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LECTURER: ThS. Lam Minh Quan

CLASS: 47K01.2

NAME: Nguyen Dang Minh Tam - 0911885357

Sam Ai Linh
Nguyen Truc Giang

Phan Thi Hong Nhung

Nguyen Thanh Ha Vi

Da Nang, 12/04/2023

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................1

Chapter 1: Executive Summary.........................................................................2

Chapter 2: Company description: Nhung..........................................................4

I. Identifying the problem:..........................................................................4

II. Detail description in company:................................................................4

1. Background and history.......................................................................4

2. Our company's mission statement, values, and culture:.......................5

3. Cultural requirements:.........................................................................6

Chapter 3: Market analysis................................................................................7

I. Learning English in Japan:......................................................................7

II. Opportunity and threat of Japan market:.................................................8

III. Description of Japan market (demand, behavior, interest,...)..................8

IV. Duolingo’s information in Japan market:................................................8

V. How to distinguish our app with others:..................................................9

Chapter 4: Product or service............................................................................9

I. Product Description:................................................................................9

II. The application meets the market demand in Japan because:..................9

III. Differentiation from competitors:..........................................................10

IV. Cultural requirements necessary for the application to be suitable for the
Japanese market:.....................................................................................................11

Chapter 5: Marketing and Sales Strategies......................................................11

I. EGI Advertising Strategy and Plan:......................................................11

II. EGI Pricing Strategy and Plan:.............................................................12

III. Distribution Strategy and Plan:.............................................................13

Chapter 6: Conclusion.....................................................................................13

Chapter 1: Executive Summary

Overview of own business ideal: A commonly observed challenge for English
language learners is the lack of motivation, often stemming from passive and
unengaging learning methods that rely on rote memorization and textbook exercises. 
Business goal:  Learning English passively fails to offer practical experience in
communication, resulting in short-term memory retention. To remedy this issue, our
team has developed a learning application aimed at helping students surmount these
challenges. Our goal is to provide everyone with access to free and engaging learning
experiences tailored to their unique needs. We accomplish this through our use of
cutting-edge technology and innovative teaching methods. In addition, we offer
effective study tools and are dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest advances
while ensuring that our customers are happy with our services.
Target market:The target audience is students facing time constraints and
academic pressures, necessitating a flexible, comfortable, and efficacious learning
Strategy for achieving the goals: pricing strategies based on market segments
and based on competitive rivals.
About the foreign country where we plan to operate: English is a compulsory
subject in schools across Japan, but its usage is limited in daily communication.
Traditional teaching approaches emphasize reading and writing, often overlooking
listening and speaking skills. Even foreigners living in Japan primarily communicate
in Japanese, including in tourism. This may be attributed to Japanese locals' reduced
motivation to learn English, given the abundance of domestic job opportunities, and
the uninteresting learning methods in schools 
→ We consider to develop an English learning application for the Japanese
market, some of the following cultural,economy and regulate environment factors
should be considered to ensure that the application can meet the needs and adapt to the
local demand:

The Japanese education system places a strong emphasis on memorization,
concentration, and seriousness as the primary learning style. Thus, to align with this
approach, an English learning app intended for Japanese learners ought to feature
well-organized and structured lessons that promote focused and disciplined learning.
Users' existing knowledge of English: Japanese users often start learning English
very early in life, through the national education system. This can affect the content of
the app, as it will need to provide users with lessons tailored to their level and help
them continue to develop their English skills.
Content suitable for the local culture: The content of the English learning
application should be designed to suit the culture and actual situation in Japan. For
example, the app can provide lessons and materials related to Japanese history and
culture, help users understand more about their country, and may also be more
interested in learning English.
Social interaction: The English learning app should feature a connection between
users, allowing them to share learning experiences and also learn from each other.
This is in line with the social culture in Japan, where social connection and interaction
are important.
Technology Accessibility: As a technologically advanced nation, the app  is
designed to cater to the high-tech demands of Japanese users.
Cost: The cost of the English learning app is meticulously evaluated to ensure its
affordability to Japanese users, who are known to be budget and value-conscious.
Product Quality:  The English learning app's reliability and efficacy is critical in
its adoption and retention among users as Japanese consumers place great emphasis on
the quality of products and services
Cultural Suitability: cultural factors such as learning styles and Japanese user
preferences is also considered when designing the app in order to ensure flexibility
and cater to user needs 
Regulate environment:
Protection of personal data: Japan has stringent regulations for data protection,
and users prioritize safeguarding their personal information. Hence, app developers
must ensure the complete protection of users' personal data and refrain from illegal
Network security standards: Cybersecurity is a crucial concern in Japan, and
users demand assurance regarding the safety of their information. The English
learning app must conform to network security standards to enable secure usage by
the users.
Environmental protection: The usage of mobile applications can contribute to
environmental degradation. Therefore, app developers should design their products in
an environmentally optimized manner.
Legal regulations: App developers should ensure that their app complies with all
pertinent legal regulations concerning app development and operation in Japan.

