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Navision Implementation

Functional Requirement Document (FRD)

- Sales Management
Solar Chemferts Pvt. Ltd.

Prepared by:
Name: Ashwani Marjana & Kunal

Pacific Consulting,
56, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawala
Road Goregaon (E),
Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400063

Date: 29/02/2020

Document Version Control

Version Date Initials Summary of Changes

1.0 29/02/2020 AMKS Initial Draft


Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction 4
2 Company Profile & Background 5
3 Managements Objective of Implementing ERP 6
4 Current Process & Requirements with Solution for Sales Management 7 to 11
 Sales Management - Process Flow Chart 7

 1.1 Customer Management 8

 1.2 Sales Quotations
 Sales Confirmation (Bulk Orders and Direct Sales Order)

 Sales Confirmation (Bulk Orders and Direct Sales Order) 9

 1.4 Sales Shipment

 1.4 Sales Shipment 10

 1.5 Sales Invoice
 1.6 Sales Return

 1.6 Sales Return 11

 1.7 Customer Payment

5 Client Acceptance 12

1 Introduction
This Functional Requirements Document (FRD) is prepared based on requirements identified during a meeting with Solar-Chem Team (Mr. Vandan
and Sales Team)
This document is structured in accordance with Pacific’s method for implementation of Microsoft Business Solutions projects. The findings of this
FRD will then form the basis of the Gap/Fit Analysis document. The findings of this Functional Requirements Document will also form the basis of
the Enterprise Design Document (EDD). This ensures that future tasks are prioritized accordingly and resources used efficiently.

Purpose of the Functional Requirements Document

The purpose of the Functional Requirements Document (FRD) is to document Solar Chemferts Pvt. Ltd. Requirements here referred as “Solar-
Chem” as for the requested system solution. Gaps and Fits discussed and identified are addressed in this document. The need for any modifications
is clarified through the FRD. The FRD forms the basis of the subsequent task concerning the system design. Requirements that are not identified in
this document are considered out of scope.
The purpose of the FRD can be summarized as follows:

 To identify and document Solar-Chem’s requirements for the requested system solution
 To form the basis of the information to produce a Gap Analysis
 To form the basis of the Enterprise Design Document (EDD) and system development
 To form the basis of planning
 To form the basis of quality assurance
To form the basis of user acceptance testing

2 Company Profile & Background
The history of excellence in manufacturing at Solar Chemferts Pvt. Ltd. goes back to the year 1970. The company which is strategically located in
Kalyan a central suburb of Mumbai - runs the operation unit of the chemical materials production. Our principal activities include manufacturing,
processing and exporting a multitude of chemical products such as Sulphur powder, Agricultural Sulphur Dust (85%), Sulphur Roll, Sulphur (80%)
WDG, Basic Chromium Sulphate and Chrome Syntan. Each product is produced as per the ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System.

Solar Chemferts Pvt. Ltd. was founded by Shri Prem Manohar and is being currently managed by his son Mr. Paresh Kant. The company was
Awarded the title of "Export Appreciation" by the Government of Maharashtra (India) for three consecutive years from 1974 to 1976. Today, the
company has been successfully doing exports in Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Turkey and Sri Lanka.

Solar Chemferts is one of the largest Sulphur Powder manufacturers in India take pride in our high-production annual capacity of 15000 MT,
supplying Sulphur powder to all the leading tyre and tube industries nationally. They also supply Sulphur powder for manufacturing explosives,
fireworks, matches and other chemical industries.
Solar Chemferts manufacture Sulphur dust 85% which is used in Cummins, red chillies and various vegetables. This product is marketed under
“Lakshme” which is very popular in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
They have recently started manufacturing Sulphur (80%) WDG which is branded as “Solawit”

They manufacture three grades of Basic Chrome Sulphate and its derivatives:
“Blue Diamond” and “Solachrome A” (Basic chromium sulphate)
“Solachrome SB” (self-basifying basic chromium sulphate)
“Soltan H” (Chrome Syntan)

