Grade 7 Group Screening Test: Comprehension Check

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1 English Reading Passages

Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the letter of
the correct answer in the answer sheet.

Racquel L. Jarella No. of Words: 127

If there is one menu that most people in Lucena would like to order, it’s probably their favorite “chami
Since it’s the city folk’s favorite, “Lucenahin” include Chami Festival as one of the highlights of the fi


1. Which of the following ingredients makes chami tastier? (literal)

A. chicharon or dried squid
B. seasoning or sauce
C. caldo or chicken broth
D. chili or vinegar
2. What is one of the highlights of the fiesta celebration?
A. Chami festival
B. Street Dancing
C. Floral Parade
D. Niyogniyugan Festival
3. Why is it affordable for Lucenahin to order chami? (inferential)
A. It can be bought in the fast food chains or small restaurants.
B. It can be ordered at cheaper price.
C. It can be cooked instantly.
D. It can attract many students.
4. When the menu is always on the top list, this means that_ _(inferential)
A. The menu is frequently ordered.
B. The menu is easy to prepare.
C. The menu is special.
D. The menu is seen everywhere.
5. Which among these sentences is a topic sentence? (critical)
A. Chami is a popular dish in Lucena.
B. Chami is a favorite dish of Lucenahin.
2 English Reading Passages

C. Chami festival is the highlight of the fiesta.

D. Chami can be ordered in a very affordable price.
6. One can experience tasting the delectable pancit made from flat or round noodles.
Delectable in that sentence means _ (inferential)
A. Spicy
B. Sweet
C. Inviting
D. delicious
7. Another good title of the selection is _ (critical)
A. Chami: Quezonians’ Dish
B. Chami: Lucena’s Best
C. Chami; Popular Menu
D. Chami: Food for All

No. of Words: 138
Most of the areas in Quezon are still considered as agricultural.
Rice, corn, coconut and other root crops such as camote, cassava and ube are only some
of the harvested products in the rural and far-flung barrios in Lucena and Quezon.
Since these areas are too far from the city, farmers have a hard time bringing these
products in the markets.
Paragos (sledge) serves as a mode of transportation of the barrio folk. This can
help them transport and sell their goods in the town or city proper. It resembles the
physical look of a car. It is the version of the four wheels in the city’s concept of
limousine. It is made up of wood. It contains pair of palunas (paddle) touching the
ground. With the help of a carabao, the paragos is pulled to walk.
Source: The Coconut


8. Which one serves as a mode of transportation of the barrio folks? (literal)

A. limousine
B. paragos
C. palunas
D. carretela
9. What does the paragos contain? (literal)
A. wheels
B. wood
C. paddle
D. palunas
3 English Reading Passages

10. Why is it hard for the farmers to bring their harvested products to the
markets? (inferential)
A. They are living in the far-flung barrios.
B. They don’t have cars.
C. They don’t have carabaos.
D. They don’t know where to sell their products.
11. The following are the important uses of paragos as implied in the selection, except
one, which one is that?
A. It helps the farmers in bringing their harvests.
B. It serves as a means of transportation of the barrio folks.
C. It can be used to gather coconuts.
D. It can be used as a carabao shed.
12. The selection is mainly about _(critical)
A. the description and uses of paragos
B. the advantages and disadvantages of riding on paragos
C. the origin of paragos
D. the importance of paragos in starting a business
13. Another good title of this selection is _ _ (critical)
A. Why do farmers use paragos
B. Why is paragos called a local car
C. Why do farmers sell their harvests
D. What is unique about paragos


Racquel L. Jarella

se crusade for religious freedom turned into a major revolt against the Spanish rule in the Philippines in the early 19th century.
nearby towns in Tayabas, Laguna and Batangas. The governor general that time discovered that the Cofradia limited its membe
4 English Reading Passages


