trader, partnership or small company. capacity building, backward and for- nancial assistance available under the
They have limited geographical distri- ward linkages etc. This condition ad- Atmanirbhar Bharat package. There is
bution, product range as well as mar- versely affects their competitiveness. also a limited supply of skilled workers
ket share. Their customer base is small ● Their access to credit and risk cap- due to migration during the COVID-19
and the likelihood of business failure is ital is limited. Funds at a reasonable period. Their cost of production has
very high. They have a proportionally cost can increase their competitive- also increased due to inflation-related
high compliance cost burden in com- ness but credit disbursal to them has to raw materials. The legacy issue of
parison to large firms. They have lim- remained sluggish in recent periods delayed payments, reduced demand

11 May 2022/Issue-01
activities were not hindered during which can help them secure loans at
the COVID-19 pandemic. These firms lower costs growing their profit.
adopted newer ways of business and
marketing such as search engine opti- Way Forward
mization, digital marketing, social me- There should be a provision of emer-
dia campaigns etc. gency funds for small businesses
which should be mandatory from the
Government Measures to Promote beginning of the business. This fund
Growth in MSME Sector in Aftermath should be used to meet the financial
of COVID-19 needs of small firms during uncertain
and supply chain disruption is still af- The government has also tried to lend situations. The contribution of each
fecting them. a helping hand to the MSME sector to firm in this corpus should be linked to
make them profitable after COVID-19 their turnover. Government can make
Lessons for MSMEs struggles. It has started some of the it more attractive by contributing a
Some of the firms managed to suc- new schemes for MSMEs. fraction of their contributions.
cessfully run their business during the ● Emergency Credit line Guarantee There Should also be an insurance
COVID-19 pandemic. They offer les- Scheme provides additional credit at scheme for small businesses which
sons for other firms. low interest to MSMEs thereby en- can help them during adverse times.
Firstly, firms which operated in some abling them to meet their working As there are more than 6 million MS-
key sectors such as human health ac- capital needs. This scheme is limited MEs in the country, there is a huge
tivities, manufacture of pharmaceuti- to MSMEs that have existing debts or market potential for insurance play-
cal, medicinal, chemical and botanical loans on their balance sheet. ers. The government may encourage
products, food and beverage services ● The government also disallowed the firms by paying an initial premium
and manufacture of apparel main- global tenders for procurement of up or a fraction of the premium on behalf
tained their business activities. to 200 crores to help the indigenous of MSMEs.
Secondly, firms which quickly adopt- firms, especially from the MSME sec-
ed e-commerce activities in addition tor. Conclusion
to their brick and mortar model also ● The government has also estab- These suggestions, if framed and im-
ensured their sustainability and even lished a Fund of Funds which provides plemented effectively, will help MS-
profitability. equity funding to address the need of MEs during adverse times and boost
Thirdly, firms that switched their busi- MSMEs having growth potential. their confidence during normal busi-
ness activities towards the products ● The government has reclassified ness times.
and services which have the demand MSMEs thus bringing some of the
thrived. Firms related to the produc- firms which were earlier out of the NOTES
tion of masks, sanitisers, and home MSME net into it.
delivery of products are the major ex- ● The Credit Guarantee Trust Fund
amples. scheme was introduced by the MSME
Fourthly, firms which had their saving ministry with the Small Industry De-
to invest in the areas that offered new velopment Bank of India to help MS-
opportunities showed resilience in MEs. The trust guarantees credit on
adverse times. Thus, sound financial their behalf in place of collateral.
management was a key factor. ● Every Central ministry or depart-
Fifthly, firms who used their human ment or Public Sector Unit (PSU) has
resources smartly maintained their set an annual procurement goal from
business activities in the times of the the MSME sector as a minimum of
Gig economy. 25% of total annual purchases.
Sixthly, firms which expanded and ● MSMEs have also been provided
maintained their presence on online with the benefit of a one per cent
platforms showed growth, as online interest rate rebate on the overdraft

12 May 2022/Issue-01

Growing Civilizatiozational
Crisis in India
Why in News our family) is increasingly deteriorat- someone has been murdered by the
Recently, there has been an incident ing which is adversely affecting the mob just because of suspicion.
of lizard rape in Ratnagiri Maharash- relationship between animals and hu-
tra. It shows the growth of the civiliza- mans. Gender discrimination:
tional crisis in India. ● The fundamental duty of having Modern India also suffers from the
compassion for living creatures has problem of gender discrimination.
Background been lacking in Indian citizens. Even today, Indian women have to
A Bengal Monitor Lizard (Lizard) was This ill-treatment points toward a face many problems like the dowry
raped by 4 people in Sahyadri Tiger growing civilizational crisis in India. system, forced marriage, rape, public
Reserve. This is not the first incident. humiliation, and harassment at the
Before this, a pregnant elephant in Elements of the Crisis in Indian Soci- workplace. India ranked 140th out of
Kerala was fed pineapple stuffed with ety 156 countries in the Global Gender
firecrackers, due to which she died. Modern Indian society is plagued by Gap Report-2021. This data points to-
Such incidents are a blot on the so- many evils which are giving rise to a ward the poor condition of women in
called “civilized modern educated so- civilizational crisis in India. Indian society.
Historical Elements:- Caste conflict:
Culture of Symbiotic Relationship be- The civilized Indian society of the Even in the present times, the caste
tween Humans and Animals in India Vedic period faced many challenges problems in India are such that the
Traditionally Animals have been part with time. The caste system was born Scheduled Castes have to struggle
of Indian culture. They have been ven- in the later Vedic period. Due to the even for their essential needs like wa-
erated as a symbol of Gods. They have importance of Tantra Vidya in the feu- ter. This problem is also a challenge for
been companions for the tribals for a dal Rajput era, evils like animal sacri- modern civilization.
long time. They have been also used fice and male sacrifice (especially in
for entertainment in the village fairs. tribes), patriarchy, and sati became Terrorism, Naxalism and Organized
They have been used as an advantage a strong part of the society. Diversity Crime:
in the wars such as elephants were increased in India during the Mughal Terrorism and organized crime are
crucial in winning the wars. Wildlife rule which gave rise to a social pow- governed by fear and trade in fear.
tourism has been popular since tradi- er struggle. As a result of all this, the Many wounds like the Mumbai attack,
tional times. fabric of Indian society weakened and Pulwama, and Pathankot are inflicted
it had to face cultural defeat from the on society. Naxalism is born on social,
Reasons for Recent Trends of Ill-treat- European powers that had entered and economic inequalities.
ment with Animals the modern period. Due to European
● The relationship between hu- powers, problems like communalism Regionalistic tendencies:
mans and animals has been commer- arose in India. The society which had once accept-
cialized. Animals are seen as means ed the shakas, Kushanas, suffers from
for earning money and the animals Mob Lynching:- conflict based on region, language,
who don’t have earning potential are Mob lynching refers to the killing by a and dialect. In Maharashtra, the peo-
ill-treated. mob. There is a long series from the ple of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are
● The ancient value of ‘Vasud- Dadri mob lynching in 2015 to the Pal- treated as second-class citizens and
haiva Kutumbakam’ (Whole earth is ghar mob lynching (2020), in which misbehaved with them. The people of

13 May 2022/Issue-01
the northern state have to face diffi- flict between democracy and feudal-
culties in the southern states. People ism is also somewhat responsible for
of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, and the crisis of civilization.
the North-Eastern region have to face
a trust deficit, not only from a social Conclusion:-
point of view but also as a threat to These four accused have been arrest-
national unity. ed under the Wildlife Protection Act.
But this situation is leaving a big ques-
Communalism tion for the society of India. The end
Communalism is a major problem in of this civilizational crisis is extreme-
India. Communalism is a kind of moral, ly important. The civilization of India
mental, and religious disease, whose -cy has become common in modern has seen a period of upheaval since
treatment is not possible. As the cul- times. Political parties use people for ancient times, but it still has not de-
mination of communalism, India has their benefit in the name of caste, and viated from its basic principles. The
seen a great tragedy of the partition religion, when these political parties Indus Valley Civilization’s fire-worship,
of the nation. Even at present, com- are in power then they formulate pol- water purity, and nature worship are
munal tension is at its peak in Delhi icies for a particular class, this situa- still present in some form or the oth-
(Jahangirpur), Rajasthan, Maharashtra tion works not to connect the society er. Problems arising out of capitalism
to Madhya Pradesh. but to break it. The caste problem, can be eliminated by a self-reliant In-
the condition of communalism is the dia plan. Therefore, undoubtedly the
Human-animal conflict:- result of this. Indian people can end this civilization-
Acts committed by the people living • India is a country full of diversity al crisis. India will undoubtedly move
in the society such as rape of lizard, in itself. A country where ethnic and towards becoming a world leader by
treatment of female elephant in Kera- religious diversity is very high and reli- ending this crisis.
la, the killing of animals, hunting done gion plays an important role in the life
for mere entertainment, the use of of common people. In such a situa- NOTES
animals in the circus, Jalikattu or the tion, diversity also encourages conflict
orthodox Bakrid are symbols of hu- somewhere.
man atrocities on innocent animals. • The basic principle of any religion
is peace, not violence. But due to the
Causes of the Crisis:- wrong interpretation by the religious
• Prolonged colonial rule is responsi- leaders and others, the public has be-
ble for communalism, and caste prob- come more violent. This is the root
lems in India, which has weakened the cause of communalism.
elements of Indian culture. • When cultural import and export
• Power is not only for political started due to capitalism and global-
positions but also for economic and ization, at that time concepts like nu-
social values. For example, till some clear family, alcoholism, harm to natu-
time ago, the upper castes were domi- ral elements, and economic inequality
nant in the norms of society, but grad- were born.
ually the other backward classes and • India has completed more than
scheduled caste people are continu- 70 years of democracy but it’s still a
ously developing and trying to make young democracy. Due to this neither
an impact on the society, in such a the feudal powers have been com-
situation the struggle between these pletely defeated nor the democrat-
two classes is inevitable. The same ic dimensions like equality, justice,
situation prevails on the issue of rights, and freedom have got a lot of
women’s empowerment. strength. Due to which tension has
• Vote bank politics in a democra arisen in the Indian society, this con-

14 May 2022/Issue-01

1 Some YouTube channels blocked under

IT Rules, 2021
Recently, Utilizing the emergency The content published by some of YouTube channels based in Pakistan
powers under the IT Rules, 2021. the India based YouTube channels were found to have been used in
The Ministry of Information & Broad- referred to a community as terrorists, a coordinated manner to post fake
casting issued directions for block- and incited hatred among the mem- news about India on various subjects
ing of sixteen (16) YouTube based bers of various religious communi- such as the Indian Army, Jammu and
news channels and one (1) Facebook ties. Such content was found to have Kashmir, and India’s foreign relations
account. the potential to create communal in the light of situation in Ukraine,
The blocked social media accounts disharmony, and disturb public order. etc. The content of these channels
include six Pakistan based and ten Multiple Indian YouTube channels was observed to be completely false
India based YouTube news channels, were observed to publish unverified and sensitive from the perspective of
having a cumulative viewership of news and videos having the poten- national security, sovereignty and
over 68 crore. It was observed that tial to create panic among various integrity of India and India’s friendly
these channels were used to spread sections of the society. Examples relations with foreign States.
fake news over social media on mat- include false claims related to an- On 23rd April 2022, the Ministry had
ters related to national security, India’s nouncement of a pan-India lockdown also advised private TV news channels
foreign relations, communal harmony due to COVID-19 thereby threatening against making false claims and using
in the country, and public order. None the migrant workers, and fabricated scandalous headlines. Government of
of the digital news publishers had claims alleging threats to certain reli- India remains committed to ensure a
furnished information to the Ministry gious communities. Such content was safe and secure information environ-
as required under rule 18 of the IT observed to be detrimental to public ment in India across print, television
Rules, 2021. order in the country. and online media.

