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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Division of Cavite


General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

The Significance of Building Personal

Relationships with G12 students of General Mariano
Alvarez Technical High School (GMATHS) who
Lacks Communication Skills

Grade 12- Pagoda

Agcayab. Darlene

Gado, Hazel Anne

Lacena, Benedict
Table of Contents







Background of the

Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................

Objective of the Study.......................................................................................................

Scope and Delimitation.....................................................................................................

Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................................

Research Hypothesis.........................................................................................................

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................



Foreign Literature...............................................................................................................

Local Literature..................................................................................................................

Foreign Studies..................................................................................................................

Local Studies......................................................................................................................

Research Design................................................................................................................

Population and Sample.....................................................................................................


Data Gathering Procedure...............................................................................................

Statistical Treatment to Data..........................................................................................

Human Subjects and Data Management Issues...........................................................













Researchers' Profile........................................................................................................

The following people, who honestly donated their time and expertise to help the study
be completed, have our sincere gratitude, the authors would like to say:

First, Ma'am, to our Practical Research 2 instructor. Thanks to Charisma Gredoña for
allowing them to conduct a study and for her crucial advice during the process. They
have been greatly inspired by her dynamism, vision, genuineness, and motivation. For
her unwavering support and all the teachings she had imparted, which substantially
aided our research paper writing.

Additionally, without the help of their peers and friends, who shared ideas and
encouraged them when they felt lost and hopeless, this project would not have been

Finally, they give thanks to God, the Almighty, for helping them complete their
research effectively through His guidance and blessings during the process.


The research is all about having a personal relationship to build a strong foundation of
communication skills in the community. These problems were chosen for the researchers to
know the importance of having communication skills to build personal relationships with others.
Interpersonal refers to something involving or occurring among several people. Interpersonal is
the ability to get along with others. The adjective interpersonal only has one meaning, so when
you hear this word, you know you're hearing about interactions between people. The students
need to create and maintain meaningful personal relationships in the school. Students with good
interpersonal communication skills can, therefore, build healthy relationships with classmates,
teachers, and schoolmates.


Creative self-development is a priority for many people, including SAE students. It is one
of the most important aspects of human life, but how to keep on the right track? Ego often shows
us the wrong way and we end up losing vital energy. Making failures is okay, but what if you
could avoid many of them just by realizing what is truly good for yourself? Text and picture by
Joanna Wróblewska You are perfect and complete right now, at the moment. You have all the
necessary potential and energy to realize your dreams, all the answers are in you. How does it all
sound to you? Most likely a bit weird. Many people feel pretty uncomfortable while reading such
statements. They probably consider them as very spiritual or just unrealistic and insane. The truth
is that real growth happens naturally when you listen to your inner self, so there is no need to
search for answers elsewhere. Today, we would like to invite you to take a look at a bunch of
mistakes that we all make and realize how harmful they are to your true self-development.
The reason why researchers chose that problem is that researchers want to know how the
students build their communication skills with one another. The researchers also want to know if
interpersonal affect the building of personal relationships with others. This research was also
chosen to know how personal relationships affect the community of g12 students in GMATHS.
This study will conduct to know or to prove that building personal relationships has something
connected with building a personal relationship.


The study aims to find the significance of building a personal relationship with g12 students who
lack communication skills.

1. How do communicating skills affect you in building your relationship in terms of:

a. Family b. Friends c. Students

2. Does communication skills build your relationship?

3. What are the possible ways to improve your communication skills?


1. To know if communicating skills can affect one's personal development.

2. To determine communication skills can build a relationship.

3. To explain building personal relationship affect self-esteem as an individual.


This study will focus on finding how communication skills affect personal relationships
as an individual.

The study is delimited for the Grade 12 students in General Mariano Alvarez Technical
Highschool, the main purpose of our study is to point out the positivity and negativity of
personal development and to study the effect of its respondence.
The respondents of the study will consist of 100 students of selected from Grade 12
Senior Highschool students in General Mariano Alvarez Technical Highschool and will be
conducted with a limited amount of time and framework.

The research study is only limited to the study itself and excludes relating the topic to
building a personal relationship.


Input Process Output

Our participants must be studying at General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School at
the Grade 12 level, and the process of the study must be clearly and properly done example the
survey questions must be properly stated because if you don’t properly state them the
participants may confuse about what they answer. And lastly, for the benefit of the study, the
participants and the researcher may know if they absorb different personal development.