14. What religious confraternity did Hermano Puli put up? (literal)
A. Cofradia de San Jose
B. Cofradia de San Lorenzo
C. Cofradia de San Gabriel
D. Cofradia de San Juan
15. What kind of leader was Hermano Puli? (literal)
A. a political leader
B. a charismatic leader
C. a platoon leader
D. a troupe leader
16. How did Hermano Puli lead the Cofradia de San Jose? (inferential)
A. with joy and hardwork
B. with care and passion
C. with vigor and excitement
D. with dignity and hope
17. Why did the governor general order for his arrest? (inferential)
A. Hermano Puli and his followers attacked him.
B. Hermano Puli convinced his members to fight against him.
C. The governor general found out that the Cofradia limited its members to
D. The governor general was insecured of Hermano Puli.
18. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)
A. Injustice really occurs.
B. Good work leads to death.
C. Heroism is a sacrifice.
D. Passion is a commitment.
19. He was tried and immediately executed by firing squad. The word executed means
_. (inferential)
A. detained
B. imprisoned
C. killed
D. murdered
20. Another good title of the selection is_ .
A. Hermano Puli’s Destiny
B. Hermano Puli’s Journey
C. Hermano Puli’s Life
D. Hermano Puli’s Heroism
5 English Reading Passages

Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the letter of
the correct answer in the answer sheet.

BAMBOO BRIDGES No. of Words: 140

Divina D. Alzaga

Consider passing along the roads of Quezon Province, there are many sights to hold you in awe. One m

Source: The Coconut


1. The term “mangangarit” means _ ? (literal)

A. bamboo climber
B. wine maker
C. farmer
D. coconut climber
2. The bamboo bridges which are connected to the uppermost part of the coconut trees
are more than _ above the ground.(literal)
A. 10 feet
B. 15 feet
C. 20 feet
D. 25 feet
3. What is the importance of bamboo bridges on top of the coconut trees?
A. It was used by the mangangarit to perform exhibition.
B. It was used by the mangangarit to pass in to another tree and to collect tuba.
C. It was used by the mangangarit to build a tree house.
D. It was used by the mangangarit to attract tourists.
6 English Reading

4. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)

A. The importance of bamboo bridges to the mangangarit.
B. The role of bamboo bridges to the life of the mangangarit.
C. The importance of bamboo bridges, mangangarit and tuba in lambanog
D. The role of mangangarit in collecting tuba and lambanog making.
5. Which is NOT true about “mangangarit”? (inferential)
A. They risk their lives to earn for a living.
B. They pass the coconut bridge to pass in to another tree.
C. They collected tuba with the use of a tukil.
D. They used carretela in collecting the tukil full of tuba.
6. Why do mangangarit have to do this risky type of work? (inferential)
A. Because they need to earn for their living.
B. Because this is the only job that they know.
C. Because they love what they are doing.
D. Because they are the only one who could do it.
7. According to the passage, what is the view one cannot ignore? (literal)
A. the wonderful bamboo bridges
B. the mangangarit
C. the tukil full of tuba
D. the coconut trees
8. One wrong step may lead to falling. Once fall, one may die or get paralyzed. This
statement is . (inferential)
A. True
B. False
C. Both a and b
D. Undecided
7 English Reading

Divina D. Alzaga,
No. of Words: 139

Niyogyugan Festival is one of the famous festivals in Quezon which name derived from the words: ni
This festival is a week-long festivity which showcases several events such as the Bb. Niyogyugan, wh

Source: The Rappler


1. What feast is held every August as a thanks-giving for the bountiful harvest of
coconut? (literal)
A. Pasayahan sa Lucena
B. Niyogyugan Festival
C. Pahiyas Festival
D. Maskara Festival

2. When does the Quezon Provincial Government start to celebrate the

Niyogyugan Festival? (literal)
A. Since 2010
B. Since 2011
C. Since 2012
D. Since 2013

3. What is the goal of this celebration? (inferential)

A. It aims to unite all the municipalities of the province and promote their local
products and delicacies.
B. It aims to recognize the hardwork of the farmers and to honour the
8 English Reading

