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(Từ ngày 13/3/2023 đến ngày 17/3/2023)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Part 1: For each question, choose the correct answer. (Taken from PET trainer)
You will hear an interview with a 17-year-old boy called Erik who went cycling across the USA
with his dad.
1. Erik and his dad wanted to do a long cycle ride to
A. make money for charity.
B. break their usual routine.
C. spend lots of time together.
2. Why did they choose to cycle in the USA and not in other countries?
A. To avoid difficulties with language.
B. They thought it would be safer.
C. It was easier to organise.
3. How did Erik feel as they were setting off?
A. surprised at how relaxed they were
B. excited about all the things they’d see
C. nervous they wouldn’t succeed
4. Erik’s favourite days were those on which
A. they didn’t cycle as far as usual.
B. the weather was warm and dry.
C. they had a chance to be sociable.
5. Erik says that during the ride, he and his dad
A. talked about many personal issues.
B. became comfortable with silence.
C. disagreed about many things.
6. In the future, Erik plans to
A. start taking part in races.
B. go on another long ride.
C. only cycle during his free time.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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Part 2: You will hear a lecture given to a group of parents about keeping children safe in
water. For questions 7-16, complete the notes below which summarise what the speaker
says. (Taken from FCE Test)
The speaker says a (7) __________ may be dangerous for small children.
The (8) __________ of the Royal Lifesaving Society website can be found on the fact sheet.
A child can start swimming lessons when it is (9)__________old.
During swimming lessons, very young children learn to roll onto their (10) __________
At a private pool, there should be one supervisor for every (11) __________ children.
Children must learn not to go close to the (12) __________ unless an adult is supervising them.
There are many more (13) __________ in private swimming pools than public pools.
At home, put an alarm on the rear (14) __________ so you hear a noise if your child has gone
into the garden.
Apart from public and private pools, the (15) __________can also be dangerous to children.
At the beach, a (16) __________ flying is a sign which means you must not swim.
Part 3: Listen to two students talking about a lecture and answer the questions (Taken
from Listening for IELTS)
17. The lecture is being given by
A. a writer
B. a lecturer
C. a postgraduate student
18. Mel and Andrew agree to meet at
A. 1.30 pm B. 1.45 pm C. 2.30 pm
19. Mel and Andrew agree to meet in
A. the canteen
B. a café
C. the Science building
Listen to the students talking after the lecture and complete sentences 4-6 in 4. Use NO
ORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
20. Mel was surprised at the speaker's __________ theories.
21. Mrs McKee did not have any__________ to support her argument about sea levels.
22. Mel plans to follow Mrs McKee's __________.
I. Pick up the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
Question 1 [274536]: A. intimate B. evaluate C. marinate D. collaborate
Question 2 [274537]: A. obstacle B. observant C. obsolete D. obvious
Question 3 [274538]: A. loathe B. oatmeal C. oasis D. soap
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from others in each group.
Question 4 [274539]: A. sufficient B. picturesque C. commercial D. distinctive
Question 5 [274540]: A. interest B. history C. September D. cultural

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III. Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence.
Question 6 [274541]: I was so lucky that I could buy the china cabinet for a __________at a
jumble sale.
A. tune B. tone C. song D. rhythm
Question 7 [274542]: Tony Robbins is a(n) __________ speaker who holds lectures around the
A. American well-known motivational B. American motivational well-known
C. motivational American well-known D. D. well-known American motivational
Question 8 [274543]: __________, he couldn’t solve that mathematical puzzle.
A. As intelligent as was he B. Intelligent as he was
C. So intelligent was he D. Although he is intelligent
Question 9 [274544]: The authorities are worried about the recent phenomenon of
students dropping __________of college to seek employment.
A. out B. down C. back D. off
Question 10 [274545]: John has finally found a new job after being__________ for three
A. out of reach B. out of order C. out of work D. D. out of mind
Question 11 [274546]: World War II __________millions of people were killed ended in 1945.
A. during which B. during that C. when D. which
Question 12 [274547]: __________as the most important crop in Hawaii is sugar cane.
A. It ranks B. It is ranked C. What ranks D. The rank
Question 13 [274548]: An area of political unrest or danger is called __________
A. a hot seat B. a hotline C. a hot spot D. a hot potato
Question 14 [274549]: Jackie lives on the fourth floor of a __________in London’s West End.
A. bungalow B. block of flats C. detached house D. terraced house
Question 15 [274550]: I don’t think the situation will be any better,__________?
A. will it B. won’t it C. do it D. don’t I
Question 16 [274551]: In fact, the criminals__________in because the front door was wide
open and they just walked in.
A. needn’t have broken B. shouldn’t have break
C. didn’t need to break D. couldn’t have broken
Question 17 [274552]: A lot of fast food restaurants have__________in the town centre over
the last couple of years.
A. thrived on B. sprung up C. taken on D. caught up
Question 18 [274553]: If Joanne hadn’t decided to stop working to look after her children,
her medical practice__________now.
A. would have been flourishing B. would be flourishing
C. would have flourished D. would be flourished
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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IV. Choose the appropriate opinion ( A, B, C, or D) to complete the response in each