2 Mission Antyodaya
Why in News? is done to assess the various devel- 2019-20 for the first time collected
Recently some shortcomings have opment gaps at the gram panchayat data which highlighted infrastructur-
been found in the implementation level, by collecting data regarding the al gaps in 2.67 lakh gram panchayats,
of Mission Antyodaya by the Govern- 29 subjects assigned to panchayats by comprising 6.48 lakh villages with a
ment of India. the Eleventh Schedule of the Consti- 1.03 billion population.
tution. The maximum score value assigned
What is Mission Antyodaya? The idea of the Ministry of Pancha- was 100 while no State in India falls
The main objective of ‘Mission Antyo- yati Raj is to identify the gaps in basic in the top score bracket of 90 to 100.
daya’ is to ensure optimum use of re- needs at the local level and integrate 1,484-gram panchayats fall in the bot-
sources through the convergence of resources of various schemes, self- tom bracket.
various schemes that address multiple help groups, and voluntary organisa- Even in the score range of 80 to 90, 10
deprivations of poverty. tions for financing & managing these States and all Union Territories do not
Gram panchayat is made the hub of needs. appear. The total number of gram pan-
the development plan under this mis- chayats for all the 18 States that have
sion.This planning process is inspired Issues regarding Mission reported adds up only to 260, consti-
by the people’s plan of Kerala. Antytodaya- tuting only 0.10% of the total 2,67,466
Under this mission, an annual survey The Mission Antyodaya survey of gram panchayats in the country.

15 May 2022/Issue-01

Kerala tops the ranking but accounts 20.5% in the range, followed by Ker- Livelihood Mission, National Social As-
for only 34.69% of gram panchayats of ala (19.77%) and Karnataka (17.68%). sistance Programme, Pradhan Mantri
the State; the corresponding all-India The gap report and the composite in- Awas Yojana, etc.).
average is as low as 1.09%. Even for dex show in unmistakable terms that Another lapse is the failure to deploy
Gujarat which comes next to Kerala building economic development and the data to fulfil India’s goal of fiscal
gram panchayats in this bracket are social justice remains a distant goal. federalism. The constitutional goal of
only 11.28%. planning and implementing economic
The composite index data are also not Way Forward- development and social justice can be
encouraging although only 15-gram The scope to reduce the growing ru- achieved only through strong policy.
panchayats in the country fall in the ral-urban disparities is tremendous The Indian Constitution mandates
bottom range below 10 scores. & also the possibilities of realising local governments to prepare and
All the gram panchayats in Kerala are universal primary health care, litera- implement plans for economic de-
above this and stand out in contrast cy, and drinking water supply are im- velopment and social justice through
to the rest of the States. While in the mense. But there is no serious effort Articles 243G and 243W, these goals
country as a whole only 7.37% have a to converge resources (the Mahatma can be realised through effective im-
composite index in the 70-100 brack- Gandhi National Rural Employment plementation of Mission Antyodaya.
et, Gujarat which tops the list has Guarantee Act, the National Rural


1 Nepal foreign exchange currency reserves

Context- overseas workers and foreign aid. in the inflow of remittance in recent
Nepal is running low on foreign cur- Over the same period, the amount of times. The rising prices for oil in the
rency reserves needed to import med- money sent to Nepal by people work- international market due to the Rus-
icines, oil products, cars and a range of ing abroad fell by almost 5%. sia-Ukraine war have exerted extra
other items, and will run out in seven Government debt in Nepal has ris- pressure on the foreign currency re-
months if things don’t improve. en to more than 43% of its gross do- serves of the country.
The central bank has increased in- mestic product, as officials increased Role of the energy sector in the cur-
terest rates, hoping it will discourage spending to help cushion the econom- rent economic situation of Nepal-
people from buying imports and help ic impact of pandemic. Nepal has seen • Nepal’s main supplier of energy is
extend the foreign reserves. a decline in forex reserves due to the the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC).
Reasons behind low foreign ex- surging imports, declining inflows of • Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) pays
change reserves- remittance and meagre earnings from IOC in two installments every
Nepal has restricted imports of tourism and exports. month, on the 8th and the 23rd.
non-essential goods – including cars, Normally, hundreds of thousands of • The NOC has been in crisis for
cosmetics and gold after its foreign foreign tourists visit Nepal every year. months as high global prices de-
currency reserves dropped. Nepal Ra- However, the number declined sharp- teriorated the company’s savings,
stra Bank, foreign currency reserves ly due to restrictions imposed during making it approach the govern-
fell by more than 16% to 1.17tn Nepali the coronavirus pandemic. ment for a lifeline.
rupees ($9.59bn; £7.36bn) in the sev- The dwindling foreign currency re- The baffling situation for Nepal-
en months to the middle of February. serve is partly because of the consid- • In order to increase foreign ex-
Nepal’s main sources of foreign cur- erable decline in foreign tourists due change reserves, the country has
rency are tourism, remittances from to the pandemic and the decrease to control imports of products

16 May 2022/Issue-01
• which yield them highest amount revenue is Luxury items. country.
of tax revenue. • If revenue decreases, an econom-
• The country’s major source of ic crisis could be in a way for the

UK court issues order to extradite Assange

2 to US
Context- court rejected a US extradition re- also involves the physical transfer
A U.K. court on Wednesday issued a quest on the grounds that Assange of custody of the person being ex-
formal order to extradite WikiLeaks was likely to kill himself under harsh tradited to the legal authority of
founder Julian Assange to the U.S. to US prison conditions. the requesting jurisdiction.
face trial over the publication of secret But the US government appealed, pro- • The process by which one state,
files relating to the Iraq and Afghani- viding assurances that the WikiLeaks upon the request of another, ef-
stan wars. founder would receive appropriate fects the return of a person for
Assange was last month denied per- care and would not be kept in solitary trial for a crime punishable by the
mission to appeal to the UK Supreme confinement. In December, the High laws of the requesting state and
Court against moves to extradite him Court sided with the US, finding that committed outside the state of
to the US, where he could face a life- promises from American authorities refuge. Extraditable persons in-
time in prison. were sufficient to ensure Assange clude those charged with a crime
would be treated humanely. but not yet tried, those tried and
Background of the news- convicted who have escaped cus-
Julian Assange is wanted to face trial US Espionage Act – tody, and those convicted in ab-
for violating the US Espionage Act by The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited sentia.
publishing military and diplomatic files obtaining information, recording pic-
in 2010. tures, or copying descriptions of any India’s Extradition Law-
He could face up to 175 years in jail if information relating to the national • In India, the extradition of a fugi-
found guilty, although the exact sen- defense with intent or reason to be- tive from India to a foreign coun-
tence is difficult to estimate. lieve that the information may be used try or vice versa is covered by the
He has been held on remand at a for the injury of the United States or to provisions of the Extradition Act,
top-security jail in southeast London the advantage of any foreign nation. 1962 which forms the extant leg-
since 2019 for jumping bail in a pre- The act also created criminal penalties islative basis for this area of law.
vious case accusing him of sexual as- for anyone obstructing enlistment in • The act lays down the first princi-
sault in Sweden. the armed forces or causing insubor- ples of extradition law. The obli-
That case was dropped but he was dination or disloyalty in military or na- gation to extradite springs out of
not released from prison after serving val forces. treaties/arrangements/conven-
time for breaching bail on the grounds tions entered into by India with
he was a flight risk in the US extradi- What is Extradition? other countries.
tion case. • Extradition is an action wherein • Under Section 3 of the Extradition
The US has asked British authorities one jurisdiction delivers a person Act, a notification can be issued by
to extradite Assange so he can stand accused or convicted of commit- the Government of India extend-
trial over a trove of secret diplomatic ting a crime in another jurisdic- ing the provisions of the Act to
cables and military files that WikiLeaks tion, over to the other’s law en- the countries notified. Therefore,
published online in 2010. He faces 17 forcement. It is a cooperative law for a comprehensive understand-
charges of espionage and one charge enforcement procedure between ing of the law of Extradition, one
of computer misuse. the two jurisdictions and depends has to read the Extradition Act in
on the arrangements made be- conjunction with specific treaties.
What has happened so far? tween them. In addition to legal
In January last year, a British district aspects of the process, extradition

17 May 2022/Issue-01


1 Green Agriculture Project

Why in News habitats and over-exploitation. agencies including United Nations

Green Agriculture Project is being Run ● The agriculture sector is the major agencies, multilateral development
in Desert National Park, Rajasthan. land and water user in India. Remov- banks, national entities and interna-
Under this project, the Develop Grass- ing or burning of crop residue, re- tional NGOs.
lands Action Plan for each village is duced manuring, intensive cropping, ● It is a financial mechanism for 5
being prepared with the involvement imbalanced and excessive application major international environmental
of the local rural community. There is of fertilisers and pesticides are result- conventions.
a strong focus on making the project ing in a decline in soil fertility in many 1. The Minamata Convention on
result-oriented. areas. Extensive irrigation schemes Mercury
are resulting in declining quality and 2. The Stockholm Convention on
Basics quantity of both ground and surface Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
● The Government of India has water resources. 3. The United Nations Convention on
launched this project in collaboration ● The expansion and intensification Biological Diversity (UNCBD)
with the Food and Agriculture Organi- of agriculture are creating pressure on 4. The United Nations Convention to
sation (FAO). natural ecosystems and wild species. Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
● It is being assisted by the Global ● The agriculture practices inside 5. The United Nations Framework
Environment Facility (GEF). and outside protected areas are also a Convention on Climate Change
● Ministries involved are the Min- threat to protected areas and connec- (UNFCCC).
istry of Agriculture and Farmers’ tivity between them.
Welfare and the Ministry of Environ- ● Agriculture is the third-largest Desert National Park
ment, Forest and Climate change source of greenhouse gas emissions. ● It is located in North-Western In-
(MOEFCC). The main greenhouse gases emitted dia in the Thar Desert.
● It is a seven-year-long project that by the agricultural sector are Methane ● The Aravali hills mark the east-
started in 2018. and Nitrous oxide. ernmost boundary limit of this desert
● It is being run in high-conserva- Food and Agriculture Organisation while the Western limit is defined by
tion-value landscapes of 5 states (FAO) the plains of Indus.
1. Madhya Pradesh- Chambal land- ● It is a specialised agency of the ● The Great Rann of Kuchh forms
scape United Nations that leads internation- a boundary in the south while its
2. Mizoram- Dampa landscape al efforts to defeat hunger. northern limits are formed by the Sub-
3. Odisha- Similipal landscape ● It is headquartered in Rome. Himalayan plains.
4. Rajasthan- Desert National Park ● It is composed of 195 members ● The vegetation of a major part of
landscape including 194 countries and the Euro- the arid region of Desert National Park
5. Uttarakhand- Corbett-Rajaji land- pean Union. falls under thorn forest type.
scape ● It is an important site for the long
● The project seeks to mainstream Global environment facility (GEF) term survival of Globally Threatened
biodiversity, climate change and sus- ● It was established on the eve of the Great Indian Bustard and other en-
tainable land management. 1992 Rio Earth Summit. demic fauna and flora.
● Through its strategic investment,
Negative impacts of the agriculture the GEF works with partners to tack-
sector on the environment in India le the planet’s biggest environmental
● There is an increasing loss of agro- issues.
biodiversity in India due to the loss of ● It is a unique partnership of 18