Ha: Communication skills can affect one's relationships.

Ho: Communication skills cannot affect one's relationships.

Ha. Communication can develop a good connection with one another.

Ho: Communication cannot develop good connections with one another.


Communication skills





Personal Relationship

Self - development


The majority of people are focused on social media as a result of advancing technologies
and yearly changes, which prevents them from communicating in real life. In the framework of
examining the value of forming close bonds with the General Mariano Alvarez Technical High
School (GMATHS) 2022–2023 students. This chapter will provide a thorough overview of
earlier research on the subject under investigation and contain reviews of relevant local and
foreign literature as well as related local and foreign studies.

Foreign Literature

An essential component of passionate, fulfilling partnerships is the perception of partner

attentiveness. However, where does responsiveness come from? Can people establish more
responsive connections and therefore of higher quality? We propose that goals promote reaction
cycles among people, enhancing the quality of their

relationships. High-quality interpersonal relationships promote mental and physical well-being

whereas low-quality ones cause stress and damage health (e.g., Baumeister & Leary, 1995;
Uchino, Cacioppo, & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1996). One of the most important elements in evaluating
the strength of a relationship is the perception that a partner is aware of, values, and supports
crucial aspects of the self. When partners seem receptive, people feel committed, close, and
happy in their relationships (Reis, Clark, & Holmes, 2004). Relationship processes that
encourage or obstruct reciprocal responsiveness between partners in a dyadic relationship, alter
the relationships of both partners over time. We contend that individuals' interpersonal goals for
their relationships—their self-image goals for developing and maintaining desired self-images
and their altruistic goals for helping others (Crocker & Canevello, 2008)—predict favorable and
unfavorable responsiveness dynamics, respectively, altering the quality of both individuals'
relationships. In this approach, people can create excellent, receptive relationships for both
themselves and others. Respondent partners in relationships convey compassion, understanding,
and approval (Gable & Reis, 2006). They want their spouses to feel comfortable, appreciated,
heard, and understood. They are friendly and considerate of their spouses' emotions.

Local Literature

Foreign Studies

Communication is essential to human existence. God endowed people with the talent of
language so they could communicate with one another. If a person has good communication
skills, they or will excel in their career. There are two unique methods of communication. It
could be spoken or not. A well-educated person needs to have strong communication skills in
today's competitive economy. Pupils must improve their communication abilities. For this, he
needs a language. He can communicate verbally with others. For each individual, language plays
a significant role in the development of communication skills. An advanced language aids in the
development of communication skills in students. Humans acquire information through
language. It distinguishes humans from other earthly animals. God only gives the ability to
verbally articulate one's ideas to humans. He is the only animal on the planet with speech
capabilities. English, which is spoken everywhere, is currently the most valued language in the
world. However, communication problems are a common occurrence among students at higher
education institutions in India. As stated by A.K. Sharma, graduates in India are unable to speak
or write English properly even though they have read it as a necessary or optional course, which
has had a significant negative impact on language teaching. The main cause of this is that, even
though stylistic content is essential for it, conceptual information is valued over it in Indian
schools and universities. As a result, they fall short of students in other countries. The
fundamental reason for this is that most higher education institutions in India use Hindi or
another native language as their primary language of teaching, whereas English is taught as a
second language at the elementary school level in India.

Local Studies




The researchers chose a Quantitative research design for the study because the
researchers aim to know the participant's answers about the study by doing a survey. The
researcher needs to know the answer of every student at General Mariano Alvarez Technical
High School (Senior High School all Strand) in the questions the researchers prepared and by
doing it so the researcher can identify the answer of the student.


The researchers come up with a population of 100 students in Grade 12 at General

Mariano Alvarez Technical High School. The respondents should answer the following questions
that are included in the questionnaire, they need to put check on the given ratios (Yes or No)
questions. The sample size of respondents is based on how many students used to build
interpersonal relationships to have communication skills both males and females are respondents
because both are building interpersonal relationships and the respondents must be 17 years old to
20 years old because that is the age bracket of Grade 12 student so the researcher must research
to both male and female at age of 17 to 20 years old.

This kind of questionnaire is used for the researcher to know how respondents express
their feeling in building an interpersonal relationship to have good communication skills. This
questionnaire is created by the researcher for them to know how interpersonal relationship
affects the communication skills of the Grade 12 students in General Mariano Alvarez Technical
High school.


