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LABEL: PURPOSE BP Lyric MUSIC PLANT Opening, Isolation Standing, 1st, NTO Part

R5-04 Time:

#1 4:42

1. Regular 1. Radio Extended

Cts Reps Lower Body Upper Body 4 cts Get everyone into one or two large circles before the music begins Instr Int 1 1, 2 14x R/L marches CCW (circles may travel in opp directions) Natural arms t/out 1, 2 16x Cont marches CW 1, 2 16x Cont marches CCW 1x Back Int 2 1, 2 8x March fwd to center of circle Natural arms t/out 1, 2 8x March bk 3x Another A 1, 2 8x NTO 1st, d-pli/strtn Arms at sides 1, 2 8x Pelvic tuck/rls Hnds nr hips 1, 2 8x Hold kns sltly bent Ribs rls/con, sltly bent arms at sides in opp 1, 2 4x Kns strtn/bnd Shldr rolls bk st 1, 2 2x Hold NTO 1 Head isols: bk/fr/bk/fr 1x Back B 2 cts of 8 1x R/L marches into/out of circle (Intro 2) Natural arms 1-4 4x Hold NTO 1st Tri str: arms OH, elbows bnt, CHs touching bk, elbows bnd/ext 2 cts of 8 1x Rpt marches into/out of circle Natural arms st 1-4 4x Hold NTO 1 Delt str: arms hi 1st, elbows bnt, CHs touching chest, elbows bnd/ext 1x Ive A 1x (d-pli/strtn, pelvic tuck/rls, hold kns bnt, hold NTO 1st) (arms at sides, hnds nr hips, ribs rls/con, shldr rolls bk, head isols) Back B 1x (marches into/out of circle, hold NTO 1st, rpt all) (nat arms, triceps str, nat arms, delt/bk str) (x = marches into/out of circle, triceps str only) love C 1-8 Bk/Hamstring str: NTO 1st, kns sltly bent, rls bk AST torso fwd, hnds at sides 1-8 Drop hnds to floor AST torso fwd over legs 1-8 Slowly round up 1-8 Quad/hip flexor str: NTO 1st, hold pelvic tuck, abs con, hnds nr hips 1x looove B 2x (marches into/out of circle, hold NTO 1st, rpt all) (nat arms, triceps str, nat arms, delt/bk str) (x = marches into circle only) Hold NTO 1st on last ct Hold arms low diags on last ct
Further Instructor Training A As you pli, be sure the knee travels in line with the first and second toe. Avoiding letting the knees com together or rotate out. Pelvic tilts-remember it is not just pushing your hips and pelvis back and forth. The pelvis should tip forward (arching the low back) and tip backward (flattening the low back). So the work happens in the glutes, abs and lower back-not the quads. Shoulder rolls-Keep the head fixed. Be sure to allow the shoulders to drop completely after you have lifted them to permit them to relax. Not allowing them to drop and relax will hold tension in those muscles. When you roll the shoulders back, the forearm should rotate out. When you roll the shoulders forward, the forearms should rotate in. Head isols- should be at a constant and controlled speed and done independently of the shoulders. There should be no abrupt starts, stops or changes of direction. Tricep stretch-stretch is more effective if the elbows are kept close to the head and do not flare out away from one another. B Delt stretch-be sure to extend the elbows all the way. Avoid dropping the hands as the arms extend. Back/hamstring stretch-control the rate at which you lower your body toward the floor. Put a slight bend in your knees before you straighten back up to share the C work with your legs.

Choreography and Copyright 2004 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP Note: Refer Lyric CAPITOL Dance Technique and Performance Standing, 2nd, NTO, facing partner to video for style, dance subtleties, correct technique, blockings and staging ideas. Part A Cts 8cts 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1x B2 1-8 1-8 1x 2x 1x 1x 2x 5x 1x 1x 1x 2x 6 cts Reps Lower Body R/L/R/L flex kicks fwd R/L/R/L flex kicks bk 3x
Hit Me

R5-03 Time:

#18 2:51

1. Jr. Jazzercise 9., Party CD R4-03 Upper Body Arms in block pos, fists Cont. arms in block Diag jabs OH, R/L/R hold, rvs L/R/L hold Jabs fwd, R/L/R hold, rvs L/R/L hold Diag jabs OH, R/L/R hold, rvs L/R/L hold nd Arms swings OH/2 /1st (Arms in block pos) (Diag jabs OH, jabs fwd) nd st (Diag jabs OH, arms swings OH/2 /1 ) (Arms in block pos) (Diag jabs OH, jabs fwd) nd st (Diag jabs OH, arms swings OH/2 /1 ) (Diag jabs OH, jabs fwd) nd st (Diag jabs OH, arms swings OH/2 /1 ) (Arms in block pos) nd st Arms swings OH/2 /1 hold, fists Style Partner doing opp.


2 , knees bttb cont. knees bttb 2 , knees bttb cont. knees bttb (flex kicks fwd/bk) nd (2 , knees bttb) nd (2 , knees bttb) (flex kicks fwd/bk) nd (2 , knees bttb) nd (2 , knees bttb) nd (2 , knees bttb) nd (2 , knees bttb) (flex kicks fwd/bk) nd 2 , NTO


Partner doing opp.

Come on.. Hit Me.. Hit Me Instr Instr Hit Me Hit Me Instr

A B1 B2 A B1 B2 B1 B2 A End

Choreography and Copyright 2003 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP CAPITOL Light-Medium Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, NTO

R5-03 Time:

#18 2:51

1. Regular 2. SimplyLite 9., Party CD R4-03 Lower Body Upper Body 2R/2L jabs 2R/2L uppercuts Bth arms pull dn from OH twd kn 4x Arms in block pos Rpt all (arms pull dn, block pos) 2R/2L jabs, R/L/R/L single jabs 2R/2L uppercuts, R/L/R/L single uppercuts (arms pull dn, block pos, rpt all) (dbl/single jabs, dbl/single uppercuts) 8R/8L jabs Torso lns slgtly L/R AST arms in block pos (arms pull dn, block pos, rpt all) (dbl/single jabs, dbl/single uppercuts) L arm OH in fist Pull dn nr side, hold Style


Part Intro 1 Intro 2 A

a real tough

Cts 4cts 1-4 1-4 1-8 1-8 2 cts of 8 1-8 1-8

Reps 3x 4x

2 , NTO, knees shake ttb nd 2 , NTO, d-pli pos, heels bttb Facing L diag, 4R diag kn lfts across AST opp leg in d-pli 4R roundhouse kicks Rvs all facing R (4L diag kn lifts across, 4L r-house kicks) 2 , knees shake ttb t/out nd 2 , d-pli pos, heels bttb (4R diag kns, 4R r-house, rvs all L) (kns shake ttb, heels bttb) nd 2 , knees shake ttb t/out nd R/L taps in 2 AST dodge L/R (4R diag kns, 4R r-house, rvs all L) (kns shake ttb, heels bttb) nd 2 , NTO L knee isol, hold

Hit me with

Come on with Hit me with Guitar a real tough Hit me with

A B C D A B End

2 cts of 8 1-4

1x 2x 2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 8x 1x 3x

~1-4 5

Further Instructor Training A Knee lift-lift knees high and in line with the hips. Use hip flexor muscles to lift the leg. Be sure to step back far enough with the lifting leg between lifts so there is a good line from your ankle, knee, hip and upper body. Roundhouse, dont drop the arms from the block position during the kick. Do not turn out at the hip. Keep the abs drawn in to maintain a stable core. Keep the knee of the stance leg in line with the ankle. B Jabs -knees are slightly bent in the guard position. Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown Uppercuts-squeeze the biceps during the punch. The palm of the fist should be facing you. C Get your shoulders turned as you throw the jab D Dodge taps -quick movement from foot to foot without lunging. Wide base with feet wider than the hips. Slight bend in knees to keep the center of gravity low.

