19 Choosing Between Restoration Modalities

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19 Choosing Between

Restoration Modalities
G. J. Mount

t is necessary to take a number of fac-
tors into account in selecting the
restorative material to be utilised in
the restoration of any tooth. There are
both advantages and disadvantages with
each of the materials currently available
and none of them is ideal. Whilst there is
considerable pressure at this time to use
aesthetic restorative materials where ever
possible it must be acknowledged that
longevity should be the guiding factor
and aesthetics should not be regarded as
Maintenance of the original tooth
structure should be the primary aim in
treatment of the caries lesion but as the
lesion progresses and the cavity becomes
larger there comes a stage where sacrifice
of further tooth structure is required to
provide protection from occlusal load to
ensure maintenance of the remainder. In
view of the fact that no restorative mate-
rial is ideal and that all materials display a
potential life span of no more than twen-
ty years a considerable amount of rest-
orative work represents replacement of
old restorations.
Generally, replacement is indicated
because of recurrent caries, failure of the
previous restorative material or fracture
of remaining tooth structure. Inevitably,
there will be further loss and weakening
of the remaining tooth structure. These
factors will dictate the choice of the
replacement material which must always
offer the greatest longevity possible.
338 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

Introduction has a strong resistance to the development of

recurrent caries at the interface with the tooth
structure and there will be little plaque formation

T here is a limited number of restorative materi-

als available within the discipline of operative
dentistry and none of them can be regarded as
on the surface.
Glass-ionomer is available in a number of forms
depending on powder/liquid ratio, particle size
universal. All have their advantages, disadvan- and variations in the chemistry of the setting
tages and limitations.1 There is a degree of pres- reaction. It is used extensively as a luting materi-
sure at present to place aesthetic restorations at al for crowns and bridges as well as a lining and a
all times and there appears to be a lack of appre- dentine substitute under other restorative materi-
ciation of longevity as a guiding factor. There is a als. Each of these versions is fast setting and
continuing series of investigations being carried develops an early resistance to water contamina-
out by both the academic world as well as private tion. One of the most useful versions is the
practice to test the bounds of longevity and it is restorative cement which has an acceptable
suggested that the student of this subject careful- degree of translucency and colour matching and,
ly observe the results.2 In many cases estimations because of its adhesive potential, there is no need
are based upon restorations placed by undergrad- to modify the cavity design to develop mechanical
uate students but the real test comes from opera- interlocks for retention.
tors working in general practice. The following Both the Type II restorative cement and the
discussions are based upon the latter. Type III lining cement are available in a light acti-
vated form (resin modified or dual cure) as well as
the original chemically activated (autocure) sys-
Glass-ionomer tem. The dual cure mechanism has been devel-
oped through the addition of further resins,
including HEMA and photoinitiators. The main
advantage is resistance to water contamination
Advantages immediately the cement is set. The original

T his is the only material currently available that

is bioactive and capable of true diffusion based
chemical adhesion to both enamel and dentine
acid/base reaction, which allows the development
of adhesion to the tooth, and is therefore the key
to the glass-ionomer system, is still present but is
through an ionic exchange between the restora- protected by the umbrella like presence of the
tion and the tooth surface. It is a water based dual cure resins.
cement and therefore stable in the oral environ-
ment. It is bioactive so it is capable of exchanging
calcium, strontium and phosphate ions with tooth SUMMARY !
structure. It is also a dynamic material in as much Glass-ionomer
as the chemistry of the setting reaction will con- Advantages
tinue for a long period of time after placement. As • Ion exchange adhesion to tooth structure
a result of the method of manufacture of the glass, • Ion exchange with tooth structure
the cement contains fluoride which is released • Continuing fluoride reservoir
into the surrounding tooth structure after place- • Acceptable aesthetics
ment. There is a strong release initially which • Good wear factor on maturity
reduces over the first two months but has been • Low solubility on maturity
shown to still be present over at least seven years.
The fluoride content can be continually recharged
• Low fracture resistance
from topical applications from many sources,
• Subject to dehydration in absence of saliva
including toothpaste through to professionally
applied fluids or gels. As a result, this material
Choosing Between Restoration Modalities 339