conversational exchange below.
Question 19 [274554]: –Tom: “We ‘ll have to hurry if we want to finish this project on time.”
–Nick: “__________”
A. OK. But I‘ll call you later B. I’ll say we will
C. I’m tired. I’ll go home early. D. What a wonderful idea!
Question 20 [274555]: Sarah: “Did you enjoy the movie yesterday?” – Lisa: “
A. Not really. I couldn’t follow the story. B. Certainly, I’d be glad to.
C. No, I dislike moving. D. Yes, it is warmer than today.
V. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question
Shaped like an elongated ‘S’, Vietnam lies on the eastern part of the Indochinese
peninsula in Southeast Asia. Vietnamese cuisine differs (21)__________ radically in the north,
center, and south of the country but two key features stand out. Firstly, rice (22)__________ an
essential role in the nation’s diet and so do noodles. In fact, the Vietnamese are crazy about
noodles! Made from white rice or mung beans, noodles are eaten at any time of the day. They
come in (23)__________shapes and thicknesses and are eaten in soups, as side dishes or simply
plain. Secondly, fresh vegetables and herbs are a major focus of every meal. (24)__________,
most Vietnamese shops for food are at least twice a day which (25)__________Why their
cuisine is famous for its use of fresh ingredients. Dishes are (26)__________ with vegetables
such as bean sprouts, carrots, water spinach, eggplants, cucumbers, and bok choy, and
seasoned with herbs like lemon grass, coriander, basil, chili, and mint. The characteristic
flavors of Vietnamese food are sweet, spicy, and sour. As in many Asian countries, the
Vietnamese do not eat their meal in (27) __________Instead, all food is served at once, and
people (28)__________ from the dishes in the center of the table. Vietnamese cuisine has been
growing in (29)__________worldwide because it is not only delicious but also extremely
healthy. Food is rarely fried. (30)__________, it is steamed or simmered. Salads are oil-free. It is
thus very light and, because of its focus on vegetables, incredibly nutritious.
Question 21 [274556]: A. slightly B. fully C. mainly D. quite
Question 22 [274557]: A. hold B. plays C. acts D. gives
Question 23 [274558]: A. unlike B. different C. uncommon D. altered
Question 24 [274559]: A. True B. Although C. However D. Indeed
Question 25 [274560]: A. explains B. justifies C. accounts D. reasons
Question 26 [274561]: A. handed B. given C. introduced D. presented
Question 27 [274562]: A. courses B. proportions C. parts D. starters
Question 28 [274563]: A. divide B. share C. split D. portion
Question 29 [274564]: A. esteem B. recognition C. popularity D. attraction
Question 30 [274565]: A. However B. instead C. And D. Still

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VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
As computer use becomes more common, the need for security is more important than
ever. One of the greatest security threats in the online world is computer hacking. Computer
hacking is the unauthorized access to a computer or network of computers. Hackers are
people who illegally enter systems. They may alter or delete information, steal private
information, or spread viruses that can damage or destroy files. But how exactly can a
hacker get into a system to do these things?
Most hackers use information called protocols that are built into computer software.
These protocols allow computers to interact with one another. Protocols are sort of like
computer police officers. When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check
to see if the access is valid. The protocols can also determine how much information can be
shared between the two systems. Hackers can manipulate the protocols to get unlimited
access to a computer system.
In fact, just the act of entering a computer network is considered hacking. This is
commonly called passive hacking. Passive hackers get a rush from just being able to access a
challenging system like a bank or military network. Another kind of hacker tries to do
damage to a system. After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter,
delete, or take information. Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of
the two.
The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password. Long and unusual
passwords are harder for hackers to guess. For even greater security, some online services
now use "password plus" systems. In this case, users first put in a password and then put in
a second code that changes after the user accesses the site. Users either have special cards or
devices that show them the new code to use the next time. Even if a hacker steals the
password, they won't have the code. Or if the hacker somehow gets the code, they still don't
know the password.
( Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)
Question 31 [274566]: Which of the following could best describe the main idea of the
A. Computer security and hackers
B. Different types of hackers
C. What a hacker can damage your computer
D. The way hackers access a computer
Question 32 [274567]: The word “ unauthorized” in paragraph 1 mostly means.
A. optional B. illegal C. permissible D. compulsory
Question 33 [274568]: According to paragraph 2, which information is NOT true about
A. Protocols built in computer software enable interaction between computers.
B. Protocols examine the validity of the access from other computers.
C. The amount of shared information between computers depends on the host computer
D. Protocols can decide the amount of information shared between computers.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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Question 34 [274569]: According to paragraph 3, active hackers are more dangerous