18 May 2022/Issue-01
2 Cherry Blossom

Recently a new species of Sakura, also huana because in 2016 Dr. Sahu had soms in autumn.
known as Cherry Blossom, has been planned to organize India’s first cherry Its fruits are edible, but during the
discovered in India. This new species blossom festival in Shillong. Dr. Sahu blossom season these trees are filled
has been found in the Indian state of was the first Indian student to visit with light pink and white flowers.
Manipur. Cherry Blossom or Sakura is Antarctica.
the national flower of Japan. In countries like Japan, cherry blos- The Cherry Blossom Festival, known
With the discovery of its new species soms appear in the spring. The sci- in Japan as the Sakura Festival, is held
in Manipur, India has become the 28th entific name of the Japanese cherry every year in April. Australia, Korea,
country to be included in the Sakura blossom tree is ‘Prunus yedoensis’, China, America and some other coun-
Map. This means that this flower is which is commonly known as ‘Somei tries celebrate the festival which helps
found in 28 countries including India. Yoshima’. in creating a positive impact on the
This new species of cherry blossom local economy. Alone Washington-DC
discovered in Manipur has been The scientific name of Cherry Blossom through the Cherry Blossom Festival
named after Professor Dr Dinabandhu is Prunus cerasoides in North-East In- earns about $126 million each year
Sahoo, a botanist, University of Delhi. dia mainly in Shillong. It is also known from tourists.
Its scientific name is Prunus Dinaband- as Wild Himalayan Cherry and blos-


1 Electric Scooters
Electric vehicles have emerged as cli- ditions are extremely severe now- • The another allied concern with EVs
mate-sensitive and eco-friendly op- adays, which can be the prominent is their expensive prices which makes
tions to replace the major cause of reason why the electric scooters are them unaffordable for many house-
urban air pollution. That is traditional catching fire. holds.
or fossil-fuel-based transport vehicles. As extreme temperature makes the • It would have adverse effects on
But this option has been proved fatal batteries overheat which leads to fire free demands of fossil fuel (Petrol/die-
to many families who opted for this incidents. sel) based vehicles as people would
eco-friendly option. Many cases of prefer these vehicles over EVS which
electric vehicles catching fires have Concerns for future would again make the city pollution
been reported in the last two heated The viability of ecosystem friend- (urban Air pollution) severe.
March-April months. These vehicles ly replacements like EVs, and other
were manufactured by Old Electric, Lithium-ion battery installed electric Response of Companies
Okinawa, Pure EV and Jitendra EV. products like mobile phones, laptops, Many electric companies like Pure
and solar power backup storage, have EV, Okinawa, Jitendra EV and Boom
Possible Reasons: come into the scope of doubt. motors have initiated a recall of many
The involved manufacturing compa- • The fire incident of EVs and the scooter batches.
nies have said they are investigating number of people who died would de- • They also said the battery pack al-
the possible reason behind the fires. crease the confidence of customers in ready complies with and it tested for AIS
But it is anticipated that weather con- electric scooter safety mechanisms. (Automotive Industry Standard)156.

19 May 2022/Issue-01

• AIS 156 is the latest proposed stan- highways has ordered an investigation ously as the temperature of the envi-
dard for India. into these fire incidents by the Centre ronment is bound to increase dive to
• This standard prescribes the safe- for Fire Explosive and Environment global warning.
ty requirements with respect to the Safety and also Mr Nitin Gadkari’s And if future EVs would not be resil-
electric power train of motor vehicles Stringent statement against ‘elec- ient to extreme weather then the ob-
and the Rechargeable Electric Energy tric manufacturers’ companies to be jectives of EV adoption would become
Storage System (REESS) of category L bound to face consequences if found fatal and problems of urban air pollu-
vehicles (L-category-2W, 3W and quad “negligent in their process”. tion and GHG emission may become
cycles) more severe.
Way forward
Government Response The matter of fires among electric
The Ministry of Road Transport and scooters has to be dealt with seri-

2 India’s Green Hydrogen Report

Why in News? iron and steel, aluminium, copper etc. green steel and green cement need
Recently, India’s Green Hydrogen Poli- It is a huge prospect to produce fuels to be incentivised by government pol-
cy was released. It has addressed sev- such as methanol, synthetic kerosene icies.
eral critical challenges such as open and green ammonia. 3) Blending hydrogen with natural
access, waiver of inter-state transmis- Hydrogen fulfils the three Es of India’s gas can act as a big booster shot which
sion charges, banking, time-bound energy road map — Energy securi- can be facilitated by framing blending
clearances and is expected to further ty, Energy sustainability and Energy mandates and regulations and pro-
boost India’s energy transition. access. moting H-CNG stations.
4) Further, to promote FCEVs, hydro-
Relevance of Hydrogen as a fuel for Challenges in adopting Hydrogen as gen fuel stations may be planned on
India- a fuel- dedicated corridors where long-dis-
India’s per capita energy consumption India’s hydrogen consumption was tance trucking is widespread.
is about one-third of the global aver- around 7 Mt in 2020 and The Energy 5) The concept of carbon tariffs
age and one-twelfth of the U.S. and Resources Institute (TERI) has an- needs to be introduced on the lines of
The volatility in prices as seen during ticipated it to increase to about 28 Mt European countries.
the Russia-Ukraine crisis could pose a in 2050. Hence would require suitable
serious threat to our energy security. production capacity. On the supply side, a five-step strate-
Hydrogen is touted as India’s gateway Apart from the ever-increasing elec- gy should be devised-
to energy independence. tricity demand, the high cost of hydro- 1) Investment in Research & De-
Hydrogen has a multifaceted role be gen manufacturing and water scarcity velopment should be accelerated to
it energy storage, long-haul transport, could also pose a challenge. bring its cost at par with fossil fuels.
or decarbonisation of the industrial Production of 1 kg of hydrogen by 2) Sustainable Alternative towards
sector. electrolysis requires around nine litres the Affordable Transportation (SATAT)
It will complement and accelerate of water. scheme with a target to produce 15
renewables into India’s clean energy MMT of compressed biogas could be
transition, thereby supporting India’s Five-step strategy leveraged by exploring biogas conver-
ambitious plan to achieve 500 GW of On the demand side, a five-step strat- sion into hydrogen.
renewable energy capacity by 2030. egy should be devised. 3) To commercialise and scale-up
Hydrogen has a major role to play in 1) To create an initial demand, ma- nascent technologies, a Viability Gap
the decarbonisation of India’s trans- ture industries such as refining and Funding (VGF) & Priority Sector Lend-
port sector. fertilisers should be incentivised. ing (PSL) schemes can be introduced
In the industrial segment, hydrogen 2) Industries manufacturing low emis- for hydrogen-based projects.
can also de-carbonise sectors such as sion hydrogen-based products like 4) The thrust should be on reducing

20 May 2022/Issue-01
the cost of electrolysers by imple- trajectory from an energy importer to chamrit (five goals), with an ambitious
menting the Production Linked Incen- a dominant exporter over the next few target to achieve Net Zero by 2070.
tive (PLI) scheme. decades. India could export to project- Hydrogen will certainly play a deci-
ed future import centres like Japan & sive role in India’s Net Zero ambition
Way Forward- South Korea. and in making India ‘Aatma Nirbhar in
Hydrogen could completely transform In COP 26, Prime Minister Narendra energy’.
India’s energy ecosystem by shifting its Modi had given a clarion call of pan-


Why in News? vaccination campaigns where hun- There are concerns about the effica-
A ‘warm’ vaccine is being developed dreds of thousands of vaccine doses cy of warm vaccines in comparison to
by the Bengaluru-based Mynvax labo- need to be transported to several vac- normal or cold vaccines.
ratories, a company incubated at the cination points within a short period
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Less Pressure on Healthcare Workers Way Forward-
(IISc). & Infrastructure- The development of warm vaccines
India’s cold storage capacity is one can prove to be a game-changer for
What are Warm Vaccines? of the world’s largest but it primarily developing countries like India as
A warm vaccine is a heat-tolerant vac- keeps fresh food, medicinal products, these vaccines can be utilized for oth-
cine which can maintain its efficacy flowers, chemicals & vaccines for in- er diseases as well. In a country like In-
even at room temperature & does not fants only. dia having a warm temperate climate
require cold storage facilities. Much of the capacity for keeping vac- in most of the regions, having a large
cines does not meet international hy- rural population & land area, concerns
About Mynvax Vaccine- giene standards. regarding accessibility & efficacy are
The warm vaccine being developed by It could prove to be a boon for the mil- huge. The warm vaccines can act as a
the Bengaluru-based Mynvax labora- lions of frontline and healthcare work- panacea for such problems in India.
tories for Covid 19 named Mynvax is ers involved in all parts of the vaccine
unique among existing vaccines as it drive. NOTES
can be stored at 37 degrees Celsius for
four weeks and at 100 degrees Celsius Prolonged Efficacy
for up to 90 minutes. Vaccines can readily lose their effi-
In a report by BioSpectrum, data cacy when exposed to higher tem-
shows that all formulations of Mynvax peratures, which is why they must be
result in antibodies capable of consis- safeguarded from accidental freezing
tent and effective neutralisation of the during transport as well as interrup-
Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta SARS- tions in the cold chain caused by ex-
CoV-2 variants of concern. cessive heat.

Benefits of Warm Vaccines- Issues Regarding Warm vaccines-

Increased Distribution:- Developing thermos table vaccines is
With India’s high temperatures, far- not a priority or a core requirement
flung remote areas and limited capa- for high-income countries due to their
bilities in such rural areas a vaccine high income & well-developed infra-
that is tolerant of warm temperatures structure, as a result, the developing
could help increase access of the jabs & underdeveloped countries that have
to the public. the real requirement for such vaccines
It can be particularly helpful for mass would be left behind.

21 May 2022/Issue-01


1 Cardless Cash Withdrawals at ATM

Why in News? teroperability in cardless withdrawals Future of Debit Cards

RBI recently has announced cardless will enable users to take cash from any • Issuing cards will not be stopped,
cash withdrawals at ATMs across the all banks’ ATM. as they have several other utilities be-
country. These withdrawals are to be 3. Invite more Players into the Pay- yond cash withdrawals.
authenticated via UPI. ment ecosystem • They can be used at a restaurant,
• RBI’s move will invite more players shop, or for payments in a foreign
How will this system work? into the payment ecosystem in India country.
• Cardless cash withdrawals are to to innovate and solve further prob- • Debit card is a much evolved fi-
be authenticated via UPI. lems of customers. nancial product and has already
• ATMs are expected to show an op- gone through a lot of iterations to its
tion for withdrawing cash using UPI. Limitations and Challenges of Card- perfection.
• Once an user selects this option, Less Cash Withdrawal Feature • In its further evolution, we are see-
they can input the amount to be with- 1. Transaction limit ing new use cases for debit cards like
drawn. • This feature has certain withdrawal having standing instructions or EMI
• A QR code will be generated on the limits, and the transaction is charged. payments.
ATM. Users will then need to scan that • HDFC Bank customers are allowed
code via their UPI app, and enter pass- to withdraw up to ₹10,000 per day and Conclusion
word to withdraw cash from the ATM. ₹25,000 per month using the cardless • There is still a lot of time for UPI to
• Until now, only fund transfers be- cash method. And these withdraw- come to the level of sophistication of
tween accounts were enabled via UPI. als also have a service fee of ₹25 per a debit card.
With this option, consumers can take transaction. • Moreover, the debit card will con-
cash out from ATMs without a card. • At the moment, it is not clear tinue to serve some segments of the
whether UPI-based cash withdrawals economy which are not comfortable
Benefits of cardless cash withdrawls will have the same restrictions and with pure digital payment solutions
at ATMs service fee. like UPI or who want to have higher
1. Enhance security 2. Scalability transaction limits.
• According to the RBI Governor, card- • Scalability of this feature might be
less cash withdrawals will enhance se- a challenge as it has to be seen how
curity of cash withdrawal transactions. many banks quickly roll it out to their
Besides, it would help prevent frauds customers.
like card skimming and card cloning. 3. Now Mobiles can become Target
2. Enable users to take cash from all • In cardless withdrawal, the securi-
banks’s ATM ty vulnerability of a card is minimised,
• Currently, only existing customers but the risk will soon transfer to a mo-
of a few banks are allowed to with- bile-enabled feature.
draw cash without cards, and from • The mobile can now become epi-
specific bank’s ATM networks. centre of transactions, making it the
• However, RBI’s move to allow in- next target for the fraudsters.

