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Nomdhori élibrary Nomdhorilibrary®gmail.com Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji E-library Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh 3i E-library has been created with the approval and personal blessings of Sri Satguru Uday Singh Ji. You can easily access the wealth of teaching, learning and research materials on Sri Satguru Jagit Singh Ji E-library online, which until now have only been available to a handful of scholars and researchers, This new Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji E-library allows school children, students, researchers and armchair scholars anywhere in the world at any time to study and learn from the original documents. ‘As well as opening access to our historical pieces of world heritage, digitisation ensures the long-term protection and conservation of these fragile treasures. This is a significant milestone in the development of the Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji E-Library, but it is just a first step on 2 long road, In ofder to continue conserving, digitising and publishing our numerous iterature online, ‘we are asking for your support and involvement. Please join with us in this remarkable transformation of the Library. You can share your books, magazines, pamphlets, photos, music, videos etc. This will ensure they are preserved for generations to come. Each item will be fully acknowledged. Digitising our treasures is an ambitious undertaking. Every page, every object, must be photographed individually and with great care. The whole photographic process including lighting, colour temperature, and environmental controls must all be precisely regulated. Post processing is also done with meticulous care including orientation, de-skewing, sizing and finally Quality control to ensure the documents reflect the true state of the originals. To continue this work, we need your help Your generous contribution and help will ensure that an ever-growing number of the Library's collections are conserved and digitised, and are made avalable to students, scholars, and readers the world over. The Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji E-Library collection is growing day by day and some rare and priceless books/magazines/manuscripts and other items have already been digitised. We would ike to thank all the contributors who have kindly provided items from their collections. This is appreciated by us now and many readers in the futur. Contact Detais For further information about the processor your contribution - please contact mail: NamdhariElibrary@gmail.com a@ Ft Afsag an fiw at rote ti At ofds aor — ier BEA VW Be Urs: Vo ag ws e gaa Hares friur anrordt (yert) (free qeenys, vere) Nomdhari élibrary Nomdharilibrary@gmail.com fllz?s, 146, fandom 248 ure, »ifsng © 232382 Nomdhari élibrary Nomdharilibrary®gmail.com a Ht afsag on fiw at morte At afds aur Ht wa eta ufsadt ext 1901 a@ Afsars ure II vA nead Hl afds one gad | Ht RaeS oT ules FES Ht afés oor as qa ar ag wares fafai At yee urfardt (901 Ht ag afd fw at feo wet Guras age da | fast aM FITS UTS nora usa fed ato sas uss sfeus uae fan 3 age nae fea aona feu we AH ag Je wore ofr J Ga we A ag afde fiw at wet vers" Yale aad UNE IS | Tas UTS et aw Afsgar Svat fas at 3 Has At Cefant S Hee J Cat aa Had] faut td Yes oH S Reet At Got ae At ag aiff]e fru at Gem ag g wet Has $ UH ad Jal HS wget A asaa feu Afsaa & ness use Tet U On wd Bait aq fase aa & oHe Ua a fen sgt uff 71 Ate Stet ufsadt 10 ‘onfe For HAe afeS Ane ag Fete |’ Sor yas Wt afa at ner Utes yfsere (ave) oofe gat Afs wat fee frost an Sefant § neve Ht S 2a TA Utes S wong fea 3 ve Cot am afde vt HE We F eat St At am We | (Wet mar ong afes a@ fyen afes yrfe i fre na utes yfs aat sé orfe at orfe) afsag at afie gs fa fan sgt nace tS ules TH S HeTet At Gu Act 3 Nomdhari élibrary Nomdharilibrary®gmail.com am ag aad Ue Hl ol faa ae ene at) At St At Fe | (GH ae AH Te 9 Ba fs fs aris | ysTS You MATS 3 Qnt you at gifs) det nan whim fea fea ot Afs wats QF dt wars usu TF use T augst S usw TU WG a oral War & star sree | (ie WonS See Wo EEA ay og Hs | ager Ga fears fos fay yore mss) UA THT WU as ye Hs We S ay waa Se ATH aet as ga feu Sood 3 de FH Og gu ws ot Afsana fea Yate ded 3 was WH wt Sa fora Tear 3 Sat fay yste adT | TUS SH BTS HAT aS (SUMS AF USAT)! ws Hed we & fes ua fees ori za fare AS AES A van StF uy fea wes AH Sind ae wt vSeTS Sa SAH Ufo at afde as fa areer dar (AGS) Agu WE FU HAT ude Uaat S usse 3 a fesdar | S uu & OTH AGE UGH wesar uubat ee ager A am sae uss fea a ff ag afie fiy at wet wore fen agi ete add To (AH Wd UH Tg se AS aS’ A We) eH! 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