because __________
A. They often get access to important networks like a bank or military
B. They implant viruses or steal private and other vital information in systems
C. They always remove all the data in the systems they hack
D. They are caught more easily than passive hackers
Question 35 [274570]: It is implied in the passage that __________
A. it is difficult to protect data from being stolen by hackers
B. not every hacker is harmful
C. hackers always damage the information in the host computer
D. online services have been improving their security system
I. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
Question 1 [274571]: WHO is working__________ with partners to develop, manufacture and
deploy safe and effective vaccines. TIRE
Question 2 [274572]: WHO’s COVID-19 dashboard, updated daily, also features the number
of vaccine doses __________globally. ADMINISTRATION
Question 3 [274573]: Your carelessness may do__________ harm to people. CALCULATE
Question 4 [274574]: Whatever happens, don’t let this failure__________you. HEART
Question 5 [274575]: For many people, Ludwig Van Beethoven is the most __________figure
in the history of western classical music. INFLUENCE
Question 6 [274576]: There are very few__________ places on earth today. Man has been
nearly everywhere. EXPLORE
Question 7 [274577]: Russia has reportedly expressed concerns over the __________of
Turkish unnamed plane in the Donbas. PRESENT
Question 8 [274578]: English is a __________difficult language for many people to learn.
Question 9 [274579]: He felt that he was being __________to resign. PRESSURE
Question 10 [274580]: The whole town is in __________mood. FESTIVAl
II. Read the text and think of the word that best fits each gap.
Over the last few years (11) [274581] __________has been more interest in the subject of
history, perhaps because historical documentaries (12) [274582]__________ television have
attracted large viewing audiences. Historians who often complain about lack of interest in
their subject should be delighted at this development, shouldn’t (13) [274583]__________
(14) [274584] __________ a survey, more people are applying for places at university, and
the number of those wanting to study history (15) [274585]__________ increased. Professors
of history are (16) [274586]__________ particularly happy about this increase and have
expressed concern about the quality of their students. They claim that most of their first-
year students have never read a history book and don’t have the skills to study the subject

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(17) [274587]__________ depth. TV programmes make students think that studying history is
(18) [274588]__________ simple as storytelling. Documentaries oversimplify the subject and
concentrate on the historical personality in an (19) [274589]__________ to attract audiences.
On the (20) [274590]__________ hand, traditional historians could learn how to tell a
story from the makers of such documentaries. Historians don’t have good narrative skills,
which is why history books are not popular with readers.
III. WRITING - Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.
Question 21 [274591]: They know very well that physical education is an important school
-> They are __________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 22 [274592]: His efforts to find a solution to the problem didn’t deserve such
negative such savage criticism.
->He shouldn’t _____________________________________________________________________________________
Question 23 [274593]: The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
-> Had _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 24 [274594]: It was only because I owed him a favour that I agreed to help him.
-> But _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 25 [274595]: I want to take this chance of seeing them, or I may never see them.
-> I don’t ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 26 [274596]: It was impossible to get back home because of the snow.
-> There ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 27 [274597]: Rita doesn’t realize how serious her husband’s operation is going to
-> Little _____________________________________________________________________________________________
III. WRITING - Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN.
Question 28 [274598]: We simply must pay them the whole amount before the end of the
-> We have ____________________the whole amount before the end of the month.
Question 29 [274599]: At the meeting, the managers suggested a few ways to cut costs.
-> A few ways to cut costs ____________________at the meeting
Question 30 [274600]: We drove away as fast as we could, ready to begin our adventure.
-> We drove away ____________________ready to begin our adventure.
Question 31 [274601]: He advised me so half-heartedly that I was left wondering what to
do. (ADVICE)
-> He gave me such ____________________a loss as to what I should do.
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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Question 32 [274602]: There are rather a lot of rude words in the play. (LANGUAGE)
-> There________________________________________
Question 33 [274603]: Thomas was not given details of the company‘s new projects.
-> Thomas________________________________________
Question 34 [274604]: Joanne has a rather unsatisfactory relationship with her sisters.
-> Joanne ____________________with her sisters
Question 35 [274605]: The committee decided that the crash was not the pilot’s fault.
-> The committee ____________________the crash.
III. WRITING - Part 3. Paragraph writing.
Idolization is becoming a popular trend among teenagers. Write a paragraph of
approximately 150 words about the positive effect(s) of this trend.
Bài tập làm thêm ngày 13/3/2023
Use the word given in capitals at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line.
Margaret Thatcher
Few British politicians have aroused more passion than Margaret
Thatcher, who was Prime Minister from 1979 until 1990. It is not (1) 1. INCIDENT
[274606]__________ that, during her premiership, Britain went through a
period of (2) [274607]__________change. Those who support Thatcher’s
policies say she was responsible for changing Britain’s (3)
[274608]__________ union laws and smashing union power, paving the
way for the creation of a modern, (4) [274609]__________ economy which
required much higher (5) [274610]__________, efficiency and wage- 5. PRODUCE
restraint on the part of the (6) [274611]__________than in the past. One of 6. WORK
her core beliefs was that it was (7) [274612]__________which was 7. MANAGE
responsible for running companies, rather than unions or the
government. Critics of Margaret Thatcher point to the very high (8) 8. EMPLOY
[274613]__________figures of the 1980s – the official (9) 9. JOB
[274614]__________total had risen from just over one million people out
of work in 1979 to over three million by 1982.
When Margaret Thatcher realised that she had lost the support of many
of her MPs in November 1990 and stood down as Prime Minister, the
nation was split. Some saw her resignation as (10) [274615]__________, 10. TIME
and wished she would continue. Others felt it could not have come too
soon. Even today, (11) [274616]__________ and economists are divided as 11. HISTORY
to whether her legacy was positive or negative overall.