C. It aims to showcase the different events such as Bb. Niyogyugan,

Niyogyugan Kusineros, and Karosa ng Niyog.
D. It aims to promote the different coconut products made by the different
municipalities of Quezon.
4. Why does the provincial government of Quezon celebrate the said festivity?
A. To recognize all the people in Quezon who made the festivity possible.
B. To give thanks to the bountiful harvest of the coconut which is their main
agricultural product.
C. To honour the farmers all over the province for their whole year-round work.
D. To give the people of Quezon a weeklong feast that showcases events that
they could enjoy.
5. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)
A. Niyogyugan festival is a feast that unites the different municipalities of
B. Niyogyugan festival is a feast that honours the people of Quezon especially
the farmers and the teachers.
C. Niyogyugan festival is a thanks giving feast for the bountiful harvest of
D. Niyogyugan festival is a feast that aims to unite all the municipalities in
Quezon and to promote the coconut industry.
6. What is the highlight of the festival? (literal)
A. Karosa ng Niyog
B. Bb. Niyogyugan
C. Niyogyugan Kusinero
D. Teachers’ Convention
7. Which month does the provincial government of Quezon celebrate the
Niyogyugan? (literal)
A. September
B. August
C. May
D. July
8. Niyogyugan Festival is the happiest festival in the Province of Quezon. This
statement is in the passage. (inferential)
A. Stated
B. Implied
C. Unstated
D. False
9 English Reading

Divina D. Alzaga, No. of Words: 139

Philippines has plenty of dialects; Tagalog is just one of those. But many are not aware that even Taga
Someone who is not native in Lucena might hear Lucenahin say words such as dayag which means “w
Lucenahin might speak a different version of Tagalog but it only proves that language is really dynam


1. What dialect is discussed in the selection? (literal)

A. Tagalog
B. Bicolano
C. Waray
D. Ilocano
2. Who use Tagalog words that are understood by them but may sound strange for
some Tagalog speakers? (literal)
A. Tayabasin
B. Lucbanin
C. Lucenahin
D. Saryayahin
3. What are the Lucenahin’s Tagalog words which are mentioned in the selection?
A. Dayag, akit, halang, abuhan, maribuso, and abyad.
B. Dayag, akit, halang, langgam, abuhan and marikit.
C. Dayag, akit, halang, maribuso, abyad and yano.
D. Dayag, akit, halang, maribuso, abuhan and tungko.
1 English Reading

4. What makes the Lucenahin’s Tagalog distinct from the other Tagalog local
versions? (inferential)
A. Lucenahin’s Tagalog sounds strange than the usual Tagalog.
B. Lucenahin’s Tagalog is like a musical piece.
C. Lucenahin’s Tagalog sounds like a good music in the ears.
D. Lucenahin’s Tagalog is very ordinary.
5. What does the word “abyad” mean? (inferential)
A. It means to invite someone.
B. It means to take care of someone or something.
C. It means to move forward.
D. It means to do or make an errand.
6. Which is NOT true about “Tagalog”? (inferential)
A. Tagalog is one of the many dialects in the Philippines.
B. Tagalog has many different local versions.
C. Tagalog is spoken only by the people of Quezon.
D. Tagalog is a distinct dialect known by all.
7. What is the other best title for the selection? (critical)
A. Tagalog used in Lucena
B. Tagalog Local Versions
C. Tagalog and Lucenahin
D. Tagalog – a Dialect
8. What characteristic of Tagalog is stated in the selection? (inferential)
A. Changing
B. Diverse
C. Dynamic
D. Distinct
1 English Reading


Juliet J. Castillo
No. of Words: 144

In 1946, Godofredo Magallanes promised Quezon’s widow, Aurora, that a monument of Quezon w
The Quezon monument was then erected in 1954 along with the marble wall that contains Pres. Que



1. What is realized in the establishment of Manuel L. Quezon’s monument?

A. appeal of all the residents of Quezon province
B. promise to Quezon’s widow
C. tribute to Quezon’s participation and struggle
D. all of the above
2. When was the monument erected? (literal) A.
B. 1954
C. 1955
D. 1956
3. What is Quezon’s monument made of?(literal)
A. coins
B. metal
C. wood
D. resin
1 English Reading