First, the researchers must have a format for the research study to have an easy way of
data gathering and second the researcher must know who are the participants and the place so it
can conduct the study or the research and third the researcher needs to have a time on when they
research because some of the participants do not have a lot of time and they need to have
questionnaires when all of the answers are place, so the researcher needs to know all of that to
have a fast and easy conducting research and after that, they can identify each of the answers
from the participants and tally of all the similar answers.


The researcher uses snowball sampling so they don’t have an exact sample size
because snowball sampling has no formulation. After all, they use referrals for them to get the
data they are finding, doing snowball sampling is different from another sampling. After all, they
do not have a computation on how to get the targeted sample size like example the other
sampling they use Slovin’s formula for them to get the targeted sample size. The snowball
formula is based on how many students use or do your specific topic.




This chapter presents analyzes and interprets data gathered from the answers of the
students of General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School. The said data were presented in
tabular form, pie chart, bar graph, and line graph by specific questions.

Figure 1. Profile of the Respondents

According to figure 1, 89 or 89% of the respondents aged 17- 18 answered the questionnaire,
and 11 or 11% aged 19-20, therefore most of the respondents came from 17- 18 of the age and
answered the questionnaire.

Figure 1.1 Gender of the Respondents

Based on the figure above, female respondents are 60 or 60% while male respondents are 40 or
40%. Therefore, the majority of respondents are female because it has 60 60%.

Figure 2. Communication Skills can Build Relationships

As shown in figure 2, 98% of the respondents answered YES to the questionnaire and 2%
answered NO. Therefore the respondents agree that communication skill can build their

Figure 2.1

The figure shows that 87 of the respondents said YES and 13 respondents said NO. Based
on the data most of the respondents that not having proper communication does not affect them.

Figure 2.2 Communication with Classmate can Affect Relationship

The figure shown above that 77% of the respondents said YES by communication with
classmates can affect their relationship, while about 23% of the respondents said NO or it cannot
affect their relationship through communication with their classmates.

Figure 2.3 Having a Personal Relationship Can Boost Confidence

The figure shows that 85 of the respondents said YES that having a personal relationship can
boost their confidence and 15 respondents said NO.

Figure 2.4 Lack of Communication can Affect Academic Performance

Figure 2.5 Communicating with Family

That table shows that 71% of the respondents said YES or through lack of communication
can affect their academic performance and 29% said NO.
The figure shown above is about 51% of the respondents said Always that through
communicating with their family they always communicate, about 45% said Frequently, lastly
4% said Rarely.

Figure 2.6 Often Communicating with Friends

The figure shows us that 83

of the respondents said YES that they are often communicating with their friends, while 17
respondents said NO.

Figure 2.7 Communication can help a Personal Relationship

The figure shown above that about 92 of the respondents said YES that communication
can help them and 8 of the respondents said NO.
Figure 2.8 Using Online Communication Applications or Websites can help to Develop

As you can see above, about 80% of the respondents said YES or through using online
communication applications or websites can help them to develop their personality and 20% said

Figure 2.9 Having Friends through Online

The figure above shows that 71% of the respondents said YES that through online they
have met their friends while about 29% said NO
Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presents the method of the research study on how to collect data in conducting a
research survey titled “The Significance of building personal relationships with the students of
General Mariano Alvarez Technical Highschool (GMATHS) who lack communication skills”. It
is a relationship that fulfills a range of physical and emotional needs of student behavior toward
their schoolmates. This aims to evaluate the personal development of Grade 12 students of
GMATHS after the pandemic. We created 100 copies of the survey questionnaire that we
distribute to 10 sections of Grade 12 students. After we gathered all the data that interpret the
result and possible solutions to the research problem.

The statistical treatment can help to provide a possible resolution to a student having a hard
time socializing. In building personal relationships neighbors, acquaintances, and others whom
you interact with regularly are included. Given the importance of relationships to our emotional
and physical well-being, It is necessary to learn to develop and maintain them.


The researcher concludes based on the information that they gathered. Therefore, the
researcher rejected the hypothesis. The findings interpret that there is a statistical difference in
how students react to every question that is stated in the research questionnaire. Today, it is
easier than ever to miss out on interpersonal relationships due to technology that encourages
digital communication. People who work from home miss out on in-person communication with
their co-workers, friends, and family and choose communication online rather than getting
together for a meal and conversation.


