Acts of Apostles - Summary (Chapter by Chapter)

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Acts of Apostles

Summary (Chapter by Chapter)

A Jerin, M.Div III

Chapter 1

In this first chapter he starts with Theophilus who was mentioned in Luke’s Gospel. And telling that
in the first book I have written about what Jesus did and what he was teaching from the beginning.
He has written until Jesus was taken up to heaven in that book. After that he was instructed to the
Apostles through Holy Spirit, he was appeared for 40 days, and he was speaking about the kingdom
of God. He said to them that you baptized by John with water and now you will be baptized by the
Holy Spirit. And we can see that the whole book summary is mentioned in 8 th verse of this chapter,
when the Holy Spirit come upon you will receive power and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world. And after that he ascended to the heaven and
there were a conversation with two men, and they told that he will come again the same way he taken
up. And his disciples were stayed in the upstairs with mother of Jesus and his brothers. Among them
(120 people) Peter stood up and used Old Testament to choosing of the disciples instead of Judas
Iscariot. They prayed for that, before them two were there Joseph Barsabbas and Matthias. For that
they put lot, lot fell on Matthias so they added him to the Eleven.

Chapter 2

On the day of Pentecost people came together and they experienced the Holy Spirit with certain
things like violent wind sound from the heaven, and filled the house, divided tongues, as of fire, they
began to speak in other languages. And that sound was heard by the Jews who were from different
nations, they were amazed that they heard in their native language. And some says that they filled
with new wine. Peter stood up and started speaking to them from the prophet Joel. And he told them
about Jesus of Nazareth, his life, wonders, signs, and his death and resurrection. And he mentioned
David’s sayings that he taught about Messiah. People responded to the message and he gave
instruction to them, repent and be Baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. 3000 People were added and
they had apostle’s teachings, fellowship to the breaking of the bread and the prayers. Now they were
shared their possessions and ate together, spent more times in the temple.

Chapter 3

The Healing of the crippled man take place in the earlier part of the chapter. They healed him in the
Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. People were amazed of this healing because they were identified
him as he was sit there (Beautiful Gate) and asking alms to the people. So people were gathered over
there (Solomon’s Portico) now Peter started speaking, “You Israelites….” You handed over Jesus
and rejected him, you killed the author of life, whom God raised from the dead. And he told them to
Repent and return to God so that he can wipe out all the sins.

Chapter 4

The priests, the captain of the Temple and the Sadducees came to Peter and John as they were
proclaiming the Jesus Christ and in Jesus there is the resurrection of the dead. So they were much
disturbed and they arrested for one day. But the situation over there was more people believed and
more people (about 5000 people) added into the Church. All the officials gathered there and asked
“By what power you are doing these things?” Peter stood up and answered that salvation comes only
from Jesus Christ one who rejected by him. They were amazed to see Peter and John because they
were uneducated and ordinary persons even though they preached boldly. And the officials made the
decision and warned them to speak no more about Christ. But they answered we can’t stop preaching
that we have heard and seen. They were prayed to God that to give boldness to speak God’s word.
Every possession was in common, nothing was claimed as private ownership. They shared their

Chapter 5

First part of this chapter moving with Ananias and Sapphira incident that they were lie to the Holy
Spirit and laid it on the apostles’ feet only a part of the proceeds. Peter questioned them and they both
of them lie to him. So they fell down and died, young boys buried their body. There was a great fear
among the whole church and those who hear this message. Apostles were doing great ministry, and
signs and wonders were done among people through the Apostles. Even many were added to the
Church and sick people cured. Sadducees got jealous on them and they arrested apostles and put them
in to the public prison. But Lord opened prison gate and they were preaching in the temples. When
the police realized that they were not there and doors were opened, so they were perplexed. And after
that they came to know that they were preaching in the temple. And they (Apostles) were brought
back and high priest asked. Why did you preach even we commanded you to not to do?” but apostles
answered them that we must obey God rather than any human authority. And they started talking
about Jesus Christ. They really wanted to kill apostles but Gamaliel the Law teacher gave idea that
put them outside for a short time. Even Judas the Galilean convinced people. The apostles were
released and they were more happy that they considered worthy to suffer. They started teaching and
proclaimed that Jesus as the Messiah.