4. Quezon’s monument is made abroad. This statement is

_ in the text. (inferential)
A. Stated.
B. Untrue.
C. Implied.
D. Undecided.
5. Which statement is true? (inferential)
A. Godofredo Magallanes was the one who sculptured the monument of Quezon.
B. Godofredo Magallanes promised Aurora, Quezon’s widow that a monument
would be built as a tribute for his participation and struggle for the Philippine
C. Godofredo Magallanes appealed to the residents of Quezon Province through
Christmas cards.
D. Godofredo Magallanes inaugurated the monument during the celebration of
Quezon’s 77th birthday.
6. How long did it take for the Quezon’s monument to be erected? (inferential)
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 10 years
D. 12 years
7. Which among the following materialize the idea of erecting the Quezon monument?
A. appeal to all the residents of Quezon province through Christmas cards
B. promise Quezon’s widow, Aurora
C. tribute to his participation and struggle for the Philippine independence
D. donation of public elementary students
8. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)
A. The promise given to the widow of Quezon that made it possible to erect the
B. The big part of the coin to the history of the monument of Quezon.
C. The participation and struggle of Quezon for the possibility of the
Philippine Independence.
D. The erection of the monument which became possible because of the
donation given by the elementary students.
1 English Reading


Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the letter of
the correct answer in the answer sheet.


Racquel L. Jarella
No. of Words: 161

Once there lived an old and rich woman who lived in a small town in the province of Quezon. She help
Aside from being kind, she was also religious. When she went to the church to attend the mass, she alw
Years passed and the people agreed to name their town after her and her
cow and so they called their town, “Tia-ong.”



1. What is a sign of respect based from the selection? (literal)

A. Ong
B. Tis
C. Tia
D. Ang
2. Where did the old woman live? (literal)
A. in one of the barrio in Sariaya
B. in one barangay in Lucena
C. in a small town in Laguna
D. in a small town in Quezon
3. Why did the people in the community love and respect her? (inferential)
A. The old woman gave them money.
B. The old woman invited them to attend the mass.
C. The old woman had a kind cow.
D. The old woman helped the people in many ways.
4. How is the word Tiaong formed? (inferential)
A. It is derived from the name of the old woman and the name of her cow.
B. It is taken from the name of the old woman and the sound created by
the cow.
1 English Reading

C. It is originated from the name of the town folk and the cow.
D. It is created through the imaginative minds of the town folks.
5. The selection tells about _ (critical)
A. The old woman’s good deeds
B. The old woman’s faith in God
C. The old woman’s love for her pet
D. The old woman’s respect for the community.
6. How did the people know that the old woman was passing by? (inferential)
A. They heard the sound of the car.
B. They heard the sound of the bell.
C. They heard the sound of the trumpet.
D. They heard the sound created by the cow.
7. How is the word Tiaong formed? (inferential)
A. It is derived from the name of the old woman and the name of her cow.
B. It is taken from the name of the old woman and the sound created by the
C. It is originated from the name of the town folk and the cow.
D. It is created through the imaginative minds of the town folks.
8. The selection aims to (critical)
A. persuade
B. inform
C. entertain
D. instruct


Racquel L. Jarella
No. of Words: 139

Centuries ago, there was a settlement established in an area now known as “Pinagbayanan” at Baranga
The image of that saint mysteriously disappeared and the natives went searching for it. They saw the im
There was a Dumagat leader named Gat Pagil who protected and repelled the barbaric raids of the Mo

1 English Reading


1. What did the natives build in the southern part of Mauban? (literal)
A. a house
B. a hall
C. a church
D. a school
2. What happened to the image of St. Bonaventure? (literal)
A. It was taken by the people.
B. It mysteriously disappeared.
C. It was brought by the Moros.
D. It was given to the chieftain.
3. From what word/s is Mauban originated? (literal)
A. the Malauban tree
B. the title of honor and grayish hair
C. the name of the patron saint
D. from the name of the town folks
4. Why did the people admire and respect Gat Pagil? (inferential)
A. He searched for the image.
B. He built a church for the people.
C. He defended and protected the people against the Moros.
D. He accomplished his mission as a leader.
5. Gat Pagil protected and repelled the barbaric raids of the moros from the established
settlement. Repelled in the sentence means _
A. helped
B. guided
C. instructed
D. drove
6. Which among the following is not true about the selection? (inferential)
A. Gat Pagil was admired and respected by the town folks.
B. The people called Gat Pagil Mauban as a name of endearment.
C. Malauban is a bird’s nest.
D. The image of the saint disappeared but was seen again by the people.
7. The selection has a purpose of _ the readers. (critical)
A. Convincing
B. Informing
C. Instructing
D. Entertaining
8. What is the selection mainly about? (critical)
A. The bravery of the chieftain
B. The importance of searching
C. How Mauban got its name
D. How the people express their faith
1 English Reading