Based on our survey many students believe that having good communication can build good
relationships with others, confidence, and good academic performance. We have a question do
you communicate with your family? Half of the students say always while half of them answered
frequently and there are few votes said rarely. Although many students say they communicate
with other students and say online communication help there to communicate with other. I think
they can communicate online but it's too hard when it comes to personal here are some I
recommended to build good communication with others Present This sounds so straightforward,
and it is. However, easy does not always imply simple. Simply put, being purposefully aware of
the present moment is being present. We spend a lot of time in our heads pondering something
that occurred earlier in the day, making plans for what we might do next, or telling ourselves a
story about what a specific interaction means to us or someone else. Being aware and present
means observing what is taking place right now without trying to make sense of it. Try observing
your thoughts, physical sensations, and emotional responses without getting caught up in or
carried away with them the next time you talk to someone. Pay Attention We frequently allow
our thoughts to wander off during conversations. We frequently recall a similar experience, we
may be under pressure to offer sound advice, we may be judging what the other person is saying,
or our thoughts may simply wander to what we will eat for dinner. If this occurs, keep an eye on
it and then return to the speaker and try to listen. We may frequently feel compelled to offer
guidance or relate our own experiences in response. Simply listen with kindness and warmth,
firm eye contact, and an open and attentive body posture. Seek to Understand A lot of the time,
our actions and reactions to other people are influenced by some kind of agenda: to be right, to
make the other person wrong, to convey our message, or to demonstrate our knowledge or
accomplishments. Our capacity to truly comprehend and connect with the experience of another
person is severely limited when our interactions are primarily driven by our agendas. Try to pay
attention to the times when you feel compelled to offer advice or your own experience in the
next conversation you have with someone. Ask yourself why you want to share these concepts,
and see if you can find a motivation that comes from a need you have for yourself. Instead of
offering your own experience or advice, try asking clarifying questions to better understand what
the other person is saying. This can demonstrate to the other person that you are truly interested
in them and focused on them, resulting in a stronger connection. A genuine, high-quality
connection with another person makes room for discussions that are more fruitful and leads to
more skillful interaction navigation. The relationship gets stronger as a result of a stronger
connection, which in turn leads to life experiences that are more meaningful and satisfying. Use
Active/Reflective Listening Using active/reflective listening is one of the best ways to be
present, and attentive, and demonstrate to another person that we are listening and trying to
understand. A method of communication known as reflective listening entails the listener
attempting to comprehend the other person's thoughts and feelings and relaying this information
to the other person.



To the respondents,

We are the student of Grade 12 Pagoda conducting a study entitled, "The Significance of
Building Personal Relationshipa to the students of General Mariano Alvarez Technical High
School (GMATHS) who Lack Communication Skills"
This research aims to find "The Significance of Building a Personal Relationship to the
students of General Mariano Alvarez Technical High Schoo. Specifically, the study aims to
answer the following:

1. How does communicating skills affect you in building your relationship in terms of:

a. Family b. Friends c. Students

2. Does communication skills build your relationship?

3. What are the possible ways to improve your communication skills?

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time and effort to fill up the questionnaire that
is important and helpful for the completion of our study. Your positive response to this request
will be valuable contributor to the success of our study and will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,

Agcayab, Darlene P.

Gado, Hazel Anne

Lacena, Benedick

Noted by:

Ma'am. Charisma Gredoña

"The Significance of Building Personal Relationships to the students of General Mariano
Alvarez Technical High School (GMATHS) who Lack Communication Skills"

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to find the significance of building personal relationship with the students who
lack of communication skills.

1. How does communicating skills affect you in building your relationship in terms of:

a. Family b. Friends c. Students

2. Does communication skills build your relationship?

3. What are the possible ways to improve your communication skills?

Personal Data Name: (optional)

Strand: Section: Gender: Age:

Directions: put a check (✓) in the box for your chosen answer.

1. Does your communication skills build your relationship?

2. Do you think there is an effect of not having proper communication?

3. Does communicating with your classmate can affect your relationship?

4. Do you agree that having a personal relationship can boost your confidence?
5. Does lack of communication affects your academic performance?
6. Do you communicate with your family?
Always Frequently Rarely
7. Do you often communicate with your friends?
8. Does communication help you?
9. Does using online communicatioapplicationsos or websites help develop your
10. Do you have any friends that you met online?


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