BP: Part A Standing, 2 nd, NTO Movement 4R diag kns across smllr 2R h-time roundhouse kicks rvs all L

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Choreography and Copyright 2003 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP FIT BIT: PERFECTO AND ULTRA Medium Cardiovascular Conditioning and Core Standing, 2nd, NTO The proper way to do a side kick is to hike the hip up with the knee pointing forward. Pull the knee in and up, extend the leg as you turn in from the hip, pull the knee in and up again and then step into NTO 1st. Your customers are going to want to do a flick kick to 2nd. Be sure you distinguish between the side kick and a flick kick to 2nd by encouraging them to engage their obliques to lift their hip. Cts Reps Lower Body ~6 cts Trans to demi-pli, hold nd Intro &1-2 16x NTO 2 , demi-pli/strtn, rpt &1-8 NTO 2nd, demi-pli/strtn, rpt 3x (Intro 2) A &1-8 TO 2nd, R/L/dbl R hopping lunges, rpt 4x 1-4 R/L side kicks B 5-8 NTO 1st, R/L/R/L skips in places 4x 1, 2 TO wide 2nd, R lunge, no hop C1 3, 4 Rvs 8x nd A 4x (NTO 2 , d-pli/strtn, hopping lunges) B 4x (side kicks, skips) nd C1 4x (TO wide 2 , no hop lunges) C2 A B End 1-4 4x 4x 4x 1x (TO wide 2nd, no hop lunges) (NTO 2nd, d-pli/strtn, hopping lunges) (side kicks, skips) TO 2nd, slow lunge R, hold Part Upper Body Trans to guard position, fists R/L jabs, fists, opp arm in guard pos R/L/dbl R jabs, fists, opp arm in guard pos, rvs Torso LNS s/s to follow lunge, nat arms shake ttb Chest open, arms in guard pos, fists Natural arms Torso fwd, flat back, arms ext 2nd, palms dn (torso fwd, flat bk) Biceps curl, fists

R1-08 Time:

#16 3:06

1. Regular 2. Lite Original Mix (iTunes)

Lyric Now that

What What

Style Jabpull! Get low on the lunges, leading knee is bent! Stay tall!

gone Now Synth

What gone Now Now What love is gone

4 cts

Arms sweep dn through 1st before biceps curl! (s/s/dbl jabs, torso LNS/nat arms shake) Torsos got to move! (guard pos, nat arms) Hip rotates in! (torso fwd, fl bk, arms ext 2nd/biceps curl) Same legs, arms change! Weight in Hold biceps curl on last rep to trans to Part C2 heels! (torso fwd, fl bk) Biceps curl/arms ext 2nd (s/s/dbl jabs, torso LNS/nat arms shake) Elbows bk to sides! (guard pos, nat arms) Knee is forward Torso fwd, flat bk, arms slowly ext 2nd, palms dn, hold Pose it!

Further Instructor Training A Jabs-knees are slightly bent in the guard position. Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown Hopping lunges-work for a wide base and stay on the balls of the feet. Keep a slight bend in the knees. Use all the joints of the landing leg to help absorb the impact and store the energy to push back to the other side. B Side kicks-use the muscles of the hip and knee to produce the kick. Dont just straighten the knee. Start with the knee flexed and then extend, abduct and straighten the knee. Good stability required through the support leg. Skipping, Land lightly going from the ball of the foot to the heel. C Lunges, keep the knee traveling in line with the toe. Hinge from the hip keeping the back flat .Curl only with the arms and do not straighten up at the hips.

BP: Standing, 2nd, NTO

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Cts Reps Movement Intro 1-4 8x Hold d-pli, R/L jabs in half-time A Hold d-pli on jabs, s/s/s/hold jabs for s/s/dbl jabs, omit hop on lunges B Smaller ROM on side kicks, marches for skips C1/C2 Torso sltly fwd

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP ZYX Medium-Heavy Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, NTO

R1-04 Time:

#14 3:23

1. Regular 2. Lite #1 Radio Mix Lower Body Upper Body Natural arms Guard position R/L elbow lift/lwr Dbl R/dbl L jabs, fists Arms low diags, fists Natural arms Guard pos R/L/R/L elbow lift/lwr, Dbl R/dbl L jabs, fists Natural arms Natural arms (elbow lifts, dbl jabs) (nat arms, guard pos) (elbow lifts, dbl jabs) (nat arms, guard pos) Hold arms 2nd, fists Style Energy! NTO in the hip joint!

Instr kickin Instr Instr Alive & Instr

Part Intro 1 Intro 2 Intro 3 Intro 4 Brk A

Cts 4 cts 1, 2 1-4 &1-2 1-4 8 cts 1-4 5-8 &1-4 5-8 1-8 8 cts of 8

Reps 16x 7x 8x 4x 1x

R/L marches in 2nd R/L roundhouse kick NTO 2nd, kns bttb NTO 2nd, kns bttb Hold NTO 2nd R/L/R/L marches in 2nd R/L roundhouse kicks NTO 2nd, kns bttb t/out

Sharp moves! Shoulder and back muscles are moving the arms! Pivot on your toes! Change directions every 8 cts Your knees face fr on the kicks! Breathe!


kickin Instr Instr Instr Instr Instr kickin

C1 C2 B A B A End

6 cts

8x 4x 1x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1x

Face L diag, R repeater kn lift 2x, rvs Cont dbl rptr kn lifts facing R, bk, L, fr, L, bk, R, fr (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) (marches in 2nd, roundhouse kicks) (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) (marches in 2nd, roundhouse kicks) Hold NTO 2nd

Further Instructor Training

Roundhouse, dont drop the arms from the guard position during the kick. Get good extension at the knee. Keep the abs drawn in to maintain a stable core. Keep the knee of the stance leg in line with the ankle. Elbow lifts-maintain a 90 degree bend in the elbow. Lift elbows to shoulder level. Dont allow the elbows to wander toward the front of the body Jabs- Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown Knee lift-lift knees high and in line with the hips. Be sure to step back far enough with the lifting leg between lifts so there is a good line from your ankle, knee, hip and upper body.

BP: Part Intro 2 Intro 3 Intro 4 A B Standing, 2nd, NTO Cts Reps 1-4 1-4 1-4 5-8 4x 4x 8x Movement Roundhouse kicks to low diag Dbl R/dbl L elbow lift/lwr Single jabs fr in h-time Roundhouse kicks to low diag Dbl R/dbl L elbow lift/lwr Single jabs fr in h-time

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

8x Cont with: C1: 4x, C2: 1x, B: 4x, A: 4x, B: 4x, A: 4x, End

Choreography and Copyright 2004 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP RADIKAL Heavy Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, NTO

R1-02 Time:

#8 3:35

1. Regular Track #2 Lower Body Upper Body S/s/dbl jabs R/L Natural arms t/out S/s/dbl jab starting with R Rvs all (nat arms t/out, s/s/dbl jab w/L) Style


Part Intro A

Cts 8cts 1-8 1-4 5-8 1-8 1-4 5-8

Reps 4x

2 , NTO 2R TO trav pli nd R ft steps out to 2 /knees BTTB nd Rvs all (2L trav pli, L ft stps to 2 )

You jab as you step nd out to 2 !!!

2x B R/L diag knee lift across AST opp leg in demi-plie Torso facing fr, L/R elbow pulls in to knee Use those abs when R/L roundhouse kick Arms in block position you pull the knee up 5x 4x 8x 5x 4x 1-4 5-8 9x 4x (R trav pli, step out 2 /BTTB, rvs L) (diag kn lfts, roundhouse kicks) nd (R trav pli, step out 2 /BTTB, rvs L) (diag kn lfts, roundhouse kicks) nd 2 , STO, knees shake TTB pelvis fr/bk 2x (R trav pli, step out 2 /BTTB, rvs L) nd 2 , NTO
nd nd


(nat arms t/out, s/s/dbl jabs, rvs L) (L/R elbow pulls in, block pos) (nat arms t/out, s/s/dbl jabs, rvs L) (L/R elbow pulls in, block pos) 8 quick jabs (double time) both arms hook/upper cut (nat arms t/out, s/s/dbl jabs, rvs L) R jab/hold

Power it out!!!! THIS IS TOUGH!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!

A End

Further Instructor Training A The pli comes from the large muscle in your legs. Turn out from the hip, keep the knees aligned over the toes. Take a big step and use the adductors to bring the feet together. Finish the movements completely. Cue to step out with the leading foot to begin the jabs. Chest is lifted, shoulder blades together and pressed down during the jabs. Keep the arm position in front of the chest, muscles contracted. B Pull the knee across the body, rotating from the hip, to achieve the diagonal lift. Upper body lifted. Knees and toes forward during the kick, pressing through the heel as the leg presses and extends. Abs tight. C Keep the jabs small, it is not a rotating punch. Lift the hip bones and squeeze the glutes during the pelvic tilt. Feel the hook begin in the back.

