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Reading Lesson Plan For Young Learners

Age/ Topic: Young learners 7-12 / Farm Animals

Aim: To teach farm animals and improve student’s reading skills.

Materials: Flashcards, Animal music video, worksheets about reading text, paper, coloring
pencils, and star stickers.

Time: 40 minutes

Steps Procedures

● The teacher starts with a question to draw attention. After students

answer the question, they listen to the “Farm Animal Song” together
while accompanying it.

● After listening and enjoying it, the teacher teaches the target words
Pre-reading with flashcards using the repetition technique and animal imitations.

● Do a match with the word activity.

● The teacher gives the reading text (That’s Strange) to the students and
wants them to take a look at it for 5 minutes. (Scanning) At first, the
teacher read the text slowly and loudly. After that, students read it
While-listening loudly one by one (to control their focus). Finally, they start to do
activities related to the text.

● What’s the order? (Put the sentences in order activity)

● True/False activity

● The answers are checked by the whole class with the teacher. If there is
an error, it is fixed by the teacher. (do not demoralization)

● Drawing and coloring: At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the
students paper and coloring pencils, asks them to draw their favorite
Post-listening farm animal that they learned today and color it. ( in company with the
farm animal music)

● Lastly the teacher sticks the star stickers to all the drawings for a prize.

Reading Text and Activities

Mrs Brown's a farmer. Every day she gets up at six o'clock and Mr Brown usually makes her toast and
eggs for breakfast.

But today Mr Brown isn't in the kitchen.

'Tom!' she calls. No answer.

'That's strange,' she thinks.

Mrs Brown goes outside and calls Max, her dog.

'Max!' she calls. Max doesn't come.

'That's strange,' she thinks.

Mrs Brown goes to feed the chickens.

She looks in the backyard. No chickens.

'That's strange,' she thinks.

Mrs Brown goes to see the cows.

She looks in the barn. No cows.

'That's strange,' she thinks.

Mrs Brown looks in the field. No animals.

'Where are the sheep? Where are the pigs? Where's the horse? That's very strange!' she thinks.

Mrs Brown hears a noise behind the house.

She goes to look.

Everyone's in the garden: Mr Brown, Max, the chickens, the cows, the pigs and the horse.


'Where's my breakfast, Tom?'

'Today's breakfast is cake, Maude. Birthday cake! Happy birthday, my love!'

Pre-listening Matching Activity

While-listening Activities
Zeynep Sare Baykal 200321045

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