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The Testimony of the Nazarenes: ISIS offers Christians a horrific choice: either pay

the jizya (head tax) on non-Muslims, convert to

Persecution of the Followers of the Islam, flee and leave all their possessions, or be put
Jewish Messiah Brings Jesus to the to death.3 The status of dhimmi requires non-Muslim
Foreground of the Middle East subjects of Islamic states to pay the head tax in
exchange for the protection of the regime, which in
Conflict early Islam aimed to keep Christians and Jews in
place so that they could continue to lead productive
By Judith Mendelsohn Rood and lives for the benefit of the state.
Paul W. Rood1
However, today‘s Takfiri jihadists condemn
August 1, 2014 (5 Av 5774) traditional Muslims, Jews, and Christians as infidels
and consider the presence of Christians as a threat
In Mosulσ ancient Ninevehσ this week, ISIS and insult to Islam, so the τjizya” tax they impose is
(Islamic State of Iraq and Sham/Syria) spray-painted exorbitant and does not follow the laws of Medieval
the Arabic letter τnun‖ to identify homes owned by Islam setting the legal rate for jizya payments (which
Christians so that they could be expropriated as non-Muslims paid in exchange for not serving in the
Islamic property. The τnun‖ stands for Christianσ Muslim army and for the state‘s protection).4
in Arabic Nasrani, the Qur‘anic term for the
followers of Jesus the τNazarene.‖2 Since few people can afford to pay these unjust
taxes, many have been murdered. Horrific stories of
rape and suicide have emerged from the darkness
created by the so-called τcaliphate‖ in Syria and Iraq.
Since the fall of Mosul, more than 500,000 refugees,
including almost all of the Christians from Mosul,
have fled to the Kurdistan region seeking refuge.5

Christians have taken shelter in churches in Erbil

and other Iraqi Kurdish cities with Christian
populations. 6 Over the past three years of war in
Syria, we have read unspeakable accounts of
beheadings, crucifixions, and even the bartering of
blood by Sunni jihadists, slaughtering the Nasara,
traditional Sunnis, Shiites, and other minorities.

The unholy jihad unleashed in Syria and Iraq in

response to the Iranian penetration of the Levant
has led to a frenzy of destruction. It has now spread
beyond Syria and Iraq to Gaza, where Qatar and
Turkey, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, and

11 Dr. Judith Mendelsohn Rood is Professor of Middle 3 ISIS in Mosul Marks Christian Homes, Patriarch Issues
Eastern History at Biola University in La Mirada, CA. She Urgent Appeal, Assyrian International News Agency
received her Ph.D. in Middle Eastern History from the (AINA), July 19, 2014,
University of Chicago and her M.A. in Arab Studies from
Georgetown University. Paul W. Rood is an independent Accessed August 3, 2014.
scholar and Lecturer in Politics, Economics and History 4 Judith Mendelsohn Rood, Sacred Law in the Holy City

at Biola University. (Leiden: Brill Academic, 2004), 48, 57, 115-6, 159, 182.
2 Muslims Join Christians in Declaring I am Iraqi, I am 5 ISIS Forces Last Iraqi Christians to Flee Mosul, by

Christian, Al-Jazeera Online, July 23, 2014, Alissa J. Rubin, in the New York Times, July 18, 2014, A4. 6 They are Savages – say Christians Forced to Flee Mosul

