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Saed Jamil Shahwan: Coleridge and the Problem of Aesthetic

Coleridge and the Problem of Aesthetic

Dr. Saed Jamil Shahwan
Associate Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Hail University
P.O. Box 2440, Hail, K.S.A.
Phone: 00966563151707 E-mail:

Abstract: In the modern world, people suffer from distracting self from feelings and emotions. The meaning of
existence is in a mechanical manner and a recognizable language is accepted and important. People’s minds are
focused on miserable modern societies and its culture. Due to this problem, people are non-communicative and
focus on searching the meaning. Apparently, the importance of language is known with the living language
which is an undeniable case in different eras. Artists find it easier to focus on people wherein the meaning of
communication is perceived. Maximum meaning of communication and its importance is researched with the
least amount of words used. This has generally been observed in the modern era. The article generates a high
influential meaning of aesthetic and language power. Consequently, the article is expected to reflect the major
problem of aesthetic values and its impact on modern society. This article is represented by Taylor Coleridge
who is rightly credited with his work while introducing psychological and aesthetic ideas that reflect the
nineteenth-century ideas.
Keywords : Aesthetics ideas, aspects of language, suspension of disbelief.

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)‫م‬2020 ،‫ العدد الرابع (يناير‬- ‫جملة جامعة حائل للعلوم اإلنسانية‬
1.0 Introduction
Coleridge is one of the theorists who has worked on Immanuel Kant in the year 1931. This was the widely
read essay in the second volume in the history. There are general indictments that state the ideas and uncertain
concepts. There are central passages that seem to introduce with the standards and impact the ultimate futile
work. This is not genuine when the edges are blunt and the critic is constantly been focused on the originality
concept. With the recent works that Coleridge has been working towards is about the several concepts and ideas
that simply have logic and critic aspects. The article represents the transformation of self-care and aesthetic
intervention in the words of Coleridge. The poetics and the creative process have now helped in spiritual
idealism that leaves a constructive deferral. The spiritual idealism and the ideas of aesthetics are described within
constructive deferral. The impossibility and the theoretical discourse is focused on spiritual advancement. With
the ideas of communication, self as conscious, paradoxical and self-contradictory variations, the article reflects
the enhancement of change and dynamism (Weinbrot, 2005). The article portrays the imaginative failure that is
impossible to focus on theoretical discourse. Most of the poems of Coleridge are concerned with the philosophy
of romanticism. A romantic movement in England was one among them. The critical and highly influential work
depicts the philosophy of English speaking culture (Watson, 1966).

The author describes in detail the aesthetic values and the problems of aesthetics. With the help of the novel,
the narration of the ideas is well depicted and the readers are inclined to focus on the language that is used with
several concepts. With the problems of aesthetics, people have transformed their lives and drastically have
captured the aesthetic experience with unreliable and confusing nature. Aestheticism is a different study that
probes and investigates the common ground meaning of aesthetic theory that has been described by Coleridge.
Thereby, the art and the philosophies have been particularly been focused on useful theories and narrative studies
that are reflected towards the belief and concepts. Aesthetics problems are focused on and are analyzed with
consequent analysis and the detail ideas that the poet reflects in the poetry. The philosophical description of
aesthetic is revealed with the detailed conceptual problem that arises in the critical examination of philosophy
and criticism. This represents the subject matter that covers the aesthetic nature and the expression of emotion
and language in the article (Kaiser, 1994).


The article reflects with the problem of aesthetics in detail with relevance to the subject matter of art and
language that has been analyzed carefully. The aesthetic appreciations of objects and the activities of life are
being focused on with the philosophical aesthetics and arts that arise from the point of view of artists. The level
of creativity and the representation that focuses on the philosophical views of style, form, and art of language are
pointed out in the research. This seems a major concern towards a special kind of aesthetic experience that is to
be studied in detail.


The research aim is to state about the different circumstances that fall apart towards the creation of
communication and the connection that is felt in the outer world. The research focuses on problems of aesthetics
and the general preference of people’s linguistic choices. There are several periods in which the writers and the
poets have made general use of language in a way that reflects the aesthetic form of nature. For the purpose of
research, aesthetics means the study of language and the use of language that will help to focus the question in
accordance with the people’s tastes and cultural means (Muirhead, 2004). There is an artistic usage of the genre
and the continuous flow of language that reaches the goals dramatically.


There are several questions that can come up in mind in order to work towards the problem of aesthetics in
detail. The form of philosophy and the theory of visual arts are been explained with the problems of aesthetics.
There are individual experiences that have unique sets of problems and expectations that are in absolute
standards with the art of performance and the general application of language that has been used in various
characters. This is a general representation that focuses on the work of Coleridge. The question about Is
aesthetics a real problem which can be resolved within the philosophical nature?