Chapter 6
There were a problem with the Hellenists and the Hebrews, and Hellenists complained that their
widows were neglected and they felt Hebrews women were received better care. This made them to
select seven to serve. They were selected the seven by good standing and full of spirit and wisdom.
They were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolaus. And people
increased greatly in Jerusalem and many priests were came to faith. Stephen, a man full of grace and
power, and full of faith and the Holy spirit, did wonders and signs among people. People from
synagogue they started arguing with him, bu they couldn’t withstand the wisdom and the Spirit which
he spoke. So they diverted him that he blasphemed against Moses and God. And in the council
people were looking at him while they looking, his face was like the face of an angel.

Chapter 7

Stephen started speaking when high priest asked him. He started from Abraham that God of glory
appeared him and spoke to him that the descendants will be resident in the alien country, because of
them you will be mistreat and enslave by them. And after Isaac, Jacob became father of the twelve
patriarchs. God rescued Joseph from all kind of afflictions and gave wisdom to stand before the
Pharaoh the king of Egypt. Joseph was a ruler of Egypt and gave grain to his family. And he
mentioned that the promise was near to fulfilment, God had made a promise with Abraham that you
will multiply and increased until next king comes. Moses was born and he became a defender of
Israel. God spoke from the Burning bush and send him as ruler and liberator. He led the people with
signs and wonders of God. God gave commandments to them but they disobeyed to God. They have
made God for their own and sacrificed for them. Even he spoke to them with harsh words, you stiff-
necked people, and you people opposing the Holy Spirit like as your ancestors to do. And the people
who were heard these things they got angry with him and that time he was saw the Jesus Christ
standing at the right hand of God. People started stoned him, he prayed and cried in a loud voice and

Chapter 8 & 9

That time severe persecution started against all the churches and the Apostles were scattered. Saul
entered into every house and persecuted both men and women. Philip started proclaiming the word of
God in the city of Samaria. Even the magician Simon in that city came to faith and baptized by
Philip, many people got baptized. When apostles heard that Samaria accepted the word of God, they
sent Paul and Peter with them. John and Peter ministered (Wilderness Road) in order to meet
Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of the Candace. Philip led him into faith and eunuch Baptized by
him. And Ethiopian Eunuch proclaimed gospel to the towns until he came to Caesarea. Still Saul was
persecuting churches, when he asked letters to reach Damascus. Lord touched him, he was there
without sight for three days. And Ananias was instructed to guide him, and Lord told him that he
chosen him as an instrument. Ananias prayed for him and he got sight, immediately he took baptism
and after some days started preaching in the synagogues. People were amazed by seeing these things
but Jews planned to kill him. So his disciples led him to escape from there, after that he reached
Jerusalem. Barnabas explained about him and his ministry in Damascus. Saul argued with Hellenists
and they were about to kill him. So disciples sent him off to Tarsus. The churches in Judea, Galilee
and Samaria turn to Christ and the fear of Lord was there and it was increased in numbers. Peter
ministered in Lydda, people turned to the Lord because they saw the healing of Aeneas. In Joppa
there was a disciple name called Tabita which in Greek is Dorcas. She did many good works and acts
of Charity. When she died, the disciple called Peter to pray and he came there. When he prayed she
got up and alive, these thing spread throughout the Joppa and people of Joppa came to Christ.

Chapter 10 & 11

Cornelius was a centurion of the Italian Cohort lived in Caesarea. He was a devout person,
generously helping to the people, prayer man. He saw a vision that to send men to Joppa to receive
Peter who were lodging with Simon, a tanner. So Cornelius sent three persons to call Peter. Next day
Peter saw a vision when he was hungry that large sheet coming down, it had four-footed creatures,
reptiles and birds. And sayings, Peter kill and eat it. But he refused and replied that it is profane and
unclean. What god has made clean, you must not call profane. It was happened three times. After that
Cornelius men reached there and they got up and went with them to Caesarea. Both Peter and
Cornelius shared their visions, and Peter told them ‘you know that it is unlawful for a Jew to visit a
Gentile, but God has shown that we should not call anyone as profane or unclean. Peter started
preaching among the gentiles and he told them that Lord commanded us to preach the word of God
and to testify that he is God. And whoever believes him will receive forgiveness. And they received
Holy Spirit and Peter invited them to get water Baptism. When the people Jerusalem came to know
that they were criticized him, but Peter explained those things (Visions and God’s Leading) very
clearly from the beginning. When they heard they became silent and praised God. Some men from
Cyprus and Cyrene went to Church in Antioch, and they preached to Hellenists and most of them
turned to Christ. When Jerusalem Church heard this, they sent Barnabas, many people were came to
the Lord. And Barnabas brought Saul with him in Antioch. They were there for entire year, Antioch,
that the disciples were first called “Christians”. The prophet came from Jerusalem, and proclaimed
that there would be famine all over the world. It was during the reign of Claudius. Disciples sent
relief to the believers by Barnabas and Saul.

