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Good evening, class!

In lieu of your research paper requirement, I am requiring you to make a pre-recorded report on any of the
following topics:

1. Thomistic Concept of Justice

2. Philosophical Foundations of the Philippine Civil Law and Commercial Law
3. Philosophical Foundations of the Philippine Criminal Law
4. Philosophical Foundations of Political Law

a. The report should be at least 10 minutes but not more than 20 minutes long;
b. The report should have a PowerPoint presentation, and an elaboration of the topic, either through
audio or video record;
c. MP4 format or Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show;
d. As to the PowerPoint presentation incorporated in your report, it should contain the following
a. Cover/Title

b. Topics

c. Introduction

d. Body

e. Conclusion

f. References

This is an individual report, so the content of each report should not be the same as the other reports.

Criteria for grading:

a. Substance - 60%

i. Accuracy and correctness of the content

ii. organization

iii. analysis

b. Format - 40%
You have to research on your chosen topic, and expound the same in your report. You can make your
script but try to be original with how you organize your themes. Do not just read the texts in your slides.
Be fluid and extemporaneous, comprehensive and precise.

Deadline of submission is on 28 January 2021 at 12:00 o’clock in the afternoon.

Your report will comprise 20% of your grade. Be creative and make your report worth watching.

Use our time tomorrow to start working with your report.

Good luck!

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