0023959 Accessed August 2, 2014. by Isis, by Fazel Hawramy in The Guardian, July 24, 2014.
Iran, which supports Hamas are fighting a proxy among whom the Apostle Paul stayed during his
war, and to Lebanon. 7 Churches and monasteries three-year retreat in Arabia following his conversion
have been looted, demolished, or taken over to on the Damascus road. It‘s important, in this
serve as mosques. The shrines of the biblical connection, to note the destruction of Aramaic
prophets Jonah and Seth, revered by Christians, villages and towns throughout Syria and Iraq as a
Jews and Muslims, have been completely destroyed, particular aim of the Takfiri movement.
because the Takfiris consider anything dating from
before the giving of the Qur‘an ς the Jahiliyya τthe The Arabic language has both preserved and
time of ignorance‖ ς to be sinful. Their aim is to obscured the biblical content of the sacred texts of
destroy all connections between the Bible and Islam. the Qur‘an, redacted in the 7th century in northern
Arabia. The term for the followers of Jesus (‘Isa in
Against this background, in a the Qur‘an) is the Nasara, which preserves the
courageous demonstration of shared understanding that the people of the Middle
solidarity with their Christian East who follow Jesus, τthe Nazarene,‖ are the
neighbors, some Muslims and Nasara, the Nazarenes. First recorded in the New
other minorities have adopted the Testament, the Qur‘an preserved this most ancient
Arabic letter τnun‖ in opposition name for Christians, and has resurrected it in today‘s
to ISIS, protesting, τwe are all Nasrani.‖ This headlines.
phenomenon has gone viral on social media.8
Nazareth: The Home of Jesus
Yet few participating in this campaign are aware of
the etymology of the ancient term. It was first used Obviously, one of the reasons that Jesus was called
to name the early followers of Jesus, the τNazarene.‖ τthe Nazarene‖ was because he grew up in Nazareth.
Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, the three major But to the Jewish religious leaders, Nazareth, in
Semitic languages spoken in the Middle East, share Jesus‘ day, was an out-of-the-way town in the
similar names for Christians (notzri/nasrani): in Galilee, tucked up in the mountains off the major
Hebrew Notzrim ‫נוצרים‬, in Arabic Nasara (‫ن ص ر ا‬, highway going north from Jerusalem into Syria. The
collective noun), Nasrani (‫ن ص ر ا ن ي‬, "a Christian" backward and humble Galileans were despised by
singular, adjective). the religious elites of Judea, and even Galileans such
as Jesus‘ disciple Nathanael viewed the humble
This contemporary use of ancient prophetic village with disdain ς τcan anything good come
language is worthy of our notice. The word τNaṣara‖ from Nazareth?.‖9
is used in the Qur‘an and translates as τNazarenes.‖
These Nazarenes were Aramaic-speaking followers Unbeknownst to most Jews then and now, during
of Jesus: some scholars believe that these were the the Second Temple Period, the Davidic family
descendants of the Jewish Christians of Arabia began to be persecuted by other Jewish parties who
were vying for power. Famously, Herod the Great
persecuted the family of David, fearing that a leader
7 Kahwagi: Arsal Attack Meticulously Planned, The from the royal blood line would overthrow him. As
Daily Star, August 3, 2014, recorded in the New Testament, Jesus‘ mother Mary and her husband Joseph were both of the family of
News/2014/Aug-03/265908-kahwagi-arsal-attack- David. They had fled Bethlehem and taken refuge
meticulously -planned.ashx#axzz.39LYfRIhp accessed
in Nazareth, where they lived until just before Jesus‘
August 3, 2014.
8<>, A Christian birth.
Genocide Symbolized by One Letter, by Christine Sisto
on National Review Online, July 23, 2014. 9John 1:46. Some Bible commentators believe that
an-genocide-symbolized-one-letter-christine-sisto Nazarene was simply used as a term of disdain,
fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 53 that the Messiah
would be despised and rejected by mankind.
including the little community in Nazareth, where
τNazareth‖ (Natzerat, ‫ )נצְרת‬is a noun for the family of David found refuge from the
τwatchtower‖ in Hebrew. The town sits below a Herodians.
ridge which offers a panoramic view (Arabic:
nadhara) of the Jezreel Valley, to the northeast, south The early disciples of John the Baptist, who had
and west. A watchtower is built in order to allow undertaken repentance, ritual baptism, and the
the defenders of the region to warn of the pursuit of a righteous lifestyle were also called
movement of armies ς critical to the defense of Nazoreans in the patristic and apocryphal literature.
Israel. Nazareth also acquired a symbolic meaning
as the place of refuge for the branch (netzer) of the While John himself had undertaken the extreme
Davidic family, a shelter far from the reach of religious vow of a nazir (‫ )נ יר‬ς an even further
Herod, unlike their hometown, Bethlehem. After separation and consecration ς which included
the Holy Family‘s flight to Egypt, they returned to abstinence from alcohol, the cutting of hair, and
Nazareth. And so it was in this neglected little town touching the dead ς only rarely would his disciples
on the frontier of Israel that the young Jesus τgrew do so. Some linguists argue for an etymological
in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and connection between the Greek word Nazorean
men‖ (Luke 2:52). (Να ω αίων) 10 and Nazirite vows. However, it
cannot be demonstrated in the historical record that
Jesus‘ extended teaching ministry in Galilee enabled Jesus or his followers took Nazirite vows.
him to remain on the fringes of the territory of the
Herodians - the inveterate enemies of the Davidic The New Testament record gives much stronger
line ς and their temple agents, the Sadducees. On evidence to the connection of Nazareth and
occasion, Jesus would slip away into Phoenicia and Nazerene to the Hebrew root word netzer. Matthew,
the Syrian Decapolis to escape beyond the borders John, and Luke used the term Nazorean
of their political control. (Να ω αῖ ) repeatedly in their writings to indicate
that Jesus was τfrom Nazareth,‖ but also to
acknowledge him as the rightful heir of Davidσthe
The Notzrim: The “Watchers” Who “Keep the royal τbranch‖ (netzer) of David. The link between
Testimony” Nazorean and Nazareth is found in Matthew 2:23:

