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Name: Teodelyn N.

Course and Year: BM-1

TLA 2: Reflective Writing

Expected Output: Essay
Instructions: Write a 1-paragraph answers with 3 to 5 sentences on the following questions. Cite
the online articles and studies used as reference (If any).

Q1: in your opinion, what constitutes a good life?

According to Dr. Martin Seligman (one of the founding fathers of positive psychology) the
good life entails using our character strengths to engage in activities we find intrinsically
fulfilling, during work and play and in our relationships. We invest our strengths in the activities
of daily living, we can develop the virtues required to live ‘the good life’; a life characterized by
positive emotional states, flow, and meaning. And I agree with him because I believe that a life
that is self-fulfilling and self-satisfying might be characterized as a good life. Happiness,
contentment, and enjoyment of life's little joys are its defining characteristics. When someone
says their life is good, they are referring to having access to the essential comforts and
pleasures in life.

Q2: How is the progress of science and technology a movement towards the good life?

The progress of science and technology improves the quality of our life. For the benefit
of the community, it offers additional information to broaden people's ideas. It meets our needs
and wants in order to make up for our lack of understanding and it has an impact on how we will
live going forward. It aids us in evolving into greater versions of ourselves in the future for it has
an effect on our culture and provides context. It also enables us to trace our family tree and
discover more about our ancestry.

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