3 Managements Objective of Implementing ERP
Brief objectives of management are outlined in the following table:

Sr. No Particulars

1 Ease of Data entry: Data entry should be easy and data entered by one user shall be
used by other users

2 Single Point data entry: No duplication in data entry

3 Various reports should be available from system

4 Centralisation of Data Storing

5 To Avoid tedious manual work which can be done through the system easily

4 Current Process & Requirements with Solution for Sales Management

Sales Managment - Process Flow Chart

Sales Quotations with E-

mail from System

On Acceptance of Quotation - On Acceptance of Quotation -

Existing Customer New Customer

Sales Order (Requirements of Packing, Loading,

Transportation, detention & Unloading Expenses Bulk Order
needs to be enetered in SO + credit terms showing (Blanket Sales Customer Creation & Target
interest cost @ 0.75% per month) Break up of Ex Order) Specification uploading by Sales
Factory Rate Team & Credit Limit will be
mentioned by Finanace dept.
Mention Tentative Attachment of
Dispatch date in Customer PO/PI
SO manadatory
Bulk Order
Delivery (Sales
(Blanket Sales
Attachment of Customer Order)
Same Process as Order)
PO/Acknoledged PI manadatory
mentioned after Sales
Order shown in Left
After attachment of Customer PO, Flow Chart Same Process Same Process
Confirmation of Shipment from WH as Existing as Existing
& QC Allotment of Batch number Customer Customer
by QC

Allotment of Batch
No. by QC Dept.

If Transport is arranged by Solar then

negotiaon will be done for Cheapest
Transport and Work order will be created for
the same (recoding of trasnsport quotes)

Transporter details, LR details, Truck No., Driver details,

Invoice details, and Transporter GST No. (If any) to be inserted
by sales/ logisitc dept

4. Sales Shipment
(Dispatch) & Invoicing +
Attachment (below)

Attachment of Statutory Documents (Digitally Signed)

along with COA (COA by QC Dept)
(Automatic E-mail to Customer)

Gate Entry

Customer Payment (If Overdue

then E-mail from the system)

Transfer of product from Kalyan – Ambernath, vice versa
Gate in of empty truck
Payment of Transport on due date by financial team
Comparison of Actual Ex factory rate with projected Ex factory rate captured in SO


1.1 Customer Management

Process Ref. ID SM-01
Process Name Customer Management
Process Description Solar Chemferts creates their customer in Navision & while creating
Customer Master they want to keep mandatory fields.
They have different types of customers (As per the business groups):
 Domestic
 Export
 Others (Scrap etc.)
 Credit limit of each customer
 Mandatory documents to be uploaded like- company name,
address, bank account details, contact person, email, phone
number, tax details, weather SME or not, upload of financial

Navision Fitment  This would be handled through standard NAV functionality:

Customer Card creation by Authorized user.
 Customer Credit Limit will be defined on every Customer
 Necessary Documents are mandatory to upload on Customer
otherwise system should restrict users to use that Customer Master
in any Transactions

Gap Fitment  When authorized (Creator) person creates the Customer Master in
Navision then by default system will keep that Customer as Blocked
and to Use that particular Customer in any transactions Authorized
approver will have to unblock/approve that Customer Master.
 Necessary Documents are mandatory to upload on Customer

1.2 Sales Quotations

Process Ref. ID SM-02
Process Name Sales Quotations & E-mail
Process Description  Sales Quotations are sent to Customers via e-mails and then
Customers confirm/accepts the quotations and Solar team creates
the Sales Order. Orders can be in bulk and then delivered as per the
requirement of Customer or Orders can be with specific terms and
conditions (At a time delivery).

Navision Fitment This would be handled through standard NAV functionality:

 If Customer is New then User need to create a Contact in Navision so
he can create a Sales Quotation, and later on if Customer accepts
the quotation (Quotation confirmation will be handled outside the
system Via e-mail/ SMS/ WhatsApp/ verbal communication) then
User will mandatorily Create Customer first and then only he can
create or covert Sales Quotation into Sales Order in Nav.
 Management want to record all the Sales Quotations in the system
and e-mail will be sent to Customer from the system only. (User will
create Sales Quotation first and will send e-mail by clicking on ‘Send
Sales Quotation e-mail, and cc will be marked to Solar Sales Team)

 Management can see the Sales Quotation List. This is already
demonstrated to Solar-Chem Management (How many quotations
are created in the system...)

