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© 2005 by DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

eISBN: 978-9-78802-151-3
1st Printing-August, 2005

A Publication of
Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries
Press House
13, Olasimbo Street, off Olumo Road,
(By Unilag 2nd Gate), Onike, Iwaya,
P.O. Box 2990, Sabo, Yaba, Logos, Nigeria.
All Scripture quotation is from the King James Version
Cover illustration: Sister Shade Olukoya
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written
permission is prohibited.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.







The world in which we live is governed and ruled by powers. Power of

darkness perpetrates different atrocities in the lives of people on daily basis.
Matthew 10:1: And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he
gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all
manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
It takes the grace and privilege of being in the position where God has
placed us to be triumphant over the power of hell. A life without the power
of God is a prepared prey for the predators of darkness. A person without
power is positioned for Satan's destruction.
It is this priceless privilege of being in Christ that will afford you the
power to live a victorious life In this turbulent and wicked world. Jesus
Christ recognized this fact during his earthly ministry. He gave his disciples
power to confront the powers of darkness.
The above verse makes us to understand that Jesus Christ gave His
disciples power against unclean spirits and all manner of sickness and
diseases to contend with. That means that there is another power that they
would have to confront and deal with. The bible does not put us in doubt
that there is another power to fight against. It is crystal clear that God is not
the originator of satanic works. The powers of darkness are behind most of
the problems we have in the world.
However, there is hope for believers because we have been given power
against satan's works. We have the key in our hands to pull down, build and
to destroy.


There is something known as counter warfare. This in other words means
reprisal or re-launching. The effect of counter attack is always unbearable
and destructive.
This takes me back to my primary school days. At that time, there was a
cemetery close to the school. We were warned by our parents to be careful
of some small creatures that might come out of the cemetery. We were told
to pour sand on the creatures anytime we came across them before going to
the classes. If this is done, our parents told us that the creatures would not
harm us.
Truly, boys and girls gave accounts of how they met these creatures
almost every day. As small children, some of us who did not see these small
creatures were much eager to see them. As a matter of fact, I wanted to see
one but I never saw any. I never knew why I didn't see one then. It later
dawned on me that I had power against these creatures of darkness.
However, a boy came to the class with an entirely different story from
what we normally hear. The boy said he was climbing a tree when he saw a
little creature walking by. The creature neither harassed nor troubled him.
The boy narrated how he threw sand at the creature. To his amazement, this
creature then threw sand back at him. By the time this boy got to the class,
he was no longer the same as he was busy rolling on the floor because his
body was seriously itching him. The boy had to forfeit the whole academic
session to take care of himself. After the day this event happened, nobody
ever complained of seeing anything like a ghost again. We had to take
another route to the school. This is what is known as counter-attacks of
darkness. The innocent little boy attacked the spirit and the spirit came up
with counter attack.
Pray this prayer, "Every counter attack of darkness, die in the name of


Paul and Silas had unforgettable experience at Philippi. During their
ministerial course in that city, they were confronted by the powers of
darkness through a damsel who had the spirit of divination. Without
wasting time, Paul was grieved in the spirit and he had to cast the spirit out
of her.
Acts 16:16-18: And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel
possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters
much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried,
saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto
us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being
grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus
Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.
The spirit of divination in the damsel had been used as a means of raising
money. Thus, when Paul cast the spirit out, the means of income for the
damsel's master stopped. This made the masters of the damsel to plan a
counter attack against Paul and Silas. They leveled false allegations against
the men of God saying that they were troubling the city exceedingly. Paul
and Silas had to be beaten mercilessly because of the good things they had
done. In fact, they were later jailed in the process.
Acts 16:19-24 And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was
gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto
the rulers, And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being
Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not
lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. And the
multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their
clothes, and commanded to beat them. And when they had laid many stripes
upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them
safely: Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner
prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.
Paul and Silas did not weep over their lot. They did not even call down
fire to consume the people who jailed and maltreated them. There is no
account of Paul and Silas cursing the persecutors either. What a lesson for
us! What Paul and Silas did was to use a mighty weapon of spiritual warfare
which usually carry the attention of the host of heaven and God himself.
The Bible makes us to know that Paul and Silas did not give up to
discouragement or their fate.
Amidst turbulence, trials and terrific persecutions, they prayed and sang
praises to God at midnight. And you know what? God who answers by fire
answered by earthquake and everybody in the prison were loosed from
The hosts of hell started to rejoice since they thought that they had
captured the men who were troubling their kingdom night and day. God
came to the rescue of His beloved servants.
Acts 16:25-27: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises
unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great
earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and
immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.
And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison
doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself,
supposing that the prisoners had been fled.
The above supernatural experience led to the salvation of the house of the
keeper of the prison.
Acts 16:30-32: And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be
saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be
saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to
all that were in his house.
This is the extent to which God can go in working signs, wonders and
marvelous deeds. Your enemies can become saved when God comes into
the scene to show forth His power. Power of God will definitely change
hands in your life in the name of Jesus. It is when this happens that your
fears and worry will give way to fortunes. You too can become an epitome
of God's wonders: Only do what He commands you to do and you will
experience miracles, signs and wonders.
I received a strange phone call some years ago; the call came around
midnight. The person who made the call said he wanted to speak with Dr.
Olukoya and I made him to know that he was already speaking to me. He
made me to realize that by the time he woke up, he found a sacrifice right in
front of his house and he could not go out. I asked to know where he was
calling from and he said he was calling from New York. I became surprised
at hearing that he was calling from New York and that he found a local
sacrifice in front of his house.
He later told me to start praying because he did not know how he would
go out. I simply told him; "Let us pray, Father in the name of Jesus" I
started, He said, "No, no, no don't pray in English language, pray in Yoruba
so that the sacrifice could hear your language."
The problem with the man was that he did not have the power against
satanic operations. If he had the power, he would have prayed with faith and
the power of the sacrifice would have been nullified.
One day, a very rich woman was eating an African meal-pounded yam
and egusi soup. As she was eating, a frog appeared from nowhere and
jumped into the plate of the pounded yam. The woman covered the plate of
soup in her effort to press the frog in the plate of pounded yam dead.
The place where the woman lived was not swampy or bushy at all. She
lived at Victoria Island in Lagos on the third floor. How did a frog surface
in the living room on the third floor of a building in a high brow residential
To cut the long story short, the woman removed her hand from pressing
the frog inside the plate of a pounded yam and discovered that the frog had
disappeared. Immediately, the hand that she used to press the frog became
paralyzed. This is an extent the powers of darkness can go.
The woman had to be carried from pillar to post before she was brought
to MFM for deliverance. When she came for deliverance, one of the
deliverance ministers asked her if she was born again. The woman quickly
replied that she got born again before the mother of the deliverance minister
who asked the question was born. With that, they asked her why she
thought that she was born again. She said, because she was the chair lady of
the good women's league in her church.
This woman had to be taught what salvation meant and she was led to
Christ. After $he gave her life to Christ, the deliverance ministers prayed
against every arrow that had been fired into her to go back to the sender.
She was later told to stand on her feet after the prayer but the woman did
not know that it could be that easy. she was reluctant for a moment, but later
rose up and started running all over the place. She was instantly delivered.
The woman got home and met her elder sister. Strange enough her elder
sister was curious and asked to know where her problems were solved. The
rich woman became apprehensive and confronted her sister accusing her of
being the frog. After her sister got home, the same thing that happened to
the rich woman became her lot. Why? She had received the power against
satanic manipulation and the mysterious frog went back to her sister the
My prayer for you is that every frog of darkness would go back to the
sender in the name of Jesus.