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I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and
eight words, including the word given.
Question 1 [274617]: That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better
immediately. magic
That medicine __________ and I started to feel better immediately.
Question 2 [274618]: The day started really well when we heard that Bob had been given
his own TV series. flying
The day __________ when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series.
Question 3 [274619]: I do like this job, but I sometimes wonder if I’ve chosen the right
career path. again
I do like this job, but __________I wonder if I’ve chosen the right career path.
Question 4 [274620]: The headmaster was determined to stop all bullying at the school.
The headmaster was determined to __________ to all bullying at the school
Question 5 [274621]: No one nowadays believes in witches, do they? age
No one __________believes in witches, do they?
Question 6 [274622]: We were just about to leave for the airport when we heard all planes
had been grounded. point
We were __________ for the airport when we heard all planes had been grounded.
Question 7 [274623]: I’ll just finish this e-mail and then I’ll be with you. second
It __________ finish this e-mail and then I’ll be with you.
Question 8 [274624]: Ralph would hand in his resignation immediately if he could find a
better job. Hat
Ralph would hand in his resignation __________ if he could find a better job.
II. Write one PREPOSITION in each gap.
Question 9 [274625]: Are you really snowed __________ with work at the moment?
Question 10 [274626]: Could you lend me five euros to tide me__________ until I get my
pocket money?
Question 11 [274627]: Something’s cropped __________ so I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone
the meeting.
Question 12 [274628]: We’d better not take__________ any more staff until sales increase.
Question 13 [274629]: I can easily while the whole afternoon __________reading a good book.
Question 14 [274630]: What time does Jenny usually knock__________ from work?
Question 15 [274631]: The Prime Minister is determined to press __________with the changes
despite concerns from his own MPs.
Question 16 [274632]: Over 3,000 workers were laid __________ when the company moved
its factory abroad.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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Part 1. For questions 1-9, listen to a discussion between a teacher and Mrs Bromley, a
student’s mother about her son Billy and decide whether these statements are True (T)
or False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The teacher asked to see Mrs Bromley to discuss why Billy performed poorly in his exams.
2. Billy has become more isolated from his parents since his brother left home.
3. Billy tells his parents that he does not want to follow in his brother’s footsteps to go to
4. He parted ways with his girlfriend and has made no contact with her since then.
5. The teacher says that children tend to act out scenes from the violent films they watch.
6. Billy’s parents do not want him to bring his friends home.
7. The teacher suggests that Billy should seek professional help.
8. Mrs Bromley is upset because she feels that she has let her son down.
9. The teacher feels optimistic about finding a solution.
Part 2. For questions 10-15, listen to a radio discussion in which two writers, Tom Blake
and Sally Beauchamp, talk about their careers and choose the correct answer A, B, C or
D which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.
10. What does Tom say about wanting to be a writer?
A. He had no idea that he would become a writer.
B. It was something he’d made up his mind to be.
C. It was always a possibility as a career.
D. He had no idea how one became a writer.
11. How does Tom feel about his contemporaries’ career choices at school?
A. He was baffled by their certainty.
B. He thought they lacked experience.
C. They hadn’t made their own decisions.
D. They were all following in their fathers’ footsteps.
12. What did it take Tom a long time to understand about American writers?
A. the importance of romance in their daily lives
B. the fact that their lives mirrored his own so closely
C. the influence that other people had on their writing
D. The practical considerations of time and money
13. How did Sally begin writing?
A. She was urged to write by her parents.
B. She became a journalist like her parents.
C. Early on she started to keep a journal.
D. Negative experiences created a need to express herself.

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14. What does Sally say about journalism?

A. It provides her with story ideas.
B. It gives her less time for fiction.
C. It doesn’t bring in enough money.
D. It interferes with family life.
15. What aspect of the writing life do they both agree on?
A. It’s important for writers to have wide experience.
B. Writing fiction doesn’t provide a reliable income.
C. Writers tend to become self-absorbed and egocentric.
D. Journalism is the best way into becoming a writer.
Part 3. For questions 16-25, listen to a lecture about healthy cities and supply the blanks
with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer in the space provided.
The World Health Organization says a healthy city must:
- have a 16 __________ and __________environment.
- meet the 17 __________ of all its inhabitants.
- provide easily accessible health services.
- encourage ordinary people to take part in 18__________

Place/ Project Aim Method Achievement

Sri Lanka To upgrade squatter The 19__________ Better housing and

Community settlements constructed infrastructure
Contracts System infrastructure, e.g. Provided better
drains, paths 20__________

Mali To improve 21__________ Greater

Cooperative sanitation in city graduates organizing environmental
garbage collection awareness
public education Improved living
campaign via conditions
22__________ and
discussion groups

Egypt To support Women provided Rise in the

(Mokattam) disadvantaged with the 24__________ 25__________
women and equipment for and quality of life of
sewing and weaving young women