Gap Fitment  Quotation E-mail will be sent to Customer from the system

1.3 Sales Confirmation (Bulk Orders and Direct Sales Order)

Process Ref. ID SM-03
Process Name Sales Confirmation – Delivery Order or Bulk Order
Process Description  After confirming the Sales Quotation Sales People creates the Sales
Order (SO) or Bulk Order (Bulk SO)
 The Sales team will also record the packing needed for the product
 Sometimes freight/loading and unloading charges is be managed by
Solar and it will be treated as an extra expense and same will be
mentioned on Sales Orders. This process they will treat as Transport
Budgeting in Sales Orders (SO)
 The Sales team will also capture the payments terms in the SO to
record the finance cost and also monitor delay in payments and the
cost entailed in that
 Detention/ testing/ audit/ miscellaneous charges to be kept as an
option to be filled in the SO

Requirements Tooling Cost, loading & unloading charges where to incorporate in Nav.
Navision Fitment This would be handled through standard NAV functionality:
 After receiving sales quotation confirmation from Customer,
Sales People can create:
1) Delivery Order (Sales Order in NAV) Or
2) Bulk Delivery Order (Blanket Sales Order in NAV),
Whichever the scenario is.
 On Delivery Order users have to upload Customer PO mandatorily
before shipment or else system will restrict the user to post the
 Sales team will define Transport Budget on Delivery Order (SO). To
fulfill this requirement, New field will be given on Delivery Order
(SO) for entering Transport Budget Details. In this Users have to
mention whether Transport is managed by Solar-Chem or it is
managed by Customer.
1) If Managed by Solar-Chem then system will open a page, here
users will check the quotations of Transports (pre-defined Fright
charges etc.) and need to select the Transporter which is under
the budget and if user is selecting the Transporter which is
crossing the budget then system will send notification to
Management that Budget is exceeding.
2) If Managed by Customer then system then there will be no
impact and user will procced further as per the process

 Approval will be activated on Every Delivery Order (SO). This will be

done using approval Workflow.
 Also, if Credit Limit Exceeds or Credit Period is overdue for any
approval then special approval to be triggered. (This will be done
using Customization)

Gap Fitment  Fright module –

1) If Managed by solar then system will open a page, here users will
check the quotations of Transports (pre-defined Fright charges
etc.) and need to select the Transporter which is under the
budget and if user is selecting the Transporter which is crossing
the budget then system will send notification to Management
that Budget is exceeding.
2) If Managed by Customer then system then there will be no
impact and user will procced further as per the process
 Credit Limit Exceeds special approval & Overdue Invoices special

1.4 Sales Shipment
Process Ref. ID SM- 04
Process Name Sales Shipment
Process Description Currently sales dispatch is done along with below mentioned documents:
 At the time of Shipment, WH person manages the dates of
shipments as per schedule marked on SO
 Sales person/ Logistics team arranges for Transport and gives the
detail of LR No., LR Date, & Transporter Name to Stores Person
(Before that, shipment cannot be done) – to be recorded on the
 For Domestic shipments, Warehouse person can change the
shipment dates if any urgent Export Shipment is there.
 QC department gives the Batch No. if any Customer Specific Batch is
to be dispatched or Else stores person will decide the Batch No. for
 Currently sales dispatch is done along with below mentioned
1) Export Invoice or Domestic invoice
3) Packing List (in case of Exports)
4) COA
5) VGM/EVD (If any)
6) Other Customs related documents in case of Exports as per
SOP [this will be updated by Solar in Sales SOP] Available
standard document from Nav to be checked for suitability
 After the Gate Entry, the goods will be shipped to the Customer. On
base of shipment item ledgers will be updated in the system.
 Post loading and shipment all mandatory documents will be auto
generated from data prefilled by logistic/ sales team