The enemy of your scul is not passive. He is active all day. The hosts of
hell work night and day to perpetrate evil. Whether you believe it or not, we
figh: a real enemy. The world in which we live is full of battles. In fact,
immediately a child is born, the battle for survival begin.
I pity some people who say that there is no devil. Such people will always
be proved wrong. It is just a matter of time. For your information, the
powers we fight can talk, see and walk. Read the Bible passage below;
Mark 3:11: And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him,
and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.
We fight against powers that demand and accept worship. The powers we
fight are also bold. That is why boldness is required from the person who
wants to be successful in spiritual warfare. In fact, these negative spiritual
power approach God and speak to Him. The Bible says in
Job 1:6: Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present
themselves before the Lord, and Satan me also among them.
This shows that the enemy can lay accusations against you in the presence
of God. The enemies of our soul are so bold and courageous that they even
approach God. A child of God must, therefore, learn to keep his garment of
holiness clean and spotless. Our lives must be without fault, wrinkle or
Another operation of the powers of darkness is in the area of resistance.
They always want to resist the will and the purpose of God over our lives.
The devil is likely to resist you when you are not in God's position for your
life. The Bible says;
Zech. 3:1: And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the
angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.
Pray aggressively: Every power of evil resistance working against my
breakthrough, dear away in the name of Jesus.
Our enemies can sometimes be seen with our naked eyes and they can be
frightening to behold. That s why you do not need to ignore people who say
that they see spirits and their heart swell. The bible says;
Job 4:14-16: Fear came upon me, and tremt ing, which made all my bones
to shake. Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:
It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an image was before
mine eye, there was silence, and I heard a voice, saying.


Every born again child of God has been given power and authority over
the powers of darkness. You must receive your deliverance in the name of
Jesus. You must demand your deliverance by force and fire from the devil.
You have been given power over failure, poverty, frustration demotion,
forces of darkness and evil gathering. The Bible says;
And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward,
when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they
are offended.
Matthew 4:17-18: From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say.
Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And Jesus, walking by the
sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his
brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
Believers who know their position and power in the Lord are fearless.
They have the peace of God in their hearts. The devil will remain a
toothless dog before believers who recognize their authority in Christ. If
Jesus is in you, I want to tell you that you are more than a conqueror
through Jesus who loved you and gave his life for you.
It is when you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ that you can
boldly say; Let no man trouble me, for I bear the marks of the Lord Jesus in
my body.
For you to exercise God's power and authority over the devil and all his
agents, you must be ready to surrender your life to Jesus. This is the
experience that will lead you to fullness of joy make you a conqueror in
every battle of life. The Bible says;
Romans 8:37-39: Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor power, nor things present, nor things to
come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The secret of remaining a conqueror and overcomer is to remain in Christ.
Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, God has lifted Him high. all
powers have been given to Him. The Bible says;
Philip. 2:9-13: wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him
a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the
earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed,
not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out
your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in
you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
There is a proverb, which goes thus: "A fountain that forgets its source
will dry up". In the same vein, a believer who forgets or neglects Jesus
Christ the source of power and authority will soon meet his or her waterloo.
Continuously abiding in Jesus Christ will grant you ceaseless power and
authority from the throne of grace. The Bible says;
John 15:5-6: I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and
I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do
nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is
withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are

1. I command every Pharaoh that has refused to let me go, to sink in his
own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every power annoying my destiny, let the God of Israel trouble such
powers, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every gathering of household wickedness, I command you to scatter,
in the name of Jesus.
4. Every rag of poverty, that is working against my destiny, die, in the
name of Jesus.
5. I command this day to bring me prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
6. I receive undefeatable breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every owner of evil loads, carry your load by fire, in the name of
8. I barricade my dream with the blood of Jesus.
9. Every arrow of witchcraft targeted at my destiny, die, in the name of

Before you continue, pray these prayers:

1. By the power that raised Lazarus, let my stubborn pursuers, die, in the
name of Jesus.
2. Every power preparing rags for me, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every witchcraft power, bringing food into my dream, I force feed
your with your food, in the name of Jesus.