Choreography and Copyright 2002 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP Lyric ZYX Medium-Heavy Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, NTO Part Intro 1 Cts ~1-4 ~5-8 Reps Lower Body nd 2 , NTO/R kn isol on uppercut Rvs all L 2 , NTO/g-plie pos on uppercut nd 2 , NTO, g-plie w/hip rls, hold nd 2 , NTO, pulsing g-plie nd R/L/R/L taps in 2 AST dodge L/R/L/R nd Cont taps in 2 with dodges Face L, 2R repeater kn lifts, rvs L facing R Face fr, R/L/R/L kicks front, FF 2x C Break A B C Break A B End 1-4 1-4 1x 4cts 5x 2x 1x 4cts 4x 2x
Drum beat Gonna take

R2-03 Time:

#7 3:30

1. Regular Track #1, Mikem Radio Edit

Upper Body Style nd R arm circles up/across torso/OH/out thru 2 /uppercut across torso, hold Rvs all L Both arms cross in fr/OH/out thru 2 /uppercut, hold Pull arms in front of torso Hold uppercut pos Torso leans slightly L/R/L/R AST arms in block Start this move on ct pos & with a dodge. Start Elbow jab R/L/R/L AST cont torso leans tap on ct 1. Arms swing in opposition Bent arms pull bk/swing fr 4x Power comes out of that heel!!!!! knees pivot with body. No need to pivot on the st 1 rep of rvs!!!!!! Abs tight!!!!! Sharp moves!

Tick sounds Synthesizer

Intro 2 ~8cts Break ~8cts Intro 3 2 cts of 8 A 1-8 1-8 B 1-8 1-8

2x 3x


4x Knees pivot to face L diag/L kick to R diag, FF R jab to L diag/arms in block pos to R diag 4x Rvs all (pivot R/R kick to L diag) Rvs all (L jab to R diag/block pos to L diag) 2 , NTO nd (dodge taps in 2 ) (dbl rptr kn lifts, front kicks) (kn pivots L/L kick with FF, rvs all) nd 2 , NTO nd (dodge taps in 2 ) (dbl rptr kn lifts, front kicks) nd 2 , NTO


Arms in low diag, fists (block pos, elbow jabs) (opp arms, arms pull bk/fr) (R jab/block pos, rvs all) Arms in low diag, fists (block pos, elbow jabs) (opp arms, arms pull bk/fr) Arms in low diag, fists

Further Instructor Training A Toe taps with dodge-shift all your weight to one leg at a time. Keep the body and hips pointed straight ahead. Your upper body should move in sync with the shifting of your weight from one leg to the other. Keep your chest high during the dodge. B Knee lift-lift knees high and in line with the hips. Use hip flexor muscles to lift the leg. Be sure to step back far enough with the lifting leg between lifts so there is a good line from your ankle, knee, hip and upper body. Kick flicks, concentrate on getting the thigh waist high before you extend the knee for the kick. Pull the toes back toward you as you extend the knee to maximize the kick. C Jabs -knees are slightly bent in the guard position. Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown. Stay on the balls of your feet for the pivots from one side to the other.

Choreography and Copyright 2003 by Judi Sheppard Missett

LABEL: PURPOSE BP WE DO RECORDS Medium-Heavy Cardiovascular Conditioning, Core ***Backside of curve ONLY*** Standing, 2nd, NTO

R3-10 Time:

#8 3:21

1. Regular

FIT BIT: On Intro 1, your hands are in fists. Be sure to swing your elbows using power. On Intro 2, your core is stable as you power elbow jab to the side. Avoid releasing your ribs on the side to side elbow jabs. On Part B, both knees stay bent and your torso remains centered as you do the hop touches facing fr and facing the sides. Be sure that you dont do lunges side to side when you are facing the front! Part Intro 1 Intro 2 Intro 3 Intro 4 A Cts Reps Lower Body 4 cts nd &1-2 6x STO 2 , kns strtn/bnd to follow elbows nd 1, 2 8x STO 2 , kns soft nd 1, 2 8x STO 2 , kns soft nd 1-8 2x TO 2 , strtn/g-plie, no hip rls, rpt 3x 1-8 STO 2nd, kns strtn/bnd to follow elbows (Int 1) 1-8 STO 2nd, kns soft (Intro 2) 1-8 Cont kns soft (Intro 3) 1-8 TO 2nd, strtn/g-plie, no hip rls, rpt 3x (Intro 4) 4x &1-8 NTO 2nd, R/L hop-tchs in d-plie, rpt 3x &1-4 Face R, 4th pos, R ft fr, R/L/dbl R hop tchs fr/bk &5-8 Rvs (face L, 4th pos, L ft fr, L/R/dbl L hop tchs) 4x nd 3x (STO 2 , kns strtn/bnd, kns soft, strtn/g-plie 4x) nd 3x (NTO 2 , d-plie hop-tchs, s/s/dbl hop tchs fr/bk) 1 ct Face fr, NTO 2nd, legs ext Upper Body Torso LNS L, R elbow lift/lwr, tight fists, rvs all, opp hnd in guard pos Core con, R/L elbow jabs 2nd, fists Core con, R/L jabs 2nd, fists R punch OH/dn in fr, rpt, rvs, fists, opp hnd guard pos Torso LNS L, R elbow lift/lwr, fists, rvs all (Intro 1) Core con, R/L elbow jabs 2nd, fists (Intro 2) Core con, R/L jabs 2nd, fists (Intro 3) R punch OH/dn in fr, rpt, rvs, opp hnd guard pos, fists (I-4) Core con, torso sltly fwd/centered t/out, natural arms shake ttb Core con, torso LNS sltly in opp to ftwork, nat arms shake ttb (elbow lift/lwr, elbow jabs 2nd, jabs 2nd, punches OH/dn) (core con/torso sltly fwd/cntrd/arms shake, LNS in opp/arms shake) Torso LNS L, R elbow lift/hold, fists, opp hnd in guard pos Style Lift on &! Jab on the beat! Powerful moves!

Both knees stay bent t/out!

A B End

Torso centered!

Further Instructor Training A Elbow lifts should move from the ball and socket of the shoulder. Avoid shrugging. Weight shifts toward the arm being raised. Elbow jabs-keep arm parallel to the floor. Begins with slight rotation of the body away from the direction of the jab. Keep elbow flexed tight. Jabs-weight shift toward the jabbing side. Think of punching through the target. Fist stays at same level as shoulder. B Hopping touches-stay on the balls of the feet. Keep a slight bend in the knees and then absorb impact through entire lower body at landing. Be sure to turn the entire body in the direction the feet are pointing.

Choreography and Copyright 2010 by Judi Sheppard Missett

LABEL: PURPOSE BP Lyric UNIVERSAL Medium Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, NTO Part Intro A Cts 4cts 1-4 5-8 1-8 6x

R2-05 Time:

#6 3:24

1. Regular 6. Le Tigre CD Lower Body Upper Body 2R/2L jabs 4R jabs Bent arms swing Rvs all (4L jabs, BAS) R/L/R/hold hooks, rvs Arms in block pos t/out (4R jabs/BAS, rvs all) (R/L/R/hold hooks, rvs, block pos) (4R jabs/BAS, rvs all) (R/L/R/hold hooks, rvs, block pos) R hook, hold Style

Reps 7x

Want more

2nd, NTO, knees shake ttb t/out Face L, 4th pos w/L ft fr in d-pli pos t/out 4R chasses trav bk Rvs all facing R (4th pos d-pli/L chasses bk) 2nd, NTO, kns slightly bent 2R plsg r-house kicks/ft to 1st, rvs (4th pos facing L/R chasse bk, rvs facing R) (2nd, NTO, 2R/2L plsg r-house kicks) (4th pos facing L/R chasse bk, rvs facing R) (2nd, NTO, 2R/2L plsg r-house kicks) 2nd, NTO

These jabs hit on the ctsthey do not hit on the &s. Use your abs to keep the body from twisting on the hooks Use muscle Press through the heel

1-8 1-8 4x 4x 5x 4x 4x

Got your money T-K-O T-K-O

A B A B End

Further Instructor Training A Jabs- Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown. Chasse, keep the chest high and upper body centered over the hips. Slight bend in the knees and stay light on your feet. B Hook swing arm should be parallel to the floor. Avoid letting the elbow drop. Use the obliques to help rotate the torso and generate the power for the punch instead of just using the arm and shoulder. Roundhouse, dont drop the arms from the block position during the kick. Do not turn out at the hip. Keep the abs drawn in to maintain a stable core. Keep the knee of the stance leg in line with the ankle.