22 May 2022/Issue-01
2 IMF Cuts India’s Growth Forecast to
Why in News has contributed to economic frag- aim is to help them rebuild their in-
According to the World Economic mentation as a significant number of ternational reserves, stabilise their
Outlook April report, India’s economy countries sever commercial ties with currencies, continue paying for
is estimated to grow by 8.2% in the Russia and risk derailing the post-pan- imports, and restore conditions
current fiscal year (2022-23), sharply demic recovery. It also threatens the for strong economic growth while
slower than the International Mon- rules-based frameworks that have correcting underlying problems.
etary Fund’s (IMF) earlier forecast of facilitated greater global economic ● Headquarter- Washington D.C.
9%. Global growth is projected to slow integration and helped lift millions out ● Reports Published-
from an estimated 6.1 per cent in 2021 of poverty. In addition, the conflict 1. World Economic Outlook
to 3.6 per cent in 2022 and 2023. adds to the economic strains wrought 2. Global Financial Stability Report
by the pandemic. 3. Fiscal Monitor
Highlights of the report
● India will retain its tag as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) NOTES
fastest growing major global econo- ● The IMF was established in 1944 in
my. Although India’s growth is slowing the aftermath of the Great Depression
as the impact of Russia’s invasion of of the 1930s. 44 founding member
Ukraine weighs heavily on prices and countries sought to build a framework
disruption of supply chains. Addition- for international economic coopera-
ally, Net Oil Importers such as India tion. Today, its membership embraces
face weaker domestic demand and 190 countries, with staff drawn from
lower net exports as higher oil prices 150 nations.
are expected to weigh on private con- ● At the top of its organisational
sumption and investment. structure is the Board of Governors.
● Economic damage from the The day-to-day work of the IMF is
Ukraine-Russia conflict will contrib- overseen by its 24-member Executive
ute to a significant slowdown in global Board, which represents the entire
growth in 2022. A severe double-digit membership and is supported by IMF
drop in GDP for Ukraine and a large staff. The Managing Director is the
contraction in Russia are more than head of the IMF staff and Chair of the
likely along with worldwide spillovers Executive Board. She/he is assisted by
through commodity markets, trade, four Deputy Managing Directors.
and financial channels. Even as the ● The IMF’s resources mainly come
war reduces growth, it will add to from the money that countries pay
inflation. Elevated inflation will com- as their capital subscription (quotas)
plicate the trade-offs central banks when they become members. Each
face between containing price member of the IMF is assigned a quo-
pressures and safeguarding growth. ta, based broadly on its relative posi-
Interest rates are expected to rise as tion in the world economy. Countries
central banks tighten policy, exerting can then borrow from this pool when
pressure on emerging markets and they fall into financial difficulty.
developing economies. Moreover, ● The IMF provides loans—including
many countries have limited fiscal pol- emergency loans to member coun-
icy space to cushion the impact of the tries experiencing actual or potential
war on their economies. The invasion balance of payments problems. The

23 May 2022/Issue-01


1- World Happiness Report 2022 released

The 10th edition of the World Happiness Report has been released by the UN
Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Like the last 5 years, Finland has
topped the list this year as well. It is followed by Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland
and the Netherlands respectively. In 2022, India ranked 136 out of 146 countries.
According to the UN World Happiness Report 2021, India was ranked 139th out
of 149 countries. This year’s list ranked Afghanistan as the most unhappy na-
tion, followed by Lebanon, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Botswana, respectively. The
World Happiness Report ranks countries on the basis of several factors such as
real GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy etc.
Rank Country
1 Finland
2 Denmark
3 Iceland
4 Switzerland
5 Netherlands
136 India

2- Joint military exercise Lamitiye 2022 concluded

A joint military exercise between the army of India and Seychelles, Lamitiye was
conducted from 22nd to 31st March at the Seychelles Defense Academy (SDA). Its
main objective is to share experiences gained during various operations against
hostile forces in semi-urban environment. Soldiers of 2/3 Gorkha Rifles Group
participated in the exercise from the Indian side. The aim of this exercise is to
strengthen the bilateral military ties between the two countries. The word Lamiti-
ye means friendship. India and Seychelles have been conducting military exercises
of Lamitiye biennially since 2001. The first such event was held in Seychelles in

3- Kerala to introduce carbon-neutral farming practices at select locations

Kerala will become the first state in India to introduce carbon-neutral farming
practices at select locations. For this purpose, the Government of Kerala has made
a provision of Rs.6 crore in the budget for 2022-23. In the first phase carbon-neu-
tral farming will be implemented in 13 farms, while in the second phase model
carbon-neutral farms will be set up in all 140 assembly constituencies. Steps are
being taken to convert the state seed farm at Aluva into a carbon neutral farm.

24 May 2022/Issue-01
4- China develop a laser weapon to destroy space satellites
Chinese researchers have developed a microwave machine called the “Relativistic
Klystron Amplifier (RKA)” that is capable of jamming or destroying space satellites.
The RKA has the capability to generate 5-MW wave bursts in the KA-band. The KA-
band is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be used for both civilian
and military purposes. The RKA can engage targets from the ground but can be
used by satellites. However, China has denied that the RKA is a directed energy
weapon (DEW). Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) use concentrated electromag-
netic energy rather than kinetic energy to damage or destroy enemy equipment
or personnel.

5- Neeraj Chopra honored with Sportsman of the Year

Recently Sportstar Aces Awards 2022 has been announced. Athlete and Olympic
medalist Neeraj Chopra was awarded the Sportsman of the Year (Track and Field).
He was also awarded the Sportstar of the Year (Male) award. Weightlifter Mi-
rabai Chanu was given the ‘Sportstar of the Year (Female)’ award. Boxer Lovlina
Borgohain was awarded the “Sports Woman of the Year” in the individual sports
category, Savita was awarded the “Sports Woman of the Year” in the team sports
category and Avni Lekhara was awarded the “Parathlete of the Year” award in the
women’s category. At the same time, the women’s hockey team has been select-
ed for the ‘Breakthrough Performance of the Year’ award.

6- Nagaland Assembly Successfully Implements National e-Vidhan

The Nagaland Legislative Assembly has recently fully implemented the National
e-Vidhan Project. The Nagaland Legislative Assembly is now the first state assem-
bly to become completely paperless. With the implementation of the project,
members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly will now use electronic devices
to participate in the proceedings of the House. The National e-Vidhan Application
(NEVA) will help the Speaker of the House in the conduct of legislative business. It
has been deployed on NIC Cloud Meghraj.
National e-Vidhan Application (NEVA) Program :-
The main objective of the Neva program developed on the theme of ‘One Na-
tion-One Application’ is to bring all the state legislatures of India on a single plat-
form. The funding for the implementation of this program is divided by the Central
and State Governments in the ratio of 90:10.

25 May 2022/Issue-01

7- Lakshya Sen finished runner-up in All England Championship
Indian badminton player Lakshya Sen lost to world number one Viktor Axelsen
of Denmark in the final of the All England Championship. Viktor Axelsen defeat-
ed Lakshya Sen 21-10, 21-15 in the men’s singles final of the All England Open
Badminton Championships in Birmingham. He is the 5th Indian player to reach
the final of the All England Championship. Prakash Nath first reached the final of
this prestigious championship in 1947. This was followed by Prakash Padukone in
1980 and then Pullela Gopichand in 2001. After this Sania Nehwal reached the
final in 2015. Lakshya Sen recently became the first Indian to win a silver medal at
the Badminton World Federation Superseries 300 German Open 2022.

8- Tamil musical instrument Narasimhapettai Nagaswaram given GI tag

Narasimhapettai Nagaswaram, a traditional wind instrument of Tamil Nadu, has
been accorded GI tag. This instrument is made by rural artisans of Kumbakonam.
The application for grant of GE tag to Narasimhapettai Nagaswaram was made
in January 2014. Based on which the registration certificate has been issued by
the GI Registry. Nagaswaram used by artists is also known as Pari Nageshwaram.
The main part of Narasimhapettai Nagaswaram is made from the traditional wood
“Acha” or Hardwickia binata. Hardwickia binata is a tree also known as Indian black
wood. The special thing about the yantra is that wood from some parts of old
houses is used to make it. The yantra is cylindrical and measures two and a half
feet in length.

9- World air quality report released

Recently Swiss based air quality technology company IQAir released its latest
World Air Quality Report. According to the report, New Delhi was the most pol-
luted capital city in the world for the fourth year in a row. While Dhaka was the
second most polluted capital city in the world with PM 2.5 level of 78.1. The report
says that India’s air pollution will worsen in 2021. Its average air pollution level of
PM 2.5 was at 58.1 micrograms per cubic metre. Globally, Delhi was ranked fourth
in terms of air pollution. The most polluted place in the world is Bhiwadi in Rajas-
than while Ghaziabad of Uttar Pradesh is in second place. An analysis of the data
reveals that ten of the top 15 most polluted cities in the world are in India. While
63 out of the 100 most polluted cities are Indian cities. The report claimed that
except Chennai, all six metro cities recorded an increase in air pollution (PM 2.5)
levels last year. Bangladesh was the most polluted country in the world in 2021
with an average PM2.5 level of 76.9 micrograms per cubic metre. Bangladesh was
the most polluted country in the world in 2018, 2019 and 2020. At the same time,
Chad, Pakistan, Tajikistan and India are also included in the world’s five most pol-
luted countries. According to the report, no country managed to meet the WHO’s
air quality standard (PM 2.5 level of 5 micrograms per cubic meter) in 2021.

26 May 2022/Issue-01
10- Rating agency Fitch slashes India’s growth forecast for the next
financial year
Rating agency Fitch has slashed India’s growth forecast for the next financial year.
In its latest estimate, Fitch has said that the Indian economy will grow at 8.5% in
the financial year 2022-2023. It had earlier projected a growth of 10.3% for the
Indian economy by Fitch in the fiscal year 2022-2023. Rating agency Fitch said high
energy prices (due to the Russia-Ukraine war) and rising inflation have posed chal-
lenges to the Indian economy. At the same time, Fitch has revised its GDP growth
forecast by 0.6% to 8.7% for the current fiscal. Fitch has also lowered its estimate
of world GDP by 0.7% to 3.5%. Last week, the global rating agency Moody’s also
reduced India’s growth forecast for the 2022 calendar year from 9.5% to 9.1%.

11- Indian Constitution translated into Ol Chiki script

Professor Sripati Tudu has translated the Constitution of India into the Ol Chiki
script for the first time. Ol Chiki script is also known as Ol Siki, Ol and Santali al-
phabet. Sripati Tudu is an assistant professor of Santhali language at Sidho-Kan-
ho-Birsha University in Purulia, West Bengal. He started this initiative to make the
constitution more accessible to the people who know the Santhali language. Ac-
cording to the 2011 Census of India, about 70 lakh people speak Santhali across
India. Santhal tribe is the third largest tribe of India and they mainly live in Bengal,
Jharkhand, Odisha, Assam etc. Santhali was added to the Eighth Schedule of the
Constitution of India in 2003 through the 92nd Constitutional Amendment Act.
Taurian Publications, a Kolkata-based publisher, has published a translation of the
Constitution in the Ol Chiki script.