Chapter 2: Company description

I. Identifying the problem:
- The prevalent issue that a majority of students encounter while learning
English is the dearth of motivation. The passive and unattractive learning
method constitutes one of the primary factors contributing to the issue at hand.
In detail, students tend to learn by heart vocabularies, grammar, and reinforce
by doing exercises in the book. As a result, will lack practical experience in
communication. In addition, students learn English in a limited way when only
listening to teachers and taking notes without interaction, causing short-term
memory. Realizing those problems, our team came up with an idea to design a
learning application that can help students overcome some barriers when
learning English.
- Our target customers comprises of students who are tasked with a considerable
workload across a diverse range of subjects. Consequently, the foremost
challenge they encounter is the lack of time, which necessitates a flexible
approach to learning. The second challenge they face pertains to academic
pressure, which leaves them fatigued and impairs their ability to assimilate new
knowledge effectively. Therefore, there is a need for a learning approach that is
not only effective but also comfortable for them.
II. Detail description of the company:
1. Background and history
- Tech-5 Company Limited (Tech-5 CO., LTD) is a cutting-edge learning app
development company established in April 2023 by a team of experienced
educators, technology professionals, and software developers. We operate in
the field of information technology and provide application software products
with the vision of becoming one of the leading companies in the IT industry in
Southeast Asia. Since our founding, we have focused on developing high-
quality, innovative learning apps solutions for learning languages that are
accessible, interactive, and engaging.
1.1. Legal structure  
- The legal structure of the company is structured as a Limited Liability
Company (LLC), holding a registered business license and tax identification
number from a management agency in Da Nang, which is mandatory to operate
our business. Additionally, the company has secured seed funding from angel
investors to facilitate its operations
- We currently have 50 full-time employees, including software developers,
project managers, and sales representatives, and we plan to expand our team in
the coming years as we grow our business.
1.2. Location
- The company's head office is located at G8 Building, Ngo Quyen street, Ngu
Hanh Son district, Da Nang city. Now, we have currently expand market to
Japan, have some branch based in Tokyo, Japan.
2. Our company's mission statement, values, and culture:
2.1. Mission statement:
Tech-5 CO.,LTD’s mission is to “make education free and simply accessible to
all with interactive and funny status to obtain a new or higher level language”
We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality educational resources,
regardless of their location or socio-economic status. In detail, we create engaging and
personalized learning experiences that are accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere
by using the latest technology and pedagogical methods. We also help people practice
and master whatever they are learning, by providing a simple and effective study tool.
At the same time, we are committed to staying at the forefront of edtech innovation.
We are committed to providing high-quality, innovative application products in order
to meet the customer's need and satisfaction.
2.2. Culture and values:
Tech-5 CO., LTD values innovation, diversity, and collaboration in its company
The company encourages employee feedback and provides opportunities for
growth and development. We encourage our employees to think outside the box and
take ownership of their work. We also believe in providing equal opportunities for all
employees, regardless of their race, gender, or background. Our culture is built around
a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and a passion for making a positive
impact on the community through education and technology. We also strive to create a
collaborative, inclusive, and supportive environment where everyone can thrive that
encourages open communication, creativity, innovation, and personal growth for our
employees, We have a strong culture of teamwork, continuous improvement, and
respect for diversity, and we invest heavily in employee training and development to
ensure that our team stays ahead of the curve in technology and engineering.
With a team of experienced and highly qualified staff, Tech-5 CO.,LTD has
created the prestige and trust of domestic and foreign customers. We always innovate
and improve the quality of products and services, along with building long-term
cooperative relationships with partners and customers around the world. In tradition,
we also ensure that our products are backed by the latest research and best practices in
the field.
3. Cultural requirements:
When our app development business is expanding to the Japanese market, there
are several cultural requirements that we should be aware of to ensure the success of
our business. Here are a few examples:
Language proficiency: Japanese is the primary language spoken in Japan, so it's
essential that our team can communicate effectively in Japanese. This includes being
able to read and write in Japanese as well as speak the language fluently. If we plan to
hire local staff, it's crucial to ensure they can communicate effectively in both
Japanese and English.
Understanding local customs: Japan has a unique culture with specific customs
and etiquette. For example, gift-giving is an essential part of Japanese business
culture, and there are specific rules about the type of gifts that are appropriate for
different occasions; bowing is a common greeting in Japan, and business cards are
exchanged frequently during business meetings. It's essential to have a good
understanding of local customs and etiquette to avoid any misunderstandings or
cultural barriers that could harm business relationships.
Interpreting Japanese users: Japanese consumers have specific preferences when
it comes to app design and functionality. Japanese culture places a high value on
attention to detail and quality For example, Japanese users prefer clean, minimalist
design and value functionality over flashy graphics. It's essential to have a good
understanding of Japanese user preferences to design apps that will be successful in
the Japanese market.
Building relationships: As with any business in Japan, building strong
relationships with your clients is essential.  Business relationships are built on trust
and respect. This might involve taking the time to get to know your Japanese clients
by participating in social events or sharing a meal together to build personal