Choreography and Copyright 2005 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP Lyric INTERSCOPE RECORDS Light-Medium Cardiovascular Conditioning Standing, 2nd, STO Part Intro 1 Break Intro 2 Cts 4cts 1-4 4cts 1-8 1-4 5-8 1-4 1-4 1-8 1-4 5-8 Reps 4x Lower Body L/R slight dbl lunges 2nd, NTO 4L/4R hip pushes 2L/2R hip pushes L/R/L/R hip pushes 1x 4x L/R slight dbl lunges 4x R/L back kick facing L/R diag 1x 4L/4R hip pushes 2L/2R hip pushes L/R/L/R hip pushes 2x 1x (slt dbl lunges 4x, back kicks 4x) 2x (hip pushes in 4s/2s/1s) 2nd, NTO 6x (L/R slt dbl lunges) 4x (R/L back kicks) 1x 2nd, NTO 5x (hip pushes in 4s/2s/1s) L hip push, hold Upper Body

R2-05 Time:

#17 3:17

1. Regular 2. Lite 1. Style





R/L dbl uppercuts across torso AST torso fwd Lunges are more of a bttb w/the uppercuts Arms low 2nd, fists, hold 4R/4L punches across torso to diag hi 1st Opposite hand is near 2R/2L punches across torso the hip in a fist position. R/L/R/L punches across torso Really exaggerate those hips with the punches. R/L dbl uppercuts across torso w/ torso fwd Arms in block pos t/out THIS IS A BACK KICK ( = R/L dbl uppercuts 4x) NOT A R-HOUSE!!!!! 4R/4L punches across torso to diag hi 1st Use the obliques to pull 2R/2L punches across torso the hip up. R/L/R/L punches across torso (dbl uppercuts 4x, block pos t/out) (punches across in 4s/2s/1s) Arms low 2nd, fists, hold (R/L dbl uppercuts) (block pos t/out) Arms low 2nd, fists, hold (punches across in 4s/2s/1s) R punch across to hi 1st , hold
BP: Standing, 2nd, STO

I gotta question Heeeyy

A1 B Break Ahh, you just gonna A2

Use your core!!!!!

4cts 1-4 1-4 4cts 1ct

Break B End


Further Instructor Training A Use the obliques to create a strong rotation of the torso to produce the upper cut. Time the transfer of weight to the front leg lunge with the torso rotation. Get full extension of the kicking leg at the top of the movement. Be sure students get their bodies turned so the kick is back and not out to the side. B Hip pushes-focus on the primary movement coming from the pelvis and watch for cheating with just bending the knee. Keep the elbow up and extended at the end of the punch.


Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement Int 1-2 Smaller movements A Replace back kicks w/back tchs facing diag B Smaller movements

Choreography and Copyright 2005 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE BP Part Intro A1 B1 A2 B2 C1 WE DO RECORDS Light-Medium Cardiovascular Conditioning, Core Standing, 2nd, NTO Lower Body Upper Body Cts Reps 2 cts 1, 1& 14x NTO 2nd, knees bounce to the beat Arms 1st Arms in guard position, fists on last cts &1-8 4x Cont NTO 2nd, knees bttb Hold torso LN L AST R shldr drop ttb 4x, guard pos, fists, rvs &1-8 2x Cont NTO 2nd, knees bttb Hold torso LN L AST R jab ttb 4x, opp arm in guard pos, fists, rvs &1-4 4x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) (hold torso LN L) R shldr drops ttb 2x, rvs &1-4 4x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) (hold torso LN L) R jabs ttb 2x, rvs &1-4 (hold torso LN L) R shldr drops ttb 4x (Part A1) NTO 2nd, kns bttb t/out &5-8 (hold torso LN L) R jabs ttb 4x (Part B1) &1-8 Rvs all 2x &1-8 2x NTO 2nd, kns bttb t/out (hold torso LN L) R shldr drops ttb 2x/R jabs ttb 2x, rvs all 1x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) (hold torso LN L AST R shldr drops/jabs ttb 4x, rvs all) Note: There is always a set of one rep before you switch to the next body part. 1 R arm triceps ext to low diag, L hnd in guard pos, fists NTO 2nd, R abduct (lift), PF nd 2 NTO 2nd, R abduct (lwr) to 2 AST d-plie Both arms guard pos, fists 3-8 Rpt 3x Rpt 3x 1-8 Rvs (4L abduct/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie) Rvs all (4L triceps ext/guard pos) 2x 1-8 (NTO 2nd) 2R abduct/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie, rvs R triceps ext/guard pos, rpt, rvs 2x 1x (4R/4L abducts/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie) NTO 1st, R/L/R/L skips fwd 1st, bnt knees TI/TO/TI/TO Rpt trav bk (skips, kns TI/TO/TI/TO) 4x 2x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) 2x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) 1x (NTO 2nd, kns bttb) 2x (4R/4L abducts/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie) 2x (2R/2L abducts/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie) 1x (4R/4L abducts/lwr to 2nd AST d-plie) 4x (skips fwd, kns TI/TO/TI/TO, rpt trav bk) Hold NTO 1st on last ct (4R/4L triceps ext/guard pos) Natural arms Both arms triceps ext/guard pos, rpt (as in Part D1) (nat arms, both arms triceps ext/guard pos 2x) (hold torso LN L AST R shldr drops/jabs ttb 4x, rvs all) (hold torso LN L AST R shldr drops/jabs ttb 2x, rvs all) (hold torso LN L AST R shldr drops/jabs ttb 4x, rvs all) (4R/4L triceps ext/guard pos) (2R/2L triceps ext/guard pos) (4R/4L triceps ext/guard pos) (nat arms, both arms triceps ext/guard pos 2x, rpt) Hold both arms guard pos on last ct
R2-08 #4 Time: 3:42 1. Regular 2. Lite

Style Get ready to think! Shldr lifts on & Push out on the &, pull bk on the beat This is low impact, high intensity! Make it work! Dont let your arms drop out of guard position! Core contracted, chest is open, elbows dont move as you extend the arms! Squeeze your abductors and triceps! Push off the floor! Get your knees up on the skips and your heels up as you pivot in and out! Core is tight as you lean side to side! Heres the set of one! Cue 4! Cue 2! Another set of one! You made it!

C2 C1 D1

D2 D1 E

1-4 5-8 1-8

C1 C2 C1 D1 D2 D1 E

LITE: BP: Standing, 2nd, NTO, same as Regular version except: smaller movements t/out; Part E: marches for skips Further Instructor Training A Shoulder Drop-Difference between two shoulders is emphasized by depressing the one shoulder as you elevated the other. Spine moves with the shoulder blades to increase the overall motion. B Jabs-knees are slightly bent in the guard position. Think of punching through the target. When throwing the jab, be sure to keep the front elbow (the one protecting the face) up. The tendency is to allow this elbow to drop as the jab is thrown D Abduct-be sure to lift the leg directly in line with the body and not in front to emphasize the hip abductors and not hip flexors. Keep the knee straight. The upper body must shift over the support leg. Core muscles must work to stabilize the torso during the arm and leg movement to the same side. E Skipping, Land lightly going from the ball of the foot to the heel. When turning in with the hips, it is important that you are pivoting on the balls of the feet to minimize stress to the knee.
Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett

LOVE SEX MAGIC by Ciara LABEL: LAFACE RECORDS PURPOSE Strength Training For: UT (delts, triceps, rhomboids), Legs (quads, glutes, hamstrings), Core ***To be used as optional strength training routine *** BP 1st, NTO TUBE Held loosely in hands NOTE: Follow notes as written for Part B and Part D. Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch
Lyric Part Intro Cts ~6cts 1-8 1-8 2 cts of 8 1-4 Reps Lower Body Upper Body

R3-09 Time:

#20 3:40

1. Tube 2. Stand (Desc) 3. Floor (Asc) 4. Ball 5. Chair Feat. Justin Timberlake (iTunes)

Your touch Show me All night show Everything aint Show me All night show This is the All night show All night show