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
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Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences.
Question 1 [274633]: His designs at the International fashion week are __________ new trends
in women's fashion.
A. setting B. building C. making D. leading
Question 2 [274634]: The final examinations were hard, but most students __________.
A. pulled out B. pulled down C. pulled through D. pulled on
Question 3 [274635]: To solve this problem, it is advisable __________.
A. a drastic measure to be adopted B. that to adopt a drastic measure
C. that a drastic measure is adopted D. that a drastic measure be adopted
Question 4 [274636]: Running can make your heart work __________ harder than just
A. vigorously B. significantly C. generally D. possibly
Question 5 [274637]: He said that the plane had already left and that I __________ an hour
A. must have arrived B. had to arrive
C. should have arrived D. were supposed to arrive
Question 6 [274638]: Vaccinating 80% of the population could __________ the progression of
the contagious disease.
A. withhold B. dwindle C. waver D. retard
Question 7 [274639]: The brand became famous for its lightweight cotton polo shirts
bearing the __________ of a crocodile - a nickname given to Lacoste during his playing days.
A. motto B. logo C. slogan D. banner
Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined one in the following sentence.
Question 8 [274640]: President Ho Chi Minh is a distinguished cultural celebrity. He
opened the way of liberation for all oppressed people in the world.
A. generous B. emotional C. outstanding D. friendly
Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined ones in the following sentence.
Question 9 [274641]: After having a poor performance in the mid-term test, I decided to
put my shoulder to the wheel to achieve better results in the final test.
A. refuse to work hard B. pay much attention
C. keep anxious D. work diligently
Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to
complete the following exchange.
Question 10 [274642]: Tim and Peter had a quarrel last week and now Tom is giving Tim
- Tom: "I think the best way to solve that problem is to keep silent."
- Tim:" __________. Silence may kill our friendship."
A. I'm not wrong B. Yes, I think so
C. That's a great idea D. That's not a good idea

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Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
Sometimes you might feel that if you had a perfect memory, all your problems with
learning would be solved. You would be able to (11) __________ through exams without much
revision. You would never again face the embarrassment of forgetting someone's name. But
imagine, for a moment, not forgetting anything - not even last year's shopping (12) __________.
You would be overloaded with information.
With hard work you can recall the parts of a verb or the layout of a town as you need
them, so that you can learn a foreign language or (13) __________ a taxi driver's license. But the
memory feats called for by some professions are only one of the roles memory plays in our
lives. Memory covers a wide range of actions and needs. What we (14) __________ about the
brain is far from complete, so philosophers and scientists find it difficult to be (15) __________
about the nature of memory. Remembering and forgetting can be understood in many
different (16) __________ but broadly, three distinct classes of memory have been established:
personal, cognitive and habit memory.
Personal memories are those acts of remembering which (17) __________ specifically to
each person's life history. If you say, 'I remember the first time I travelled by train', you will
probably have an image in your mind of the (18) __________ and be able to describe things in
it. Cognitive memory helps us learn, for example, stories, a speech or a (19) __________ of
music. Habit memory covers those abilities needed to perform actions such as typing or
driving. All these actions must be learned but once they have been, you will rarely remember
anything (20) __________ as you perform them.
Question 11 [274643]: A. sail B. walk C. run D. float
Question 12 [274644]: A. receipts B. notes C. lists D. bills
Question 13 [274645]: A. win B. gain C. earn D. award
Question 14 [274646]: A. study B. learn C. discover D. know
Question 15 [274647]: A. precise B. explanatory C. correct D. aware
Question 16 [274648]: A. ways B. concepts C. forms D. types
Question 17 [274649]: A. connect B. appear C. have D. refer
Question 18 [274650]: A. occasion B. happening C. process D. thought
Question 19 [274651]: A. sound B. tune C. piece D. instrument
Question 20 [274652]: A. totally B. hardly C. knowingly D. consciously
Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to each of the following
With popular music as with classical music, the only way to come to understand it
thoroughly, it is said, is by performing it. The problem with many pop bands is that their
members are self – taught and, consequently, if ever they reach the level of public
performance, they often only succeed in perpetuating the musical conventions to which they

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

have been exposed. The days when a group of raw, talented musicians could get together
and work their way through to a distinctive sound, constantly improving their technique in
the process, seem to be gone.
There may still be talents around of the order of a Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton, able to
acquire prodigious technique mainly by themselves, but the motivation - the sense that
there is still something urgent to say within the medium- has largely evaporated. So much so
that most aspiring young musicians are increasingly content to play their own versions of
other people's tunes.
So what role, if any, does music teaching in school have to play? The current fashion in
musical education in Britain dictates that young children must be creative and active, whilst
the playing of recorded music to children has been made to seem like an easy option for lazy
teachers. With many years of experience behind me as a musician and teacher, however, I
feel strongly that listening to music is actually a crucial component in any musical education.
The arguments put forward by music educators are usually a reaction to what they see
as a habit of uncritical listening induced by pop music. But in response to this, I fear, rather
simplistic view, a couple of points need making. The first is that classical music is also
listened to uncritically. I well remember a head teacher (who incidentally was always
complaining that her students' homework suffered as a result of their being distracted by
popular music) sharing with me her delight over the new home hi-fi system she had
acquired. Mozart, she said, eased the burden of writing hundreds of student reports
enormously. Within a few weeks of our conversation, however, she had banned herself from
using the system whilst working, so inaccurate had her report writing become.
The second is that the aural awareness of the average listener to classical music - and I
am afraid that includes a lot of music teachers - is also severely under-developed. Really
discriminating listeners cannot tolerate music as a background to any activity that requires
their concentration. Because they are mentally processing every note, they cannot shut the
music out in order to perform any other tasks.
What's more, if musical performance, recorded or live, is to have an impact on the
young, it is not going to be because it has been suitably prepared for creative exploration.
More likely, it will be because a particular piece of music is able to move those pupils who
are susceptible to such motivation by its irrational, primeval power. That is why it is so
important that children should encounter the real world of music - preferably live as well as
recorded - on as much variety as possible. Live music also provides an opportunity for
educational visits which, rather like holidays, provide not only a useful psychological break
from school routine, but also serve to broaden young people's horizons.
Moreover if children need plenty of exposure to a variety of musical forms, it follows
that we should not make, or allow children to make, any value judgements about which form
is 'superior'. The fact is, popular and classical music represent different ways of life, in the
sense of different views of culture and the values associated with it - and this despite the
efforts of so many trained musicians to bridge the gap. It is there important that education
should recognize the existence of this gap and subject it to some scrutiny, rather than

