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Examine biases (for or EN8RC

against) made by the -IIIg- 1-8 1,2 3,4 8 3,7 6 8
author 3.1.12

Analyze intention of
words or expressions EN8V- 11,12,13,
9-16 9,10, 15 16 8
used in propaganda 14
Determine various
social, moral, and
EN8LC 19,20,
economic issues 17-24 18,22 17,23,24 8
-IIIh-7.4 21
discussed in the text
listened to
Analyze literature as a
mirror to a shared
25-33 25,26,27 28,29,30 32 31,33 9
heritage of people with
diverse backgrounds
Use appropriate
cohesive devices in 34-42 34 41 9
various types of speech
EN8G- 45,46,
Use parallel structures Ia-7
43-50 42 8

Name: _________________________________________ Grade and Sec: ______ Score: _________

Directions: Read carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. This refers to an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on a particular issue without examining
presenting enough evidences. A. bias B. judgment C. objective D. subjective
2. Which of the following factors influences a person’s bias?
A. evidences B. experiences C. facts D. reality
3. All of the following statements are true about bias, EXCEPT:
A. presenting both sides of the issue
B. telling only a part of the issue at hand
C. putting across an unfair or one-sided opinion
D. being subjective as opposed to being objective
4. “Fathers are always responsible in making decisions than mothers.” Which of the words below makes
the statement biased? A. always B. decision C. making D. responsible
5. “Pageants are amazing platforms that promote different advocacies such as women empowerment,
child protection, and environmental conservation.” Which of the words below makes the statement
biased? A. amazing B. conservation C. different D. protection
6.Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?
A. Filipinos are considered the best English speakers in the world.
B. Women leaders are better than men when handling a health crisis.
C. Research studies are undertaken to help improve human condition.
D. Online games are the main cause of mental health problems among teenagers nowadays.
7.Which of the following statements shows the negative view of the author about social media?
A. It breeds cyber bullying and depression.
B. It can be an avenue for business opportunities.
C. It develops the information and communication (ICT) skills of teenagers.
D. It allows people to create online communities and friendship.
8.What should an author do to avoid being biased? The author must…
A. present evidences to support personal opinions
B. present solid evidences on both sides of an issue
C. use words and expressions that appeal to the readers
D. use words and expressions to convince readers to take a stand
9. What particular technique is used which is intended to make consumers accept or approve something
without looking closely at evidences?
A. advertisement B. commercial C. announcement D. propaganda
10. Which propaganda technique presents a negative quality of a person, entity, object, or value to
discredit it and make the other option more acceptable?
A. loaded words B. plain folks C. simplification D. transfer
11. What propaganda technique is used in the statement, “Things go better with Coke”?
A. card stacking B. glittering generalities C. name-calling D. plain folks
12. "I love visiting you folks in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family –
centered.” Which propaganda technique is used in the statement?
A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap
13. “A superstar mother talks about her experience of using the diaper that she prefers for her baby and
the advantages of using it.” What propaganda technique is used in the situation?
A. loaded words B. simplification C. testimonial D. transfer
14. “A brand of snack food is loaded with sugar and calories; however, the commercial boasts that the
product is low in fat, implying that it is also low in calories.” What propaganda technique is used in
these details? A. card stacking B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap
15. Which statement uses soft soap propaganda technique?
A. You are a criminal! You don’t deserve to be elected.
B. My actions of service for you are my best work in life.
C. I am the right person to be voted because of my visible services.
D. I know that you are wise voters. The future of this country is in your hands.
16. What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see a propaganda of a slimming tablet with a
promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very cheap price and you really want to lose weight?
A. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective.
B. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer.
C. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion.
D. Conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the
product before buying it.
17. Which of the following best describes a social issue?
A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
B. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
C. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
D. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.
18. What issue reflects the scarcity of resources which are deemed insufficient to satisfy human wants
and needs? A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. public issue
19. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?
A. difference in beliefs or preferences C. lack of compassion for others
B. poor regard of the common good D. price increase in basic commodities
20. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? Children die quietly in some of the poorest
villages on earth because the families cannot afford medical services.
A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. psychological issue
21. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? High fuel costs and soaring commodity
prices, together with fears of global recession, are worries of all countries.
A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. psychological issue
For items 22 -24, read the following transcript taken from a listening text and answer the following
Lack of sex education, peer pressure, and early sexual engagement are just three of the
many causes of teenage pregnancy. In the Philippines, teenage pregnancy has become a social
problem. Peer pressure and lack of education result in early sexual engagement that leads to
early pregnancy. With very little knowledge about sex and pregnancy, many adolescent girls find
themselves in a dilemma about the situation oftentimes without the knowledge of their parents.
These teenagers, however, do not know that such pregnancy can be a huge health risk.
Teenage pregnancy is associated with high risk of health problems to the mother and the
baby. Infections from sexually transmitted disease, premature birth, abortion, postpartum depression
are just four of the many health problems. Therefore, teenage pregnancy is not just a social issue,
but it is also a health issue.
22.What specific societal problem is discussed in the text?
A. peer pressure B. lack of education C. students’ dropouts D. teenage pregnancy
23.What type of issue is the problem discussed in the text?
A. social issue B. moral issue C. economic issue D. psychological issue
24.Which of the following statements is true about the issue on teenage pregnancy based on the text?
A. Teenage pregnancy is an economic problem.
B. Teenage pregnancy is solely caused by peer pressure.
C. Teenage pregnancy can result in many health problems.
D. Teenage pregnancy can be solved through sex education.
25. What is a body of written works such as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays that reflects
the background of a certain culture? A. epic B. literature C. poetry D. prose
26. Which type of literature is a product of a writer’s imagination?
A. feature B. fiction C. literature D. non-fiction
27. What is defined as the sequence of events that occurs from the first to the last line of the story?
A. character B. plot C. point of view D. setting
28. “Ravana abducted Sita and forced her to be his wife. Rama came to rescue Sita. He fought and
confronted Ravana and his evil brothers. Finally, Rama killed Ravana and freed Sita.” In this
the struggle is directly set between the protagonist and the antagonist. What type of conflict is used
the author? A. man vs. man B. man vs. self C. man vs. society D. man vs. supernatural
29. “Long ago, the kingdom of Ayodhya was ruled by a wise king. Ayodhya is part of the Ancient Sarayu
in India.” What literary element is emphasized from this statement?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
30. “While it is true that Rama’s stepmother, the second wife, is against Rama to be crowned as the next
king, Ravana is considered as the main antagonist of the story Ramayana.” What literary element is
emphasized in the text? A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
31. The theme is the central meaning or idea that the writer conveys to the reader. What do you think is
the theme of the story Ramayana?
A. seeking happiness C. forgiving and forgetting
B. doing one’s duties D. giving importance to wedding
32. “I was standing in the dark. I was scared and cold. Then, I felt something on my shoulder, and it was
a hand. I was trying to get away, but it wouldn’t let me go. I screamed as loud as I could, but no one
heard me.” – In the Dark. What point of view is used by the author?
A. first person B. omniscient C. third person D. all of these
33. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the story Ramayana of India, Rama shows his
undying love to Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the following Filipino culture
this value?
A. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met.
B. A husband works hard in order to provide the needs of his family.
C. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary with his wife.
D. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions.
34. Which among these sentences uses a cohesive device correctly?
A. I want to enroll this school year, yet I want to continue learning
B. I want to enroll this school year, but I want to continue learning.
C. I want to enroll this school year, unless I want to continue learning.
D. I want to enroll this school year, because I want to continue learning
35. Pedro eats his dinner early _______ he needs to finish his assignment.
A. but B. because C. such as D. while
36. You can borrow my laptop ___________you will use it carefully.
A. and B. as long as C. even if D. so