Decrees cannot be overemphasized in spiritual warfare. You need to be

armed with proper understanding of this concept before you can become
what God wants you to be spiritually.
In spiritual warfare, decrees rule the day. In fact, the use of decrees can be
traced back to the beginning of creation. God expect you to issue decrees as
a soldier of the cross. The Bible says;
Job 22:28: Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto
thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
Having established the fact that we have been given an injunction from
the scriptures that we should issue decrees, it will be pertinent for us to see
how God used decrees in the work of creation.
Genesis 1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
There is something you must not miss out from the above passage with
what you have read in the book of Job. We are made to understand that we
should issue decrees and it shall be established. It is after this has been done
that light will come on our ways.
Do you know that God issued a decree before light could appear? You
will discover this when you take an in-depth study of the verse; "And God
said, Let there be light and there was light" (Gen 1:3).
The etymology of this verse reveals that God issued a decree. The correct
Hebrew translation is: "Light be". This is a decree and it shows that God
created something out of nothing. You need to learn a cogent lesson from
this. A decree has to be issued if you want the light of God to permeate your
life. Darkness and gloom will dominate your life if you fold your hands.
Rise up and exercise the power and the authority which you have in Christ.
A child of God who is spiritually sound is a terror to the powers of hell.
When you issue out a decree, the hosts of hell will tremble. You are
endowed with authority.

A decree is an official command from a higher authority. To decree is to
establish something militarily. When you decree, you issue an official order.
This is tantamount to what Jesus Christ said during his earthly ministry.
"Whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever you
loose on earth is loosed in heaven."
A decree is a decision by a king or government. You can also look at a
decree as an order having the force of law behind it
A decree is an authoritative order or decision. This means that once a
decree goes out, compliance or obedience is a must.
You can also look at a decree as a determination by someone who has
A decree is also to ordain a particular thing. To decide what has to be
done or the thing that has to take place can be referred to as a decree. The
Bible says, "Were the word of a king is, there is power and no one can say
what doest thou?"
A decree is not something that anybody can issue. It is reserved for those
who have met the criteria. If you are very observant, it will be clear to you
that decrees are issued by kings, priests and other people in positions of
authority in the world.
In the spiritual, the same principle holds The difference, however, is that
the saints of God are referred to as Kings and priests. Getting enlisted
among the spiritual kings and priests of God is by surrendering one's life to
Jesus as Lord and Saviour. This is what will give you the privilege to
exercise decrees that will shake the kingdom of darkness. The Bible says;
Rev.1:5-6: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first
begotten of the dead, and the prince of the king of the earth. Unto him that
loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. And hath made us
kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for
ever and ever. Amen.
Contrary to what obtains in the outside world, our kingship as Christians
is not by selection or voting. In fact, it is not because our parents have been
kings before. The world can practice paternal kingship, but what obtains in
God's kingdom is privileged kingship that one cannot get by merit but by
the mark of the blood of Jesus.
Since our kingship is not by voting or selection, it will be difficult for a
person to vote us out of power. This is what is rampant in earthly kingship,
but it is rare in celestial kingship. The only thing that can remove the royal
robe of kingship is sin. The Bible says;
1 Peter 2:9-11: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy
nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who
hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time
past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not
obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Dearly beloved, I beseech
you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against
the soul;
Heavenly kingship is not obtained by money but by mercy. The kings of
this world might bribe their ways to ascend the throne but such a thing does
not take place in the realm of heavenly kingship. How do we obtain mercy?
We obtain mercy by asking for forgiveness of sins. It is as simple as ABC.
You do not need to go through any protocol before you have access to the
throne of mercy. All that God expects from you are humility and
In military governance, a person can take over power through a coup
d'etat, while a counter-coup can remove him from power. This is contrary to
what exists in heavenly governance. There is a world of difference between
the realm of the supernatural and the physical.
Our kingship is by divine Support; our decree should be patterned after
divine standard. When we decree, we are not to plead or request Satan or
his agents to release their captives. We are not supposed to pray in order to
pacify the devil and his cohorts. Our decrees should not be hindered by
powers of darkness.
There is no court of law on earth or in heaven that should challenge our