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Saed Jamil Shahwan: Coleridge and the Problem of Aesthetic
The research reflects in detail about the art of using language and the cultural aspects that are focused in
order to carry on the poetic language and the impact of the poet’s dynamic language. People’s dejected minds are
miserable and tend to focus towards the taciturn and non-communicative means of resources (Cassirer, 1970).
The importance of language and the poetic living language is explained with justified information that is
collected from various sources. The research represents the problem of language and its impact on cultural

2.0 Literature review

Language is a means of communication that has different circumstances and has shaped the lives of people.
The powerful instrument and the creation of connecting the outer world are representing the real meaning of the
conversation. In different periods, language has been represented by various writers, dramatists, poets, and artists
with the general meaning of language as the form of aesthetic. In this instance, the purpose of aesthetics is used
as language as represented by the author. In accordance with the taste and line of concern, the cultural values are
represented in the form of glorified taste and cultural causes with the pleasure of reading poetries (Engell, 1999).
The use of language is therefore glorified within this concept and has been in concern with didactic aims. As
such, drama and continuous representation of dramatists is been achieved in the research. For instance, the
Romantic Movement has witnessed the language as a break of boundaries and kind of bliss that readers may
enjoy in the poetry. Apparently, with the instance of music and language, the impact of the study is majorly
focused towards the era in which the great poets had referred to focus on poetic language that impacts the
scenario. There is a better living language that is been created the language of drama and focus towards the
inspiring use of dynamic language in terms of revealed terms. The realities of the society are concerned with the
audience in the Romantic Movement.

As such, there is a metamorphosis that focuses on the poetic language and the use of modern mutation. The
form of language and the use of a reduced form of aesthetic values are represented in language. There are several
techniques that describe the use of language. Apparently, the techniques used in terms of modern drama has been
clear especially focusing on comedies and plays. To examine the theories of life, there are several instances that
the poet engages as a leader in the Romantic Movement. The philosopher Taylor Coleridge works with critic,
theories and English poetry in terms of romance and language that has been focused within the famous theories
of language (Devereaux, 1991). The focus is on aesthetic values and silence is been examined in conspicuous
language and position that the poet works with the importance of romanticism. This is empowered and has
symbolism towards imagination in context to the language the poet uses.

The language represents the importance of Coleridge and the techniques that work towards conveying the
techniques and the meaning of language using it significantly. A comedic language is taught in terms of
language and the silence is to majorly to intensify the deepen situation of horror and humor (Kompridis, 2006).
Coleridge has importance for language as it has a different meaning to convey the message to the audience. The
situation of using a language while choosing a specific area is to intensify the deepen message. Apparently, the
situation results from afflictions in modern society. When the number of areas and ideas by Coleridge are
considered, the amount of aesthetic values is repeatedly in form of the theater of silence. The elevating language
proves to be conceived in a traditional manner while it is impressive at the same moment. The romantic dramas
and the treatment of dilemmas in the modern world are felt with the language of modern humanity and meaning
that delivers the message with a figurative speech. The romantic era has presented the language in terms of silent
and deepens message which is a real problem of aesthetic. The elevating language is effective when it is
promisingly focusing on modern human society. It is a figurative speech that the audience has been considered
within the simultaneous presence. The silence and language are the two opposites that deal with the culture and
society. The modern theatergoers reflect the mirror of the society by its poetry and language used. The language
that is focused in reflects the ordinary and the daily lives of people. The emptiness of language and managing the
emptiness of characters are reflected within the relationships (Coleridge, 1993).

The argument consists of the problem of aesthetics that is specialized in terms of use of language and the
fundamental opposition that is focused on the romantic works. This especially depicts the practical use of
language and the modern society culture with a dramatic scene. The central form of drama is in the use of
language in a modern society. Apparently, the literary language focuses on self-focuses readers that offer a
special mode of drawing attention with linguistic signs. Another focus is on the influential formulation of
estrangement and the defamiliarization of modes of linguistic discourse. Estrangement is mainly affected due to
tools and techniques that deploy the writing and language. To show the communication style, the playwright has
majorly been focused on repetitions and struggles in writing (Haney, 2001).