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pretend that it does not exist, or plump solely for one side or the other. Given the customary
classical training of music teachers, and the general pop-orientated musical preferences of
children, there is usually an intrinsic wariness between class and teacher: an unstated need
for a kind of negotiated settlement. As with any negotiation, the start should be with areas of
agreement rather than disagreement
Question 21 [274653]: According to the writer, what do contemporary pop bands lack?
A. genuine musical talent B. inspirational role models
C. an innovative spirit D. musical conventions to follow
Question 22 [274654]: In the writer's view, music classes in school __________.
A. are too passive in nature
B. over-emphasize the role of music-making
C. are over-reliant on recorded music
D. fail to exploit the experience of teachers
Question 23 [274655]: What point does the example of the head teacher illustrate?
A. Popular music doesn't require concentration.
B. Good music demands our full attention.
C. Any kind of music can be distracting.
D. Classical music helps us to concentrate.
Question 24 [274656]: What point is made about music teachers in the fifth paragraph?
A. They are inclined to misinterpret classical music.
B. They sometimes misuse recorded music in their classes.
C. Some of them focus too narrowly on music in their training.
D. Many of them have not learnt to listen to music effectively.
Question 25 [274657]: In the writer's opinion, what aspect of a musical performance is
most like to attract young people?
A. its emotional impact B. its creative energy
C. its unpredictable nature D. its educational value
Question 26 [274658]: The pronoun "it" in the last paragraph refers to __________.
A. form B. life
C. exposure to a variety of musical forms D. popular and classical music
Question 27 [274659]: According to the writer, in dealing with pop and classical music in
the classroom, teachers should __________.
A. analyse how one has influenced the other
B. attempt to find common ground between them
C. present them as equally correct and valuable
D. get their students to decide which is better

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
Most people find change (1. SETTLE) [274660] __________ and difficult to adapt to. Many
societies have experienced such rapid change in the early years of the 21st century that life
can feel very daunting at times. Various (2. COMMENT) [274661] __________ have put forward
suggestions for coping with change on a (3. PERSON) [274662] __________ level. One
suggestion involves thinking of three solutions to a problem, rather than two. (4.
APPARENT) [274663] __________, many people faced with change respond by considering
two possible courses of action, but (5. VARY) [274664] __________ tend to reject both of these.
However, thinking instead of three potential solutions is a strategy which, according to
research, provides a (6. RELY) [274665] __________ way of finding a solution to the (7.
INITIATE) [274666] __________ problem. Another strategy advocates learning to avoid set
patterns of routine (8. BEHAVE) [274667] __________. Something simple, like taking another
route to work at least once a week, is seen as encouraging confidence in the face of (9.
CERTAIN) [274668] __________. Despite the simplicity of these ideas, they nevertheless help
prepare people (10. MENTAL) [274669] __________ manage major change if necessary.
The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes.
1 Although the plane is the fastest mean of transport, the idea of travelling by
2 plane does not appeal for everyone because of the frequent delays. It is
3 extremely frustrating when you allow yourself little of time to get to the airport
4 and- once there - it is brought to your attendance that there is a problem with
5 your flight. The staffs at the check-in are trying to convince you that it won't be
6 long before the problem solves. Yet, hours later you feel let down, as you
7 continue to wait patiently for your boarding call. Of course, you won't gain
8 something by complaining. By this stage, you realise you are going to miss
9 your connecting flight and now you must change your bookings. You feel as
10 if you're never going to get to your destination. Therefore, there is the slight
11 chance that you could be one of the lucky ones spend the night at a top class
12 hotel at the expense of the airline which caused your problem in the first place.
13 Admittedly, you would rather be heading for your original destination. Regular
14 customers advise us just to accept the fact that no matter what frustrating this
15 situation might be, it's avoidable and shouldn't affect us that much.

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Một cuộc cách mạng sách


Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD in each space.
The fact that English has been spoken in England for 1,500 years but in Australia for
only 200, explains (1) [274680] __________ we have a great wealth of regional dialects in
England that is more or less totally lacking in Australia. It is often possible to tell where an
English person comes from within about 15 miles or less. In Australia, where there has not
been enough time for changes to bring about (2) [274681] __________ regional variation, it is
almost impossible to tell where someone comes from at (3) [274682] __________ although
very small differences are now beginning to appear. It is unlikely, however, that (4)
[274683] __________ will ever be as much dialectal variation in Australia as there is in
England. This is because modern transport and communication conditions are very different
from what they were 1,500 or even 100 years ago. Even (5) [274684] __________ English is
now spoken in many different parts of the world many thousands of miles apart, it is very
unlikely that English will ever break up into (6) [274685] __________ number of different non-
intelligible languages in the same way that Indo-European and Germanic (7) [274686]
__________. German and Norwegian became different languages because the ancestors of the
speakers of these two languages moved apart geographically, and were no (8) [274687]
__________ in touch and communicating with one another. In the modern world, barring
unforeseen catastrophes, (9) [274688] __________ will not happen, at least in the near future.
As long as Americans and British people, for instance, are in touch with one another and
want to communicate with one another, it is most unlikely that their dialects will drift so far
apart (10) [274689] __________ to become different languages.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Read the following passage and do the tasks below.

