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Oct 5

Read Romeo and Juliet, W. Shakespeare, No Fear Shakespeare Act 1 Scenes 1-5, pp.5-71. Answer the
questions below

1. Understand that the Prologue is the entire story in fourteen lines. What do you think are TWO
main points of the play?

 There’s a feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.

 The story is about two lovers, one from each family. They will both die but their deaths
will bring an end to the quarrel.

2. Shakespeare tells us the main themes in the prologue. List down the themes that you can

Love, death, fate, family, honour, and conflict

3. In what form is the prologue written? How do you know it?

Sonnet, with 14 lines, usually about romance, it’s a summary.

4. Scene One starts violently. How do you know this? Quote some lines to support your answer.

1st scene is sword fight between the families. Shows strength of the violent conflict between the 2

5. There’s romance in scenes One. Two and Three. How do you know this? Quote some lines to
support your answer.

6. What do you think is the BEST QUOTE to illustrate the themes of Love and Fate. Explain why.

7. In Scene 4, there’s a ball in the Capulets’ house.

 Explain how the technique of FORESHADOWING is done here.
 How is the theme of FATE highlighted in this scene? Support your answer by quoting
relevant lines.
8. In Scene 5, there is romance but trouble seems to be lurking.
 Why do you think Shakespeare uses the sonnet form (page 67) in the first conversation
between Romeo and Juliet?
 How is the theme of conflict highlighted in this scene? Support your answer by quoting
relevant lines.

Do WS Act 1 Scenes 1-5 via Assignments Tab

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