Chapter 12 & 13
The king Herod violently moved upon churches, he killed James and put Peter into prison. The
church people were prayed fervently for Peter. The Angel of the Lord rescued him from the prison
and but Peter thought that was vision. When Angel came before the Iron Gate which is the path to go
to the city, suddenly angel left from there. He went to the house of Mary. Rhoda who didn’t open the
gate instead of that she ran in and announced to others, they didn’t believe. But when they saw him
they were amazed Peter explained them how the Lord rescued him from the prison. Herod put death
those who were guarded, Peter went to Caesarea. Herod didn’t give glory to the Lord, Angel of God
struck him and he was eaten by worms and died. Saul and Barnabas returned to Jerusalem with John
(Mark). Church of Antioch was filled with prophets and teachers like Barnabas, Simeon, Manaen a
member of the court of Herod the ruler and Saul. And Holy Spirit said to them set apart for him
Barnabas and Saul and Lord had chosen them for the work. And they were being sent out when they
reached Salamis they preached the word of God in the Jews synagogues. They met a magician, who
was a false Jewish prophet name called ‘Bar-Jesus’. He opposed them to not to hear the word of God.
Saul who also known as Paul started speaking against him, he became blind. When the proconsul saw
that he came to belief. Then Paul and his companies came to Perga in Pamphylia. John went back to
Jerusalem, while others went to Antioch in Pisidia. In the synagogue Paul exhorted from the Israel
history and about Jesus Christ. And he was telling that they are God’s witnesses. When all the
Gentiles heard those things they praised God and became believers. But some opposition came
through the high standing women and men in that city, but Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their
feet and went Iconium.

Chapter 14 & 15

They went to Iconium and they did the same what they did in the previous place. They preached the
word of God in the synagogue, they got the results for that great number of people both Jews and
Greeks came to Christ. After that there were small division happened there, apostles came to know so
they left from there. They proclaimed the good news to the surrounding countries. When they were in
Lystra, there was one man who could not walk. Paul commanded to him to stand up on your feet. He
started walking, people were amazed and they called them by Greek Gods name, Barnabas as Zeus
and Paul as Hermes. And people wanted to offer sacrifice. And apostles cleared them that they are
not God, but you have to do before the living God, who made this heaven and earth. But the Jews
who came from Antioch and Iconium they were stoned Paul but the disciples rescued him. And next
they proclaimed in the city of Derbe and next they came back to Lystra, Antioch and Iconium to
strengthen and encouraged the disciples to stand firm in the faith, and appointed elders in churches.
And they ministered among following places Pamphylia, Attalia and they came back to Antioch. In
Antioch they called church together and they explained the open door for Gentiles. Some people who
were preaching in the Judea they preached like ‘if you are not circumcised, you can’t be saved’. So
Paul and Barnabas had a debate with them and they were planned to inform that one to the elders and
apostles who were in Jerusalem. They were nicely sent off by the Churches, and they carried the
great joy that conversion of Gentiles. And they welcomed by the Jerusalem apostles and elders, and
Paul and Barnabas reports that Lord has done to them. Believers who belonged to the Pharisees sect
stood up and asked that is it necessary to be circumcised? Peter stood up and explained that there is
no distinction between both Gentiles and Jew. And the same time Paul and Barnabas explained their
ministry experience among Gentiles. After that James was telling that we should not be a trouble for
Gentiles. We should be clear to Gentiles that to abstain only from things polluted by idols and
fornication and from what is strangled and from blood. And they sent letters to the Gentiles to settle
their minds to these things, along with that they sent Judas and Silas. It was read in the congregation
in Antioch, people were rejoiced and got encouragement. Paul and Barnabas separated because of
John called mark, who left when they were ministering in Pamphylia.