Disadvantages far distally as the bicuspids and the wear factor of

The main limitation is a relatively low fracture the more heavily filled types is sufficient for these
resistance such that it cannot be used alone to restorations. Relative to ceramic restorations it is
withstand undue occlusal load. It is not suitable to inexpensive but it has a notably shorter potential
rebuild marginal ridges or incisal corners but, lifespan.3,4 It is relatively simple to develop a
providing it is well supported by surrounding micromechanical union between enamel and
tooth structure, the physical properties and abra- composite resins and this is the strongest adhe-
sion resistance are sufficient to withstand consid- sion available in the oral cavity.
erable load. Solubility is also low but improves
over time due to the long term setting mecha-
nism. On occasions, translucency in the chemical- Disadvantages
ly activated (autocure) materials may not be suffi- Placement techniques are extremely complex and
cient for colour matching and lamination with require patience and a high degree of clinical
composite resin may be required for a satisfactory skill. One of the main problems at present is the
aesthetic result. overall shrinkage of the resin mass during the
A further important caution is that, as a water curing phase. The chemically cured composites
based material, it is subject to dehydration, partic- shrink towards the centre of the restoration thus
ularly in the early stages after placement. In addi- tending to pull away from the walls of the cavity
tion, it will dehydrate and disintegrate in the pres- and towards the floor. When cured by light activa-
ence of a low salivary flow. For patients with tion, shrinkage will occur towards the light
Sjögrens Syndrome and similar salivary incompe- pulling the resin away from both the floor and the
tence it is important to confine the use of glass- walls. Careful incremental placement will min-
ionomer as a dentine substitute and to laminate imise the total shrinkage but it may still be suffi-
over it with another material to protect it. cient to place considerable stress on the bond of
the restoration to either the tooth or a cement
base.5 These restorations are therefore subject to
Composite Resin microleakage especially in relation to margins
placed on dentine. In the presence of microleak-
age the pulp may become inflamed unless it is
adequately sealed and protected with a glass-
Advantages ionomer base under the composite resin.6

R estorations with excellent aesthetics can be

built with composite resin particularly with
the modern light activated varieties. When the
Both the Bis-GMA and urethane dimethacrylate
resins, which are the basis of most composite
resins, are inert materials with no bioactivity at
resin is placed incrementally, and properly light all. As they do not contain water, an ion exchange
activated at each stage, variation in both colour is not available. However, they are relatively
and translucency can be incorporated and hydrophilic and take up water over time, and this
anatomical form reproduced reasonably accurate- will lead to a degree of breakdown, particularly
ly. Much work has been carried out in recent years under occlusal load. This means the wear factor
on the filler particles incorporated within the can be significantly high, particularly if the
resin and there is considerable variation between restoration is expected to maintain posterior sup-
products marketed by different manufacturers. port. On the other hand some of the composite
Physical properties and translucency will be resin formulae containing large particle sizes may
affected by the filler content and the ability of a cause wear on the enamel of opposing teeth.
material to take and retain a smooth polished sur- Determination of the true extent of the wear fac-
face will also vary. tor can be quite complex because, while the teeth
Properly placed, its physical properties can be may appear to maintain occlusal contact, there
sufficient to withstand moderate occlusal load as may be quite extensive wear taking place. The
340 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