We have seen that the place-name of Nazareth is And after being warned in a dream, he went away
connected to its setting as a τhigh watchtower‖ over to the district of Galilee. There he made his
the Jezreel Valley and as a refuge for the τbranch of home in a town called Nazareth [Να α έ ], so
David.‖ Similarly, the people who are called Notzrim, that what had been spoken through the prophets
Nasara, or the Nazoreans are those who are τthe might be fulfilled, τHe will be called a Nazorean
watchers,‖ or, translated often, as in Psalm 119:2, [Να ω αῖ ].‖
τthe keepers of His testimony (Hebrew notsri
edotaw).‖ In this verse, Matthew was interpreting the
testimony of the Hebrew prophets Jeremiah and
The root verb netzer (‫ )נצר‬appears over sixty times Isaiah, creatively linking the forms of the Hebrew
throughout prophetic Hebrew scripture; frequently Netzer/Notzrim. Nazorean, as used by the Greek
in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the Psalmsσ sixteen times
in Psalm 119 alone.

The Greek word used in the Gospels, Nazoreans, 10Nazerene is spelled with the letter ζ (zeta), which is generally
and the Hebrew equivalent, the Notzrim, was a term transliterated from the Hebrew letter (zayin) but never ‫צ‬
which was in use during the Second Temple Period (tsade) as in netzer (‫)נצר‬. Transliteration from Hebrew to Greek
to designate those very observant communities often led to the blending and confusion of terms, fusing their
which were expectantly awaiting the Messiah, meaning to create entirely new concepts.
translator of Matthew, is thus a new term, appearing my servant, the Branch [‫]צ ח‬. 9 See, the stone I
here for the first time in association with Nazareth.11 have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes
on that one stone, and I will engrave an
Early in his gospel (1:9), Mark refers to Jesus as inscription on it,‘ says the Lord Almighty, ‗and I
being τfrom Nazareth‖ (ἀ ὸ Να α ὲ ). After his will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
baptism (1:24) by John the Baptist, and three later 10 ‗In that day each of you will invite your
passages, Mark refers to Jesus as τthe Nazarene‖ neighbor to sit under your vine and fig tree,‘
(Να α νέ), perhaps signifying a broader Messianic declares the Lord Almighty.
label for Jesus and his followers.
Why would Isaiah prophecy concerning the future
Few prophetic passages are more Messianic than Branch using the root netzer, while other prophets
Isaiah 11:1-10. Jerome (c. 347 ς 420), the first might use tsemach? Recent Dead Sea Scrolls
known Church Fathers to do so, links Matthew's scholarship indicates that both terms were used
prophecy to Isaiah 11:1: τThere shall come forth a interchangeably for the τMessianic Branch.‖ 15 A
shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch (netzer, pesher (commentary) on Isaiah 11:1-6 describes the
‫ ) נצר‬from his roots shall bear fruit.‖ 12 Thus, netzer as the tsemach haDavid, the same term used by
according to this interpretation, Jesus was the Zechariah in 3:8 and 6:12. 16 How splendid that
τbranch‖ (netzer) from the house of Jesse (David‘s Isaiah would use a word formed out of the Hebrew
father), which had been cut off from kingship, of word root netzer, that has the dual meaning of
which only a buried stump remained. Epiphanius τbranch‖ (the Messiah) and τwatcher/keeper‖ (the
provides some additional background when writing followers of the Messiah).
about the Nazerenes, saying that before the
Christians were given that name, they were called It is significant that John‘s Gospel relates that when
Iessaioi (of Jesse). 13 The shoot coming out of the the armed guards come to arrest Jesus in the Garden
stump of Jesse, the branch (netzer), is Jesus, and his of Gathsemene, they state twice that they have
followers, the Notzrim. come to arrest τJesus the Nazerene‖ [ ὸν
Να ω αῖ ν]. When crucified, τPilate had a notice
The prophet Zechariah and Jeremiah also make [ ί λ ν, title] prepared and fastened to the cross. It
repeated mention of the Messianic τBranch,‖ but read: Jesus [lit.] the Nazerene, [ὁ Να ω αῖ ], the
use a different Hebrew word tsemach (‫)צ ח‬. 14 In King of the Jews.‖17 It is most significant that this
Zechariah 3:8-9 (NIV), the prophet writes inscription on his cross is his τtitle,‖ giving it great
concerning the future Messianic Branch: significance.