12- Deepika Padukone to be part of Cannes Film Festival jury

• Indian actress Deepika Padukone will be part of the 2022 Cannes Film Festival
• The jury consists of five men and four women.
• French actor Vincent Lindon will lead the jury at the 75th edition of the
Cannes Film Festival.
• The jury will announce this year’s winners on May 28.
• About Cannes Film Festival :-
It was established on 20 September 1946.
o It is an annual film festival held every year in Cannes, France.
o It showcases new films of all genres including documentaries from around the

27 May 2022/Issue-01

Current Affairs at a Glance
• Pankaj Advani has won the title of 19th Asian Billiards Championship 2022. This is his eighth Asian billiards title.
This year the Asian Billiards Championship was held in Doha, Qatar.

• Mukesh Ambani has been named the richest person in India and Asia in the Hurun Global Rich List of 2022, while
he has been ranked in the top 10 in the Global Rich List. Indian businessman Gautam Adani has got 12th place
in this list.

• Kuwait recently recorded a temperature of 53.2 °C (127.7 °F), making it one of the hottest places in the world.

• Serdar Berdimuhamedon has been elected President of Turkmenistan. He will replace his father Gurbanguly

• Indian economist Jayati Ghosh became a member of the 12-member High Level Advisory Board of the United
Nations on Multilateralism. She is also a member of the United Nations High Level Advisory Board on Economic
and Social Affairs.

• Ministry of Civil Aviation organized ‘Wings India 2022’ from 24 to 27 March 2022 in Hyderabad. The theme of the
event was “India@75: New Horizons for the Aviation Industry”.

• The Maldivian government honored Suresh Raina with the ‘Sports Icon’ award. He was nominated along with 16
international players including cricketer Sanath Jayasuriya, Jamaican sprinter Asafa Powell etc.

• American mathematician Dennis P. Sullivan has won the Abel Prize for 2022. Sullivan has been awarded the prize
for his contributions to topology and its algebraic, geometric and dynamical aspects. Topology is a branch of
mathematics. It deals with the properties of surfaces that do not change when they are deformed. Topologically,
a circle and a square are identical.

• Maharashtra’s Jiya Rai suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder has become the youngest and fastest female
swimmer in the world to swim across the Palk Strait. She swam from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka to Dhanuskodi in
Tamil Nadu.

• Exercise Suraksha Kavach 2 has been conducted by the Indian Army’s Agnibaaz Division between the Indian Army
and Maharashtra Police at Lullanagar, Pune.

• Army of India and Uzbekistan participated in the third edition of joint exercise ‘Dustlik’. This joint military exercise
was organized in Yangiarik.

28 May 2022/Issue-01
5. ED stepping-in
1. Why In news 4. ED’s Power Source • Whenever any offence is regis-
Enforcement Directorate (ED) carried • The PMLA was brought in to pre- tered by a local police station, which
out searches across Delhi and Gur- vent parking of money outside India has generated proceeds of crime over
gaon in connection with its money and to trace out the layering and the and above ₹1 crore, the ED steps in.
laundering probe into the alleged trail of money. • The ED can also carry out search
manipulation of the National Stock • The ED got its power to investigate (property) and seizure (money/docu-
Exchange. under Sections 48 and 49 of the Act. ments) if it suspects money has been
• In case of money being laundered laundered.
abroad, the PMLA court has the right
to send a letter of rogatory.
2. About Enforcement Directorate • The said government can then
6. Agencies administering PMLA
• Directorate of Enforcement is a share the documents and evidence
specialized financial investigation needed by the agency. • The Directorate of Enforcement in
agency under the Department of the Department of Revenue, Ministry
Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Gov- of Finance is responsible for investi-
ernment of India, which enforces the gating the cases of offence of money
following laws: - laundering under Prevention of Mon-
• Foreign Exchange Management ey Laundering Act, 2002.
Act,1999 (FEMA) - A Civil Law, with • Financial Intelligence Unit - India
officers empowered to conduct inves- (FIU-IND) under the Department of
tigations into suspected contraven- Revenue, Ministry of Finance is the
tions of the Foreign Exchange Laws central national agency responsible
and Regulations, adjudicate, contra- for receiving, processing, analyzing
ventions, and impose penalties on and disseminating information relat-
those adjudged to have contravened ing to suspect financial transactions
the law. to enforcement agencies and foreign
• Prevention of Money Laundering FIUs.
Act, 2002 (PMLA) - A Criminal Law, ENFORCEMENT
with the officers empowered to con-
duct investigations to trace assets DIRECTORATE 7. UN Conventions against
derived out of the proceeds of crime,
to provisionally attach/ confiscate the India is signatory to the following UN
same, and to arrest and prosecute Conventions, which deal with Anti
the offenders found to be involved in Money Laundering / Countering the
Money Laundering. Financing of Terrorism :
the basis of that, the authorities will • International Convention for the
decide if arrest is needed as per Sec- Suppression of the Financing of Ter-
3. Money Laundering tion 19 (power of arrest). rorism (1999);
• Illegal arms sales, smuggling, and • Under Section 50 (powers of au- • UN Convention against Transna-
other organized crime, including drug thorities regarding summons, pro- tional Organized Crime (2000);
trafficking and prostitution rings, can duction of documents and to give • UN Convention against Corruption
generate huge amounts of money. evidence etc), the ED can also directly (2003)
• The money so generated is tainted carry out search and seizure without
and is in the nature of ‘dirty money’. calling the person for questioning. 8. Roles and functions of the ED
• Money Laundering is the process • If the person is arrested, the ED
• The ED carries out search (proper-
of conversion of such proceeds of gets 60 days to file the prosecution
ty) and seizure (money/documents)
crime, the ‘dirty money’, to make it complaint (chargesheet) as the pun-
after it has decided that the money
appear as ‘legitimate’ money. ishment under PMLA doesn’t go be-
has been laundered, under Section
yond seven years.
16 (power of survey) and Section 17
(search and seizure) of the PMLA. On

29 May 2022/Issue-01
1. Why in News: 4. Response from other countries • The White House is concerned
China’s government, on April 19, • Given its close proximity to the about the potential regional securi-
said that it had signed a security Solomon Islands, Australia has ex- ty implications of the accord, estab-
deal with the Solomon Islands. The pressed concern, and is “deeply dis- lishment of a de- facto permanent
pact, signed by the two foreign appointed” and “concerned about military presence, power-projection
ministers, Wang Yi and Jeremiah the lack of transparency with which capabilities, or a military installation.
Manele, paves the way for China to this agreement has been developed,
deploy security forces in the Pacific noting its potential to undermine
island nation. stability in our region”. 5. China’s Interest in Solomon

2. About Solomon Islands • The Pacific islands are among the

few regions in the world where China
• The Solomon Islands is part of
has competition from Taiwan for dip-
the ethnically Melanesian group of
lomatic recognition.
islands in the Pacific Ocean and lies
• Any country which has to official-
between Papua New Guinea and
ly establish relations with China will
have to break diplomatic ties with
• The islands were controlled by the
British Empire.
• The Solomon Islands was one
• The islands became independent
among the six Pacific island states
in 1978 to become a constitutional
which had official bilateral relations
monarchy under the British Crown,
with Taiwan.
with a parliamentary system of gov-
• In 2019, the Solomon Islands along
with Kiribati, switched allegiance to
• Solomon Islands inability to man-
age its domestic ethnic conflicts
• The small Pacific Island states act
led to close security relations with
as potential vote banks for mobilis-
Australia. China Solomon Island ing support for the great powers in
Security pact international forums like the United
3. About security agreement Nations.
• The final agreement has not been • These Island states have dispro-
made public, though it is thought to portionately large maritime Exclusive
be along the lines of a draft that was Economic Zones (rich in minerals &
leaked. other resources) when compared to
• According to the document their small sizes.
“Solomon Islands may, according replenishment in, and have stopover • This is also the reason why these
to its own needs, request China to and transition in Solomon Islands.” ‘small island states’ are seen also
send police, armed police, military • The agreement also include, called as ‘big ocean states’.
personnel and other law enforce- a) How requests for Chinese securi- • Solomon Islands have significant
ment and armed forces to Solomon ty deployment may be sent, reserves of timber, mineral resourc-
Islands to assist in maintaining b) Confidentiality to prevent either es, along with fisheries.
social order, protecting people’s lives side from making the arrangements • They are strategically located for
and property, providing humanitari- public to a third party, and China to insert itself between Amer-
an assistance, carrying out disaster c) The duration of the agreement, ica’s military bases in the Pacific
response, or providing assistance which will run for five years and may Islands and Australia.
on other tasks agreed upon by the be extended. • This is especially significant in the
parties.” current scenario, given the emer-
• It added that “China may, ac- gence of the AUKUS to counter Chi-
cording to its own needs and with na’s dominance in the Indo-Pacific
the consent of Solomon Islands, region.
make ship visits, carry out logistical

30 May 2022/Issue-01

4. Suggestions from DSCI report • A national framework: should be
1. Why in News: • Budgetary provisions: A minimum devised in collaboration with institu-
allocation of 0.25% of the annual tions like the National Skill Develop-
The state-run Oil India Limited (OIL)
ment Corporation (NSDC) and ISEA
had been hit by a major cyberattack budget, which can be raised up to
1% has been recommended to be set (Information Security Education and
that has compromised some of the
aside for cyber security. Awareness) to provide global profes-
servers of the company. The ransom-
• Research, innovation, skill-building sional certifications in security.
ware attack had hit the company’s
• Crisis management: For adequate
headquarters in Assam. and technology development: The re-
port suggests investing in modernisa- preparation to handle crisis, the DSCI
tion and digitisation of ICTs, setting up recommends holding cybersecurity
drills which include real-life scenarios
2. Need of a cyber-Security a short and long term agenda for cy-
ber security via outcome-basedpro- with their ramifications.
strategy • Cyber insurance: The DSCI recom-
grams and providing investments in
• As per American cyber-security deep-tech cyber security innovation. mends developing cyber insurance
firm Palo Alto Networks’ 2021 report, products for critical information in-
Maharashtra was the most targeted frastructure and to quantify the risks
State in India - facing 42% of all ran- involving them.
somware attacks. • Cyber diplomacy: The government
• The report stated that India is should promote brand India as a re-
among the more economically prof- sponsible player in cyber security and
itable regions for hacker groups and also create ‘cyber envoys’ for the key
hence these hackers ask Indian firms countries/regions.
to pay a ransom, usually using crypto- • Cybercrime investigation: The re-
currencies, in order to regain access port recommends charting a five-year
to the data. roadmap factoring possible technol-
• One in four Indian organisations ogy transformation, setting up exclu-
suffered a ransomware attack in sive courts to deal with cybercrimes
2021. Indian organisations witnessed and remove backlog of cybercrimes
a 218% increase in ransomware — by increasing centres providing opin-
higher than the global average of NATIONAL CYBER ion related to digital evidence under
21%. section 79A of the IT act.
3. About National Cyber Securi-
5. Way Forward
ty Strategy
circuits (ICT) and electronics prod- The Centre has formulated a draft
Conceptualised by the Data Security National Cyber Security Strategy
Council of India (DSCI), the 22page ucts. Product testing and certification
needs to be scaled up, and the coun- 2021 which holistically looks at ad-
report focuses on 21 areas to ensure dressing the issues of security of
a safe, secure, trusted, resilient, and try’s semiconductor design capabili-
ties must be leveraged globally. national cyberspace. It added that
vibrant cyberspace for India. it had no plans as of yet to coordi-
The main sectors of focus of the • Critical information infrastructure
protection: The supervisory control nate with other countries to develop
report are:- a global legal framework on cyber
• Large scale digitisation of public and data acquisition (SCADA) security
should be integrated with enterprise terrorism.
services: There needs to be a focus on
security in the early stages of design security. A repository of vulnerabilities
in all digitisation initiatives and for should also be maintained.
• Digital payments: There should be • State-level cyber security:
developing institutional capability for
mapping and modelling of devices and State-level cyber-security policies
assessment, evaluation, certification,
platform deployed, transacting enti- and guidelines for security architec-
and rating of core devices.
• Supply chain security: There should ties, payment flows, interfaces and data ture, operations, and governance
be robust monitoring and mappingof exchange as well as threat research need to be developed.
the supply chain of the Integrated and sharing of threat intelligence.