A decree from the tongue of the righteous is bound to work wonders.
During the ministry of Jesus, there was a time he issued a decree against the
fig tree and an instantaneous result followed.
Matthew 21:18-21: Now in he morning as he returned into the city, he
hungered. And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found
nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee
henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. And when
the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying. How soon is the fig tree
withered away! Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If
ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the
fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain. Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Jesus Christ had to make his disciples to understand the fact that they can
also issue a decree against any mountainous problem. The same thing
applies to you. You can issue a decree against any problem that possess as a
Jesus answered and said unto them. Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith,
and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but
also if ye shall say unto this mountain. Be thou removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; it shall be done. (Matt 21:21).
If you are a good student of the Bible, you will discover that most of the
things that happened in the Old Testament are shadows of what happened in
the New Testament. The Old Testament only lays the foundation for the
manifestations of the New Testament. In this respect, the Old Testament is
referred to as shadow while the New Testament is called the substance.
Many things found in the Old Testament stand as a figure of things that will
be seen in the New Testament.
From the foregoing, we have discovered the meaning of the word 'decree'.
Maybe you are puzzled on areas or things which you have to issue decrees
against. Carefully follow me as we delve into significant areas of life which
decrees can properly handle.
The spirit of Cain
Cain was the first example of a household wickedness in the bible. He
envied his brother so much that he decided to kill him. The spirit of Cain
can be in operation in the family and church of God.
The spirit of Python
A woman used to attend MFM international headquarters shortly after we
moved to Olasimbo street. This woman was very rich before the devil
attacked her and all the riches disappeared. As a matter of fact, she was
building a house before and grass overgrew the house. All her six cars also
got knocked.
To aggravate her problem, the husband of the woman picked up the house
help as a wife and jettisoned the woman to living in the boys quarters. At
first, the woman wasted a large proportion of her life going to places where
the solution to her problem was not forth coming.
I want to use this opportunity to point your attention to a particular fact of
life. This fact is a series of thought process which can turn your life around
for the best it can even bring the long-awaited open heavens upon your life.
For you to experience a drastic change in your life, there is need for a
decision that will trigger off a revolution which will affect your destiny and
bring about a change of status. This was what happened to Jacob at Zaddok.
The decision he took to settle the troubles of his brother with God brought
about a change of destiny which paved way for a drastic change in his life.
The Bible says Genesis 32:24-29
And Jacob was left alone; and them wrestled a man with him until the
breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he
touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of
joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh.
And he said. I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto
him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be
called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God
and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I
pay thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my
name? And he blessed him there.
At this juncture; I will like to pose a challenge to you. This challenge can
bring about a change in your life. The problem that has been troubling your
life way to the peace of God. What God expects from you is the decision to
call upon His name. If you can set some time apart to settle everything with
God, solution is bound to come your way.
It is when you wait upon the Lord, that victory will come your way. There
should be importunity in prayers before some of your requests could be
answered. God still answers prayers.
There can be a change in every turbulent circumstance in which you find
yourself. For Jacob, he settles his life with God through an intensive night
of aggressive prayers. He battled in prayers until the last drop of his blood.
The story of the sister you read earlier did not end like that. There was a
night she took a decision which affected her destiny like Jacob. And this
brought a drastic change into her life.
On that glorious night, she prayed aggressively and seriously. After her
prayers, she went to sleep in her small boy's quarters. But she had a terrific
dream which jolted her to action. In her dream, she saw a big python coiling
itself around her. The serpent wanted to suffocate life out of her. And
shortly she found out that her breath was already going. Before her last
breath finally disappeared, an angel showed up and gave her a big stick.
The angel never told her to do anything with the stick.
However, the sister carefully located the head of the serpent and hit it.
When this was done, the snake unwounded itself. And the snake fell on the
floor with a broken head. It was at this moment that the dream cleared off
from the sister. The sister claimed victory and step soundly like a baby.
Some people later came from the family house to disturb the sister at 6.00
am. She was told her attention was urgently needed. The sister was utterly
confused by the time she got to the family house in Lagos. Her anxiety got
to the peak when she met her dad in the bedroom lying on the floor in a
deplorable state. She had to find out whether some thieves broke into the
house and smashed the head of her father, because of the blood that was
gushing. The condition of a father was just exactly somebody whose skull
had been broken with a big stick.
The sister later asked the people around what had happened to her father.
They made her understand that the father screamed shouting her name in
the night and he suddenly fell on the floor with a broken skull. It was at that
point the sister understood that her father was the serpent who wanted to
squeeze out her life in the night. This is how far household wickedness can
go in unleashing terror and problems upon people's lives.
Never imagine that attacks cannot come from your family. There is
nothing new under the sun. I pity many people especially in Africa who
think that Satan cannot use their family members to attack them.
My prayer is that you will not learn from your own fall. It is good for you
to be equipped with adequate knowledge so that you may not enter satanic
traps. I believe you know that Jesus Christ himself did not leave us in doubt
as regards the existence of household witchcraft. The Bible says, 'A man's
enemies shall be the people of his household."
I don't want you to go through this book for the mere fun of it. God has a
special package for you. The hosts of heaven are ready for battle. Jesus
Christ knows how you have been wounded by the devil and his agents.
Demonic agents must fail usefully in your life. Rise up from your bed of
weakness and hopelessness.
The Bible says;
Isaiah 35:3-6: Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God
will come with vengeance, even God with are recompence; he will come
and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the
deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the
tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and
streams in the desert.
Let me draw your attention to a passage in the scriptures, which will help
you in exercising the decree over the powers of darkness. The Bibles says;
Isaiah 22:22: And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his
shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none
shall open.
Pray this prayer point sincerely. Every Cain in my family, lose your power
in the name of Jesus
The spirit of Ishmael
The second power that you have to issue decrees against is the spirit of
Ishmael. This is what has been troubling Nigeria as a nation and other
nations of the world. May be you want to know who Ishmael is in the
scriptures. Ishmael is the son of Haggar, of course, the housemaid of Sarah,
the wife of Abraham. Ishmael came into being after the illicit but forced I
relationship between Abraham and Haggar. The Bible makes us to
understand that the angel of God revealed himself to Haggar and we are
made to come to terms with a pertinent revelation.
Genesis 16:11-12: And the angel of the Lord said unto her. Behold, thou art
with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because
the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will
be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell
in the presence of all his brethren.
Many of us need to issue a decree against the spirit of Ishmael. Every
spirit of Ishmael must be completely put out of the bay if' you really want to
be delivered. What then is the spirit of Ishmael? The spirit of Ishmael is the
spirit of the queen of heaven, talisman and amulet. This is also the spirit that
pours enchantments into the heavenly. It is also the spirit that uses
phylacteries and presses the sand. This spirit is a wild enemy and it casts
down stars. This same spirit presses sand against many people. Why don't
you pray the following prayer points?
1. Every power pressing the sand against my life, die, in the name of
2. Every power chanting my name to the sun, die, in the name of Jesus.
The spirit of Pisgah.
Another stubborn spirit that you must decree against is the spirit of
Pisgah. This is the spirit that disallows a person from reaching his set
destiny and purpose in life. It is the spirit of almost but never there. Do you
know that it is this spirit that shut the gate of Canaan against Moses? The
spirit stood against Moses even after 40 years of intense labour and efforts
to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land.
The spirit of Pisgah does not look at your position or achievements before
bringing demolition. Moses was elected by God to lead the children of
Israel out of the land of bondage into the Promised Land, but Moses could
not enter the Promised Land because of the operations of the powers of
darkness. He was only permitted by God to stand at the mountain of Pisgah
and take a look at the land flowing with milk and honey. This is tragedy on
Imagine the catalogue of the achievements of Moses. He parted the red
sea with a rod. He spoke mouth to mouth with God. God gave a record of
him as the meekest man on earth. He broke the record of seeing the back of
God. He saw the bush that was burning but not consumed. All these and
many more could not deliver him from the spirit of Pisgah.
In the same vein, your past spiritual exploits may not deliver you from the
spirit of Pisgah. Living on past glory is not the way out to a life of dominion
over this spirit. You can only conquer this spirit of Pisgah by aggressive
prayers, obedience to the word of God and living, a daily life of holiness,
commitment and consecration. It is through the spirit of God that you can
conquer and overcome this spirit. The Bible says:
Zech. 4:6-7: Then he answered and spake unto me, saying. This is the word
of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying. Not by might, nor by power, but by
my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who ant thou. O great mountain? before
Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the
headstone thereof with shoutings, crying. Grace, grace unto it
Pray these prayers vigorously