8 ‗Listen, High Priest Joshua, you and your In Acts 24:5, the Jewish leaders charged the Apostle
associates seated before you, who are men Paul with being a τringleader of the Nazorean
symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring (Να ω αίων) sect.‖ Paul responds affirming his
identity as a Nazerean, equating it with another
description of the earliest Jesus followers:
11An inscription on a marble fragment from a synagogue
found in Caesarea Maritima in 1962, confirms "‫"נצרת‬
14 However, I admit that I worship the God of
(Nazareth) was spelled with a ‫( צ‬tsade), rather than a
(zayin). Avi-Yonah, M. (1962). "A List of Priestly Courses our ancestors as a follower of the Way [Gr: hodos],
from Caesarea". Israel Exploration Journal 12: 137–139. which they call a sect. I believe everything that is
12 Jerome, de situ, 143.
13 Epiphanius, Panarion, 29, 1,3-9; 4, 9.

14 See Jeremiah 23: 5-6 The days are coming, declares 15 M.L. Coloe, God Dwells With Us: Temple Symbolism in
the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous the Fourth Gospel (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical
Branch [tsemach ], a King who will reign wisely and do Press, 2001), p. 171.
what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be 16 4Q161 (4QpIsa Line 111). Martinez and Tigchelaar,

saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition, (Leiden: Brill, 1997), I:316.
which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior. 17 John 18:5, John 19:19.
in accordance with the Law and that is written in Χ ι ιανό (Christians) is a translation of the
the Prophets… Hebrew τMessiah follower,‖ (Meshiykhiyyim, ‫) שיחיים‬.
Arab Christians today also use this termσmasihiyun,
Clearly this term was used to describe a people with in addition to the older transliterated Greek term
a specific set of beliefs (followers of the Nazerene, τChristian‖ (krystiyan).
and the Way of the LORD), not residents of a specific
town in Galilee. The scholar Ray Pritz, in his definitive work on
early Nazorean Jewish Christianity writes:
In the early rabbinic Jewish writings such as Avodah
Zarah 6a and Ta'anit 27b., Notzri (singular) and The Greek name, Christian, was first applied in
Notzrim (plural) ς spelled with the Hebrew ‫( צ‬tsade) Antioch, probably the earliest mission to the non-
are used to describe Christians. The Babylonian Jews, and it is well known that τChristian‖ was
Talmud passage Sanhedrin 107b states "Jesus the originally used by non-Christians to designate
Nazarene (Yesu haNotzri) practiced magic and led believers among the Gentiles, while τNazerenes‖ was
already used in Palestine to describe Jewish adherents
Israel astray." A clearer indication of early rabbinic to the new messianic sect.20
antipathy toward the Messianic linkage of the Netzer
(Branch) to Jesus‘ followers is found in Baraita Pritz concludes that over time, these Nazorean
Sanhedrin 43a-b: Jewish Christian communities were confused by the
Church Fathers with heretical sects such as the
Our Rabbis taught: Jesus the Nazarene had five
Ebionites and the Mandaeans. The true orthodox
disciples …When they brought Netzer (one of
Nazoreans continued to exist in scattered
those disciples listed) before the court, he
communities in Galilee and east of the Jordan, along
(Netzer) said to them …It is written: an offshoot
with others in Syria and the northern Hijaz of the
(netzer) shall grow forth out of his roots [Isa.
Arabian peninsula, up until the fourth century,
11:1].‖ They [the judges] answered him: Yes,
possibly later.21
Netzer shall be executed, since it is written: You
shall be cast forth away from your grave like an
As centuries passed, the Greco-Roman Church
abhorred offshoot (netzer) [Isa. 14:10].
fathers accused the Nazorean Jewish Christians of
heresy because they continued to express their faith
Princeton scholar Peter Schafer, in his fascinating
in Jewish cultural terms ς accordingly the Greek
book, Jesus in the Talmud, includes detailed primary
term τChristian‖ was always used for those they
source material and a careful interpretation of the
classified as the τtrue‖ Church.
rabbinic polemic against Jesus the Nazarene and his
disciples. 18 Shafer notes that the passage above
In the Qur‘anic material, the Nasara/Nasrani appear
clearly indicates that the Rabbis connected Jesus and
as Christians who keep the Jewish dietary and
his followers with the netzer passages of Isaiah.19
religious laws (circumcision and Sabbath). Several
scholars have offered hypotheses concerning their
It is clear that Jewish Christians who followed a
doctrinal and ethnic identity. A Nasrani priest,
Jewish lifestyle continued to be called Notzrim by the
Waraqa Bin Nawfal, is said to have been a tutor and
Jewish and Aramaic/Arab communities, while they
companion of Muhammad. According to the
were called τChristians‖ by the Greco-Roman
Islamic sources, Waraqa, a scholar of the τGospel of
community, as in I Peter 4:16: τYet if anyone suffers
as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him
glorify God in that name.‖ The Greek word
20 Ray A. Pritz, Nazarene Jewish Christianity (Leiden: E.J.