only way to confirm this is to take serial impres-

sions and measure the contour of the occlusal sur-
faces. The risk imposed by continuing wear is
development of deeper intercuspation leading to
heavy lateral stresses, split cusps and occlusal Advantages
interferences7 (Chapter 18).
Considerable research has been undertaken in
an attempt to develop an adhesive union between
O ver many years, particularly in small restora-
tions, amalgam has been shown to have a
very satisfactory history of longevity with a poten-
the composite resins and dentine. In vitro testing tial halflife of up to twenty five years. It is relative-
demonstrates satisfactory results but it has not ly easy to handle through standardised methods
been possible to repeat these in vivo at this point. and placement techniques have become very rou-
Union between the filler particles and the resin tine. It seems to be very tolerant of less than ideal
matrix is developed through adding a silane coat- placement techniques although over contour, par-
ing to the filler particles. This is expected to lead ticularly in relation to the gingival tissues can
to a chemical union throughout the restoration. pose problems. Properly placed, it has physical
However, this bond represents a potential weak- properties which are sufficient to withstand
ness because it may be incomplete or hydrolyse occlusal stresses and it is a very economical mate-
and break down and release the particles thus rial to work with and therefore cost effective. It is
increasing the wear factor. not in any way bioactive and it does not have any
Allergies have been reported by both operators caries resistant properties in itself. However, it
and staff, as well as patients, to some of the ingre- will corrode quite rapidly in the oral environment,
dients. Methylmethacrylate and HEMA have both and the corrosion products will seal the margins
been identified as allergens since resins were first against microleakage within the first three weeks
used many years ago for the construction of den- after placement. It is therefore highly resistant to
tures. Particles of barium or strontium glass may recurrent caries.8
be released as a result of wear and the long term
effects arising from their ingestion is not yet
known. Formaldehyde can also be a by-product of Disadvantages
the setting reaction. The main disadvantage is that it is aesthetically
undesirable. The material itself is a dark grey in
colour and as it corrodes it darkens in itself and
SUMMARY ! also releases metallic ions into the surrounding
Composite resins dentine leading to a blue discoloration in the
Advantages remaining tooth structure. Corrosion is therefore
both an advantage and a disadvantage. In modern
• Excellent aesthetics
formulations with a high copper content, the cor-
• Excellent adhesion to enamel
rosion potential has been reduced sufficiently to
• Accepts a quality polish
minimise the disadvantages although there is still
• Variety available for different tasks
enough corrosion product available to seal the
• Wear factor acceptable
margins against microleakage.
• Relatively inexpensive Reproduction of occlusal and proximal anatomy
Disadvantages is difficult to achieve in placement of all the direct
• Placement techniques require high level of skill plastic restorative materials and the problems
• Difficult to restore ideal coronal anatomy increase as the cavity gets larger. Relatively
• Bond to dentine questionable sophisticated matrix techniques are available but
• Resin is hydrophilic and takes up water over time reproduction of full proximal anatomy, particular-
• Longevity questionable ly in relation to the marginal ridge and contact
area, is difficult.
Choosing Between Restoration Modalities 341

Occlusal anatomy can be restored for the small- the wear factor with gold is very similar to that of
er restoration but becomes more difficult as the natural tooth structure.
cavity extends, particularly if a cusp needs to be Modern casting techniques allow for very high
protected. It is not possible to determine the suc- accuracy in fit and the inherent strength and duc-
cess of the reconstruction of the anatomy until the tility of gold means that it can be utilised in thin
restoration is completed and the patient is able to section to protect remaining tooth structure. It is
close the mouth and check the occlusion. The a noble metal and will not corrode and, because of
wear factor of amalgam is slightly greater than it’s highly polished surface texture, it is resistant
enamel, therefore, if the restoration is extensive to plaque formation.
and the occlusal load is heavy the occlusion may One of the major advantages is that, when a
not remain stable over long periods and should be restoration is produced by an indirect technique in
continually observed and monitored. the laboratory, it is possible to reinstate both the
Mercury safety issues are discussed in Chapter 13. occlusal and proximal surfaces to the full anatomy
of the original tooth. This is difficult indeed with
any other material, except possibly ceramics.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Relatively easy to handle Placement of direct malleted gold foil is relatively
• Relatively tolerant of poor placement techniques time consuming and is indicated for small, one
• Excellent longevity in small to medium sized surface restorations only. Gold inlays and crowns,
lesions constructed by indirect techniques, involve com-
• Least expensive of the direct restoratives plex laboratory procedures as well as rather
Disadvantages lengthy chairside operations. They are, therefore,
• Very poor aesthetics relatively expensive in the first instance although
• Difficult to restore full anatomical form their longevity will generally justify the initial
• Wear factor too great for extensive restorations outlay. In addition the multi-stage production rou-
tines allow the introduction of errors at any one of
these stages and it is essential that skilled opera-
tors are available at all times, both in the clinic
and the laboratory. The error, or accumulation of
Gold errors, will often only be detected at the final
insertion appointment and may require repetition
of the entire procedure.
Advantages In the current era of aesthetic dentistry the