1. You serpent and scorpion at the edge of my breakthroughs, die, in the

name of Jesus.
2. Every spirit of lame breakthroughs. I bind you and cast you out, in the
name of Jesus.
3. Every power militating against my life, I destroy your crown, in the
name of Jesus.
4. Every problem associated with the former house I lived in, die, in the
name of Jesus
5. Every problem associated with any dead relative, die, in the name of
6. Every spirit of witchcraft padlock, break, in the name of Jesus.

Pray these prayers aggressively

1. Every stranger in the temple of my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every incantation working against my marriage, backfire, in the name
of Jesus.
3. Anger of God, pursue my pursuers, in the name of Jesus.
4. Holy Ghost fire, arrest my arresters, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every power that says I will not have peace; receive the stones of fire
and die, in the name of Jesus.
6. You Witchcraft river, release my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every strong man of backwardness, assigned to my destiny, die, in the
name of Jesus.
8. You stubborn witchcraft in my family. I smash your head with the
cross of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
9. Every anti-favour power, die, in the name of Jesus.
10. O thou that troubleth my Israel, my God shall trouble you today, in the
name of Jesus.

The evil umbrella is one of the end time strategies used by the devil to
hinder God's children from receiving the touch of heaven. Ignorance
concerning the evil umbrella will not give you your needed breakthroughs.
By the time you gain insight into the workings and the operations of the evil
umbrella, things will change for the best in your life. My prayer to God is
that your life will not be covered by the evil umbrella. God will open your
eyes to see the wicked umbrella so that you can fire the arrow of prayer
against it.
The operation of the evil umbrella is not vague in the realm of darkness.
The Evil umbrella is used to block the outpour of God's blessings. You
cannot afford to handle the issue of the evil umbrella with levity. If it will
take you waiting upon the Lord in prayer and fasting, it is worth it. The
desire of my heart is that this satanic instrument be destroyed in your life as
you sincerely and pray the prayer points at the end of this chapter.
An umbrella is normally used to shield a person from the harshness of
weather conditions. The unfavourable weather condition could be rain,
snow or sunlight. The physical umbrella will, therefore, protect from rain,
sunshine and other climatic conditions. Just as the physical umbrella
protects us from bad weather, there is also an evil umbrella that prevents
avalanche of God's blessings.
The operation is of a satanic umbrella are tantamount to sowing good
seed on a concrete slab. In that sense, the seed will not be able to germinate.
Hence it cannot bring forth fruit. This is so because there will be no contact
between the seed and the soil. The consequence is clear. The seed dies and
there is nothing to show forth for efforts made.
When the evil umbrella is in place, things change to the worst. The
blessings of God will be prevented from landing safely on the intended
beneficiary. Unless the fire of God sets ablaze this evil umbrella there can
be no outpouring of God's blessings.
The God of heaven specializes in dazzling His people with surprises. He
relishes putting a smile on the faces of his beloved children. God cherishes
this and He has not retired. He still sends showers of blessings upon
heavenly pilgrims. You should not be left out in the move of God. You must
wage war against any evil umbrella that might want to obstruct God's
showers. The Bible says
Ezekiel 34:26-27: And I will make them and the places round about my hill
a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there
shall be showers of blessing. And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit,
and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land,
and shall know that I am the Lad, when I have broken the bands of their
yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of
God is ready to rain showers of blessings upon you, but you must be
ready to pray in order to break the concrete slab of the wicked which will
not allow your seed to germinate. You will also need to direct your prayer
against destroying the evil umbrella of the wicked over your heavens. At
this point, I want you to pray this prayer seriously. Thou concrete of
darkness, break in the name of Jesus.