8x 8x


4x 8x 8x 4x

1-8 B B C

6x 8x 8x 6x

Back str: rot torso to facing R AST holding tube at with tension slightly below chest level Rvs to facing L Facing fr, Ham str: 1st, lean torso fwd to flat back with tube placed on legs, slowly lift up to neutral R step fwd into 4th pos pli lunge/step bk to 1st Pull tube up and over to R hip/rvs to tube at waistline AST tension on tube t/out Cont R step fwd pli lunge/step bk to 1st R triceps ext/bnd OH (R elbow out to 2nd t/out and L hand in fr of chest t/out) 1st, NTO, knees d-pli/strtn ttb t/out Pull tube up and over to R hip w/torso ln bk/rvs to tube in 1st AST torso leans bk/neut ttb t/out, rvs all L st L (step fwd pli lunge/step bk to 1 ) L (tube over to R hip/rvs to fr, rvs all) L (step fwd pli lunge/step bk to 1st) L (triceps ext/bend OH) (1st, kns d-pli/strtn t/out) (tube over to R hip/rvs to fr AST torso lns bk ttb, rvs all L) Trans tube under feet on 1st cts 1st, NTO, kns slightly bent R bent over row (pull bk/rls), rvs L R (step fwd pli lunge/step bk to 1st) R (triceps ext/bend OH) L (step fwd pli lunge/step bk to 1st) L (triceps ext/bend OH) (1st, kns d-pli/strtn t/out) (tube over to R hip/rvs to fr AST torso lns bk ttb, rvs all L)
BP: Part Int A B C D Standing, 1st, NTO, holding one wt in 1st Movement Both hands holding wt t/out Both hands holding wt t/out R OH press/lwr dn Both hands holding wt t/out R bent over row, switch wt to L hand in fr, rvs

Further Instructor Training A Keep knee tracking forward as torso rotation will pull knee out. Arms are extended to increase the demand on the obliques. B Pull tube perpendicular to floor to line up triceps for maximum involvement. B Momentum of ball traveling overhead will causes lower back to extend. ball Abdominals should engage to control how much extension occurs. C Be sure the work in the legs is helping control the upper body along with the abdominals. D Body must be stable through the hips and lower back to anchor for the row. The more parallel the torso is to the floor the more engaged the lats become.
BP: Seated,1st, holding one wt on top of legs Same phrasing and movements as STAND except: Part Movement Int Seated t/out A-B Replace lunges w/R knee lift C-D Seated t/out

Stand (Desc)

Same phrasing and movements as TUBE except:



Same phrasing and movements as STAND except:

Part Intr A B C D

Standing, 1st, NTO holding ball in 1st BP:


Option to Descend on last few reps of part C or remain standing.

hi kneel pos holding one wt in 1st

Floor (Ascend)

Movement Holding ball t/out Holding ball t/out Lift Ball OH/lwr dn Holding ball t/out Both hands holding ball as you row bk to R/lwr ctr, rvs L

Same phrasing and movements as STAND except:

Part Intr Hi kneel pos t/out A-B R kneeling pos t/out C-D Hi kneel pos t/out

Option to Ascend on last few reps of part C or remain kneeling.

Choreography and Copyright 2009 by Judi Sheppard Missett

ALL THE LOVERS by KYLIE MINOGUE R4-10 #27 LABEL: EMI RECORDS Time: 3:20 PURPOSE Strength Training For: Abdominals ***Meets abdominal requirement*** 1. Stand 2. Floor BP 1st, NTO 3. Chair 4. Ball WEIGHTS No weights 5. LIte Single (iTunes) Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch Lyric Part Cts Reps Lower Body Upper Body Intro 2 cts of 8 1st, NTO, arms cross in 1st/lift up to OH/open out/lwr dn thru 2nd/dn to 1st move. A 1-4 R arm swings to OH w/L lateral crunch, rvs to neutral 1st, NTO 5-8 R elbow pulls bk w/R torso rot obl con, rvs to neutral 1-8 Rvs all L (R lat crunch w/arm, L torso rot w/obl con) 3x lovers, that have B1 1-4 8x R straight leg exts across/bk to 1st AST abdominal contraction w/R arm sweep across/bk to 1st 1-4 8x Rvs L (L leg across/1st AST L arm sweep acr/1st w/ab cont) 1x Feel . Cant you A 4x (1st, NTO) (R lat crunch/lift to neut/torso rots w/elbow, rvs all L) lovers, that have B1 1x (R leg exts acr/bk to 1st w/ab cont, rvs L) Dance Break ~8cts Trans dn to a reverse plank pos C1 2 cts of 8 1x Hold reverse plank pos t/out Hands on floor behind supporting Synthesizer C2 1-8 5x Reverse plank pos, R/L leg lift/lwr lovers, that have B2 8x Trans bk to standing on 1st few reps (R leg exts acr/bk to 1st w/ab cont) 7x (L leg exts acr/bk to 1st w/ab cont) 1x End ~4cts 1st, NTO Arms release bk/lift up to OH diag, hold
CHAIR: BP: seated on chair, ft 1st; SAO except seated on chair t/out.

seated, 1st w/knees slightly bent

Further Instructor Training A Arm should come overhead directly in line with torso to maximize the gravitational pull on the lateral obliques. When reaching behind you, a slight backward lean will engage the abs even more to work to slow the body down. B Allow pelvis to rotate around support leg and you extend opposite leg. Abdominals work to tilt the pelvis backward but not to round the upper back. B Floor Be sure entire torso is rotating toward bent knee. Avoid pulling elbow across the face and not turning through the torso. C Should be a direct line from the ankle, through the hip to the shoulder. Do not allow buttocks to drop to the floor. Shoulder blades and upper back must contribute to avoid stress on the shoulder joint. When foot is removed from the floor, the glutes and back muscles must also resist and rotation. Ball has the added stability requirement of the side to side motion in conjunction with raising the hips into extension. Widening the feet makes it easier and narrowing the feet makes it harder.

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement Int A Seated pos B Supine pos, R arm exts across w/L obl cont AST R leg exts/pulls in Rvs all L

BP: seated, 1st w/knees slightly bent

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement Int A Seated pos B Supine pos, R arm exts across w/L obl cont AST R leg ext w/L ft on fl Rvs all L C1-C2 Reverse plank pos seated on floor t/out

C Ball

BP: Part Int A B C1 C2 seated on ball, 1st Movement Seated pos Supine pos, R arm exts across w/L obl cont, Rvs all L Hold Reverse plank pos in supine on ball t/out Add R leg ext w/tap/st bk to 1st, rvs L
Choreography and Copyright 2010 by Judi Sheppard Missett

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:


2007 SIMCO LMTD/SONY #23 Strength Training For: Legs (glutes, hams, quads, abductors, adductors), UT (delts, rhomboids), Core Tube: add triceps R2-08 Time: 4:22 and lats. *** Meets Gluteal requirement *** 1. Stand 2. Tube 3. Chair BP 1st, NTO 4. Ball 5. Step-H WEIGHTS Both hands hold one weight in front of chest (iTunes) Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch FIT BIT: This routine is great for the legs because it utilizes your legs in many ways. Remember that there are 4 moves to each one. The change from one leg to the other is when the core has to really engage. The leg that you are lunging with, whether its forward or backwards, is the same leg that will come back to first position. People will get confused, so make sure to cue it correctly. Reps Lower Body Upper Body Lyric Part Cts 4 cts of 8 Hold pos Closed up A1 2 cts of 8 4x 4R pulsing abductions, rvs L Hold wt in front of chest t/out But, I dont A2 2x (4R/4L plsg abductions) Hold wt OH t/out, abdominals contracted t/out I keep bleeding B 1-4 8x Face R, R TO lunge pos t/out Face R, L bent over row lwr/rot torso twds L as you pull the elbow bk ( = L row lwr, hold) Break ~8cts Trans to feet in 1st Im trying hard C1 1-7 R ft steps bk into 4th pos plsg lunge 4x Hold wt in front of chest t/out 8 Bring R ft fwd to 1st 1-8 Rvs L (stp bk to 4L plsg lunges/bring up to 1st) 4x But, I dont C2 2x (4R/4L plsg lunges stepping back) Hold wt OH t/out, abdominals contracted I keep B 8x L (TO lunge pos t/out) R (bent over row lwr/rot torso as you pull bk) And its draining D1 1-7 R ft steps fr into 4th pos plsg lunge 4x Hold wt in front of chest t/out st 8 Bring R ft bk to 1 1-8 Rvs L (stp fr to 4L plsg lunges/bring bk to 1st) 2x I dont care D2 2x (4R/4L plsg lunges stepping fr) Hold wt OH t/out Keep bleeding B 8x R (TO lunge pos t/out) L (bent over row lwr/rot torso as you pull bk) Keep bleeding B 8x L (TO lunge pos t/out) R (bent over row lwr/rot torso as you pull bk) E 1-8 2nd, TO pulsing g-pli t/out Hold wt in front of chest t/out 2 cts of 8 Slowly lift wt to OH End 2nd, TO g-pli pos slowly lifts to straight legs Wt OH, hold Step: SAO except ft on step during lunges. Further Instructor Training A Abduct-be sure to lift the leg directly in line with the body and not in front to emphasize the hip abductors and not hip flexors. Keep the knee straight. Use your obliques to minimize side bending of the torso. B Bent over row, be sure you are hinging from the hip as you bend forward to avoid rounding the lower back. This movement is initiated with the lats and finished by retracting the scapuli. The rotation occurs at the hips and the upper back. The abdominals should be stabilizing the lower back as you rotate. C Torso stays vertical. Avoid bending forward as the hip extends behind you. D During the quick transitions of this section, be sure your foot placement is correct and if necessary cut down on the distance of the lunge to give you better control of your momentum. E TO pulsing G-pli, Knee must travel in same direction as foot is pointing. Pushing with the quads, glutes and hamstrings to raise the hips back up. Always keep feet and knees pointing in the same direction. LABEL: PURPOSE

