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1. What is the value proposition at Zebra Medical?

In other words, who would

benefit from Zebra's product and how do they benefit? 
Zebra is a good assistance for radiologists. Zebra will supplement traditional X-ray and
CT scan diagnosing process. For the doctors (especially young ones) it is good to be
supported in the way that Zebra shows from which angle to approach a diagnosis of
disease if any. Zebra also saves time for the doctors if there is an urgent need to put a
diagnosis, in other words Zebra assists doctors in proiritizing of whom to provide the
help first. Zebra can check the patient for the presence of pneumonia if there is no
doctors around. Military field hospitals or hospitals from the rural hospitals also benefit
from the Zebra, because often there is no radiologists there, and therefore Zebra may
Zebra gives more accurate scans.
Zebra is supervised learning based, algorithms recognize patterns and learn also give the
doctors scans with precise outlines for each part of the image.

2. With seventy other firms in the machine learning space for imaging, what are Zebra's
competitive advantages and disadvantages? 
Advantages: no constraint with data collection in Israel there were collected vast
amount of scans and follow up prognoses, that is defenetely shared with Zebra.
The patients’ identity numbers was hidden. So data privacy and anonimity is the main
After making an agreement with Intermountain healthcare Zebra acquired more data
from bigger population, which helped it to increase the the algorithms.
Moreover, Zebra is not intending to replace radiologists, it is an assistance AI.

Disadvantages: computers (computing companies Google and Microsoft) are rising to

the level of managing machine learning, so Zebra confronted competition from such
specialized radiology equipment providers as General Electric, Siemens, Care Stream etc.
These companies try to implement new tools in their devices.

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