0. Paragraph A: __________
Though once perceived a luxury cell phones have become a common possession over
the last ten years or so. Due to modern day technology and public demand cell phones have
been made affordable to most. However, one of the most controversial topics of today is
whether or not we should be using our cell phones whilst driving. Does it pose a danger to
ourselves and other drivers? Or doesn't it make any difference to the likelihood of an
1. Paragraph B:
Several countries around the world have already imposed a national Jaw with heavy
infringements. More recently the UK, Australia and Finland have joined the ranks of
countries opposing this very hazardous act, with Ireland imposing the harshest penalties on
the continent (a third offence can mean 3 months imprisonment). Also in Europe, the
Netherlands is fining offenders 2000 Euros and 2 weeks in jail.
2. Paragraph C:
This dangerous distraction contributes largely to motor vehicle accidents and the
statistics are increasing daily as we continue to take our eyes off the road to call or even
more dangerously text. Research by road safety groups suggests speaking on a phone whilst
driving increases your chances of an accident, increasing to nine times more likely when
texting. Time and again, in study after study replicated across the world, the use of a cell
phone by the driver has been proven, beyond any sense of reasonable doubt, to dramatically
increase the probability of a motor vehicle crash.
3. Paragraph D:
In New Zealand, a proposal made by a previous Labour led Government suggests a $50
fine and 27 demerit points for any person using a cell phone whilst driving, although the
Ministry of Transport is still preparing a report based on public consultation. Although this
is only a pending idea, the government knows this will be a difficult infringement to police
but a start needs to be made and people need to understand the consequences of what
potentially could happen. It is a common misconception that hands free kits are safe to use,
but research conducted by Waikato University has proven that these can be equally as
dangerous as hand held phones.
4. Paragraph E:
On one hand, using a cell phone whilst driving has become an integral part of our lives
and is going to be a hard habit to kick. But it has been proven that our reaction time is never
fast enough when confronted with a road hazard, but if you are having a conversation at the
same time it will slow your reaction time by even more. Most people find it takes 2 and a half
seconds to react in a dangerous situation but if you are on the phone you can add another 2
seconds onto that. Your attention is divided; part of you concentrates on your conversation,
the other on driving. The demands of die conversation and the road are competing, therefore
making it a cognitive distraction as well as physical as you are removing one hand from the
steering wheel to hold the phone. On the other hand, an American radio host suggested that
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banning cell phones whist driving was taking it a step too far, "if we ban cell phones, what's
next? No billboards, coffee drinking, or CD players?” The host agreed that texting whilst
driving was a danger but phoning was not.
5. Paragraph F:
Many people agreed with him in saying that texting was a definite hazard as the act of
looking down would lead your eyes off the road. However, doesn't holding a conversation
while driving seems just as distracting as eating food or reaching for a CD? Accidents were
happening decades before the cell phone was introduced so should we be taking this matter
so seriously?
6. Paragraph G:
Obviously opinions will differ on this matter, and it will always remain a debatable
issue. A long list of countries seems to be following the trend and imposing a law against cell
phones on the road, but there is still and even longer list yet to follow. Lack of data leaves
uncertain results but it seems research is ongoing and surveys and tests are being carried
out on a regular basis to reach some kind of conclusion as to just how dangerous and
potentially fatal this habit may be.
Reading Passage has seven paragraphs A - G. Choose the correct heading for
paragraphs B-G from the list of headings below.
List of Headings
i. Impact of mobile phones in hazards ii. Texting statistics
iii. International reactions iv. Further research required
v. Evidence from around the globe vi. Challenges of enforcement
vii. Global agreement on penalties viii. Contradictory data
ix. Risks of talking to passengers x. Balancing the risks
Look at the following list of the statement (questions 7-9) based on 'Mobile phones and
driving'. Match the statement with the correct person or department A-E.
A. Ministry of Transport B. Road safety groups C. Waikato University
D. American radio host E. The New Zealand government
7. proposed specific penalties for mobile phone use while driving.
8. statistically proven the higher likelihood of an accident.
9. speaking on the phone is an overrated risk.
Question 7 [274700]__________
Question 8 [274701]__________
Question 9 [274702]__________
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts with the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