31 May 2022/Issue-01
5. Efforts for solution
• Japan’s attempt to improve ties
1. Why In news • Since 1991, there have been many with Russia was driven by its need to
Russia’s Eastern Military District in- attempts to resolve the dispute and diversify energy sources and Russia
formed the world about conducting sign a peace treaty. by its need to diversify its basket of
military drills on the Kuril islands with • The most recent attempt was un- buyers and bring in foreign invest-
more than 3,000 troops and hun- der Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when ments.
dreds of pieces of army equipment in joint economic development of the
the last week of March 2020. Japan disputed islands was explored.
• In fact, both countries had agreed 6. What next
described the Kuril Islands (Northern
Territories) as being under Russia’s to have bilateral negotiations based • The April 22 statement will further
“illegal occupation” on April 22, 2022. on the 1956 Japan-Soviet Joint damage relations between the two
Declaration. countries.
2. Location of Kuril Islands • Japan has a fear of Russia-China
alliance as Japan has territorial dis-
• These are a set of four islands sit-
putes and an uneasy history with
uated between the Sea of Okhotsk
and the north Pacific Ocean near
• Japan might see it as a good op-
the north of Japan’s northernmost
portunity to further isolate Russia
prefecture, Hokkaido.
and paint it as a “habitual offender”
• Both Moscow and Tokyo claim
of international law.
sovereignty over them.
• Tokyo might have a feeling that
• The islands have been under Rus-
the invasion of Ukraine proves that
sian control since the end of World
getting back the Kuril Islands is a lost
War II.
• Tokyo claims that the disputed
• Japan’s policy shift on the Kuril Is-
islands have been part of Japan since
lands will only embitter bilateral rela-
the early 19th century.
tions with Russia.
• It will advance the possibility of
3. Importance of the islands
Kuril Islands
two neighbours, China and Russia,
• The South Kurils are of significant coming together against Japan.
strategic importance to Russia owing
to their location.
• The strait between Kunashir and
Iturup does not freeze over in winter.
• Control of the islands ensures ฀ Potsdam Declaration, 1945
Russia has year-round access to the ฀ San Francisco Treaty, 1951
Pacific Ocean for its Pacific Fleet of • According to Russia, Under the Ar-
ticle 2 of San Francisco treaty, Japan • In 1956, during Japanese Prime
warships and submarines based in Minister Ichiro Hatoyama’s visit to
Vladivostok. had “renounced all right, title and
claim to the Kuril Islands.” the Soviet Union, it was suggested
• Japan argues that the San Francis- that two of the four islands would be
4. Reason for dispute returned to Japan once a peace trea-
co Treaty cannot be used here as the
• Japan claims sovereignty over the Soviet Union never signed the peace ty was signed.
islands by treaties of treaty. • Persisting differences prevented
฀ Shimoda Treaty, 1855, • Japan and Russia are technical- the signing of a peace treaty.
฀ Treaty of St. Petersburg, 1875 ly still at war because they have not • It was only in 1991 during Mikhail
฀ Portsmouth Treaty, 1905 signed a peace treaty after World War Gorbachev’s visit to Japan that the
• Russia, claims sovereignty over the II. USSR recognised that the islands
islands by treaties of were the subject of a territorial dis-
฀ Yalta Agreement, 1945 pute.

32 May 2022/Issue-01

4. About consumption pattern
• Coal is abundantly available, has
shorter gestation periods and coal- 5. India’s stand on renewable
based plants have lower capital energy sources
1. Why in News: costs than hydel and nuclear plants, • The report of the Central Electric-
According to Reuters, India has therefore, making it the most viable ity Authority on optimal generation
urged its States to step up coal enabler of energy security in the capacity mix for 2029-30 estimates
imports for the next 3 years to build country. that the share of renewable energy
up inventories and satisfy demand. • The conventional resource’s in the gross electricity generation is
capacity addition is further helped expected to be around 40% by that
by the increased participation of the financial year.
2. The current Status
private sector in power generation. • A total of 152.90 GW of renewable
• In April, coal stocks in more than • In Washington recently, Finance energy capacity has been installed in
100 thermal power plants in India Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the country as on February 28, as per
fell below the critical mark (less than India’s move away from coal will be government figures.
25% of the required stock) while it hampered by the war in Ukraine. • This includes 50.78 GW from solar
was less than 10% in over 50 plants power, 40.13 GW from wind power,
across India. 10.63 GW from bio-power, 4.84 GW
• The coal inventories are at the from small hydel power and 46.52
lowest pre-summer levels, in at least GW from large hydel power.
nine years and electricity demand is • In accordance with the Prime
seen rising at the fastest in almost Minister’s announcement at, the
four decades. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
aspires to install 500 GW of electricity
capacity from non-fossil fuel sources
3. About coal crisis
by 2030.
• According to Minister for Coal
and Mines, Pralhad Joshi, Coal
accounts for 55% of the country’s 6. Challenges
energy needs. • The capacity of a plant does not
• The India Energy Outlook 2021 necessarily translate into the actu-
report energy use in India has Coal Dilemma of India al power it generates for the grid,
doubled since 2000, with 80% of some of it is lost owing to external
demand still being met by coal, oil factors such as heat or transmission
and solid biomass. losses.
• The country had experienced a • This applies for both renewable
7. About transmission and storage
similar situation last October, but and conventional sources.
the coal stock situation is more wor- • Transmission and storage are cen-
• Solar and wind energy are vari-
risome now because demand for tral to addressing variability issues.
able resources with ‘variability’
power will be high due to summer. • They help cope with the ‘duck
being particularly exposed during
• The energy demand will go up curve’ power demand among
periods of peak demand.
as urbanisation and the population consumers in India.
• Use of renewable energy would
increase. • Resembling a duck, the curve is a
essentially require a balancing act.
• The IEA estimates that despite graphical representation exhibiting
the shock from COVID-19, India’s the difference between the demand
demand is expected to grow by and availability of energy through
almost 5% a year till 2040. the day.
• With both wind and solar
being variable sources — it becomes
imperative to establish a comple-
menting model.

33 May 2022/Issue-01
4. Steps taken to facilitate exports
1. Why in News: • The Commerce Ministry has
With global wheat prices at historic put in place an internal mech-
highs in the wake of the Russian in- anism to facilitate wheat ex-
vasion of Ukraine, India is trying to ports and get the paperwork
export wheat to nations that have ready for the related sanitary
officially asked for it and capture a and phytosanitary applications
5. Norms to approve Indian wheat
share of the global market. World to help facilitate shipments.
by buyer countries
Trade Organization rules may prove • Wheat is going in full vessel loads
• Countries that have not previously
to be a hurdle to India’s plan to ex- and needs to be transported to
imported wheat from India insist on
port wheat from state-owned stocks. the ports from the growing areas.
• The railways is providing rakes the completion of the Pest Risk Anal-
on priority to move the wheat. ysis to provide market access.
2. Status of India’s wheat stock • There are also other different
• India expects to produce 112 standards that the buyers share with
million tonnes of wheat in the their sellers here.
current crop year. • While, at present, Indian suppliers
• The government requires 24-26 are able to meet these criteria, In-
million tonnes a year for its food dian authorities are working closely
security programmes. to step in and negotiate resolution
• Wheat exports in the 2021-2022 if any “unreasonable” standards are
financial year were estimated at stipulated.
7.85 million tonnes, a quadru-
pling from 2.1 million tonnes in
6. WTO’s position
the previous year.
• Exports this fiscal are expected • WTO rules make it difficult for a
to be almost 10 million tonnes country to export grains from official
worth $3 billion. stocks if they have been procured
from farmers at fixed prices, which in
3. Expected new markets for
India’s desire to India’s case, is the minimum support
India boost wheat exports price mandated by the Centre.
• This restriction is a major rea-
• Apart from Egypt and Jor- son why India’s major farm produce
dan, countries in East Afri- such as wheat, rice and pulses have
ca are also likely to source not been exported to their fullest
the foodgrain from India. 7. Future outlook potential.
• India has sent out dossiers
• The government is optimistic about • Exporting wheat from India is only
to over 20 countries and the latest in a series of confronta-
the long-term export opportunities
talks are on at different lev- tions over farm exports that devel-
not only for wheat, but for all cereals
els with all these countries.
including millets and super foods. oping nations have had with richer
• The aim is to reach early reso- economies.
• Trade sources say if Indian wheat
lution on the Pest Risk Analy-
prices remain competitive and geo-
sis by each of these countries
political and weather conditions stay
so that exports can take off.
favourable, the scope is good for
• The Agricultural and Pro-
wheat exports.
cessed Food Products Export
• India has won the confidence of
Development Authority (APE-
markets such as Sri Lanka and Ban-
DA) and Ministry of Agricul-
ture are also sending delega-
• It needs to establish itself in the
tions to several countries to
new markets too and the govern-
resolve market issues, if any.
ment should facilitate it.

34 May 2022/Issue-01
1. Why In news 4. Point of view of Chhattisgarh
and Jharkhand
In April, 2022 Tamil Nadu government
issued a policy note which stated that • Chhattisgarh government said
the State government should claim when the Centre and State come
compensation from the Centre in together for an earning project, the
case of privatisation of an airport or government’s capital is present as a
transfer of its assets to a third party. shareholder in terms of the land.
The governments of Chhattisgarh and • When that project is sold to a third • In the joint venture investment
Jharkhand supported the policy. entity which is a private party, then from centre is in the form of infra-
the assets of the company, which in- structure whereas for State govern-
2. Privatisation of airports clude apart from the infrastructure, ment its in the form of land.
• 2003 marks the beginning of pri- the land also. So, the State govern- • So, in every such venture, the val-
vatisation of airports in India with ment should be given the value of ue of the land should be given to the
a proposal to upgrade Mumbai the land.” State government if and when it is
and Delhi airport in public-pri- sold to a third party which is a private
vate partnership (PPP) model. player.
• The Manmohan Singh govern- • Jharkhand government has backed
ment also proposed the priva- the proposal by stating “Land be-
tisation of a few airports, but longs to the State. But if the Centre
couldn’t implement it. is handing it over to private parties,
• In 2019, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, revenue should be shared with the
Jaipur, Mangaluru, Thiruvanan- State government”.
thapuram, and Guwahati air-
ports were leased through the
PPP model.
• In 2021, the Centre unveiled its
plan to further monetise 25 air-
5. Centre’s stand
ports managed by the Airports Revenue sharing in
Authority of India (AAI) over five
years under the National Mone- Privatised Airports • The Ministry of Civil Aviation is
yet to officially comment on the
tisation Pipeline (NMP). matter.
• Tamil Nadu’s 4 airports Chennai, • Officials were quoted as saying
Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchi- in a news agency report that a
rappalli (Trichy) are in the foray. decision regarding the matter
will be taken at the higher levels
• Therefore, if the state government of the government.
acquires and transfers the lands to
3. Tamil Nadu’s proposal the AAI for free of cost and then the
• Under NMP, the Centre has ear- land is transferred to a third party.
marked four airports for privatisation • In that case the value realised/
in Tamil Nadu. revenue accrued, must be propor- • The value of land, at an appropri-
• The centre has requested the State tionately shared with the State gov- ate stage, should be converted into
to acquire 64.57 acres of patta land ernment reflecting the huge invest- equity of the State government in
for Chennai airport. ment in land being made by the State the airport’s special purpose vehicle
• The Tamil Nadu government pre- government. or an appropriate revenue sharing
sented a policy note in the Assembly arrangement should be arrived at
on April 19. before the airport is transferred to a
• The note states: that AAI is actively private party.
pursuing the policy of privatisation of

