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LA liga Filipina

The aims were:

1. To unite the whole archipelago into one compact, vigorous,
and homogeneous body.
2. Mutual protection in every want and necessity.
3. Defense against all violence and injustice.
4. Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and commerce.
5. Study and application of reforms.

In the night of July 3, 1892, Dr. Jose

Rizal founded and inaugurated the La
Liga Filipina at house No. 176 Ilaya St.,
Tondo. It was formed not for the
purpose of independence, but for
mutual aid and protection of its
members, and the fostering of a more
united spirit among Filipinos. Its
constitution declared the ends, form,
duties of members and officials, rights
of members and officials, the
investment of funds, and general rules.
Lack of unity among the members
Lack of availability

Rizal as practical leader conceives La Liga Filipina. The

constitution of the La Liga Filipina was drafted in
cooperation with his friend, Jose Ma. Basa.

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