Chapter 3: Market analysis

I. Learning English in Japan:
English is not popular in Japan. Local people use Japanese as a main language
when communicating. Therefore, English is not commonly used in Japan. Although
there are numerous foreigners living in Japan, they only use the Japanese in work and
daily life, and they seldom use English for communication purpose, even in tourism.
English is one of the mandatory subjects in school in Japan. However, most
Japanese only learn it through the traditional way: students just listen to what teachers
say and take note without any interaction. They just focus on studying reading and
writing skills by learning by heart vocabularies, grammar and reinforce by doing
exercises in the books. Listening and speaking skills are ignored. At some
international universities, there are some English courses, but most of the students
enrolling in this course are oversea students.
The main reason is that Japanese has no motivation in learning English. Japan
has many domestic monopoly companies (Sony, Honda) which provide jobs for
locals, so they do not need to learn English to find jobs. In addition, the passive and
unattractive learning method in school also reduce the interest of students when
learning English.
II. Opportunity and threat of Japan market:
Nowaday, because of globalization, more and more international companies
invest in Japan or Japanese companies tend to widen their business in foreign
countries. This requires the labor force's advanced level in English in order to
communicate  and provide best service with international customers. In order to have
a huge number of employees that satisfy the demands of companies in English,
students should be educated appropriately. However, the traditional learning method
can not attract students to study English in this circumstance. Therefore, an idea to
design a learning application that can help students overcome boredom and uninterest
when learning English. As we realize the problem, this is an unquestionably rare
opportunity for our team to promote our app.
Nevertheless, other English learning app developers also realize and take this
opportunity. One of the highlighted examples is Duolingo and ELSA. These are large
and well-known enterprises which have experience in making suitable and convenient
English courses for people.
III. Description of Japan market (demand, behavior, interest,...)
Japan is famous for comics and cartoons (anime and manga) and it became a
culture among citizens. People spend a large amount of money on buying goods
(figures, standee or fan books, etc.) of their favourite manga or anime. As well as this,
the majority of residents are influenced by anime and manga art styles, so trying to
imitate this style in designing interface and characters is worth-considering.
IV. Duolingo’s information in Japan market:

Duolingo invests mainly on the interface as well as the quality of the course.
Until now, Duolingo just charges a little fee for translation, the other services are
totally free. In details, Duolingo will provide different translations for the required
sentences and customers just need to choose the most suitable ones. Duolingo charges
between 5 - 20 cents per word for each translation, which is lower than hiring
professional translators.
Furthermore, Duolingo has a Test Center system, which allows users to do an
online English test. Candidates do not need to register to arrange the schedule or go to
the center in order to do the tests. With a computer or a smartphone that has Internet,
they can take the test anytime and anywhere. The candidates will receive the results
and the certificates based on their level after 48 hours. The fee for taking Duolingo
test is 20 USD, saving 1/7 compare to other test.PP
V. How to distinguish our app with others:
Our team decided to design good-looking and cute characters that will make our
app more unique and can attract the customers as it meets the Japanese’s taste. In
addition, in our app, lessons are provided in form of stories including 2D animation,
stunning sounds, compelling plots and various effects. Customers can also save or
download stories for learning offline and watch again to review the vocabularies or
grammars. Last but not least, the app’s feature is users can decide which direction the
plot will continue.  Just by clicking on the different choices in each story, plots will
turn into other branches and have different endings as each choice leads to each