Brill, 1988), 13.

21 Pritz, 8. See also Gordon Darnell Newby, A History of
18Peter Schafer, Jesus in the Talmud (Princeton: the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse
Princeton University Press, 2007. Under Islam (Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina
19Some commentators such as Klausner identify the Press, 1988) 66-7. In recent years there has been a
disciple called Netzer to be Andrew, the first disciple of proliferation of studies on the biblical origins of early
Jesus to be martyred. Qur an.
the Hebrews‖ and the Old Testament, accepted Including also the prophetic scriptures of the New
Muhammad‘s prophecy, although he remained a Testament spoken and written by those Hebrew
Nasara (Christian). Khadija, Muhammad‘s first wife, prophetsσthe early Jewish Christians, between 25
was said to be the cousin of Waraqa, and the first and 30 percent of the entire Bible consists of
convert to Islam.22 prophetic writings. The great proportion of these
prophecies have been fulfilled. However, some
As the Muslim conquers spread north and west, remain unfulfilled, those pertaining to the τlast days‖
penetrating into the Greco-Roman provinces, they (the acharet ha-yamim) culminating the present age of
extended the Quranic name naṣārā to the Christians empires and nations.
of that region. Most of these Greek Christianos and
Syriac Krystiyans would likely have accepted this These events of the τlast days‖ focus on the nation
appellation in order to receive Islamic acceptance of Israel and its enemies during a period of great
as ’ahlu l-kitāb (τpeople of the book‖). wickedness, slaughter, and global devastation. The
Notzrim/Nasara are important actors in the
Many of the Greek and Latin Christians continue to apocalyptic literature, specifically Jeremiah, chapters
refer to themselves as Nasrani when speaking in 30 and 31. Chapter 30 foretells the regathering of
Arabic among Muslims. Churches of the East ς the assembly of the Israel, the establishment of their
generally the Assyrians (Chaldeans) and Syrian own government, and the rebuilding of their cities
Orthodox ς have have often continued to call on their ancient ruined landσ in a continued state
themselves Nasara/Nasrani. in Syriac/Aramaic and of unbelief.
Arabic. Thus, it is more than ironic that the modern
Jewish and Muslim terms for Christians preserve Jeremiah 30:24 (NIV) reads:
this earliest identifier of the earliest disciples of
Jesusσthe Jewish community of τwatchers‖ and The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back
τkeepers‖ from Nazareth. until he fully accomplishes
the purposes of his heart.
In modern times, the Wahhabis eradicated the In days to come
Jewish communities in Arabia. Most of the rest of you will understand this.
the Arabic speaking Jews (the τSaturday People‖)
were expelled from the modern Arab states God will then act as a τwhirlwind‖ on behalf of
following the establishment of the State of Israel. Israel and in judgment upon the wicked. The
Today, it is only the τSunday People,‖ the Nasara, LORD will draw Israel‘s heart to Him during these
who bear the name of the God of Israel in the Arab times. Some during the Second Temple Period were
World. awaiting the Messiah to fulfill this prophecy, and
were disappointed because Jesus did not judge the
The Hebrew Prophets Concerning “The nations and establish His kingdom.
Notzrim” and “the Last Days”
Although some Christians believe that these
Interestingly, while the modern Israeli Jew uses the prophecies concerning Israel have already been
term Notzrim to refer to all Christians, everywhere, fulfilled through Jesus and the generation that
they are also likely unaware of the ancient Jewish witnessed his coming and the establishment of the
Messianic roots of that term. τChurch of Christ,‖ the Apostle Paul recognized
that a new period of history had begun, with Israel
to be dispersed again and set aside τfor a time‖
22We thank our friend Dr. Tony Maalouf, scholar of Islam because of their unbelief concerning their Messiah.
and early Arab Christianity, for making us aware of the