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett



Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part A1-A2 B C1 C2 D1 D2 E Movement Standing on tube w/handles in hands t/out R ft on tube t/out Add plsg tricep exts to 2nd t/out Add 4R plsg lat pull dns, rvs L Add plsg tricep exts to 2nd t/out Add 4R plsg lat pull dns, rvs L Hold tension in tube t/out

Standing 1st, tube under ft w/handles in hands



Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Standing 1st, holding ball in front of chest


Part Movement A1-A2 Holding ball t/out B Lwr ball dn to R diag/pull ball bk to opp obl AST torso holds leaning pos to R t/out C1-E Holding ball t/out


Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part A1-A2 B C1 C2 D1 D2 Movement HOC t/out R HOC t/out (pick up wt on 1st cts) HOC t/out Hold R arm OH for R lunges, rvs for L Same as C1 Same as C2

Standing BC, HOC, one wt is placed on seat of chair

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett

HALF OF MY HEART by JOHN MAYER LABEL: SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE Strength Training For: Abdominals, Core ***Meets Abdominal requirement *** BP 2ND, TO WEIGHTS NO WEIGHTS Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch
Lyric Part Cts Intro 1 2 cts of 8 Intro 2 1-4 5-8 1-8 A1 A2 A1 B A1 A2 A1 B C 1-4 5-8 1-8 1, 2 1-4 1-4 1-4

R1-10 Time:

#23 4:10

1. Stand 2. Floor (Lite) 3. Ball 4. Chair With Taylor Swift (iTunes)

I was born Then you come Try my best Half of my heart I was made Showing me Half of my heart Faith is strong

Half of my heart Half of my heart Half of my heart

B B A1 A2

Reps Lower Body Upper Body 1x R obl str: R arm OH w/torso ln L/lift torso to neut w/R arm opening out/dn, rvs L R arm lifts out to OH w/torso ln L/lwr arm back dn to 1st 2nd, TO g-pli/strtn t/out Torso fwd to L diag w/R arm OH/lift torso to neut w/R arm bk to 1st Rvs all L (arm OH w/torso ln/neut, fwd to R diag w/arm OH/neut) 2x 16x 1st, NTO Pulsing abdominal contraction AST hands placed behind back t/out 4x Add R/L diag arm push dn to 1st w/pulsing ab contractions, FH 8x (plsg ab cont w/hands beh back) 4x Face L diag, R straight leg lift fr/arabesque bk Arms dn nr sides t/out, abdominals contracted t/out 9x Cont Add R arm swing in opp of leg (swing beh/lift to hi 1st) st 12x (1 , NTO) (plsg ab cont w/hands beh back) 6x (R/L diag push acr w/plsg ab cont) 8x (plsg ab cont w/hands beh back) 4x L (face R diag, L strt leg lift/arabsq bk) (arms dn nr sides t/out) 9x Cont L (arm swing beh/hi 1st) nd R arm lifts out to OH w/torso ln L/lwr arm back dn to 1st 2 , TO g-pli/strtn t/out Torso fwd to L diag w/R arm OH/lift torso to neut w/R arm bk to 1st Rvs all L (arm OH w/torso ln/neut, fwd to R diag w/arm OH/neut) 4x 4x R (face L diag, R strt leg lift/arabsq bk) (arms dn nr sides t/out) 8x Cont R (arm swing beh/hi 1st) 4x L (face R diag, L strt leg lift/arabsq bk) (arms dn nr sides t/out) 8x Cont L (arm swing beh/hi 1st) st 8x (1 , NTO) (plsg ab cont w/hands beh back) 5x (R/L diag push acr w/plsg ab cont)

Chair: SAO except seated on chair t/out; Part B: facing fr while seated on chair, omit arabesque and replace w/tch dn to 1st. Ball: SAO except seated on ball t/out; Part B: facing fr while seated on chair, omit arabesque and replace w/tch dn to 1st. Lite: Same as FLOOR version except Part A1-A2: place hands behind on floor for support t/out. Further Instructor Training Floor BP: seated on floor, wide 2nd pos w/kns bent, ft on floor A Ideally, this exercise is more of an isometric contraction with minimal spinal flexion. Same phrasing and movements as Reg except: Flexing the spine in this position may help students better feel the abdominals but they Part Movement should be discouraged from too much spinal flexion. Int 1-2 Seated on floor t/out B Stability on stance leg is critical for success with this exercise. Resisting rotation of the A1-A2 Seated pos, ft in 1st, kns bent slightly pelvis enhances the demand of the exercise. B R obl cont AST R att lift/lwr B Stability for the movement comes from gathering stability through the foot and leg on the Cont w/L arm reaching across/OH diag Ball floor. Ball should not shift away as leg is raised. Rvs all C Arm is an extension of the torso and increases the work at the abs, back and hips. C L lateral crunch w/R arm OH C Because pelvis is fixed on chair, student must have good flexibility in the obliques and back L obl cont w/R arm reach acr/pull in Chair muscles. Students should be reminded to begin this movement with smaller ranges of Rvs all L motion initially.
Choreography and Copyright 2010 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: REPRISE RECORDS PURPOSE Strength Training For: Legs (adductors, quads, hams, gluteals), UT (triceps, rotators, delts, biceps), Core ***To be used as optional strength training routine *** BP 2ND, TO WEIGHTS Holding one weight in L hand only. NO LEG WEIGHTS ALLOWED. Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch Lyric Part Intro A B A B C Cts 2 cts of 8 1-8 1-4 2 cts of 8 Reps

R2-10 Time:

#24 3:52

1. Stand (desc) 2. Floor 3. Ball 4. Chair 5. Tube (iTunes)

Somebodys heartache Some people heartache

17x 2x 18x 4x

1-8 1-8 2x 9x 8x 2x 3x +8cts

Lower Body Upper Body R adductor str: R leg ext to 2nd w/L kn in d-pli AST torso fwd, hold, rvs L Trans torso up to neutral with wt in R arm OH holding wt R TO pulsing lunge t/out R OH triceps press (bend/ext) S/s/dbl TO lunges R/L in pli pos t/out Bth hnds hldg wt, rot wt R/L, R arm rots out in 90 pos 2x, rvs L (TO pulsing lunge t/out) L (OH triceps press) (s/s/dbl TO lunges in pli pos t/out) (rot wt in s/s/dbl arm pttrn) Hold wt in fr of torso t/out 2nd, TO pulsing g-pli 4x Cont Rot torso R/L/R/L AST holding wt in fr of torso t/out R (TO pulsing lunge t/out) R (OH triceps press) L (TO pulsing lunge t/out) L (OH triceps press) (s/s/dbl TO lunges in pli pos t/out) (rot wt in s/s/dbl arm pttrn) (TO plsg g-plies 4x, rpt) = plsg plies w/wt in fr (wt in fr of torso, rot torso R/L/R/L) 8cts = hold TO pli pos, straighten legs on last ct Option to Descend to hi kneel pos on last reps

Somebodys heartache peek around the


Chair: BP: seated on chair; SAO except Intro: seated; Part A: R OH triceps press w/R att lift/lwr; Part B: seated lunges t/out. Further Instructor Training A Triceps press, it is very important to control the rate of speed of the dumbbell being lowered and to avoid bouncing at the bottom. Stay tall and keep the dumbbell in the lower arm close to the body to avoid pulling you forward. A floor Keep elbows in while lowering the weights. Keeping the elbows in line with the hand and shoulder maximizes the triceps engagement. A tube Be sure there is a direct angle between both hands and scapula on the extending arm is stable. B Rotation of the torso involves torso moving as a unit from the hips. Work increases with dumbbell in one hand as weight is moved farther from the center of your body. Core works first and then shoulder girdle muscles. C Torso is vertical with slight anterior tilt of the pelvis to keep lower back muscles active for spinal stabilization. Rotation occurs at the hips and not the lower back.


