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Aristotle once rightfully said, “Man is a social animal” and from centuries his words are the truth
we live by. Right from the beginning of civilizations to the modern age, this saying has proved
itself time and again. Community has been as essential for a man as breathing. As the 21st
century began, man started to click screens more than writing with a pen on a paper and
technology has become more a necessity than a luxury. Though, it was anticipated that
digitalization would transcend every physical boundary in the near future, but 2020 has rather
rushed the pace. The legal sect of the country is now paving way for a virtual world, as the
pandemic mandates social distancing as a fundamental norm. The litigants and the courts are in a
constant struggle, but to avoid caseload, they have to sit in front of the screens and learn the new
way. Every other day, courts are issuing rules and regulations for the proceedings happening
online. It sure will take time, but India will emerge strongly and well equipped. In the words of
Heraclitus, “The only constant in life is change”, and nothing is more real in the current scenario.

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