work by Juzif Qazzi translated into English as Joseph Azzi, This was the mysterion, or the great mystery, that had
The Priest and the Prophet: The Christian Priest Waraka been revealed to him, a mystery which fueled his
Ibn Warfal’s Profound Influence Upon Muhammad, the outreach to the Jews and gentiles beyond the
Prophet of Islam (Pen Publishers, 2005).
borders of Israel. This new people is the Notzrim, However, another prophetic reference to the
constituted by believing Jews and Gentiles who Notzrim, Isaiah 49:6 (KJV), makes such an
believe in Jesus, the Messiah of Israel. These receive interpretation less likely:
the salvation of their souls through his atoning
sacrifice, and follow τThe Way‖ of the Nazarene. It is insufficient that you be a servant to me only,
These Notzrim are to preserve the Word of God, to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the
share the Good News, keep watch, and warn Israel preserved (‫ )נצירי‬ones of Israel! But I will (also)
and the Nations of the Coming Judgment. appoint thee for a light to the nations, that my
salvation may reach as far as the end of the earth.‖
Chapter 31 of Jeremiah (NIV) continues:
It is interesting that in this passage the τpreserved
1τAt that time,‖ declares the Lord, τI will be the ones‖ is derived from the same Hebrew root
God of all the families of Israel, and they will be τnetzer‖: those of the τbranch‖ who are the
my people.‖ τkeepers and watchers.‖ In both passages the
2 This is what the Lord says: Notzrim can be seen as part of τall the families of
τThe people who survive the sword Israel‖σ that is, the believing Jews, along with a
will find favor in the wilderness; believing remnant from Ephraim, the dispersed
I will come to give rest to Israel.‖ … τLost Tribes‖ and their descendants among the
6 There will be a day when watchmen (Notzrim, nations σ who will participate in Israel‘s restoration.
‫ )נצרים‬cry out on the hills of Ephraim, As the Apostle Paul revealed, other Notzrim—the
‗Come, let us go up to Zion, gentile followers of the Nazarene— join the τtribes of
to the Lord our God.‘ ‖ Jacob‖ and the τremnant of Israel‖ with the
7 This is what the Lord says: formerly τlost‖ families of Israel in the last days.
τSing with joy for Jacob; Together, they constitute the τnew people‖ who are
shout for the foremost of the nations. drawn out of Israel and the Nations to serve God
Make your praises heard, and say, during this Age23 a process which is completed with
‗Lord, save your people, full restoration of Divine blessing in the Messianic
the remnant of Israel.‘ Kingdom Age to come.
8 See, I will bring them from the land of the
north and gather them from the ends of the The preservation of Israel through all generations
earth. Among them will be the blind and the and the regathering and restoration of dispersed
lame, expectant mothers and women in labor; Israel in our own times testify to believing Jews and
a great throng will return. Christians the faithfulness of the God of Israel to
9They will come with weeping; his promises recorded in the Bible. It helps us to
they will pray as I bring them back. understand that in our days, that the nation of Israel
I will lead them beside streams of water is still in unbelief, depending upon her own strength
on a level path where they will not stumble, for her salvation. However, the rise of the modern
because I am Israel‘s father, state of Israel has also been a provocation to
and Ephraim is my firstborn son. Muslims and a powerful sign to others who are
10 τHear the word of the Lord, you nations; seeking God in a time of great suffering in the
proclaim it in distant coastlands: Middle East. Many of these seekers are turning to
‗He who scattered Israel will gather them Jesus because of the hatefulness of the modern
and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.‘ Islamist ideology, which has completely severed the
God of Islam from the God of Abraham, Isaac,
Some rabbis, eager to obscure the prophetic Ishmael, and Jacob.
meaning of this community, interpreted τNotzrim”
as angelic τwatchers‖ who guard Israel in the last 23Ephesians 3:6. (NIV) This mystery is that through the

