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Conditional Sentences Type 3

Rečenice u trećem kondicionalu odnose se nerealne ili imaginarne situacije u prošlosti. Njima
često izražavamo kritiku ili žaljenje zbog nečega što se desilo u prošlosti, ali bilo bi bolje da se
nije desilo.

If- clause Main clause

If + Past Perfect Would/could/might +have +past participle
If I had seen him , I would have spoken to him.
If we had been more careful, we could have avoided the accident.
If you had told them the truth, You might not have gone into trouble.

Wish/ If only
 Wish/if only + Past Simple express a wish about a present situation that we
would like to be different. -Kada poželimo da su stvari drugačije!
I wish I had more free time.
If only I didn’t work so much!
 Wish/if only +could+bare infinitive express regret about something we cannot do at
present. –Kada žalimo što nismo u mogućnosti da nešto učinimo u sadašnjosti.
I wish I could help you.
I f only I could speak French.
 Wish/if only + would + bare infinitive expess annoyance about a present situation.-
Iskazujemo nezadovoljstvo trenutnom situacijom.
I wish they’d stop making awful noise.
If only you wouldn’t talk so much.
 Wish/if only +Past Perfect Simple express regrets about something that happened in
the past and we wish it could have been different.- Iskazujemo žaljenje za nečim što se
desilo u prošlosti i voleli bismo da je bilo drugačije.
I wish you had told us the truth.
If only Tony had called earlier.
NOTE: With wish/if only we can use were instead of was.- Umesto was možemo upotrebiti

I wish I was/were taller.- Volela bih da sam viša!

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