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BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Carbon footprint of global True / False

tourism is huge a) Scientists said Australia's tourism carbon
footprint is very big. T / F
10th May, 2018
b) Scientists said the size of tourism's carbon
Climate scientists footprint would get smaller. T / F
from the University c) The research took one-and-a-half years. T / F
of Sydney in
Australia say d) The researchers looked at 500,000 businesses
tourism causes over related to tourism. T / F
8 per cent of e) International travel causes more C02
greenhouse gasses. emissions than domestic travel. T / F
They also say that
this figure will f) Air travel was the biggest part of tourism's
continue to increase carbon footprint. T / F
because the tourism g) Germany was one of the countries with the
industry is growing. Their study looked at the biggest carbon footprint. T / F
carbon footprint of many different areas of tourism.
It studied the CO2 emissions from transport, h) Researchers suggested tourists reduce their
events, hotels, restaurants and shopping. It even carbon footprint. T / F
researched the carbon emissions from producing
souvenirs. The researchers spent 18 months
conducting the research. They included the tourist
Synonym Match
(The words in bold are from the news article.)
activities of 189 countries. Researcher Dr Arunima
Malik said her team analyzed the impact on the 1. causes a. source
environment of over one million businesses
2. figure b. making
involved in tourism.
The researchers said domestic travel was a bigger 3. growing c. lower
cause of CO2 emissions than international or 4. producing d. number
business travel. Air travel was the largest part of
tourism's footprint. The researchers said flying 5. analyzed e. carry on
would continue to increase global emissions as
more people in the world become richer. The 6. cause f. increasing
countries causing the most harm were the biggest 7. continue g. damage
and richest nations. The USA, China, India and
Germany had the largest tourism carbon footprints. 8. encouraged h. creates
Their carbon emissions will continue to increase as
more of their citizens travel. The researchers 9. reduce i. urged
encouraged holiday-makers and travelers to try and 10. harm j. examined
reduce their carbon footprint when on vacation so
their travel causes less harm to the planet.
Sources: Discussion – Student A / /
a) What do you know about greenhouse
Writing b) What is your country's carbon footprint like?
We should stay at home more and travel less to
c) What are the good things about tourism?
reduce our global footprint. Discuss.
d) Which areas of tourism create the most
Chat emissions?
e) How bad is tourism for the environment?
Talk about these words from the article.
f) What can we do to reduce CO2 emissions?
climate / scientists / greenhouse gas / tourism /
industry / emissions / shopping / g) What do you know about eco-tourism?
domestic / travel / international / harm / carbon h) How worried are you about your carbon
footprint / holiday-makers / planet footprint?

LOTS MORE at Copyright Sean Banville 2018

BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Phrase Match
1. climate a. to the planet
2. tourism causes over 8 per cent b. emissions
3. this figure will continue c. involved in tourism
4. CO2 d. vacation
5. over one million businesses e. of greenhouse gasses
6. domestic f. makers
7. air travel was the largest g. scientists
8. holiday- h. part
9. when on i. travel
10. causes less harm j. to increase

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think about what you read? Role A – Relaxing
You think relaxing is the best thing about tourism.
b) Do you prefer domestic or international
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what
is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others
c) What are the bad things about tourism? which is the least enjoyable of these (and why):
taking photos, seeing the world or eating nice
d) Should we try and limit the number of flights? food.
e) What area of tourism most harms the planet? Role B – Taking Photos
You think taking photos is the best thing about
f) Should we go camping more to help the tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
planet? them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the
g) Should people travel less? others which is the least enjoyable of these (and
why): relaxing, seeing the world or eating nice
h) What questions would you like to ask the food.
researchers? Role C – Seeing the World
You think seeing the world is the best thing about
Spelling tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the
1. Climate iestntiscs others which is the least enjoyable of these (and
why): taking photos, relaxing or eating nice food.
2. the tourism ysiuntrd
Role D – Eating Nice Food
3. CO2 nssoiisem You think eating nice food is the best thing about
tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
4. producing vrsnouise them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the
others which is the least enjoyable of these (and
5. tourist eiiscaitvt why): taking photos, seeing the world or
6. nidloevv in tourism relaxing.

7. isbuenss travel Speaking – Tourism

8. haessrrrcee said flying would continue Rank these with your partner. Put the best things about
tourism at the top. Change partners often and share your
9. the biggest and richest ntnaosi rankings.
10. continue to aencrise • meet nice people • you can relax
• sit on a beach • learn about culture
11. holiday-makers and sarvlreet
• get away from home • take photos
12. when on vcantoai • see the world • eat delicious food

Answers – Synonym Match Answers – True False

1. h 2. d 3. f 4. b 5. j
a F b F c T d F e F f T g T h T
6. a 7. e 8. i 9. c 10. g
Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at Copyright Sean Banville 2018

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