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Good Day everyone!

We are now on
our fourth week for this Quarter
and the Most essential learning
competencies for this is to
Draw different facial expressions
and body parts movements of human figure
As we move along, I can guarantee
that you will learn how to draw cartoon human
figure in different movements.
So, sit back and relax, and we
will start our journey in the world of Illustration!!!

Before we begin with the new lesson,

let’s have a brief review on
what We have discussed last time.
On our previous lesson, we learned how to
Draw human figures in different perspective
Using Foreshortening. I have here a jumbled letters
And I want you to arrange this to reveal
The correct word. I will give you
A clue for each number.You may comment
Down below your answer.
Are you ready now, Here is the first one?
1. Conventional subject for drawings
2. View of an object from above
3. View of an object from below
4. Illusion of three-dimension
5. Viewed in different perspective

In a drawing whether it is a human figure

or a cartoon like figure movements or actions,
it is important not only how your figures
look but also how they tell a story
with the gestures and movements.
Illustrating figures with movement in
a story or in any work of art gives
details in your drawing. Movements
also show feelings and liveliness in the character.
Because of the movements or actions
in your drawing, it becomes more appealing and expressive.
So for this week, we will learn
how to draw Human Figure
in different Movement

At the end of the lesson, the

students should be able to:
 Identify the different figure movements
 Draw the cartoon human figures
in different movements
 Appreciate the value of applying
different cartoon human figure
movements in a drawing

There are a few important points to

remember in bringing out actions in
your cartoon human figures. To put a
figure in actions we can draw simple
skeleton or stick figure
as a guide and foundation.

As you can see on this figure,

it shows a farmer who is walking.
Observe how the action is first drawn by a stick figure (A),
then blocked in roughly and put some form (B),
and finally finished up in ink and put some details(C).
Whenever a person walks or runs or kicks,
the arms tend to swing back and forth–
the right arm swinging with the left leg
and the left arm is moving in the
same direction as the right leg.
Remember this point, it is essential that
you follow it if you want the action
of your figures to look natural.

For this figure, you have worked out

a two-thirds view of a man running.
Observe here again the arms and legs swing,
the right arm back with the left leg,
and the left arm forward with the right leg.
Also observe how his coat tails flying back
help to indicate the action. This is another good point to remember.

Another figure here shows a human

figure walking towards us, we see that
the weight of the body rests on the left foot,
which comes directly under the
center of the body. Observe that when
a figure is shown walking, the hip that is
on the same side as the leg that is bearing
the weight of the body is higher than the
other hip, while the shoulder on that side is
lower than the opposite shoulder. This is just
another little trick that will bring out a natural walk in your figures

When we speak of action, we do not

necessarily mean that your figure always be moving.
There is action indicated even when
the figure is lying down or asleep
just like the figure below.

Remember, that it is up to you what

action your character goes through
and that by bending the legs. arms,
and body in the proper directions you
can make your drawings portray any action you desire.
To know more about Drawing Human
Figure in different Movement
I want you to watch this video.

Details on drawing but to observe proportion

And Apply the 4 steps approach
I will give you enough time to
Do this activity. When you are done,
submit your activity through
The comment section down below.
SO grab your pen and paper and your
Timer starts now!

There you have it!!!

I hope you learned something new in this video.
Rest assured that on the following lesson
you will get something new to learn
to develop a strong foundation in illustration.
Thank you for watching and always remember,
with practice and hard work you can be a great illustrator.
See you in the next lesson!!!

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