Chapter 16 & 17

Paul and Silas went to Derbe and Lystra and they found person called Timothy. They took him, his
mother was a Jew and his father was a Greek. He was well spoken by the believers. They were
preached, churches were strengthened and numbers increased daily. The Holy Spirit did not allow
them to go some other places in Asia. And Paul had a vision that the person from Macedonia pleaded
him to come there. So they went to that place and proclaimed the good news. Author was also with
him, they went to many cities in the district of Macedonia and Rome Colony. And they one woman
who was a worshiper of God and they gathered in the place of prayer and Lord opened her heart to
hear God’s word, and she got baptized. They met a fortune-telling lady and they were annoyed by
her. So Paul ordered that spirit to come out. But the owners of that lady put them into the authorities
because she was the source of money for them. The authorities gave permission to beat them and put
them in the innermost cell by telling their customs are not lawful to the Romans and they are Jews.
They were prayed and sang song in the cell, there was an earthquake, doors were opened and chains
untied. Jailer came to faith by seeing all those things and he brought them outside, entire family
baptized. And next morning police came and tell them to go but Paul replied that they were beaten in
the public but now released in secret, this made them scared. And they reached Thessalonica where
there was a synagogue of Jews, he argued from the scripture that Jesus is the Messiah. Many were
interested to persuade but Jews became jealous. They were searching for Paul and Silas, they
couldn’t find, so they disturbed Jason’s house. And after that Paul and Silas went to Beroea, they
were receptive than Thessalonica. They were eagerly received the message and many were believed
in the word of God. Because of Thessalonica’s Jews Paul sent off by them whereas Silas and
Timothy remained there. And later they joined with him in Athens where full of idols and happened
to debate with Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. And people brought them to Areopagus and asked
him about their teachings as new. Paul stood up and explained very clearly about idol worship. When
he explained about the resurrection of the Christ some believed and some scoffed. So Paul left from

Chapter 18 & 19

And Paul met a couple Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth, who were in Rome because of the rule of
Claudius (All the Jews to leave from Rome). They were worked together as a tentmakers. Paul used
to argue in synagogue, many Jews opposed him and he shook the dust from his clothes and said that
he is going to the Gentiles. He went to the house of Justus, and Crispus the official of synagogue
reason to many people came to believe. Paul had a vision that God said him that do not be afraid and
Lord is with him, nothing will be harm Paul. There are many people in the city who are my people.
People dragged Paul into Gallio, proconsul of Achaia, but he didn’t pay attention to them. After that
Paul went to Syria with Aquila and Priscilla and Paul did his hair cut at Cenchreae. He did ministry
and went from place to place. When they came to Ephesus, they found person name called Apollos
who was well-versed in scriptures. And they took him and taught him accurately, he boldly preached
the word of God in the public. After that Paul crossed that region of Ephesus, he asked the believers
about the Holy Spirit. But they knew about only the John’s baptism. He explained about the Holy
Spirit baptism, and boldly preached in the synagogue. Once people refused to believe, he left from
there and took his disciples to teach. There were sons of Sceva who had evil spirit tried to use the
name of Lord Jesus. Because they saw that through Paul, God did many wonders and miracles. But
he fled out of the house, people were awestruck and they confessed and disclosed their practices. And
he met silver shrines of Artemis, and he explained which are made by hand is not gods. There was a
great confusion but town clerk dismissed the assembly.