Divina D. Alzaga

The story about mermaids, a half-human, and a half-fish creature might seem unrealistic but some belie
Presently, a statue was built on top of the boulder where this maiden was frequently seen.



1. What particular place in Quezon Province is the story of the mermaid very
famous? (literal)
A. Alabat
B. Atimonan
C. Agdangan
D. Quezon
2. Who attacked the town? (literal)
A. Blackbeard pirates
B. Calicio pirates
C. Hornigold pirates
D. Moro pirates
3. Who was saved by the mermaid? (literal)
A. the young fisherman
B. the pirates
C. the people of Atimonan
D. the friends of the fisherman
4. What does the underlined word from the sentence “The survivors scattered inland
towards the safety of the mountains.” mean? (inferential)
A. assembled
B. collected
C. grouped
D. separated
1 English Reading

5. Why does the beautiful maiden sit on the top of a huge boulder looking at the
mountains of Atimonan? (inferential)
A. She is looking at the beautiful view of the mountain.
B. She wants to be alone for a while.
C. She is waiting for the fisherman to come.
D. She wants to have a break from her work.
6. What is the means of communication between the young fisherman and the
mermaid? (literal)
A. the magical kabibe
B. the magical comb
C. the wave of the sea
D. the rocky beach
7. What does the statement, “Years later, locals would claim to see a beautiful maiden
sitting on top of the huge boulder by the sea looking at the mountains of Atimonan.”
imply? (inferential)
A. The mermaid is calm.
B. The mermaid is resting.
C. The mermaid is happy.
D. The mermaid is hopeful.
8. What is the theme of the story? (critical)
A. Love
B. Hope
C. Loyalty
D. Trust


Divina D. Alzaga
No. of Words: 124

Mano is a Spanish term which means “hand”, accompanied by “po” as a means of

showing respect to the elders. During the Spanish era, pagmamano was done by kissing
the hands of the elders, but as time passed by, it is practiced differently. The elders are
the ones putting their hands on the forehead of the children or simply touching their
Pagmamano is done by the youngsters as their way of greetings to their parents and
to their grandparents. They are seen doing it not just on special occasions like
Christmas or New Year or during their family reunions, but almost everyday.
This uniquely Filipino-owned practice makes us stand out among other cultures
because it mirrors the strong family ties that we have.
1 English Reading


1. What does the Spanish word “mano” mean? (literal)

A. head
B. hand
C. heal
D. heart
2. What is accompanied by “mano” as a means of showing respect to the elders? (literal)
A. ho
B. oho
C. po
D. opo
3. Which culture does the Filipino adopt the “pagmamano”? (literal)
A. Chinese
B. American
C. Japanese
D. Spanish
4. What Filipino trait was shown in the given passage? (inferential)
A. Respect for elders
B. Strong family ties
C. Love for the family
D. Love for culture
5. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)
A. Filipinos are very family-oriented.
B. Filipinos have a strong family ties.
C. Filipinos are very respectful people.
D. Filipinos have a great love for culture.
6. What is the purpose of the text? (inferential)
A. To inspire
B. To inform
C. To entertain
D. To persuade
7. According to the selection, how often do the youngsters practice the pagmamano?
A. once a day
B. twice a day
C. everyday
D. not once
8. Why do Filipinos do the pagmamano? (inferential)
A. To show their respect to their elders.
B. To give thanks to their family and relatives.
C. To bond with their family and relatives.
D. To get money in return.
1 English Reading


Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the letter of
the correct answer in the answer sheet.