35 May 2022/Issue-01
MCQs Based on Environment and Ecology

Q1. With reference to ‘KeibulLamjao National Park’, con- Q5. The Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve was included in
-sider the following statements: the UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
1. It is only floating park in the world, located in Consider the following statements regarding this:
Manipur, and an integral part of Loktak Lake 1. Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve is located in the
2. Brow-antlered deer or sangai is found in this Western Ghats
national park 2. It is a unique genetic reservoir of cultivated plants
3. The threats to the park are due to the permanent 3. It is spread across the three states of Kerala, Tamil
flooding of the park Nadu and Karnataka
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Q2. Which of the following are e-wastes? Q6. India and the US launched the Fulbright - Kalam
1. Brominated flame retardants Climate Fellowship. With reference to this fellowship,
2. Barium consider the following statements:
3. Beryllium 1. Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships are offered
4. Hexavalent chromium for Postdoctoral Research only
5. Chlorofluorocarbons 2. This fellowship programme will enable Indian
6. Zinc research scholars to work with American institutions
7. Cadmium in the field of climate change
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 3. The fellowship will be operated by the bi-national
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF)
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 only Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(c) 2, 4 and 5 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Q3. A Food chain Q7. Green accounting is

(a) Is found within the populations of a species (a) A type of accounting that attempts to factor envi-
(b) Illustrates the numbers of each organism which -ronmental costs into the financial results of operations
are eaten by others (b) A measure of economic gain from carbon credit
(c) Illustrates the order in which a chain of organ- (c) A type of accounting that attempts to measure
-isms feed upon each other environmental gain as compared to previous financial
(d) None of these year
(d) All of the above
Q4. With reference to ‘significance of wetlands’,
Which of the following statements is/are correct? Q8. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is
1. Wetlands are transitional between terrestrial and (a) A global program that provides funding and tech-
aquatic eco-systems -nical assistance to non-governmental organizations
2. They keep the water table high and relatively and other private sector partners to protect critical
stable ecosystems
3. They mitigate floods and trap suspended solids (b) A global partnership fund formed by Paris climatic
and attached nutrients deal for funding critical Eco infrastructures in develop-
4. Wetlands are important feeding and breeding -ing countries
areas for wildlife (c) An independently operating financial organization
Select the correct answer using the code given below: that provides grants to governments for projects
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only related to biodiversity and climate change
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) All of the above

36 May 2022/Issue-01
Q9. Medini Puraskar is given (d) ecological change
(a) to industrial units for adoption and use of clean
technologies Q14. Consider the following statements:
(b) to Indian and foreign authors to encourage the 1. Biomagnification refers to increase in concentra-
biodiversity conservation writings -tion of the toxicant at successive trophic levels
(c) annually for significant contribution in the field 2. Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of a
of wildlife conservation toxic chemical in the tissue of a particular organism
(d) to Indian authors each year to encourage original Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
works in Hindi on environment and its related (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
subjects (c) 1 and 2 both (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q10. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Food Q15. Consider the following statements regarding ‘BirdLife
Web’: International’:
1. Food Web shows the interactions and interconn- 1. It is the Second world’s largest partnership of
-ections among the different food chains of a conservation organisations after IPCC
community 2. It is a global partnership of conservation organisa-
2. Another name for food web is a consumer- -tions that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and
resource system global biodiversity
3. Food web does not have trophic levels and 3. BirdLife International is the official Red List author
positions -ity for birds, for the IUCN
Select the correct answer using the code given below: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
Q11. Tropical rainforests (d) 1, 2 and 3
1. Exhibit a vast diversity in plant and animal species
2. Are among the most threatened ecosystems Q16. The Montreaux Record highlights
globally 1. Specific wetland of international importance
3. Are located mostly around and near the equator 2. Wetlands under the Ramsar convention
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 3. The wetlands which are facing immediate
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only challenges.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 only
Q12. Coral reefs are (b) 1 and 2 only
1. Underwater structures made from calcium (c) 1 and 3 only
carbonate secreted by corals (d) 1, 2 and 3
2. Often called “rainforests of the sea”
3. Deliver ecosystem services to tourism, fisheries Q17. With reference to ‘The BioCarbon Fund Initiative
and shoreline protection for Sustainable Forest Landscapes’, consider the
4. Found in the deep sea nearby continental shelves following statements:
Which of the features given above is are correct? 1. It is managed by the World Bank
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only 2. It seeks to promote reduced greenhouse gas
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 emissions
3. It is a bilateral fund, supported by India and USA
Q13. The gradual and fairly predictable change in the governments
species composition of a given area is called Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Ecological niche (a) 1 only
(b) Ecological succession (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) Ecological balance (c) 2 and 3 only

37 May 2022/Issue-01
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Q22. National Mission for a Green India aims at-
1. Enhancing quality of forest cover and improving
Q18. With reference to ‘hotspots of biodiversity’, consider eco-system services
the following statements: 2. Agroforestry and social-forestry
1. Areas which exhibit high species richness as well 3. Restoration of wetlands
as high species endemism are called hotspots of 4. Improvement of livelihood of forest dependent
biodiversity community
2. A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region Select the correct answer using the code given below:
with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is free (a) 1 only
from threat from humans (b) 1 and 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(a) 1 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 2 both Q23. Consider the following statements:
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. Blue-baby syndrome is a neurological syndrome
caused by severe mercury poisoning
Q19. Which of the following Ramsar site in India is not 2. Minimata disease begins when large amounts of
correctly matched with its location? nitrates in water are ingested by an infant
(a) Kanjli Wetland - Punjab Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(b) Rudrasagar lake - Tripura (a) 1 only
(c) Hokersar Wetland - Jammu & Kashmir (b) 2 only
(d) DiporBil - West Bengal (c) 1 and 2 both
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q20. With reference to ‘Cartagena Protocol’, which of the
following statements is not correct? Q24. Recently union government re-classified industries
(a) The Cartagena Protocol is on Biosafety on four-colour scheme based on pollution potential.
(b) It is an international agreement as a supplement Which of the following is/are feature(s) of ‘white
to the Convention on Biological Diversity category industries?
(c) Cartagena Protocol is silent on defining the ‘living 1. It contains 6 industrial sectors which are practical-
modified organism’ -ly polluting
(d) It seeks to protect biological diversity from the 2. There shall be no necessity of obtaining the
potential risks posed by genetically modified organ- consent to operate for this category of industries.
-isms resulting from modern biotechnology Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
Q21. Consider the following: (b) 2 only
1. Botanical gardens (c) 1 and 2 both
2. Biosphere reserves (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Wildlife safari parks
4. Wildlife sanctuaries Q25. Which of the following statements is correct regard
5. Sacred groves -ing ‘carbon sink’?
6. Gene banks (a) Carbon sinks are natural systems that suck up and
7. Wildlife Corridors store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Which of the above are examples of Ex-situ (b) The main natural carbon sinks are plants, the
conservation? ocean and soil
(a) 2, 3 and 4 only (c) Both of the above
(b) 2, 4 and 5 Only (d) None of the above
(c) 1, 3, 6 and 7 only
(d) 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 only Q26. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Carbon

38 May 2022/Issue-01

1. It is financial instrument that represents a tonne of (d) 1, 2 and 3
carbon dioxide
2. Carbon credits originate from a range of emission
reduction activities
3. Carbon credits discourage developed contries
industrial activities Answers
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only 1. (d) 22. (d)
(b) 1 and 2 only 2. (a) 23. (d)
(c) 2 and 3 only
3. (c) 24. (b)
(d) 1, 2 and 3
4. (d) 25. (c)
Q27. Which of the following statements is not correct? 5. (b) 26. (b)
(a) A carbon tax is a tax levied on the carbon content 6. (c) 27. (b)
of fuels 7. (a) 28. (c)
(b) India supports carbon tax concept universally 8. (a) 29. (a)
(c) Carbon taxes offer a potentially, cost-effective 9. (d) 30. (c)
means of reducing green house gas emissions.
10. (b)
(d) None
11. (d)
Q28. Consider the following statements: 12. (c)
1. The term ecosystem was coined by Sir Arthur 13. (b)
Tansley 14. (c)
2. Ecosystem is a self-regulating and self-sustaining 15. (c)
structural and functional unit of the biosphere 16. (d)
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
17. (b)
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only 18. (a)
(c) 1 and 2 both 19. (d)
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 20. (c)
21. (c)
Q29. Silent valley National Park is located in:
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra pradesh

Q30. Consider the following statements:

1. Biogas refers to a gas produced by the biological
breakdown of organic matter in the presence of
2. Biogas originates from biogenic material and is a
type of biofuel
3. In India biogas produced from the anaerobic
digestion of manure in small-scale digestion facilities
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only

39 May 2022/Issue-01
MCQs Based on Current Affairs
Q.1 Which country has been ranked fourth in the World c) Nagaland
Happiness Report released by the UN Sustainable d) Karnataka
Development Solutions Network? Answer :- c
a) Netherlands
b) Denmark Q.6 With reference to Narasimhapettai Nagaswaram, a
c) Switzerland traditional wind instrument, consider the following
d) Iceland statements:
Answer :- c 1. Recently the wind instrument Narasimhapettai
Nagaswaram has been given GI tag.
Q.2 Lamitiye is a biennial military exercise between which 2. This instrument is made by rural artisans of
two countries? Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu.
a) India- Maldives 3. This instrument is made from the traditional wood
b) India- Seychelles “Acha” or Hardwickia binata.
c) India- Mauritius Select the correct statement(s) with the help of the
d) India- Bangladesh codes given.
Answer: - b a) only 1
b) 1 and 3 only
Q.3 With reference to the Relativistic Klystron Amplifier c) 1 and 2 only
(RKA) developed by China, consider the following d) 1, 2 and 3 only
statements: Answer :- d
1. The RKA has the capability to generate 10-MW wave
bursts in the KA-band. Q.7 Which of the following state will introduce
2. RKA can target any satellite from the ground. carbon-neutral farming practices?
3. The KA-band is a part of the electromagnetic a) Karnataka
spectrum that can be used for both civilian and b) Kerala
military purposes. c) Tamil Nadu
Select the correct statement(s) with the help of the d) Andhra Pradesh
codes given. Answer :- b
a) Only 1
b) 1 and 3 only Q.8 With reference to IQAir’s World Air Quality Report,
c) 1 and 2 only consider the following statements:
d) 1 and 3 only 1. According to the report, New Delhi was the most
Answer: - d polluted capital city in the world for the fourth year in
a row.
2. Globally, Delhi was ranked fourth in terms of air
Q.4 Which Indian female player has been awarded the pollution.
‘Sportstar of the Year (Female)’ award? 3. The most polluted place in the world is Ghaziabad
a) Mirabai Chanu in Uttar Pradesh.
b) Mary Kom Select the correct statement(s) with the help of the
c) Sania Nehwal codes given.
d) Geeta Phogat a) only 1
Answer :- a b) 1 and 3 only
c) 1 and 2 only
Q.5 Recently, the Legislative Assembly of which state has d) 1, 2 and 3 only
fully implemented the National e-Vidhan Project? Answer :- c
a) Assam
b) Madhya Pradesh