Seated, ft in 1st w/kns bent slightly, a wt on each side on floor


Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Cts Reps Movement Intro Seated adductor stretches Trans to supine pos w/wts OH, kns bent w/ft on floor A Both arms OH triceps press AST R TO bent knee adduction/rot bk into 1st B Legs OH, adduction in s/s/dbl pttrn AST pec flyes in s/s/dbl pttrn C Legs OH, plsg adductions AST plsg pec flyes t/out 1, 2 Lift torso up to sitting pos on last reps of Part C at the end.

Choreography and Copyright 2010 by Judi Sheppard Missett



BP: Seated on ball

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Cts Reps Movement Intro Seated A-B Seated lunges t/out C Trans to straddling ball on 1st cts Straddling ball, relax/squeeze w/wt in fr of torso Cont w/rot of torso and wt R/L/R/L Cont as follows: D 9x Cont relax/sqz on ball w/R OH triceps press 8x Rpt for L OH triceps press B Trans to seated on ball on 1st cts C Hold last squeeze to the end

BP: Part A B C

Standing, 2nd, TO, handles in hands Cts Reps Movement R OH triceps press w/L hand nr L hip t/out Hold tension in tube as you rot in s/s/dbl pttrn Hold tension in tube in fr of chest t/out moves


Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Choreography and Copyright 2010 by Judi Sheppard Missett

PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS by G.LOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE LABEL: BRUSHFIRE RECORDS PURPOSE Strength Training For: Legs (hams, glutes, quads ), UT (pecs, deltoids, rhomboids ), Core ***Meets gluteal requirement *** BP 1st, NTO WEIGHTS In hands FIT BIT: Make sure that the heel is lifted as you are leaning back, You want to push down into the back leg as you lean back while you are engaging your core. Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch
Lyric Part Intro Cts 2 cts of 8 1-8 1-8 1, 2 3, 4 8x
Peace, love

R4-08 Time:

#29 3:43

1. Stand 2. Floor (Step) 3. Tube 4. Ball (iTunes)


Why is this world

Lower Body Upper Body Hold pos, trans R leg beh on last cts R leg beh with heel lifted, push back into the R ft in d-plie/strtn, rpt pec cross alternating arms in fr/open out to nr sides w/palms facing fr AST torso leans back/lifts to neutral Rvs L (push back into L ft in d-plie/strtn) Rpt Pec cross w/R over L AST torso lns back/open out to R leg beh w/heel lifted, push back into R ft in d-plie/strtn low diag w/palms fr with torso lifted to neutral R hamstring curl (lift/lwr) Hold low diag pos w/palms fr R arabesque (lift/lwr) R hamstring curl (lift/lwr) Hold wts in low diag pos w/palms facing fr t/out

1, 2 3-4 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 6x

Breathe in deep Peace, love Tired of all Guitar Peace, love Peace, love

A B A B A B C End

1-8 ~4cts

R (ft beh d-plie/strtn) R (arabesque, ham curl) L (ft beh d-plie/strtn) L (arabesque, ham curl) L (ft beh d-plie/strtn) L (arabesque, ham curl) 2nd, NTO, plsg g-pli w/hip rls AST pushing dn into the heels t/out 2nd, NTO, holding g-plie pos, slowly strtn legs, hold

R (pec cross w/torso ln, hold arms in low diag pos) (hold wts in low diag pos) L (pec cross w/torso ln, hold arms in low diag pos) (hold wts in low diag pos) L (pec cross w/torso ln, hold arms in low diag pos) (hold wts in low diag pos) Pec cross w/R over L, row both arms back, rvs all = pec cross w/R over L, row back Hold arms in back row pos, slowly lwr to 1st as torso lifts

Further Instructor Training A Pec cross-the primary work on this exercise is the slowing down of the weight and changing direction. As the dumbbells cross in front of the chest, it is the rhomboids and mid traps slowing them down. As the dumbbells move behind the back, it is the pecs that are slowing them down. Hamstring curl-bringing the heel straight back emphasizes all of the hamstrings. If the knee turns out and heel comes in, more focus is put on the lateral hamstrings. A Floor During hamstring curls, bring heel directly to buttocks and avoid rotating out at the hip or rotating pelvis back on the side of the lifting leg. Stability of the support leg is very important. B Arabesque-as the leg extends behind you, you must control the pelvis with the abdominals to avoid hyper extending the lower back. Lift the chest high and use all the spinal extensors.

Floor (Step)
BP: on all 4s, wrap weights around ankles (TOS on all 4s perform same as floor version except hands are on the floor in front of step t/out)

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Cts Reps Movement Intro 1-4 4x Push ups A Push up w/R leg ext beh and toe on floor R ham curl/lwr toe to floor B R arabesque, R ham curl C 1-4 13x Push ups

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett


BP: Part seated with ball btw legs, wts on floor nr sides Cts Reps Movement Trans to supine pos w/heels on ball and knees slightly bent, grab hand held wts in each hand Pec flyes (lift/lwr) AST hip extension (press/rls) Cont Heels roll ball in/out AST holding arms in 90 Feet flat on ball, hip ext (press/rls) w/pec flyes

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except: 2 cts of 8

Intro A B C 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 4x

BP: Tube around R ankle, L handle in hand Movement R leg beh w/L ft on tube, L pec cross/rls L pec cross/rls w/leg pttrn Hold tube out w/L hand t/out Wrap tube around back, pec press/pull in AST plsg g-pli

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Cts Reps Intro 1-4 4x A B C 1-4 13x

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: N-CODED MUSIC PURPOSE Strength Training For: UT (deltoids, triceps, biceps), Core ***Meets UT requirement *** BP Standing, 1st, NTO WEIGHTS On floor nearby Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch Lyric (Good)bye Part Intro 1 Cts 8 cts 4 cts 6 cts 8 cts 6 cts 8 cts ~3 cts 1-8 1-8 1-8 1, 2 3, 4 5-8 4x

R4-09 #24 Time: 4:20 1. Stand (Desc) 2. Floor (Ascend) 3. Tube 4. Ball (Chair) (iTunes)


Lower Body Upper Body UT str: NTO 1st, arms press OH, FHs, wrists out, head looks up Delt str: Arms press hi 1st, FHs, head looks fr Bk str: Round back, cont arms press hi 1st, FHs Triceps str: Knees soft, torso fwd, arms press beh, FHs Rpt UT str Lower arms 2nd/1st Bend knees, pick up wts, lift to shldrs on last cts NTO 1st NTO 1st, kns soft NTO 1st, kns soft NTO 1st, kns soft (NTO 1st, kns soft) NTO 2nd, hips face fr t/out Hold wts nr shldrs R/L OH presses (ext/bnd) R/L arm ext hi 1st (ext/bnd) Torso fwd, R/L triceps kickback (ext/bnd) (OH presses) Core rots torso R, arms low diags, palms dn Core rots torso fr (arms low diags, palms dn) Rvs all (core rots torso L/fr, arms low diags, palms dn) Core rots torso R, static hammer curl Core rots torso fr (static hammer curl) Rvs (core rots torso L/fr, static hammer curl) (core rots torso, arms low diags, palms up) (core rots torso, static hammer curl) (OH presses) (arm ext hi 1st) (triceps kickback) (OH presses) (arm ext hi 1st) (triceps kickback) (core rots torso, arms low diags, palms up to hi kneel on last rep

I wish you bluebirds July heart shelter Saxophone

Brk A B C A D

1x 1x 4x 4x 4x 4x

1, 2 3,4 5-8 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 5x

NTO 1st, hips face fr t/out

Piano Piano bluebirds July heart shelter when I wish you love Scat and sax


(NTO 2nd, hips face fr) (NTO 1st, hips face fr) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 1st, kns soft) (NTO 2nd, hips face fr) Descend Optional

TUBE: BP: Standing,1st, NTO, tube on floor nearby, same as Standing version except tube under feet, handles in hands for weights t/out BALL (CHAIR):BP: Seated on ball, narrow 2nd, NTO, wts on floor nearby, same as Standing version except Intro/Parts A/B/C/E: seated on ball, NTO narrow 2nd; Part D: seated on ball, NTO 2nd FLOOR: BP: Narrow 2nd hi kneel, wts on floor in front, same as Standing version except narrow 2nd hi kneel t/out. Option to Ascend on last rep.