T he physical properties of gold alloys are vari-

able with four types of alloys available for the
restoration of teeth using either direct or indirect
appearance of a gold restoration becomes debat-
able. Not all patients are opposed to them but
many request more aesthetic materials.
techniques. Direct gold restorations are placed in
the form of gold foil which is pure 24 carat gold
leaf. This will cold weld to a uniform mass SUMMARY !
through malleting directly into a cavity. In addi- Gold
tion there are three Types of gold for tooth restora- Advantages
tion using indirect techniques – Types A, B and C • Wide range of materials available
– which range in hardness upwards from Type A • Highly accurate fit available
which is the softest. With this range available it is • Reinstate full coronal anatomy
• Wear factor similar to tooth structure
possible to select a relatively ideal material for
• Longevity justifies the care and cost
restoration of any situation. It must be noted that
342 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

against both natural tooth structure as well as

SUMMARY ! gold and the other materials is rather high, partic-
Gold ularly if the porcelain has lost its glaze. If the
Disdvantages material is to be used it is better to oppose ceram-
• Multistage production allows for errors ic to ceramic rather than to oppose it to any other
• High skill required at all stages material.
• Relatively high cost initially
• Aesthetics a matter of choice
Ceramics • Perfect aesthetics available
• Complete reinstatement of anatomy
• Accuracy of fit
• Multistage production allows for errors
T he art and science of dental ceramics has
reached a very high level and it is the material
of choice for aesthetic restorations. With careful
• High skill required at every stage
• Relatively high cost
• Wear factor high on natural tooth structure
attention to detail ceramic crowns can defy detec-
tion by the naked eye. Because plaque will not
readily accumulate on a fully glazed ceramic sur-
face tissue tolerance is very high and a skilled Factors governing the selection of a
technician can reproduce the anatomy of both the restorative material
occlusal and the proximal surfaces with great Taking into account the advantages and disadvan-
accuracy. tages of the available restorative materials as list-
The physical properties of glazed ceramic are of ed above the following rationale can be applied in
a high order and their abrasion resistance is such any given situation with the materials discussed
that the opposing tooth is more likely to wear than in order of preference.
the restoration. The cost of these restorations to
the patient is high but the initial outlay can be Restoration and maintenance of physical properties
justified because of the longevity and superior of a tooth
aesthetics available. Gold is the material of choice in as much as it can
be used in thin section to protect and reinforce
remaining tooth structure. Also, constructed by
Disadvantages indirect techniques, it is possible to reform the
Because of the many stages involved in the pro- ideal contour and anatomy of a tooth and rebuild
duction of ceramic restorations there is a high occlusion with a high degree of accuracy.9,10
potential for the introduction of errors. All stages Ceramic restorations also are built by indirect
of production in both the clinic and the laboratory techniques and therefore it is possible to rebuild
must be carried out to the highest possible stan- anatomy and occlusion with a high degree of
dard if success is to be assured. accuracy. However they are too brittle to be
The fracture resistance of ceramics is not high designed in thin section and therefore, generally,
and restorations are prone to cracking and chip- more of the remaining tooth structure must be
ping, particularly if the occlusion is not properly removed to allow sufficient room for the restora-
developed. Repair and replacement is expensive tive material.
and failure will generally require complete recon- Both amalgam and composite resin should be
struction. In addition, the wear factor of ceramic confined to intracoronal restorations only and
Choosing Between Restoration Modalities 343