10. The law in Ireland regarding mobile phone use while driving is 10 [274703]__________
the world's most serious.
11. According to research conducted by road safety groups, 11 [274704]__________
speaking on a phone makes an accident nine times more likely.
12. Reaction times in an emergency are doubled if the driver is 12 [274705]__________
using a mobile.
13. More research is required to form a clearer conclusion.
13 [274706]__________
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
Question 14 [274707]: He suddenly thought that he might have understood her.
→ It crossed __________.
Question 15 [274708]: Alex lent me a hand so that he wouldn't look such a mean person in
my eyes.
→ So as __________.
Question 16 [274709]: You won't find a more reliable and dedicated worker anywhere than
Mrs. Jones.
→ Nowhere __________.
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it, using the word given. Do not change the word
Question 17 [274710]: If you don't work harder, you'll fail the exam. (SOCKS)
→ You __________ if you want to pass the exam.
Question 18 [274711]: I think you should have more consideration for those who don't
have lives as privileged as yours. (SPARE)
→ I think you should __________lives aren't as privileged as yours.
You are attending a course at an evening school. Write a letter to the director of the
school with a complaint about the course (100-120 words).
In your letter, you should:
• Describe the course you are taking
• Explain what you don't like about the course
• Give your opinion about what should be done about it
Use your name and address as Le Bao An — 96 Nguyen Du Street, Vinh City, Nghe An
Question 1 [274712]: The computer has had an enormous__________on the way we work.
A. impression B. influence C. change D. alteration
Question 2 [274713]: Make sure you__________up the data on your computer, because you
might get a virus.
A. back B. copy C. store D. save
Sách ID Khóa ôn thi vào chuyên - GIẢI ĐỀ 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 3 [274714]: The Minister was accused of__________the truth.

A. distorting B. revising C. reforming D. shifting
Question 4 [274715]: That new painting looks a bit out of__________in our living room, don’t
you think?
A. room B. space C. place D. spot
Question 5 [274716]: At the end of the month, Sarah __________ in government for exactly 40
A. is working B. will work
C. will be working D. will have been working
Question 6 [274717]: The film is __________ released at the end of next year.
A. on the verge of being B. on the point of being
C. due to be D. about to be
Question 7 [274718]: We’d just been informed that Nick __________ the new Managing
A. was to be B. was being C. is going to be D. will be
Question 8 [274719]: ‘Would you pick the kids up from school this afternoon?’ - ‘No, I’m
afraid I __________.’
A. wouldn’t B. can’t C. shan’t D. don’t
Question 9 [274720]: Toby’s extremely __________; he turns up every day at nine o’clock on
the dot.
A. temporary B. long-standing C. punctual D. subsequent
Question 10 [274721]: Have you considered applying for a job with the __________ service?
A. civil B. civic C. national D. governmental
Question 11 [274722]: Too many people work in the public __________ in this country, in my
A. division B. zone C. area D. sector
Question 12 [274723]: Most teenagers go through a rebellious __________ for a few years but
they soon grow out of it.
A. stint B. span C. duration D. phase
I. Write one word in each gap.
Question 1 [274724]: The police officer told the homeless man to move __________and he
walked slowly and painfully down the road.
Question 2 [274725]: Len has already left on foot, but if we take the car then maybe we can
still head him__________ before he gets home.
Question 3 [274726]: Would you mind moving __________ so that I can sit here?
Question 4 [274727]: A young man was riding his motorbike on the pavement and
everyone was forced to step __________to let him go past.
Question 5 [274728]: The area has been cordoned __________following a bomb threat.
Question 6 [274729]: As I leant on the table, it tipped __________and I fell over.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 7 (từ ngày 13/3/2023 – 17/3/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 7 [274730]: My mum’s a bit upset because my sister’s moving __________to go to

university next week.
Question 8 [274731]: Daryl managed to keep up with the leader for most of the race, but
eventually he started to fall__________
II. Complete using a phrasal verb with a word from box A in the right form and a word
from box B.
A creep go hold move pull slip stop walk

B astray away back in off out over up

Question 9 [274732]: Dimitri thought he heard a funny noise coming from the car engine, so
he __________to investigate.
Question 10 [274733]: The Police__________ the crowd__________so that the ambulances could
get to the scene more quickly.
Question 11 [274734]: The show was so boring that we__________after half an hour.
Question 12 [274735]: Remind me to__________ on the way to your grandma’s to get her a
birthday card.
Question 13 [274736]: I wish you wouldn’t__________ on me like that! You frightened me to
Question 14 [274737]: Martha didn’t want to interrupt the party, so she just
__________quietly without anyone noticing.
Question 15 [274738]: Are you really thinking of __________with Josie? What about your own
Question 16 [274739]: It seems that the explorers__________after losing their map and
wandered in the jungle for days.
Write one word in each gap.
Question 1 [274740]: From our house to the centre of town is about four miles as the
Question 2 [274741]: I know the brochure said the villa was ‘peaceful’, but it was actually in
the __________of nowhere.
Question 3 [274742]: As soon as we got to the pool, the kids made a __________for the shop
selling ice creams.
Question 4 [274743]: The soldier shouted ‘Halt!’ and I stopped dead in my__________
Question 5 [274744]: Cambodia? That’s a bit off the beaten __________, isn’t it?
Question 6 [274745]: Take the next left, then first right, and just follow your __________until
you see the stadium on your left.
Question 7 [274746]: Wandering the streets of Prague, I lost my __________, so I had to ask
the way to the castle.
Question 8 [274747]: We were quite lucky because our hotel was only a__________throw
away from the beach.
Question 9 [274748]: It’s about 20 minutes longer, but if we take the scenic__________you’ll
be able to take some photos.
Question 10 [274749]: Turn right here and we’ll __________a short cut through the side roads.


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