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3/4/22, 11:26 AM Document 2111193.

Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

BDA Server ILOM GUI Storage Information on Disks Returns "Health: Not Available" on
Healthy Disks (Doc ID 2111193.1)

In this Document



Big Data Appliance X5-2 Full Rack - Version All Versions and later
Linux x86-64


The symptoms are as follows:

Note: the output can vary depending on ILOM version. The output here is based on ILOM Version r101691.

1. On a BDA server with healthy disks, viewing disk storage information in the ILOM GUI reports the disk health as "Not
Available". For example:

2. Logging into the ILOM GUI and navigating: System Information > Storage > Disks, shows output like:

3. Checking the ILOM snapshot file: ilom/@usr@local@bin@collect_properties.out, shows that /System/Storage is "health
= Not Available".  The output also shows that "Comprehensive System monitoring is not available.".

Properties: 1/3
3/4/22, 11:26 AM Document 2111193.1
health = Not Available
health_details = Comprehensive System monitoring is not available.
Ensure the host is running with the Hardware
Management Pack. For details go to
installed_disks = 12
max_disks = 14
installed_disk_size = Not Available
add_on_disks = Not Available
add_on_disk_size = Not Available
logical_volumes = Not Available
disk_controllers = Not Available

4. Based on the above output, checking the status of the Hardware Management Agent daemon, hwmgmtd, which
regularly polls the service processor for information about the current state of the server, shows that it is down on the

# service hwmgmtd status


hwmgmtd is stopped

5. However checking the MegaCli64 output from "bdadiag snapshot" on the server shows that the disks are in good health.


The cause of the ILOM reporting the disk health as "Not Available" for healthy disks is that the  Hardware Management
Agent daemon, hwmgmtd is not running.

This might happen after a disk replacement.


To resolve start the hwmgmtd on the server.

1. Restart the Hardware Management Agent daemon, hwmgmtd on the server. 

# service hwmgmtd start


Starting Oracle Server Hardware Management Agent: [ OK ]



# service hwmgmtd status

hwmgmtd (pid <PID>) is running...


2. Reset the ILOM SP.

a) ssh into the ILOM from the command line. 2/3
3/4/22, 11:26 AM Document 2111193.1

# ssh <HOSTNAME>-ilom

Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager

Version r101691

Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Hostname: <HOSTNAME>-ilom


b) reset the SP.

-> reset /SP

you sure you want to reset /SP (y/n)? y
Performing reset on /SP


3. Log back into the ILOM GUI and navigate: System Information > Storage > Disks , and see the disk health
reported as OK.

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