Juliet J. Castillo, No. of Words: 138

Early at dawn when everyone is sound asleep at around 1 to 2 in the morning, big and small time capit
How do sellers and buyers transact using this business method? Buyers and sellers alike use a secret co

Source: The Coconut


1. Which is the antonym (opposite word) of the word capitalist? (inferential)

A. Pauper
B. Croesus
C. Moneybags
D. Rich
2. Which of the following statements describes the so called Bulungan method?
A. It is a way wherein the residents of Dalahican are busy buying seafood
B. It is a secret sale of buying bulk seafood products at a cheapest cost.
C. It produces gossip about the price of each product.
D. It is a process of unknown transactions in Dalahican fort.
3. How can the seller and the buyer get better income through Bulungan?
A. Both of them must be secretive.
B. Both of them must be good in Mathematics.
C. Both of them must be wise.
D. Both of them must exercise prudence.
2 English Reading

4. Which among the following best describes the word “auction”? (inferential)
A. Public sale
B. Private sale
C. Whole sale
D. Both a and b
5. On what time did the transactions commonly happen? (literal)
A. 6am-10am
B. 3am-6am
C. 1am-2am
D. 8am-11am
6. Where does “Bulungan” happen? (literal)
A. at the wet market
B. at the department store
C. at the fishing port
D. at the grocery.
7. What is the primary purpose of the text? (inferential)
A. To persuade
B. To entertain
C. To inform
D. To inspire
8. The selection is mainly about _ _. (critical)
A. The benefits one can get through bulungan.
B. The secret negotiation between the sellers and the fish buyers.
C. The magic of business.
D. The hardwork of the fishermen.

Juliet J. Castillo No. of Words: 147

Perez Park, known as a sunken garden with four sections, lies in the heart of Lucena City. This park w
On regular days, the park is visited by families to unwind. Teenagers gather on spacious grounds to pr
For everyone who wishes to have a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city, relaxing at the Per
2 English Reading


1. How many sections are there in the sunken garden? (literal)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
2. What is the park’s land area? (literal)
A. 4 hectares
B. 6 hectares
C. 7 hectares
D. 8 hectares
3. The word sunken means _. (inferential)
A. flat
B. elevated
C. hollow
D. levelled
4. Which of the following special events is not happening at Perez park? (inferential)
A. Niyugniyogan Festival
B. Quezon Day festivities
C. Political meetings
D. Revolution rallies
5. Why do you think the park became the venue of special events? (inferential)
A. Because of its land area.
B. Because it could accommodate many people.
C. Because it is at the center of the town proper.
D. Because it is the biggest and the most beautiful park in Quezon.
6. What scenarios can be seen happening at the Perez Park on regular days?
A. families who unwind.
B. teenagers practice for school-related activities
C. individuals go for a jog or attend zumba classes
D. all of the above
7. Perez Park is the only sunken garden in the country. This statement is _.
A. True
B. False
C. Unstated
D. Implied
8. What is the main idea of the selection? (critical)
A. Perez Park is Quezon’s pride.
B. Perez Park is the only sunken park in Quezon.
C. Perez Park is the favourite place for some people.
D. Perez Park is one of the beautiful parks in the Philippines
2 English Reading

Juliet J. Castillo No. of Words: 165

Kiping, a leaf-shaped decorative piece highlights the Pahiyas Festival in

How is kiping made? First, it is made from carefully selected leaves used as moulders. The kinds of l
Finally, the paste will be spread on individual leaves and cooked in an improvised steamer made of b
The complexity of the process makes Kiping truly a product of art and hardwork.


