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Kim Erich


Weekly Assignment
Week 4: Introduction to Asia (Continue)
 When did the Asian century begin?
Asia has been the most important region of the globe. Over the past four decades, Asians
have gained the greatest share of total global economic growth and Westerners, especially
middle-class industrial workers, represent 50 percent of global GDP and two thirds of global
economic growth.
 Asia for Asian
Despite its vast geography and cultural diversity, Asia is evolving from the faint historical
and cultural linkages to robust economic interdependence to strategic coordination.
Ex: All the banks like ADB, EAC, RCEP, and AIIB facilitate owes of goods, services,
capital, and people around the region and will steer trillions of dollars of financing into cross-
border commercial corridors.
 Asia in the Global Order
Europe and Asia were to two biggest trades regions and each represents a major share of
Ex: China leveraged the US trading system to overcome US and display Japan as Asia
biggest economy.
 Getting Asia Right
Asia are always seek to create the dynamic through in and out.
Ex: Despite spending $50 billion between 2000 and 2016 on infrastructure and humanitarian
projects across the region, China has purchased almost no meaningful loyalty.
 The Asianization of the World
In the twenty-first century, Asianization is emerging as the newest sedimentary layer in the
geology of global civilization. The Asian way of doing things is spreading.
Ex: For centuries in the past, Asian were interacted with Silk Roads while the west
discovered and control Asia via colonialism.

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