therefore it is generally not possible to restore Restoration and maintenance of aesthetics

strength to remaining tooth structure. Adhesion Ceramic is the material of choice for restoration of
with resins is only as strong as the tensile the larger lesion because it is possible to simulate
strength of the component parts of the system the original tooth in colour, translucency and
and neither composite resin, resin bonding agents character with a high degree of accuracy. How-
nor enamel are consistently strong in tension. ever, in many cases, it is necessary to be relative-
Cavity modifications and an acid etch union ly destructive of remaining tooth structure to
between enamel and resin can provide a degree of make room for the porcelain. With the advent of
protection to weakened cusps, but not substantial reliable adhesion to sound enamel through resin
reinforcement. bonding techniques it has become possible to pro-
The adhesion available with glass-ionomer duce ceramic veneers to restore the labial sur-
cement will restore some of the lost physical prop- faces of anterior teeth with minimal removal of
erties but the cement itself has a relatively low enamel. Care must be taken to avoid over contour-
tensile strength and cannot therefore be relied ing because this may compromise gingival health.
upon to offer a significant reinforcement to With careful attention to detail it is possible to
remaining tooth structure. restore aesthetics using composite resin. More
conservative techniques can be utilised but the
Restoration and maintenance of occlusion integrity of the margin depends entirely on the
Gold is the material of choice because, depending availability of sound, well supported enamel
on the alloy selected, the wear factor is almost which can be etched so the resin can be bonded to
identical with that of natural tooth enamel. it.11
Because the restoration is built using an indirect Glass-ionomer is a useful aesthetic restorative
technique, occlusion can be refined to a high material with the main limitation being an inabil-
degree and will subsequently be maintained over ity to withstand heavy occlusal load. It is the
many years, almost without change. material of choice for an erosion lesion or for any
Ceramic restorations are useful for restoring lesion where involvement of the occlusal surface
anatomy and occlusion because they must be is at a minimum. If the load is expected to be too
built indirectly. However the technique is more great it can be laminated with composite resin
demanding and the wear factor is much greater and this combination has been shown to restore
than gold. The porcelain surface will not flow and reasonable strength to the remaining tooth struc-
create the Beilby veneer which is seen with met- ture.
als and therefore they abrade opposing surfaces,
particularly as the porcelain loses it’s glaze. It is Choice of restorative material according
desirable to oppose porcelain to porcelain and not to size of lesion
porcelain to natural tooth structure or any other Natural tooth structure is the best defence against
restorative material. further caries. It can be remineralised and gener-
Amalgam, composite resin and glass-ionomers ally the patient can be educated in dietary and
are not suitable for the restoration and mainte- hygiene procedures (Chapters 4 and 7). Remineral-
nance of the occlusion because the wear factor is ised tooth structure is just as hard as the original
too great with all three. In addition it is almost tooth and is more resistant to further caries
impossible to reliably recontour the occlusal sur- attack. Therefore, even though the surface may be
face in these materials directly in the mouth with mildly disfigured and stained, the most conserva-
restricted access and vision and, generally, there tive approach to cavity design should be adopted.
is no opportunity to add to the restoration if it has The following recommendations are offered as a
been inadvertently carved out of occlusion during rational approach to the choice of cavity design
placement. and the subsequent selection of the restorative
344 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