Chapter 20, 21 & 22

Paul went to Macedonia and Greece to give encouragement to the people. When he was in Troas day
before he left, he spent time with them in speaking and breaking bread with them. And after that they
went to Miletus, Paul wanted to be there at Jerusalem. When they were in Miletus, he asked the
elders of the Ephesus to meet him. And advised them about the ministry that he done with tears there,
and he informed that he is going to Jerusalem. After that they knelt and prayed, with weeping they
kissed because they would not see him again. And they sailed to Syria and landed in Tyre, there they
met disciples and stayed there for seven days. After the farewell they went to Ptolemies, Caesarea. In
Caesarea they met Philip whose four daughters had gift of Prophesy. And one prophet came from
Judea, he prophesised about Paul that he will hand over by Jews from Jerusalem to Gentiles. Paul
was telling that he was ready to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord. And after that they started
to go to Jerusalem. Once they got warm welcome by brothers in Jerusalem and Paul went to visit
James and elders, and started sharing about the ministry among Gentiles. And he himself purified to
enter into the temple and he was arrested because they were telling that this Paul is teaching against
their people and law, and he brings Greeks to the church which defiled their temple. Then he asked
permission to speak, he addressed them in Hebrew, crowd was quiet to hear. He was telling that he
was a Jew and brought up under the feet of Gamaliel, now being zealous for God. Before that he was
opponent to the Christians. And he was explaining about his conversion, he was telling about the
voice that he heard. And also he shared about the call that he ministered among Gentiles which God
instructed to him. When the crowd was shouted they tied him, Paul was telling them that he was
citizen of Rome, when they realized that he is Roman citizen they were afraid. And he was stand
before the Council.

Chapter 23, 24 & 25

While Paul was speaking to that crowd, Ananias ordered to strike his mouth. And there was an
argument and Pharisees and Sadducees argued each other because Sadducees had no faith in
Resurrection and an angel. And that night God spoke to him that be courage and as he witnessed inn
Jerusalem, he must bear witness in Rome. And son of Paul’s sister help him to tell that the forty men
lying in ambush for Paul. And other day he arranged the things to go to Felix the governor, and he
wrote letter to Felix about Paul and the incidents. After that he commanded to keep him under in
Herod’s headquarters. And after that Tertullus who came with Ananias to report their case and started
accused Paul. And Paul replied to them, and then Felix told them to keep Paul to under custody with
liberty. Even Felix was asking about Christ to Paul and he was expected money from him to release
him. After he was succeeded by Porcius Festus, he was favour with Jews and kept Paul in the prison.
After Felix the man name called Festus, who gave permission to chief priests and Leaders of Jews to
find wrong in Paul. After conferred with him, several days after King Agrippa and Bernice welcomed
Festus. Festus put Paul’s case in front of Agrippa and explained what was happened earlier. So
Agrippa wanted to hear Paul, next day he they had a meeting with Paul and Festus was explaining
about Paul.

Chapter 26, 27 & 28

And Paul got a chance to defend himself by his speech. Paul started his speech that Agrippa knows
about the customs and controversies of the Jews. And he also mentioned that earlier days he spent
with his own people and belonged to the strictest sect and lived as a Pharisee. And he was punishing
people and blasphemes in the synagogues. He was explaining his conversion, and about his
commitment towards the heavenly vision. So he was telling that he was declared among Gentiles that
is reason why Jews got jealous and seized many times in temples. Even though hearing all those
things Festus was telling that Paul was out of mind, But Paul was very clear about that. He asked to
King Agrippa that he is believing in prophets or not. Agrippa replied him that Paul is trying to make
him Christian, but Paul said that his prayer was all the people those who were listening to become a
Christian. And after that they transferred Paul into some other prison, and Julius was a person who
treated Paul kindly. They faced the storm at sea and so they struggled a lot, they were living without
food for a long time. Paul encouraged them to keep up their courage and he was telling them to take
food, they were about 276 people. After that they met a shipwreck, centurion wished to save Paul. All
were brought safely to the land. That island was called Malta, where people were more kindness.
There was a rainy season, as well as cold. When they made fire, viper was hanging on Paul’s hand.
People thought that Paul would die, and they were discussed that justice not allows him to live even
though he escaped from shipwreck. After that they realize nothing was happened to him, they said
that he was a God. And after that person name called Publius father was lay sick, Paul visited and
prayed for him, he cured, like that many people from that island cured. And after that they arrived at
Rome, that time Paul was allowed to live by himself with the soldier. In Rome local leaders gathered
that time Paul explained that he had nothing against to the people or customs and there is no reason to
arrest him. And Paul started preaching about the Jesus Christ from the Law of Moses and the
prophets. Some people convinced by that whereas some people refused to believe. Paul lived there
for two years and preached word of God with Boldness and without hindrance.

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