Chapter 4: Product or service

I. Product Description:
Tech-5 CO.,LTD provide an English learning application called EGI (English
Gamification Illustration). This app will help users learn through stories with each
topic available. The details in the story will be made into a short film. The story
allows you to interact directly. You can "click" on the story content and decide how
the plot will unfold. The reader will read the story and then choose the appropriate
behavior. Each choice will affect the development and the ending of the story. Each
age will have suitable stories, whether it is for children or adults. Each story you
choose will bring a unique experience. This is a new point in our application.
II. The application meets the market demand in Japan because:
Firstly, this application will help users learn through stories with each topic
available. The details in the story will be made into a short film. This is suitable for
Japanese users because they often have difficulties in listening and understanding
English, so they often practice by watching short videos on the internet or reading
simple and easy-to-understand English stories with few difficult words to easily read
and remember.
Secondly, the application has to learn support features such as voice recording,
pronunciation correction, vocabulary explanation, and knowledge packages to help
users review the vocabulary and grammar structures encountered in the story.
Therefore, Japanese people will have the opportunity to practice reading English
words and easily interact with the content of the story, thereby improving
pronunciation and better remembering vocabulary and grammar.
Thirdly, the application creates a short film based on the stories, so there will be
a variety of different topics and vocabulary. Therefore, it helps Japanese learners to
learn different vocabulary sets through different topics.
Fourthly, the application integrates interactive learning systems, allowing users
to interact with the content of the story and with other readers. This helps Japanese
people improve their communication skills and connect with others.
Fifthly, the application has a translation feature to help Japanese users
understand and learn English. This feature allows users to translate vocabulary,
sentences, and short paragraphs into Japanese. This will help Japanese people learn
easily and absorb new knowledge faster.
Finally, the application has a data chart to describe data. Therefore, we can
analyze the preferences and abilities of Japanese people, and the system will
automatically adjust the learning mode to be more suitable.
III. Differentiation from competitors:

Firstly, current English learning applications have learning features through videos
but only stop at watching and reading. Our application is different because it also
integrates role-playing features. This helps users increase their thinking and
creativity to create a story in the direction they want and have different experiences
within the same story.

Secondly, it creates a more favorable English learning environment for everyone.

Users can use the application anywhere, even without the Internet by downloading
the story they want to continue learning or experiencing new stories. This is still not
available in some current English learning applications.

IV. Cultural requirements necessary for the application to be suitable

for the Japanese market:

Our application interface is very simple, not too complicated for Japanese people to
use because they prefer simplicity and not too complicated. We also have a feature
to translate from English to Japanese so that they can conveniently understand that
English sentence. Because Japanese people have a high sense of community, the
direct interaction feature of the application will also be suitable for Japanese
culture, which likes to connect with others.

Chapter 5:  Marketing and Sales Strategies

Marketing goal of the EGI English learning app is to increase 500 downloads
within 5 months of marketing campaign implementation by focusing on online
advertising and customer relationship enhancement.
Target customers: Smartphone users in Japan aged upper 9 especially students.
I. EGI Advertising Strategy and Plan:
The advertising strategies in the plan aim to achieve high efficiency in
advertising to Japanese youth based on their characteristics and consumption habits:
Advertising primarily uses images and videos. Japanese people have an indirect
communication style, which is often seen in high-context cultural backgrounds. The
communication style factor deeply affects marketing, specifically, the orientation for