Site 1 lesion – pits and fissures on smooth surface cusps. However, the design must be such as
• Newly erupted immature tooth with deep fis- to relieve stress on cusps that are already
sures split and retentive elements must be in the
Place a protective coating using an unfilled gingival one third of the crown.
resin or a glass-ionomer. No instrumentation • One or more cusps already lost
will be required. The cavity design is now complex and exten-
• Mature tooth with small carious dentine sive. Additional retention must be provided
involvement using grooves and ditches in the gingival
Open into the caries very conservatively. one third of the remaining tooth structure.
Follow out remaining fissures only where Restore with amalgam as the primary
there is a possibility of further caries. restoration with a gold or ceramic extracoro-
Restore with glass-ionomer and laminate if nal restoration to follow.
• Moderate size cavity with no undue occlusal Site 2 lesion – contact area, anterior
load • Initial lesion
Open conservatively and restore with glass- Glass-ionomer is the material of choice for
ionomer base and a composite resin lami- the restoration. Wherever possible the lesion
nate for areas subject to heavy occlusal load should be entered from the lingual thus min-
• Large cavity in a molar with extensive occlusal imising problems of aesthetics, for both the
involvement present and the future.
Restore with amalgam over a glass-ionomer • Large lesions or replacement restorations
base using a protective cavity design where Glass-ionomer remains the material of
required to prevent further breakdown. choice for the primary lesion. However, once
the incisal edge and the labial surface is
Site 2 lesion – contact area, posterior involved and aesthetics is compromised the
• New lesion just involving dentine cement will need to be placed as a dentine
Restore using glass-ionomer as the principal substitute and laminated with composite
restorative material. Laminate only if the resin.
occlusal load is heavy
• Larger lesion with marginal ridge involved Site 2 lesion – involving incisal corner
Use a conservative modified cavity design. If • Small initial lesion
the occlusal fissure is not carious, restore the The small lesion in this classification is like-
proximal box with composite resin over a ly to occur only as a result of trauma. If the
glass-ionomer base and seal the fissure with enamel only is involved it may be sufficient
resin. If the occlusal load is heavy, particu- to bevel the enamel and restore with com-
larly in molars, restore with amalgam. When posite resin. If there is any dentine involve-
replacing a failed restoration, where the ment it should be protected with a glass-
occlusal load is acceptable, use glass- ionomer first before lamination to provide
ionomer as a dentine substitute and lami- pulp protection and adhesion to the dentine.
nate with composite resin. • Larger lesions or replacement restorations
• Extensive lesion leaving undermined and Restore the entire lesion with a glass-
weakened cusp/s ionomer. Immediately cut back the cement
Use protective cavity design modified for sufficiently to expose the entire enamel mar-
restoration with amalgam or gold inlay so as gin on the labial and sufficient of the lingual
to provide protection over those cusps requir- enamel to ensure a union strong enough to
ing support. Gold is the most conservative withstand the anticipated incisal load. If the
material when used as an inlay because it can enamel is weak along the gingival margin,
be placed in thin section to protect remaining leave the cement covering that margin to a
Choosing Between Restoration Modalities 345