40 May 2022/Issue-01

Q.9 Rating agency Fitch has reduced India’s growth rate net zero carbon emission target by 2070.
forecast for the next financial year to how much? 2. Net zero commitment is part of the Panchamrita
a) 8.5 strategy.
b) 10.3 Which of the above statements is/are correct?
c) 8.4 a) only 1
d) 7.8 b) only 2
Answer :- a c) both 1 and 2
d) none of these
Q.10 With reference to the Abel Prize, consider the Answer: b
following statements:
1. The Able Prize for the year 2022 has been given to Q14. Consider the following statements:
British citizen Dennis P. Sullivan. 1. Coal-based power generation accounts for about 80
2. The Abel Prize is given for distinguished contribution percent of India’s total power capacity as of March
in the field of physics. 2022.
Select the correct statement(s) with the help of the 2. India is the largest producer of coal in the world.
codes given. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
a) only 1 a) only 1
b) Both 1 and 2 only b) only 2
c) 2 only c) 1 and 2
d) none d) none of these
Answer :- d Answer: d

Q.11 Jiya Rai of Maharashtra, who is suffering from Autistic

Spectrum Disorder, has crossed which strait recently?
a) English Channel
b) Palk Strait
c) Malacca Strait
d) Sunda Strait
Answer :- b

Q.12 With reference to UPI, consider the following

1. UPI withdraws and deposits money directly from the
bank account.
2. The transaction charges levied in UPI are completely
dependent on individual banks.
3. UPI or Unified Payments Interface is a real-time
payment system developed by the National Payments
Corporation of India.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
a) Only 1
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 3
d) All of the above
Answer d

Q13. Consider the following statements:

1. In the Paris Climate Agreement, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has expressed commitment to India’s

41 May 2022/Issue-01
Paper IV Case Study
ny of the situation is that, public is protesting to check
You are a district magistrate posted in a remote dis- it’s own development. NGO misuse fundamental rights
trict of Tamil nadu. Government of India is working on 19(1) freedom of speech and expression, freedom to
a project to establish a huge nuclear power plant in form association and right to protest, against his own
your district. It will help to meet rising needs of elec- country. It also shows meanness of foreign countries
tricity and create necessary infrastructure to support who neither provide necessary technology nor funds
foreign investment. It is obvious that it will boost in- to devoloping countries, in their fight to curb pollution
dustrialisation and create large numbers of employ- and global warming but indulge in such heinous acts to
ment. check their development. Actually these countries fear
Project has been developed using barren that India can use it’s nuclear reactor for enrichment of
lands quite away from population. It is based on en- uranium to make atom bomb.
ergy efficient technology. It will have little effect on
environment unlike thermal power plants, which cre- Answer (b): My course of action :
ate a lot of air pollution. Appropriate safeguards have Firstly I will request government to ask Enforce-
been taken to check nuclear radiations. ment Directorate to investigate accounts and financial
As soon as media reported about the proj- transaction of the NGO. Next I will collaborate with elec-
ect, a popular N.G.O. started protest in your district. tronic and print media, to educate public about latest
It spread rumours about nuclear radiations and de- technology which minimise risk substantially. We will
clared project, a threat for the environment and help them to understand, need of development along
health of people. It circulated several videos of nucle- with conservation of nature. We will also inform them
ar power plant’s explosions (occured in past) in social about developed countries (like France) who produce
media and asked government to cancel this project. more than 90% of their electricity using nuclear power.
Several people joined the protest and it transformed We will broadcast programs based on comprative study
into a huge movement. of thermal power plant and nuclear power plant. It will
In the mean time Intelligence agen- help them to realise verious benefits of nuclear energy
cies have reported that, this N.G.O. received over fossil fuels.
huge funds from Government of foreign coun- After that we will shoot a video about safe-
tries to check development activities, in guards taken in the nuclear power plant, with com-
India. ments of scientists and experts and circulate them in
(a) Bring out and discuss the ethical issues social media. It will convince people about their safety.
involved in the above case. After some time Enforcement Directorate will publish
(b) Now, what would by your course of action? its report and expose hidden motive of the NGO. It will
completely solve the problem.
(a): In the given case study I am D.M. posted in Tamil-
Nadu. I have to convince people about safety of nuclear
reactor. Values like trust, sustainable development, ob-
jectivity and partiotism are involved in the case

Ethical Issues :
In the given case study an N.G.O. exploit demo-
cratic framework of county for its vested interest. It con-
fused people about safety meausures of a nuclar power
plant and created breach of trust between public and
government. The NGO provoked public for protest. Iro-

42 May 2022/Issue-01

Eminent Personality: Pandita Ramabai

recommendations, the British government honoured her

with the title of ‘Kaiser-e-Hind’. During her stay in Britain,
Pandita Ramabai wrote the book ‘The High Caste Hindu
Women’ in which she discussed in detail the ill effects of
being a Hindu woman.

It is said that when Swami Vivekananda gave his lecture

at the World Conference of Religions in Chicago, many
women led by Ramabai protested against him, raising the
question that if Hinduism is so great, why is the condi-
tion of Indian women so pathetic? Along with this, the
absence of women issues in Swami Vivekananda’s speech
was also raised by Pandita Ramabai. Swami Vivekananda
and Pandita Ramabai had differences of opinion on many
The period from 1850 to 1900 is considered to be a pe-
points. However, both were very clear about their views
riod of social and cultural renaissance in Indian history.
on the immediate issues. While Swami Vivekananda was
At this time many intellectuals raised their strong voice
giving a logical explanation of religion, Pandita Ramabai
against the religious and social evils spread in India. One
was advocating for women’s rights.
of those intellectuals was Pandita Ramabai, who is also
called India’s first feminist.
As a result of the efforts of Pandita Ramabai, the ‘Ramabai
Association’ was established in America, whose purpose
Pandita Ramabai was born on 23 April 1858 in Maharash-
was to collect resources for the widow ashram running in
tra. Her father’s name was Anant Shastri Dongre and her
India. Later she returned to India and established ‘Sharda
mother’s name was Lakshmibai. Ramabai’s childhood
Sadan’ dedicated to widows. Along with this, she estab-
name was Rama Dongre. Impressed by her knowledge,
lished a women’s ashram named ‘Kripa Sadan’ to support
Keshav Chandra Sen gave her the title of Pandita. Once
women. This great woman, who raised her voice against
there was a severe famine in Maharashtra due to which
women’s rights and the social evils of India throughout
Rama’s parents and younger sister died. After this, she
her life, died on April 5, 1922.
moved to Kolkata with her brother. Here the fame of his
knowledge spread greatly, due to which the University of
In view of the struggle of her life, a crater of the planet Ve-
Kolkata gave him the titles of Pandita and Saraswati.
nus was named Ramabai Medhavi. Along with this, Feast
Day is celebrated by the European Church on 5 April in
Later, Pandita Ramabai married a lawyer, Vipin Bihari
her memory. A postage stamp in the memory of Ramabai
Medhavi. A few days later her husband died. After which
was also issued by the Government of India in 1989.
she devoted her life to women’s education, child mar-
riage and the welfare of widows. Pandita Ramabai found-
ed the Arya Mahila Samaj in Pune and became involved
in missionary activities. She started criticizing the tradi-
tions and beliefs of the masculine and Brahminical society
with arguments and started questioning the low status of

In the year 1882, the British Government constituted a

commission for modern education in India, in which Pan-
dita Ramabai took an active role and presented a report.
In this report, she stressed the need for women teach-
ers, women doctors and women engineers. Accepting her

43 MayZ 2022/Issue-01
Key Terminology of Medieval History
Chhatra :- Royal umbrella. Daulatkhana :- Palace of Sultan Iltutmish

Choudhary:- A category of headmen of the villages. Dawatdar:- The one who keeps the royal medicine.

Chaul :- Desert. Ghammar:- Zamindar or land owner.

Chungi-e-Galla :- Taxes on grains. Dirham Buyinggan :- Slaves of low cost.

Jagir:- A piece of land given by the state to the royal offi- Diwan :- Office of the Central Secretary.
cials in exchange for salary etc.
Diwan-i-Arz :- Office of the Ministry of War
Jahandar - Sultan.
Diwan-i-Insha :- Office of the Chief Secretary.
Jamaatkhana :- The hut or khankah of Sufi mystics.
Diwan-i-Riyasat :- Office of the Minister of Trade and Com-
Jamad Archana :- A place to store wardrobe or clothes. merce.

Jasoos :- spy Diwan-i-Vizarat :- Office of the Wazir.

Jeetal :- Copper coins of Delhi Sultanate. Diwan-ul-Mustakhraj :- Office of tax or revenue collection.

Jaziya:- It has two meanings. Firstly - According to some Durbar: The royal court.
contemporary sources of the Delhi Sultanate, all taxes col-
lected in addition to land revenue or rent were jizya. Sec- Naib-i-Arz:- Minister of War or Deputy Minister of Military
ondly, the annual tax to be collected from non-Muslims or Department.
infidels in the form of person tax, according to the rule of
Shariat. Naib-i-Barbek :- Assistant to the barbek (officer in charge
of the royal court).
Jaziya-e-Tambool :- Tax on betel leaves.
Noyan:- Mongol title or honorific address meaning chief
Jabita:- Secular rules or laws made by the state. or high official.

Zakat:- A fixed amount of charity for the Muslims. Every Naib-i-Ghibat :- The guardian of the Sultan who looked af-
Muslim was to donate two and a half percent of the total ter the affairs of the Sultan in his absence.
income, including income earned from unutilized or
unplanned capital, as Zakat. Naib-e-Lashkar :- Sultan’s assistant minister to the army,
Sultan’s military assistant.
Zamindari:- Privately owned ancestral or hereditary land.
Naib-i-Mamlaqat:- Rajpratinidhi or representative of the
Zababit:- State Laws. Sultan for the entire Sultanate.

Daroga :- In-charge of the local office. Jillullah-filarz :- “The God or the shadow of Allah on earth”
title adopted by some sultans
Darul Adal - Delhi’s market of cloth and other items, but it
literally means the place of justice. Tanka:- Silver coin of the Sultanate period.

Darul Mulk :- Capital Tahkimat-i-Mujaddid: A new or innovative royal order.

44 ebZ 2022/Issue-01
Taluk:- District. Nirkh-i-Bar-Avard :- Theory of Cost of Production.

Tota:- The measure of two and a half mishkal. Noyan :- Mongol title or honorific address meaning chief
or high official.
Tuman :- A detachment of ten thousand soldiers.
Paybos :- Kissing Feet
Thana:- Police Station.
Payak :- Maintainer, Servant
Dabir :- Secretary.
Patwari :- A small employee keeping records of village
Dabir-i-Mumalik:- Chief secretary in charge of the entire land.
state or sultanate.
Pyada: Foot soldiers.
Dadbek :- Officer in charge of justice.
Farman: A royal order or ordinance.
Dadbeki:- Penalty recovered by judicial officers or magis-
trates. Farman Deh :- The person giving orders.

Nabat :- Plant, vegetable or herb. Farman-Sabaa :- The person giving orders.

Nadim:- A person appointed to entertain the court or the Farashkhana :- A room (or place) for carpeting.
Sultan but who was not given any administrative work.
Farsakh :- Measurement of distance of 18,000 feet.
Daag :- Daag, a royal identification mark applied on the
tail of a horse.

Dalal-e-Bazarha :- Brokers of the market.

Daroga:- A petty officer in charge of the local office.

Naib-i-Mulk :- The royal representative of the Sultanate.

Naib-i-Waqil :- A lawyer’s assistant or a person represent-

ing judicial matters before the Sultan.

Naib-Wazir :- Sub-Vazir.

Nayak:- A high officer of the army or a merchant.

Naqib: - Manager of the palace and court.

Naubat:- Drum playing on the Naubatkhana outside the

palace of the Sultan and high officials.

Nabisandas :- Clerk.

Nayabat or Khwajgi :- Assistant and Controller.

Nazir :- Superintendent, Inspector.

45 ebZ 2022/Issue-01

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