Ignorance is costly. There are many people who are completely ignorant
of certain facts of spiritual warfare. You will remain long in affliction and
bondage of the devil if you lack knowledge. It is knowledge that equips you
to fight spiritual battle.
Hosea 4:6: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest
to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy
Salvation does not exempt anybody from the battles of life. It only equips
us to fight and win. It is simplistic for you to think that once you are born
again, all your problems will disappear. May God have mercy on you if this
is your view. It is true that the bible says;
2 Cor.5:17: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
The passage above does not rule out the ministry of deliverance at all. In
fact, there are so many ministers that have misconstrued this verse to mean
salvation as freedom from the turbulence of this world. Soma of these
ministers have now started full time deliverance ministry. It is unrealistic
for you to think that salvation automatically cleanses you from all the past
satanic involvements.
There are some cases where you might need to undertake serious
deliverance exercises before you can enjoy the liberty which is in Christ
Jesus Christ clearly spells it out that being saved does not mean eating
bread and butter all the time. In fact, the Christian life his not a bed of roses.
You should know that even roses have thorns. It takes a Christian who is
bended to win the battles of life. It is when you are on your knees that you
even stand tall. Jesus himself highlights the importance of the ministry of
deliverance in the scriptures:
John 16:33-17:1: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might
have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: bur be of good cheer: I
have overcome the world.... These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes
to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son
also may glorify thee:
Being born again is not the absolute solution to getting delivered from
satanic attacks, oppression and suppression. It only opens the door way to
the solution of the problems. You must take heed to all that will be
discussed below if you really want the evil umbrella to be taken our of the
Take note of this, born again Christians experience satanic attacks. Are
you going to tell me that you have not seen a born again Christian being
attacked before? Even if you have not seen one, you should have heard
about an instance. Most of the attack come when you fail to align yourself
perfectly with the word of God.
Some of the areas-of your life which you might open the door to Satan's
attacks are examined below. You need to take heed to the minutest details of
these areas. So that you will not fall victim of the devil's attack.
Known sins and rebellion
You will open the door for Satan to make use of his umbrella in your life
if you habour known sins and rebellion. Do you know that the devil is the
accuser of the brethren? He usually lays accusation against believers in the
sight of God. Secret sins and rebellion will give you an automatic evil
umbrella. Prayer becomes unanswerable when this umbrella is over your
head. You will make efforts but all may be to no avail. That is why there is
need for you to stay clear from known sins and rebellion.
Emotional trauma and depression
Don't cry, God is still on the throne. When you go through emotional
trauma and depression, all hopes and expectations go down the drain.
Nothing good seems to come your way. That is why you have to overcome
emotional trauma so that it will not pull you down. There are some
believers who seem to carry the burden of the whole world upon their
heads. They walk with long faces as if God cannot solve their problems.
Never quit! Rest in the Lord. Trust in Him. Allow yourself to be subject to
the control of God. It is possible that you have wept all nights, but I want to
tell you that your morning has come. Emotionaltrauma if allowed might
spread an evil, umbrella above your head.
Inherited curses.
You cannot afford to ignore the effect of inherited curses. When you fail
to break inherited curses in your life, things will go wrong There are some
inherited curses you have to break and dismantle if you really want to
experience victory and progress in your life. Inherited curses enslave
ignorant souls. Break yokes and curse so that you can begin to receive the
blessings of God. Many have waited endlessly for answers to prayers
without any testimony due to inherited curses, which brought the evil
umbrella into place.
The influence of worldly arts and music
A child of God should be clearly distinct from unbelievers. A believer
should not be heard singing worldly music or dancing to worldly songs. Do
you know that singing worldly music has spiritual implication? I wonder
why people lose control at the sound of worldly music. Don't be ignorant.
Most worldly musicians get their inspiration from Satan himself. That is
why their songs usually influence people when it finally hits the market.
Maybe you would like to know why worldly music is bad. The word of
God goes strong against worldly music. God frown at worldliness and He
does not expect any of His children to have a trace of worldliness. The bible
1 John 2:13-16: I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that
is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have
overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have
known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known
him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men,
because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have
overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in
the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Listening to worldly music and allowing worldliness in your life will
accelerate the operations of the evil umbrella. With the evil umbrella in
place, God's blessings over your life will be hindered.
Evil objects in your house and heart
Evil objects do nut emanate from God. It is from the devil. You therefore
need to stay clear from anything that appears Satanic in your house and
heart. Evil objects will, bring the wrath of God over your life and can keep
you in bondage. The Bible says
1 Thes. 5:22: Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Genuine repentance should make you to destroy every satanic object that
might be in your possession. It is not possible for God and Satan to reign in
you at the same time. You cannot serve God and mammon. Evil thoughts
have to be taken out of you. Guard your heart diligently and never allow
ungodly things to settle in your mind. Evil objects have to be removed from
your heart and your house if you don't want the evil umbrella to operate
against you.
Tithes and offerings
The Scripture clearly commands believers to pay tithes. Your tithe is one-
tenth of your income or profit. Anything you give above that is referred to
as offerings.
Do you know that you are a robber if you don't pay your tithes and
offerings? Failure to pay tithes and give offering is more serious than
robbing a bank. if you don't pay your tithe and offerings, you are robbing
God. And anyone that robs God will never go scot-free. Such a person will
receive God's judgment and punishment.
Another thing that should be clear to you is that anyone who refuses to
pay tithes and offering is cursed by God. Do you know what it means to be
cursed by God? There is no pastor or prophet that can cure anyone from that
curse. In fact, no deliverance minister can deliver anyone who is cursed by
God. The way to get delivered from that curse is to repent and start paying
tithes and give offerings.
Malachi 3:8-12: Will a man rob Gad? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say.
Wherein have we robbed thee? in tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a
curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the
titches in to the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and
prove me how herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the
windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not he
room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine
cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all
nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the
Lord of hosts.
Failure to pay tithes and offerings will open the door for the enemy to
bring an evil umbrella that will work against you.
Unforgiving spirit
Unforgiving spirit is not from God, it is from the devil. A bonafide child
of God is not expected to have unforgiving spirit. It should not be hard for a
child of God to forgive from the heart. This is because, we have received
the forgiveness of sins from God. Jesus Christ makes it clear that it is only
when we forgive other people that we will be forgiven by God. The Bible
Matthew 6:14-15: For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you: Bur if ye forgive not men their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Unforgiving spirit will allow the enemy to do all manners of atrocities in
your life.
God is jealous over His creations and He does nor condone any form of
idolatry from the works of His hands. Idolatry simply means, placing
something or somebody beside God or before God in your life.
At this juncture, you should know that idolatry is not limited to pouring
palm-oil upon an image and bowing down to such. Anything that takes the
place of God in your life or heart could be described as idolatry. It is
possible for money to be an idol to some people. Another person's idol
could be a man or a woman; while to some others, it could be their
employer. Whatever thing or person takes the number one position outside
God in your life is an idol.
To tell you how seriously God takes the issue of idolatry, the first
commandment that God gave to Moses was based on idolatry. The Bible
Exodus 20:3-6: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not
make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeness of any thing that is in
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the
earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the
Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And
shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
The greatest problem that has been troubling the whole of Africa is our
background of idolatry. The problem of closed heaven which the black man
is confronted with is caused by the background of idolatry. If you can
undertake a journey into the scriptures, you will discover that the
centrepiece of demonic activities is the land of Egypt. Egypt is a problem to
Africa. It was in Egypt that the magicians saw the raw power of God and
decided to confront it headlong. At that time, Moses threw the rod of power
which God gave him and it became a serpent. These men (Magicians)
confronted the power of God by throwing down their own rods, which
became serpents as well.
I receive a mail from an Egyptian who said that his father used to talk to
dead spirits. He said that his problem started one day when he decided to
open a bag under the bed of his father. As he opened the bag, a mysterious
thing happened. A hand jumped out of the bag and wrote certain things on
the wall. This is not a dream but a reality. It happened while he was awake.
The Egyptian read one of our messages on the Internet and later wrote for
assistance in the area of deliverance from satanic enslavement.