depth of about 2 mm. Bevel the enamel mar- upgraded first using glass-ionomer and non-
gins, etch and laminate with composite resin. vital teeth should be bleached as close as
possible to their correct colour. Composite
Site 3 lesion – cervical margin resin may be the preferred material for
• Erosion lesion minor modifications to one or two teeth only
A Type II.1 restorative aesthetic glass- but indirectly built porcelain veneers are
ionomer cement is the material of choice recommended for extensive modification of
under most circumstances. No instrumenta- several teeth at a time.
tion is required and the lesion should be • Three-quarter veneer
cleaned with pumice and water only to This is the most conservative of the extra-
remove the pellicle before being conditioned coronal restorations and is valuable for rein-
and restored. The aesthetic result should be forcing posterior teeth in particular. Gold is
checked after one week and if it is unsatis- the correct material to use because it can be
factory the cement can be cut back lightly cast with a high degree of accuracy and used
and laminated with composite resin. The in very thin section. Underlying restorations
resin-modified glass-ionomers are generally should be fully upgraded first using amal-
aesthetically satisfactory. gam or glass-ionomer. Skilful cavity prepara-
• Carious lesion or replacement restoration tion will minimise the gold display and in
The cavity should be instrumented only as many cases the aesthetic result is entirely
far as is essential to remove active caries. acceptable.
Mechanical retention is unnecessary and • Full crown
demineralised enamel may remain unless A full coverage restoration is required where
badly undermined. Glass-ionomer is the either the remaining tooth structure is so
material of choice and the cavity will need to badly broken down that no other method will
be conditioned before restoration. If the aes- adequately restore the tooth or it is neces-
thetic result is still unsatisfactory after one sary to upgrade aesthetics or occlusion. If
week the cement can be cut back and lami- aesthetics is of no concern gold is the mate-
nated with composite resin. rial of choice because remaining tooth struc-
ture can be conserved to a greater degree
Extracoronal restorations and also the occlusal wear factor is the same
• Porcelain or composite resin laminate veneers as tooth structure. Construction of a porce-
A laminate veneer can be regarded as a rela- lain crown will require removal of a greater
tively conservative method of modifying the amount of tooth structure to allow bulk in
shape or aesthetics of anterior teeth. As at the crown for both fracture resistance and
least half the thickness of the labial enamel aesthetics.
must be removed to avoid over contour, this Existing restorations should be fully
restoration should not be regarded as upgraded first and, in view of the fact that
reversible. Also it must be noted that, as it is retention of such a restoration is gained in
almost impossible to know the thickness of the gingival one third of the remaining
remaining enamel, the labial surface should tooth, amalgam is the material of choice for
not be cut back to an arbitrary depth for fear such work. Glass-ionomer may be sufficient
of inadvertently removing it all and leaving to make good small deficiencies, particularly
a bond to dentine only. This applies particu- on an anterior tooth but composite resin
larly to the gingival margin where it is most does not adhere to dentine so it is inade-
difficult to achieve a good bond to dentine. quate for this purpose.
Any existing restoration should be fully
346 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

Further Reading
1. Dawson AS, Makinson OF. Dental treatment and dental 7. Bryant RW. Posterior composite resin restorations – a review
health: Part I. A review of studies in support of a philosophy of clinical problems. Aust Prosthodont J 1987; 1:41-50.
of minimum intervention dentistry. Aust Dent J 1992; 37: 8. Pink FE, Minden NJ, Simmonds S. Decisions of practitioners
126-32. regarding placement of amalgam and composite resin
2. Hawthorne W, Smales R, Webster D. Long term survival of restorations in general practice settings. Oper Dent 1994;
restorative materials in private dental practice. J Dent Res 19:127-32.
1994; 73: Abstr. 85, pp.747. 9. Mount GJ. A review of newer restorative materials. Part 1.
3. Barnes DM, Holston AM, Strassler HE, Shires PJ. Evaluation Dent Today 1989; 5:1-6.
of clinical performance of twelve posterior composite resins 10. Mount GJ. A review of newer restorative materials. Part 11.
with a standardised placement technique. J Esthet Dent Dent Today 1990; 6:1-8.
1990; 2:36-43. 11. Tyas MJ. Adhesive dental restorative materials and systems.
4. Lambrechts P, Williams G, Van Herle G, Braem M. Aesthetic Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
limits of light cured composite resins in anterior teeth. Inter 1989; 10:101-7.
Dent J 1990; 40:149-58. 12. Dawson AS, Makinson OF, An alternate philosophy and
5. Sheth JJ, Fuller JL, Jensen ME. Cuspal deformation and frac- some new treatment modalities in operative dentistry, Part II.
ture resistance of teeth with dentine adhesives and compos- Aust Dent J 1992; 37:205-10.
ites. J Prosthet Dent 1988; 60:560-69.
6. Davidson CL, Kemp-Scholte CM. Shortcomings of compos-
ite resins in Class V restorations. J Esthet Dent 1989; 1:1-4.

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