“Good news, we have a SPECIAL OFFER! Buy one cellphone TODAY and you will get a pocket
WIFI for FREE! You will surely love it because of its advanced features with 24mp front and back
It is also a water-resistant phone. You don’t want to miss this SPECIAL offer! Call NOW…”
37. In the above paragraph, how is the word “and” used?
A. to add information B. to show contrast of ideas C. to compare two things D. to show reason
38. Althea said that she didn’t know Mr. Jose. _______denied knowing _______.
A. He, her B. He, him C. She, him D. She, her
39. Only the ashes of the big building remained after the conflagration. Which of the following is the
meaning of conflagration? A. earthquake B. fire C. flood D. disaster
40. COVID - 19 pandemic threatens the health of the people; ____________, health protocols are
imposed. A. and B. as a result C. however D. or
41. Bullying is not good as it affects emotional and psychological behavior of an individual. Most victims
of bullying experience physical, emotional and mental health issues. What cohesive device is
in the given sentences?
A. Pronouns B. Repetition of words C. Synonyms D. Transitional devices
42. What type of speech tells a story/real event that has happened to some characters in a specific
and time? A. demonstrative B. informative C. narrative D. persuasive
43. After class hours, the students went to the plaza, to the mall, and home.
A. After class B. the students went C. the plaza D. and home E. No error
44. Public places require not only face masks but also wearing face shields.
A. Public places B. not only C. face masks D. wearing face shields E. No error
45. In an earthquake, residents are advised to duck, to cover, and to hold.
A. In an earthquake B. to duck C. to cover D. to hold E. No error
46. The farmers not only export rice but also coffee to certain parts of country.
A. The farmers B. not only export C. but also coffee D. to certain parts E. No error
47. A conducive learning atmosphere requires noise-free environment, well-lit room, and ample space.
A. conducive learning B. noise-free C. well-lit room D. ample space E. No error
48. Cacao beans are roasted on low temperature to become cacao powder and make cacao nibs.
A. are roasted B. low temperature C. cacao powder D. make cacao nibs E. No error
49. The mangoes from Guimaras are fresh, sweet, and juicy.
A. mangoes B. fresh C. sweet D. juicy E. No error
50. Filipino Fiesta is characterized not only by colorful parades but also by delicious meals.
A. Filipino Fiesta B. characterized C. colorful parades D. delicious meals E. No error
1. A 26. B
2. B 27. B
3. A 28.A
4. A 29.C
5. A 30. A
6. C 31. B
7. A 32. A
8. B 33. A
9. A 34. D
10. D 35. B
11. B 36. B
12. B 37. A
13. C 38. C
14. C 39. B
15. D 40. B
16. D 41. B
17. B 42. C
18. C 43. D
19. D 44. D
20. C 45. E
21. C 46. B
22. D 47. E
23. A 48. D
24. C 49. E
25. B 50. E

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