Choreography and Copyright 2009 by Judi Sheppard Missett


Further Instructor Training A Overhead press should be done from the ball and socket joint of the shoulder without shrugging. The press should finish over the shoulders and not in front of the body. B Arm stays parallel to the floor as it extends. Torso muscles must resist the tendency for the torso to flex and rotate. Tube Triceps also working hard here because of the line of pull of the tube and the tendency for the elbow to flex. C Overhead reaches, dont push hips forward. Keep hips over ankles front to back as you side bend. Keep arm and torso all in the same plane to maximize the stretch. Keep torso in good vertical alignment during the rotations. Some motion must occur with the pelvis moving on the femur. D Rotation occurs from the hips and the thoracic spine. Arms maintain the same relationship to the torso throughout the movement. E Arms closer to the body allows the body to rotate faster and with less torque then when the arms are away.

Choreography and Copyright 2009 by Judi Sheppard Missett


LABEL: PURPOSE VIRGIN RECORDS Stretch or Stretch/Ascend/End ***This routine can either be used as your choreographed stretch routine to be placed within your set or use it as your ending routine. *** BP Standing, 1st, NTO FIT BIT: Here is another multipurpose routine. You can do it as a standing stretch or a standing ending stretch. You can do it on the floor only or you can start on the floor and ascend to end it. Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch Lyric
L, is for

R5-07 Time:

#30 2:48

1. Stand 2. Floor 3. Chair (Ball)

Part A

Cts 8cts 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 4 cts of 8 1-8 1-8 2 cts of 8 1-8 1-8 2 cts of 8 2 cts of 8 1-8 1-8 1-8


Lower Body 1st, NTO Slight d-pli, hold 2nd, NTO 1st, g-pli w/hip rls, hold Rpt all (1st, d-pli, 2nd, g-pli in 1st)

Upper Body Arms rch to OH/hold, AST head looks up (L) Torso leans R w/arms slightly bnt OH (O) Arms open up to OH diags (V) Torso fwd w/arms ext to hi 1st (E) Rvs all L (L-O-V-E)

1x B C
L, is for Love was


1x 2x

R hip str: pull R knee up twds chest w/bth hands holding knee up, hold R quad/hip flxr str: face L, R ft beh, hold Rvs all L (hip str, quad/hip flxr str) (rpt R hip str) Ham str: place R ft to fr diag, bth knees straight and tip forward to a flat back, hold Rvs all L (hip str, ham str to diag) (1st, d-pli, 2nd, g-pli in 1st, rpt all) (L-O-V-E pttrn, rvs all) R hip str: R kn up w/hnds holding kn, rvs L 1st, NTO Slowly lwr torso dn, round over w/hnds on floor Hold pos, slowly round up Slowly lift arms up to OH, hold

Further Instructor Training A When the arms are overhead, rotate the forearms so the palms face each other. This will better rotate the scapuli and better recruit the extensor muscles of the spine. B The closer the knee is brought to the chest and the higher the knee is brought on the chest the greater the stretch to the posterior hip and back. C Hamstring stretch is done with hip hinge, which avoids rounding the lower back and isolates the stretch to the hamstrings. D The closer the knee is brought to the chest and the higher the knee is brought on the chest the greater the stretch to the posterior hip and back. E If lower back is unstable, use your hands on your legs and walk your hands toward the floor while supporting yourself with your upper body on the legs. Use the opposite motion to return to the start by walking your hands back up your legs.

BP: Seated, legs ext w/ft in 1st

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement A Seated t/out B Seated hip str Seated quad/hip flxr str: both knees bent in stag pos C Seated hip str Ham str: R leg to 2nd as torso leans over leg Option to ASCEND after part C or remain seated Seated, ft in 1st


BP: Part A B C A D E

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Movement Seated t/out Seated t/out Seated t/out Ascend to standing in front of Chair RSC w/L HOC t/out L HOC t/out End with arms OH, hold
Choreography and Copyright 2006 by Judi Sheppard Missett

LIFE, LOVE, AND LAUGHTER by DONAVON FRAKENREITER R5-08 #30 LABEL: UMG RECORDING Time: 3:11 PURPOSE Stretch/Ascend/End and Strength Training For: UT (traps, rhomboids), Core 1. Stand BP Standing, 1st, NTO 2. Floor(Asc) WEIGHTS In hands 3. Tube (iTunes) Denotes a new unique movement for Personal Touch Reps Lower Body Upper Body Lyric Part Cts 2 cts of 8 The counts are quick! Guitar st Dont look 2 cts of 8 R/L/dbl R trap lifts, rvs, palms fr t/out A 4x NTO 1 st What about 1-4 R/L trap lifts, palms fr t/out B 8x (NTO 1 ) life, love, and 1-8 5x Face R, 4th pos lunge, R ft fr, L leg strt Torso sltly fwd, R rhomboid pull bk/hold, L arm fr low diag, arms sltly bnt C1 laughter 1-8 3x Rvs (face L, 4th pos lunge, L ft fr) Rvs (torso sltly fwd, L/R pull backs) 1x Begin with the pull back st Things are (s/s/dbl trap lifts) A 2x (NTO 1 ) st What about (alt trap lifts) B 8x (NTO 1 ) life, love, and 4x (face R, 4th pos lunge, R ft fr) (torso sltly fwd, R/L rhomboid pull back/hold) C2 laughter (rvs) 4x (rvs) 1x st laughter (alt trap lifts) B 4x (NTO 1 ) st InstrWe got (s/s/dbl trap lifts) A 4x (NTO 1 ) life, love, and D Set wts down on first cts laughter 2 cts of 8 Ham/bk str: face R diag, 4th pos, R ft fr, strt legs, torso fwd, flat back, R ext arm OH, L arm ext beh, head looks dn 2 cts of 8 Quad/hip flxr str: R 4th pos lunge, L ken bnt, tuck pelvis, torso LNS bk, R reach beh, L reach hi 1st, head looks fwd 4 cts of 8 Rvs all (face L diag, 4th pos/L ft fr, Ham/bk str, Quad/hip flxr str) 1x life, love, and 2 cts of 8 2x+ NTO 1st, kns strtn/bnd ttb R/L/dbl R arm ext 2nd AST shldr roll fr, rvs, hd looks R/L/R to follow arms E laughter (4 cts = slow R arm ext 2nd/shldr roll fr, hold) 4 cts
Further Instructor Training A Shrug-keep the elbow hanging straight to avoid compensating with your bicep. Shrug straight up with the shoulder and not forward. Relax the shoulder all the way and allow it to drop in between repetitions. B Shrug-keep the elbow hanging straight to avoid compensating with your bicep. Shrug straight up with the shoulder and not forward. Relax the shoulder all the way and allow it to drop in between repetitions. C Lower back should be stabilized as you hinge from the hip. The arm movement is finished with a slight rotation of the torso . D Hamstring/back stretch-as you bend forward at the waist, keep your body weight over your feet and not in front of it. Hinge from the hip and stabilize the lower back as the torso moves toward the thigh. Quad/hip flexor stretch can be optimized and the spine can be protected by drawing in the abdominals during this stretch. Keep the thigh in line with the hip to keep the muscle in line for the best stretch.

BP: Hi kneel on vertical mat, wts in hands

Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement Intro/A/B Hi kneel C1/C2 Kneeling lunge for 4th pos lunge D Ascend, SAO Standing, 1st, NTO, tube under feet, handles in hands



Same phrasing and movements as Reg except:

Part Movement Intro/A/B NTO 1st, tube under feet, handles in hands C1/C2 Tube under front foot D Tube on floor on first cts

Choreography and Copyright 2008 by Judi Sheppard Missett

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