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Year 11 Speaking booklet Spanish HIGHER


Please prepare the answers you are going to say when the teacher asks you the following
questions. You should revise the answers at home so that in the exam you are able to respond.

Exam information:
-      The test will last a maximum 12 minutes and will consist of a Role-play card (approximately 2
minutes) and a Photo card (3 minutes), followed by a General Conversation.
-      During the preparation time candidates are required to prepare one Role-play card and one
Photo card.
-      Candidates must not use a dictionary at any time during this test. This includes the
preparation time.

Section 1
Theme 2 – Local, national and Global areas.

In the Speaking exam, the teacher will ask you any of these questions and elicit an extended answer
from you. You should try to ask the teacher one question too.

1.¿Dónde vives?
(5 Points)
Enter your answer

2.¿En qué tipo de casa vives?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

3.¿Cómo es tu casa?
(5 Points)
Enter your answer

4.¿Te gusta tu ciudad? 

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

5.¿Qué hay en Bristol?                     

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

6.¿Qué se puede hacer en tu ciudad?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

7.¿Dónde te gustaría vivir en el futuro?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

8.¿Llevas una vida sana dónde vives?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

9.¿Qué piensas de la situación de los sin techo en nuestra sociedad?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

10.¿Qué has hecho en el pasado para proteger el medio ambiente?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

11.¿Qué hiciste en vacaciones el año pasado?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

12.¿Dónde fuiste y con quien?    

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

13.¿Qué hiciste en vacaciones?      

(5 Points)
Enter your answer
Section 2
Theme 1 – Identity and culture
In the Speaking exam, the teacher will ask you any of these questions and elicit an extended answer
from you. You should try to ask the teacher one question too.

14.Describe a tu familia…             
(5 Points)
Enter your answer

15.¿Cómo te llevas con tu familia/ tu madre/ tu padre/ tu hermano?                 

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

16.¿Te gustaría tener una familia en el futuro?                          

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

17.¿Cuál es tu red social favorita?  

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

18.¿Crees que los jóvenes son adictos a la tecnología hoy en día?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

19.¿Qué red social tenías en el pasado y ya no tienes?Multi Line Text.

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

20.¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

21.¿Hay algún deporte que te gustaría practicar?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer
22.Háblame de un programa de televisión que viste recientemente.
(5 Points)
Enter your answer

23.¿Te gustaría visitar una fiesta española?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

24.En tu opinión, ¿Cómo son las fiestas en España?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer
Section 3
Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment

In the Speaking exam, the teacher will ask you any of these questions and elicit an extended answer
from you. You should try to ask the teacher one question too.

25.¿Cuál es tu asignatura favorita?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

26.¿Qué asignaturas no te gusta y por qué?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

27.¿Qué vas a estudiar el año que viene?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

28.¿Cómo es un día típico en tu colegio?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

29.¿Qué normas cambiarías en tu colegio?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

30.¿Qué trabajo quieres tener en el futuro?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

31.¿Vas a ir a la universidad en el futuro?

(5 Points)
Enter your answer

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