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Sprint Review - Engaging your stakeholders

Goal: Inspect the Sprint’s result and identify future adaptions

Outcome: Stakeholders engagement Output: Feedback and potential improvements identi"ed

Step by step to get to a successful Sprint Review

How long What Who How

Product Owner reminds the overarching goal and how the Sprint results connect to it. And then
5’ Set the Stage Product Owner shares a summary of the Sprint including if the Sprint Goal was reached or not

Developers present their achievements. They start with why and connect with how and what. In
20’ Sprint Result Scrum Team other words, they name the problem they are addressing and the output created solves that

Developers de"ne missions and assign stakeholders to get them done. The goal is to observe how
40’ Hands-on Scrum Team stakeholders interact with the product to get the job done. This approach keeps the session
interactive and creates more valuable feedback

Based on the previous step results, stakeholders and Scrum teams interact to identify potential
20’ Future adaptions Developers improvements

Product Owner shows a high-level idea of the next Sprint Goal so that stakeholders are aware of
5’ Next Sprint Scrum Team the direction the team is taking
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David Pereira
Simplifying Product Management

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