Requirement  System should not allow to minus any stock if its Quantity is not
available in the system. (It is Pain issue in Tally)

Navision Fitment This would be handled through standard NAV functionality:

 Sales Person need to Create Warehouse Shipments when all the Pre-
checks and formalities are completed (To Sales Person Warehouse
Shipments will be given)
 Stores Person can Change the Shipment Date only for Domestic
Sales & Not for Export Sales
 When Sales Person will arrange the Transport, then Sales person will
have to mention LR No, LR Date, & Transporter Name on the
Warehouse shipment. (If transport is managed by Solar-Chem then
Sales person will select the proper transporter and system will
create a Work Order (Purchase) automatically and if the Transport
Budget is exceeding then system should send a notification (e-mail)
to management that for this Delivery Order (SO) Transport Budget is
 Warehouse Shipment access will be given to QC department too, so
that if Customer Specific Batch is to be dispatched then QC
department will assign the Batch No. in Warehouse Shipment Else
Stores person will assign the Batch No. in the Warehouse Shipment
 On Warehouse Shipment, Ship & Invoice option will be given, so on
completion of all Warehouse Shipment activities Stores person will
Post the Shipment & Invoice together.
 Sales Shipment & Invoice will be done
 Most of the time Shipment and Invoicing will be done together only
and all the statutory documentation part will be done at the same
 Prevent Negative inventory will be activated on Inventory setups, so
system will not allow to post/reduce any item if its Qty. is 0 in the
system. (It is Pain issue in Tally)

Gap Fitment Transport details on SO and Automation of Work Order if Solar-
Chem is arranging the transport will be handled through Freight
Module {Same mentioned in 1.3 Sales Confirmation (Bulk Orders
and Direct Sales Order}

1.5 Sales Invoice

Process Ref. ID SM- 05
Process Name Sales Invoice
Process Description Sales invoices are created at the time of shipment or After Shipment.
After posting user generate E-way Bill & E-Invoice on Posted Document.
Navision Fitment Same as current process.
In case of export invoices Exim functionality will be used: Sales Invoices &

Gap Fitment We will integrate E-Invoice, E-way Billing option with Government Sites.

1.6 Sales Return

Process Ref. ID SM- 06
Process Name Sales Return
Process Description Materials which are rejected taken back from the customers
Navision Fitment This would be handled through standard NAV functionality:
Sales Return Order/Sales credit Memo and copy documents functionality will
be used.
Gap Fitment NA

1.7 Customer Payment

Process Ref. ID SM- 06
Process Name Customer Payment
Process Description Payments to customer, depends on the payment terms. It can be advance
payments or payments after invoicing- need to show the finance cost +
monitor delay in projected terms.
Navision Fitment  Payments to Customer can be made through Bank Payment
Voucher/Cash Payment Voucher available in Navision. Payment can
be made in advance or after Invoicing is done for the customer in the
 Knocking Off of Invoices will be done by Finance department only
(Either at the time of the Bank Receipt Entry or in Customer Ledger
after posting Invoice & Bank Receipt entry.)

Gap Fitment Overdue E-mail to customer in case if any invoices crosses its credit period

(Here, Solar-Chem will have to be very much aware about Knocking Off of
Invoices is done correctly, If Customer paid any amount but Finance team
not applied that payment then against that particular invoice then system
will still send an overdue e-mail to Customer.)

5 Client Acceptance
The foregoing clearly states our understanding of our engagement with Pacific Consulting, and we hereby agree to the project scope, objectives,
assumptions, task assignments, and deadlines described herein. We understand that changes to the engagement details, as described in this
document, will require a formal change request.
We accept our responsibility to ensure that scope, resources and time are kept constant through the life cycle of the project, and our
responsibility to ensure that our staff meets all the task deadlines. We understand that our failure to meet these responsibilities could result in
an out of scope condition and adjustment of the overall project plan and deliverables, including the possibility of change requests or an entirely
new project budget and timeline.

Client: Solar Chemferts Pvt. Ltd. Pacific Consulting

Signature: Signature:
Printed Name: Printed Name:
Title: Title:

Date: Date:


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