Never fear! There is hope on the horizon. God can nullify the power of
the evil umbrella in your life. Your mouth shall soon be filled with
testimonies. There are steps you need to take in order to remove the evil
umbrella. These steps should be carefully examined before you can have the
evil umbrella removed.
There are so many people who have misconstrued the issue of repentance.
Repentance could be in different forms and shapes. When we talk about
repentance, we are not restricted to repenting from sin. That is why
everybody has to repent; from the leader to the laity of the church. Your
repentance may not be the repentance from sin; it could be repentance from
not doing enough for the Master.
2 Chron. 7:13-14: If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command
the locusts to devour land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my
people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
arid seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Repentance means a turn around and it is one of the most powerful
weapons of spiritual warfare. Immediately you repent, you are going to
weaken the strength of your enemy, Perfect I repentance requires that you
tell the truth in areas of your life that might be questionable. Without being
truthful, you cannot be set free. The Bible says "And ye shall know the truth
and the truth shall make you free".
Do you know that it is possible for you to be committing sin in the church
without talking? That is why you need to search your heart and find our
whether what you are doing Is sinful. Your earnest prayer should be the
prayer of the Psalmist.
Psalm 139:23-24: search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know
my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the
way everlasting.
There was a time I ministered to a couple who went to a church for a
programme. In the church, the husband was sitting beside the wife while a
lady sitting beside the husband. The lady was putting on a very tight and
seductive trousers.
As the sermon was going on, the husband could not concentrate as
mirages of lecherous thoughts were going through his mind. All of a
sudden, the man's hand was already caressing the lady's lap. The lady
looked straight at this man but he was grossly carried away with his
perverse behaviour.
At that moment, the lady tapped the wife of the man and showed her what
her husband was busy doing while the sermon war going on. The wife
became infuriated and she gave this man a blow in the hand. He also gave
the wife a blow. The ushers noticed the exchange of blows between his
couples and advised them leave the church. The two of them went home in
disagreement and later came to me for counseling. I made it clear to them
point blank that what they need first is repentance.
Complete repentance is essential to paralyze the works of the devil in
your life. Without complete repentance, evil spirits may re-enter.
That is why some people receive miracles from the crusade only to find
out that they have lost the miracle. Spiritual exercises, shouting, calling
down the fire of the Holy Ghost will only amount to a mere entertainment
without repentance. It is repentance that will grant you open heavens and
answers to prayers. When a sinful activity is stopped satan will no longer
have a legal hold because you have repented.
This reminds me of a couple who got married without exposing the
details of their lives to each other. Before marriage, the husband and the
wife both had gonorrhea without telling each other. By simple mathematics,
gonorrhea plus, gonorrhea equals double gonorrhea. The husband
maintained that the fault was the wife's and the wife also said that the fault
was from the husband.
Unknown to both of them, the two of them have been consulting the same
doctor. so, they went meet same doctor that the two of them have been
meeting prior their marriage. The whole scenario turned to a game of
confusion and complication as the doctor was surprised to know that the
two of them have married. They were dumb founded when they discovered
they have been playing games with each other. This is what incomplete
repentance can do. If they had opened up to each other and completely
repented, the demon would have left their bodies.
At the point of repentance, the spirit wife and husband would leave a
fornicator. But as long as a person continues to strip a man or a woman
naked in the laboratory of his heart, the spirit wife or husband would stay.
This fact does not exclude anybody. Both the married and the unmarried
can fall into this kind of sin. the Bible says:
Acts 17:36-31: And the times of this ignorance God winked at; bit now
commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a
day, in the which ha will judge the world in righteousness by that man
whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in
that he hath raised him from the dead.
An unrepentant person is a total failure in the school of deliverance.
Every cleverly concealed and hidden sin will make you a laughing stock in
the hand of the devil. Unconfessed sins will render your prayers impotent.
There are some of us-that do not seem to understand what goes on in the
spiritual realm. Immediately a Christian is praying to destroy the works of
the devil, the demon in operation gives a call to the satanic headquarters
where the spiritual data of such a Christian is duly checked. If it is
discovered that the Christian has any unconfessed or hidden sins like
fornication, adultery, idolatry or anger, there will be trouble. Such a
Christian will only end with failure. God wants to touch your life and turn it
around for good but you must be ready to repent.
You cannot afford to live a life without discernment at such a time like
this. The power of hell and spiritual wickedness in high places are getting
more and more advanced in their operations. The age in which we live is
full of high-class demonic activities. It is therefore required that you have
the spirit of discernment in other to be victorious in life.
It is important to discern what you are fighting against. This is so because
most evil spirits are not easily identified. The survival of these spirits
depend on concealment of identity. You need guidance and instruction to
know what you are fighting with.
Persistence is expected from you before you can win some battles of life.
To be persistent is never to give up or surrender to the devil. The secret of
victory is to persevere in prayers. You need not to give in to discouragement
and the voice of the devil. God will surely show you the path of victory as
you remain persistent.
Violence is the only language that the devil understands. That is why you
have to deal ruthlessly with the devil and satanic agents by force.
Spiritual warfare needs violence and not sluggishness. You need to bind
the strong man through violent prayers before there can be victory. You
need violence if you want b be triumphant. The Bible says;
Matthew 11:12: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

