Fidya and Fitra Rates 1436 AH

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According to the Shariah, Fitra becomes incumbent when the new moon of
Shawwal is sighted. This is known as Zakat of Fitra, which is Wajib on every
Baligh person.

If you have a guest with you, who has arrived at your house before sunset on
the eve of Eid ul Fitr, then his/her Fitra is WAJIB upon you.

As per law 1999 of Ayatullah Seestani‟s „Islamic laws‟: “At the time of sunset
on Eid ul Fitr, whoever is adult and sane and is neither unconscious, nor poor,
or the slave of another, he should give, on his own behalf as well as on behalf
of all those who are his dependents, about three kilos per head of wheat or
barley or dates or raisins or rice of millet etc. It is also sufficient if he pays the
price of one of these items in case”
Therefore, in principle, the Fitra is on staple food. We would recommend that
one person‟s Fitra may be:

For UK For Europe it may For Scandinavia it may

may be be equivalent to be equivalent to
Wheat £3.00 Euro 3.75 SEK 34.00
Rice £5.00 Euro 6.25 SEK 57.00

Please note that this is based on average calculations of costs and if

momineen use other staple food or expensive brands, then they need to
undertake their own calculations.

As long as the Mustahiq of Fitra is available in your own country of residence,

the Shariah enjoins upon you to spend it locally. The recommended
precaution is that a poor person should not be given fitra which is less than a
sa'a (about 3 kilos). However, there is no harm if more than that is given to
him (Islamic acts 2026).

Since Fitra becomes Wajib when the new moon of Shawwal is sighted,
Shariah does not recommend advance payment to the Mustahiqqeen. But if
you think a particular deserving person of family may benefit better if the
payment is made to them earlier then Eid ul Fitr, you can give away your sum
as a loan to them earlier and then you will make niyyat for the sum being
Fitra, upon sighting of the new moon.

For those Jamaats who collect Fitra, The Council of European Jamaat has the
following recommendation to make:

1. If you come to know of a deserving person or family in your city

or country of residence, you will please consider it as a priority
2. Accordingly to Ayatullah Seestani, the Mustahiq must be a
Mumin and Shia Ithna Asheri.

3. Fitra of a non-Seyyid cannot be given to a Seyyid; but a Seyyid

may give his own Fitra to a Seyyid.

4. For UK Jamaats: If Member of your Jamaat can be persuaded to

make A Gift Aid Declaration, with your Jamaat (if it is a
Registered Charity) the benefit of tax rebate can be used.

The Council of European Jamaat will gladly collect Fitra and deposit the whole
amount, without any deduction to The World Federation of KSMIC for

The World Federation distributes Fitra amongst the needy in India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Iraq, East Africa and Iran. In fact, an advance payment towards
this has already been made by The World Federation so as to alleviate the
needs of Mumineen during the Holy Month of Ramadhan and to allow them to
provide for their families on the occasion of EID UL FITR.

We also take this opportunity to remind the Momineen that the CoEJ is also
collecting Fidya for those who are unable to fast due to illness or old age. The
amount of Fidya is £1.50 for each fast.

You can also pay your Fitra and Fidya online at

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact on 0208 696 5200

With Salaams and Dua‟s

Islamic Cultural Affairs Committee

The Council of European Jamaats

Ramadhan 1436 AH

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