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Language is a powerful means of attracting an audience but it can majorly satisfy the audience when it
deepens the heart. This is a powerful instrument that helps to connect and communicate with one another in the
outer world. From the words of Taylor Coleridge, it is the armory that reflects the human mind and contains the
past trophies while the future weapons of concepts. It is thereby stated as a dynamic phenomenon that is
imperative and results in connection. From the point of view of Coleridge, it is like a mediator that reflects the
nature and man. Apparently, poetry is an art and establishes the relation among the audience. As such aesthetics
consider the major components of rhythm, music, meter, and structure. These are the highest degree pleasures to
engage into while it enables in with delight as believed by Coleridge. Through the poetry and the magical power,
the language seems to be a balancing nature that reconciles the poetry. Apparently, the absolute quality of the
poem is focused in terms of three elements that is the highest degree of pleasure, getting engaged in art and
receiving the total delight of the message. The question of language is been considered by Coleridge where the
language is a subset of the question. Thereby, Coleridge believes that language should focus on musical and
metaphoric elements that would create a deep meaning. The illusion is produced with his aesthetics that the
author uses in his poems. The drama of tragic dance focuses on the mind of an audience and a reader. An illusion
is produced which insists on the active involvement of a reader with the artistic representation of human thought
and external nature. With the representation, the resemblance of the real world is depicted and the element of
difference is focused in language (Coleridge, 2001). This is the pleasure that derives from the lies of perception
and the likeliness difference in contrariety and identity. Apparently, it is a universal principle of fine arts that is
described by Coleridge.

3.0 Methodology
The data has been taken from various researches and articles that represent the major focus from journals and
articles. The problems of aesthetics are measured in focus with the entire poem that is narrated in accordance
with the language that is been used by the author (Deneau, 1972). The article represents the offer with several
perspectives and it differs the ideas and thoughts that are collected in the research. A qualitative research
approach is focused on which the data is collected from various research articles. The collection of the data is
accurate and reliable as it contains the detailed knowledge of information.

4.0 Research findings

Research finding shows the problem of aesthetics with its importance of using as an art. Dramatic language is
accepted with musical and metaphoric consideration as it creates a major impact on audience and readers. The
representation focuses on external and internal human thoughts that affect the findings and difference of
perceiving language as a means of communication. Apparently, the dual concept of difference and concreteness
is being measured with the complex scenario of pursuing the aim of communicating directly. The dual concepts
and techniques have a dramatic illusion and push the audience to focus on unheard aspects of language onstage.
This is an ideal perfection that reflects the soul of human nature and focuses on the play. There is a spirit of unity
that is empowered within the balances and reconciles the discordant qualities (Symons, 1909).

These qualities reflect within the nature with the difference in generalness and concreteness that is measured
in language performance. As such the dual and complex thought to consider and pursue the aim of connecting
with the language is persuasive. The moral lessons are presented by Coleridge in terms of instructions in a
straight line and employing the techniques that work all together for the audience. The readers think about the
language that represents the ultimate use and encourages the effort with the required connection. All parts of the
work are focused on language and connect with each other in order to achieve balance and harmony. The modern
aspects of approach are focused in order to influence the modern artistic lessons and power the language with
symbolic effects. A professional approach to language is common towards using the language. The influential
modern artists have put towards the power of language and are effective in terms of the dramatist (Simons,
2006). The witness is focused in terms of believing and focusing on counterparts. The witness of the twentieth
century is reflected in the counterparts and influences the poetic language. Coleridge finds the language evoking
the study while focusing on emotions and traditional sense. In this way, language is focusing on elements and
artists of poetry (Whalley, 2001).

5.0 Discussion
Symbolic language exists till date which is a discourse to modern society and lost the rhythm and music
which gives rise to the imagination for readers and audiences. There is a social and economic way within which
language can be learned with the modern aspect of elements. A witness has been examined in context with the
aesthetic use of language and ambiguous way of communication (Miller, 2002). The way of talking is then
replaced with rhythm, music and sublime the speaking attitude towards the dramatic approach. Applying these
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Saed Jamil Shahwan: Coleridge and the Problem of Aesthetic
elements, one could know the concepts of ambiguity and could certainly find a way that would help with the
method and impact the stage of delivering the message. The sense of ambiguity and uncertainty is resolved
within the stage and it creates the missing language approach. It is important to reconcile the language and work
towards silence when the communication is balanced. This balance helps to enable the delight in silence and
deepens the components with simultaneous presence.

6.0 Conclusion

Despite the overlaps and interventions for centuries forming the language and its elements, there are aesthetic
values that form the theory of organic unity. The kind of work and the universal acceptance of history and
emergence lead to new thoughts and philosophies of life. This entails the digressing and aestheticians for
emerging ideas and thoughts in philosophy. People’s way of thinking differs from a generation to another. The
psychological difference is the major idea that needs to be clear in terms of observing the aspects of life. With
the industrial revolution, there is a change in aesthetic values and acceptance of elements.

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