1. What is used as a decorative highlight at the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban?

A. Budin
B. Kiping
C. Suman
D. Tikoy
2. Which of the following is not needed in kiping making? (inferential)
A. leaves
B. rice
C. salt
D. sugar
3. What is the next step in making kiping? (literal)
A. The preparation of the rice paste.
B. The moulding of kiping into leaf shape.
C. The spreading of paste on individual paste.
D. The drying of kiping.
4. The only variety of rice that you could use in kiping making is _ (literal)
A. C-66
B. C-65
C. C-64
D. C-63
2 English Reading

5.The word improvised means _. (inferential)

A. to make or create something by using whatever is available
B. to borrow from one’s neighbour
C. to buy from the home appliance center
D. to design material that suits the needs
6. Any variety of rice can be used in making kiping. This statement is .
A. True
B. False
C. Unstated
D. Implied
7. The text explains that kiping making is _. (inferential)
A. fun
B. easy
C. difficult
D. exciting
8. Another title suitable for this selection is . (critical)
A. How to Make Kiping
B. The Ingredients of Kipping
C. Kiping in Lucban
D. The Pahiyas’ Kiping

Juliet J. Castillo No. of Words: 161

It was Saturday morning. My brother and I woke up very early to attend Thanksgiving Worship Servic
Almost all seats in the church were occupied by the brethren when we arrived. Fortunately, there was a
Moments later, I felt the peace within my soul as the choir sang the hymn soulfully. Then, the minister
It was Saturday morning, for which I can say was one of the best Saturdays of my life! (161 words)
2 English Reading


1. Why did they wake up very early that day? (inferential)

A. to attend Thanksgiving Worship Service
B. to go to the mall
C. to go to a party
D. to visit a relative
2. Where were they going on a Saturday morning? (literal)
A. park
B. mall
C. church
D. market
3. Why did the family hurriedly prepare? (inferential)
A. Because there is a heavy traffic
B. Because they need to arrive early to the church.
C. Because they did not register early
D. all of the above
4. Orderliness in the worship service can be inferred in the paragraph of
the text. (inferential)
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
5. The highlighted phrase in the statement, “The brethren were all eyes and ears
from the beginning till the end of the gospel.”,means (inferential)
A. seriously agreeing
B. very much awake listening
C. pretending to understand
D. attentively listening
6. The feeling that the persona wanted to convey in the selection is .
A. blissful
B. awed
C. surprised
D. obligated
7. The main idea that we could get from the selection is . (critical)
A. Making the best of what we have depends on our choices.
B. Circumstances dictate our happiness.
C. Complacency makes everything rewarding.
D. All of the above
8. The following are parts of the orderliness in the church except_ . (inferential)
A. arriving early to the church
B. being guided by a deacon to the reserved seats
C. doing one’s devotional prayers to the Lord
D. answering phone calls during the preaching of the gospel
2 English Reading

Group Screening Test, Grade 7
A. Chami B. Paragos: A Local Car C. Quezon’s Local Hero
1. C 8. B 14. A
2. A 9. D 15. B
3. B 10. A 16. B
4. A 11. D 17. C
5. B 12. A 18. C
6. D 13. B 19. C
7. C 20. D

A. Bamboo B. Niyogyugan- A C. Lucenahin’s D. Manuel L.
Bridges Festivity Tagalog Quezon
Monument: A
Monument From
Pre-War Coins

1. B 1. B 1. A 1. B
2. C 2. C 2. C 2. B
3. B 3. A 3. A 3. A
4. C 4. B 4. A 4. C
5. D 5. D 5. B 5. B
6. A 6. B 6. C 6. B
7. A 7. B 7. A 7. D
8. A 8. C 8. B 8. A

Passages for Intervention

A. The Legend of B. The Origin of C. The Mermaid D. Pagmamano: A
Tiaong Mauban in Atimonan Filipino Practice

1. C 1. C 1. B 1. B
2. D 2. B 2. D 2. C
3. D 3. B 3. A 3. D
4. B 4. C 4. D 4. A
5. A 5. D 5. C 5. C
6. D 6. C 6. B 6. B
7. B 7. D 7. D 7. C
8. C 8. C 8. A 8. A
2 English Reading

Post Test
A. Bulungan B. Perez Park C. Kiping D. Cherished

1. A 1. C 1. B 1. A
2. B 2. C 2. D 2. C
3. D 3. C 3. A 3. B
4. A 4. D 4. C 4. B
5. C 5. D 5. A 5. D
6. C 6. D 6. B 6. A
7. C 7. A 7. C 7. A
8. B 8. D 8. A 8. D

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