Portion Control Garde 9

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Teacher Learning TLE
Teaching Date Time Section
Daily lesson Dates
plan Quarter 3rd
and MARCH 20, 2:45-3:45 Cookery
Time 2023 Grade 9


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding on how
portion control it's ingredients and Creative
presentation in sandwich .
B. Performance Standard The learner’s independently give feedback in portion
control sandwiches and presentation in sandwich.
C. Learning Competency TLE _HEKNMCS 9-12PD-IVb-f16.
Identify the proportion control and make creative
presentation in sandwich.
At the of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Learning Competencies/Objectives A. State portion and control sandwiches and
sandwich ingredients; and
B. Create and present sandwiches
C. Explain the importance of portion control
and creative sandwich preparation .
II.CONTENT Portion control it is ingredients and creative
presentation in sandwich
References Technical Vocational Livelihood (Home Economics ?
Teacher’s Guide pages pages 78- 79
Learner’s Material pages Pages 4-22
Additional Materials video clip, Laptop, Television
Skills to developed Understanding, Skills
Subject Integration Science, Math, Health, AP, MAPEH
Strategies/Philosophy Essentialism, Constructivism
Values integration Appreciate the proper portion of ingredients and
presentation in sandwich .
SDG Goal 5-Gender Equality, Goal-Reduced Inequalities, zero
hunger, and Economic.
Learner’s Background Grade 9 composed of homogenous learners.
Preparatory activities
A. Preliminary
a. Opening prayer
Please stand up for our class prayer. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us; and lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us from
b. Greeting
Good afternoon class. Good Afternoon sir.
Magandang buhay!!

c. Classroom management
Happy, blessed sir.
Hello, How are you today?

That’s good to hear.

(students are arranging their chairs and picking the
Before you seat down, please pick up the
pieces of papers under the chairs)
pieces of dirt under your seats and arrange
your chairs properly.

d. Checking of attendance

Class who is absent today?

Thank you.

e. Recall/Review
Before we proceed to our next lesson, let’s
have a review.

What was topic last meeting


Yes, Matthew On how to prepared sandwiches.

What is the process on making sandwich

Yes, Angela First prepare all the ingredients and so on

Very good, What else?

Miss en place
Yes, Jayda

Very good. That’s correct .


"Guess the parade”

( Students are listening to my instructions)
You're going to guess what particular
ingredients I'm singing.

Here they are

“I come from the ocean ocean

I'm tasty tasty
I'm swimming swimming Fish or tuna seashell

Who am I

Here they are …

I'm made from made from

Flour … flour..
Soft soft, smooth Bread

Who am I

Here they are

I raised by farmers
Healthy…… green leafy

Who am I.

My dear students appreciate your sharp



"Crush or False”
This will test your knowledge on how
sandwich is being assemble
(students listening to my instructions )
State your answer, if the statement is true
you answer will be crush, if the statement 1. Crush
is wrong your answer will be false. 2. Crush
1. Portion control have an impact to 3. Crush
the sandwich making. 4. Crush
2. Garnishes such as lettuce leaves 5. Crush
should be separated.
3. Meats should be sliced and
proportioned by weight.
4. Portion scale used to measure the
weight in making sandwich.


Video presentation
(The students are excited to watch the video)

What is the video all about?

What is the portion control she said??

Portion Sandwiches and its Ingredients
Portion Control is necessary to proportionate the
weight, scoop and slice of food items, like ham and
roasted beef. Other ingredients can be portion control,
by slicing the meat thinly and correctly. You will need a
good meat slicer and a scale to weigh your meat.
Why we have this kind of practice in
For sandwich fillings you can use
sandwich making which is the portion
scoops and make sure it does
not exceed the scoop edges. The scoop
is made so you can proportionately
apportion the amount of food, no
Do you think it helps the sandwich become more or no less.
Sliced items are portioned by count
and by weight. If portioning is by
count, take care to slice to the proper thickness. If done
by weight, each
portion can be placed on squares of waxed paper or
stacked in a container.

Creative sandwich preparation

Sandwiches should be attractively served on plates for
individual serving or on platters for multiple serving.
The plate or platters can be decorated with suitable
ingredients to enhance the overall presentation.
Attractive presentation makes a garnish tray more
appealing so you should learn the techniques for
creating a balanced, colorful andappetizing buffet
arrangement. Garnishes that complement sandwiches
such as a variety of olives, peppers and pickles add color
and texture to the tray. Arranging a bed of greens offers
a festive and inviting cold tray presentation for any kind
of event.

- Spread leaf lettuce on a tray, decorate the tray edges

with the top curly part of the leaves the base of the
leaves point toward the center of the tray. This creates a
decorative bed for the sandwiches and garnishes.
- Spear the center of each sandwiches with a long
toothpick if the
sandwiches are layered, such as club sandwiches or
slices of submarine sandwiches. The pick keeps the
sandwich together on the tray and makes them neater
for guests to select, so the sandwich won’t fall apart
when someone picks it up.
- Arrange the sandwiches by the filling, with the contents
exposed to make sandwich selection more obvious.
- Sandwich quarters should be arranged with cut edge of
the sandwich pointing up at the viewer.
- Arrange finger sandwiches in a spiral, or setting up the
sandwiches in rows in the tray, with a row of garnishes
between each row of sandwiches.
- Place vegetarian sandwiches on a separate tray from
sandwich made with meat products.
- Handle food picks carefully. Remove food picks before
giving sandwiches to children or impaired adult.
- Plate pinwheel sandwiches in a circular design on a
platter with the pin wheel filling facing upward to show
off the colors of the ingredients.

Sample of creative presentation

What is the importance of knowing the

Proper portion of

Yes Kyla

Do you have any questions?

Suggestions? Clarifications?

Okay if you don’t have questions


Group activity

Make a presentation sandwich ideas for

Children. How are you going to boost the
appetite of a child to eat healthy sandwich?


Content 30%
Creativity 25%
Co-operation 20%
Presentation. 25%

Total. 100%

Write TRUE if statement is correct, write
false if the statement is wrong.
1. The pick keeps the sandwich together
on the tray and makes them neater for 1.True
guests to 2.true
select. 3..false
2. Sandwich quarters should be 4.true
arranged with cut edge of the sandwich 5.true
pointing up at the
3. Do not remove food picks before
giving sandwiches to children.
4. Place vegetarian sandwiches on a
separate tray from sandwich made with
meat products.
5. Plate pinwheel sandwiches in a
circular design on a platter with the pin
wheel filling facing upward to
show off the colors of the
1. What is proper storage in making sandwich?
2. What are the techniques used in storing?
Reference : TLE. Home Economics Bread and pastry
production Page 14 to 17.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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