designing EGI app advertising. Advertising with images and videos is more effective
than regular text for Japanese customers (information is demonstrated in the Cross-
cultural Management book by Nguyen Phuong Mai). Therefore, EGI aims to design
advertising mainly using images and animation with unique and creative content to
attract target customers - Japanese youth in the market.
Anime and manga characters in the app will appear in advertising,
communicating unilaterally with customers. Anime and manga characters are very
popular with young people in Japan. Not only advertising, but the app is also designed
to create interaction and attention to this customer group.
In terms of advertising distribution, advertising will be broadcasted on popular
social media platforms in Japan, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In addition, advertising will be posted on educational websites. At the same time,
hiring some KOLs to convey English learning inspiration to advertise the product.
Using appropriate language and images when presenting advertising messages.
The use of language and images appropriate to the culture and needs of Japanese
youth will help businesses create a friendly and close feeling with this customer
Advertising costs: Advertising costs will depend on the distribution channel and
advertising frequency, estimated (...)
The advertising implementation time is from April to September 2023, taking
advantage of major festivals and holidays in Japan.
II. EGI Pricing Strategy and Plan:
EGI uses a combination of pricing strategies based on market segments and
based on competitive rivals. This is a combination of product pricing methods based
on demand with the ability to pay for each market segment and product pricing based
on similar applications of competitive rivals. The app is priced lower for price-
sensitive customers and compared with EGI's competitors. EGI's target market is
students, mostly those who lack financial independence. Therefore, EGI targets low-
priced and competitive pricing strategies compared to its competitors.
EGI applies a fixed price model, with a price of 9,99 USD/month. This will
make it easy for customers to access and ensure a continuous source of income.
EGI will apply the "free trial" pricing strategy for advanced courses to attract
new customers. Customers will participate for free in the first 7 days of study, then
they will have to pay to continue using. In addition, EGI will provide discounts for
customers who sign up for long-term advanced courses, such as discounts for
customers who sign up for 6 or 12 consecutive months.
EGI will monitor the pricing of competitive rivals in the Japanese market and
ensure that the price of its application is reasonable and competitive.
The pricing strategy will be implemented immediately when the application is
launched in the Japanese market. EGI will monitor the effectiveness of the pricing
strategy and adjust if necessary to meet customer needs and optimize profit.
III. Distribution Strategy and Plan:

Distribution on application stores: Apple's Appstore, Google Play Store by


In addition, EGI meets the following criteria to attract and retain customers,
which are also marketing standards in the Japanese market:
EGI provides quality services. Japanese customers are very concerned about
product and service quality, so businesses need to provide quality products and
services to attract and retain Japanese customers.
EGI respects culture and customs. Japanese customers are very interested in their
country's culture and customs. Businesses need to respect and understand these things
to build trust and good relationships with Japanese customers.
Provide good customer service. Japanese customers value customer service.
Businesses need to provide good customer service to maintain relationships with
Japanese customers.
Build trust and honesty: Japanese customers highly value the honesty and
reliability of businesses. Businesses need to ensure honesty and reliability in their
business activities to build trust and attract Japanese customers. To illustrate, EGI
needs to implement truthful, accurate advertising that does not cause
misunderstanding for consumers.

Chapter 6: Conclusion
I. Business plan and emphasize the key points that make business unique
and promising:
To mitigate English language learners’ challenge, We develop a learning
application, specifically catering to students facing time constraints and academic
pressure, delivering a flexible, comfortable, and effective learning approach. The
ultimate objective is to ensure education is easily accessible and interactive,
empowering learners to acquire new or advanced language skills.
- English learning application named EGI (English Gamification Illustration),
which enables users to learn English through interactive stories and short films
illustrating the details of each story with 2D animations, compelling plots, and
stunning sound effects. Users can make choices that impact the stories’s
development and ending. EGI ofers unique experiences for different age groups
and stands out from other language learning apps
- The interface and characters are designed to meet the Japanese taste for cute
and good-looking characters.

II. potential risks and challenges and plan to mitigate

Due to globalization, there is a need for a high level of English proficiency among the
labor force in Japan. Traditional learning methods may not be effective, so designing
an interactive learning app is a rare opportunity to promote English education.
However, competition from well-known apps such as Duolingo and ELSA also exists.

 Plan to mitigate the English learning application meets the market

demand in Japan :
Firstly, the application offers learning through stories with short films, which is
suitable for Japanese learners who find it challenging to understand English.
Secondly, it supports learning with features like voice recording, pronunciation
correction, vocabulary explanation, and knowledge packages, which helps users
review vocabulary and grammar structures.

Thirdly, the app provides a variety of topics and vocabulary sets through short
Fourthly, it integrates an interactive learning system that helps improve
communication skills.
Fifthly, the app offers a translation feature, and lastly, it has a data chart to
analyze user preferences and adjust learning modes accordingly.
 The application differs from competitors in that it integrates role-playing
features and creates a favorable learning environment, including offline
access to stories


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