1. Every umbrella of darkness, be roasted, in the name of Jesus
2. Every blessing that I have received shall remain permanent, in Jesus'
1. Be Prepared
2. Breakthrough Prayers For Business Professionals
3. Brokenness
4. Born Great, But Tied Down
5. Can God Trust You?
6. Criminals In The House of God
7. Contending For The Kingdom
8. Dealing With Local Satanic Technology
9. Dealing With Witchcraft Barbers
10. Dealing With Hidden Curses
11. Dealing With The Evil Powers of Your Father's House
12. Dealing With Unprofitable Roots
13. Deliverance: God's Medicine Bottle
14. Deliverance By Fire
15. Deliverance From Spirit Husband And Spirit Wife
16. Deliverance of The Conscience
17. Deliverance of The Head
18. Destiny Clinic
19. Destroying The Evil Umbrella
20. Drawers of Power From The Heavenlies
21. Dominion Prosperity
22. Evil Appetite
23. Facing Both Ways
24. Family Deliverance
25. Fasting And Prayer
26. Failure In The School Of Prayer
27. Freedom From The Grip of Witchcraft
28. From Adversity To Testimony
29. For We Wrestle. . .
30. Holy Cry
31. Holy Fever
32. How To Obtain Personal Deliverance (Second Edition)
33. How To Pray When Surrounded By The Enemies
34. Idols Of The Heart
35. Is This What They Died For?
36. Limiting God
37. Meat For Champions
38. Overpowering Witchcraft
39. Paying The Evil Tithes
40. Personal Spiritual Checkup
41. Power Against Coffin Spirits
42. Power Against Destiny Criminals
43. Power Against Destiny Quenchers
44. Power Against Dream Criminals
45. Power Against Local Wickedness
46. Power Against Marine Spirits
47. Power Against Spiritual Terrorists
48. Power For Explosive Success
49. Power Must Change Hands
50. Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs (Third Edition)
51. Prayer Rain
52. Prayer Strategies For Spinsters And Bachelors
53. Prayers To Kill Enchantment and Divination
54. Prayers To Move From Minimum To Maximum
55. Prayer Warfare Against 70 Mad Spirits
56. Prayers To Destroy Diseases And Infirmities
57. Praying Against The Spirit of The Valley
58. Praying To Dismantle Witchcraft
59. Release From Destructive Covenants
60. Revoking Evil Decrees
61. Satanic Diversion Of The Black Race
62. Silencing The Birds of Darkness
63. Smite The Enemy And He Will Flee
64. Spiritual Warfare And The Home
65. Strategic Praying
66. Strategy Of Warfare Praying
67. Students In The School Of Fear
68. Symptoms of witchcraft Attacks
69. Technical Prayers To Disgrace Local Goliath
70. The Dangerous Highway
71. The Enemy Has Done This
72. The Evil Cry of Your Family Idol
73. The Fire Of Revival
74. The Great Deliverance
75. The Internal Stumbling Block
76. The Lord Is A Man Of War
77. The Mystery of Seduction
78. The Prayer Eagle
79. The Problems of Incomplete Deliverance
80. The Pursuit of Success
81. The Seasons of Life
82. The Star In Your Sky
83. The Secret of Greatness
84. The Serpentine Enemies
85. The Slow Learners
86. The Snake in The Power House
87. The Spirit Of The Crab
88. The Tongue Trap
89. The Way of Divine Encounter
90. The Wealth Transfer Agenda
91. The Vagabond Spirit
92. Unprofitable Foundations
93. Victory Over Satanic Dreams (Second Edition)
94. Violent Prayers Against Stubborn Situations
95. War At The Edge of Breakthroughs
96. When God Is Silent
97. Wealth Must Change Hands
98. When You Are Knocked Down
99. Woman! Thou Art Loosed.
100. Your Battle and Your Strategy
101. Your Foundation and Destiny
102. Your Mouth and Your Deliverance
103. Adura Agbayori (Yoruba Version of the Second Edition of Pray Your
Way to Breakthroughs)
104. Awon Adura Ti Nsi Oke Nidi (Yoruba Prayer Book)
105. Pluie de Prières
106. Esprit Vagabondage
107. En Finir avec les Forces Maléfiques de la maison de Ton Père
108. Que I'envoûtement perisse
109. Frappez I'adversaire et il fuira
110. Comment recevoir la délivrance du Mari et de la Femme de Nuit
111. Comment se delvrer soi-même
112. Pouvoir Contre les Terroristes Spirituels
113. Prières de Percées pour les hommes d'affaires
114. Prier Jusqu'à Remporter la Victoire.
115. Prières Violentes pour humilier les problèmes opiniâtres
116. Le Combat Spirituel et le Foyer
117. Bilan Spirituel Personnel
118. Victoire sur les Rêves Sataniques
119. Prayers That Bring Miracles
120. Let God Answer By Fire
121. Prayers To Mount With Wings As Eagles
122. Prayers That Bring Explosive Increase
123. Prayers For Open Heavens
124. Prayers To Make You Fulfill Your Divine Destiny
125. Prayers That Make God To Answer and Fight By Fire
126. Prayers That Bring Unchangeable Victory and Breakthrough Rainfall


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