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Wear 514-515 (2023) 204584 ‘Contents lists available at ScienceDicect RLeoe Wy Wear ELSEVIER Journal homepage: wv. oisovier.comilocstelweor ‘The effect of Diamond Like Carbon coating on the Solid Particles Erosion resistance of grade 410 stainless steel’ Maitham Mohammed Al-Asadi, Hamza A, Al-Tameemi” Deprment of Mechnial gcring, Univers of phd, Baghin, oy Tapert Satace damage by sold particles impacting thigh speed isa significant problem for many applicrons Sir En Hardening and coming are widely adopted to prove srface resistance, The Diamoneke Crbon (DIC) conting i produce by highly advanced method tht make tone ofthe hardest coating with improves bonding tothe substrate in thi sty, the Said Pals Erosion (SPE) resistance ofthe DLC coating deposited by Plat Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (PACVD) on hardened stainless tel grade 410 (SS 41011) ws investigate, “The results were compared tothe $6 410H and $5 410 without hardening. The ASTM G 76 gas bl tester was sed to find the SPE resistance, seprseated by Eso Rate (ER), under veloies of (0, 50,70) meter per second and angles of (5,45, 60, 70, 90) degres. The reals were wed to provide the constants needed fe 8 ‘odie Sheldon Kanes (SK) ER model to eine the ER at any velocity and iaypact angle fr the tested ‘materials, st inpetany, forthe DLC coatag. A duct exesion behavior was observed for the tested ma tells where the ER i reduced by Ineeasng the impact angle waich proves that the DLC costing does not ‘behave as a ite material under SPE. The DC coating showed se highest SPE resixance with improveent of 42-654 wit mest n sigifiant fect of the veloky and impact angle onthe improvement rate, Whe te {10H showed an improvement of G48 with sgncentfactaton with the variation of elckes and angles “This sty higlights the potential nage of DLC coating in mechanical parts exosed to sole paris, seh a= turbine/eompresor blades. Aste hea VpueDeposon(PACVD) 4. Introduction considerable component wear in abroad variety of applications such as helicopter rotor blades, wind turbines, power generating gas turbines, According to statistics, friction consumes about 20% of the total ‘energy consumed globally [1,2]. A common understanding of wear is the effect on product life, parts value, maintenance eoss, breakdown, and production los [3-7] There are different sorts of wear classified ‘according to the generated fearures on the surfaces and the causing ‘action. The most prominent types are Abrasion, Adhesive, Corrosive, Patgue,Fresting an Erosion wear. Erosion wear can be subdivided int: 8) Erosion due to liquld impingement. 1) Cavitationindved erosion. © Solid particle erosion, The current study focuses of the solld particles erosion due tothe Increasing demand for mechanical parts moving at high velocity in hharsh environments containing erosive particles that may result in aircraft windshields, fusclages, and engines (°,]. Several mechanisms release some ofthe particle kinetic energy (KE) throughout this dynamic process, including ductility, fracture, nesting, and phase transitions. The sine, shape, hardness, and mas of eroding particles, as well as degraded surface characteristics and operating qualities (velocity, angle of com tact, and flow rate), ll impact these processes [10]. All esting factors, including solid particle erosion processes, particle properties, surface enhancement techniques, ad their effec on the base materal, must be ‘well understood. The Solid Patiles Erosion (SPE) behavior of a mate ial may be categorized as ductile, brite, or transitona in brittle mae {eral solid particle erosion, These divisions are made according tothe impact angle chat causes the most degradation [11]. are a number oftribology systems that may decrease wear and provide excellent wear resistance. Coatings are one of the most exten sively utlied methods for tailor the surlace morphology, wear mal eddie: ar samemi@comngsbaphad adi hsmeacameen@gail om (LA, ALTameer, buups// wer. 2022:204588 ‘Available online 90 November 2022 ‘945164676 2022 Enevier BW All right reserved

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