days and who will gather them in to worship in the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel,
fully restored Zion. members together of one body, and sharers together in
the promise in Christ Jesus.
is being prepared by the enemies of Rachel‘s
The Current Persecution of the children ς those who have been regathered in Israel,
Notzrim/Nasara (Christians) of the Middle and those scattered but still τpreserved ones‖ who
East are followers of the Messiah of Israel, or may soon
be drawn to believe in Him.
The persecution and flight of the modern Nasara is
an aspect of the testimony and the preservation of The God of Israel has promised that true and
representatives of the God of Israel and Israel‘s lasting peace will come to the Holy Land. 16
Messiah to the enemies of Israel and to the gawking Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from
and hapless nations of the world. These Christians weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work
of the Middle East, and those Muslims who feel shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they
drawn to identify with them in solidarity, testify to shall come again from the land of the
the truth concerning the Messiah among Jews and enemy.17And there is hope in thine end, saith
Christians. In addition to their spiritual membership the LORD, that thy children shall come again to
within τall the families of Israel,‖ these ancient their own border. (Jeremiah 31:16-17 KJV).
communities have deep connections with the Bible
as well. May the whole spiritual assembly of believers in
Jesus the Messiah of Israel, be τkeepers‖ of the
Returning to the Jeremiah 31, we see that the events Gospel of Grace and Truth, patient and wise
of restoration and redemption of τthe last days‖ τwatchers,‖ who participate responsibly in His will
follow an extended period of mourning and weeping. and work in the world and in history. As the
Apostle Peter wrote, to the scattered Notzrim of his
15 Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in day, to encourage and instruct them (and us) in
Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel preparation for the τlast days‖ when Jesus the
weeping for her children refused to be comforted Nazarene, the Messiah of Israel, will return in power
for her children, because they were not. and majesty to fulfill the ancient prophecies
concerning the τlast days.‖24
Rachel, Jacob‘s favored wife, had but two children ς
Benjamin and Joseph. The tribe of Benjamin Grace and peace be yours in abundance through
remained faithful to Judah and a significant remnant the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
was preserved from the Babylonian conquest and 3 His divine power has given us everything we
survives in the modern Jewish people. Joseph‘s need for a godly life through our knowledge of
sons Ephraim and Manasseh became great tribes in him who called us by his own glory and
the Northern Kingdom of Israel but were mostly goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his
carried away and scattered by the Assyrians, with very great and precious promises, so that through
only a small remnant finding shelter with Judah. them you may participate in the divine nature,
The rest of the lost tribes are scattered into many having escaped the corruption in the world
remote enclaves, some of which assimilated into the caused by evil desires. … 16 For we did not
ancient Christian and Muslim communities of the follow cleverly devised stories when we told you
Middle East. about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in
power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Matthew quotes this passage from Jeremiah as a … 19 We also have the prophetic message as
prophetic backdrop for Herod the Great‘s slaughter something completely reliable, and you will do
of the innocents of Bethlehem, in thwarted attempt well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in
to prevent the prophesied coming of Israel‘s a dark place, until the day dawns and the
Messiah. The forces of evil and hostility directed morning star rises in your hearts.
against both the Jews and the Notzrim/Nasara of the
Middle East rages as we write these words.
Preparations for another slaughter of the innocents
24 II Peter 1: 2-4, 16, 19-21 NIV

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