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Mordenkainen (Dungeons & Dragons)Iggwilv (Dungeons & Dragons)Daughters of

Sora Kell

Additional Tags:

Very not canonKorranberg LibraryZilargoComedyAlcoholShae Baelidre

HelrynThelanisPassage AundairArcanixSarlona

Part 1 of Unusual Visitors


Unusual Visitors

When Tasha and Mordenkainen's plane shift spell goes horribly wrong, they find
themselves in a strange world--with a strange Guide.


There is nothing canon about this. Absolutely nothing. It is sheer goofiness,

please treat it as such.

Chapter 1: New Clients


A sage "borrowing" some books in Korranberg library witnesses the arrival of a

pair of rather unusual visitors.

Chapter Text

2 Olarune 998 YK

Well, my dear seekers of secrets, I haven't really done this before, but today's
events are worthy of sharing with you all.

I was (invisibly, of course) reading in the Arcane History wing of the Library of
Korranberg when suddenly there was a crack, and two people fell out of the air near
the ceiling. One, a woman with the most divine black makeup, manifested what looked
to be a floating mortar before she fell far, and floated down quite neatly.

The other one seemed to try and cast some kind of spell to slow his fall, but hit a
gray hawk gargoyle on the way down, which interrupted his spell. After picking
himself up from a (rather undignified) pile on the floor, he proved to be a fellow
that quite frankly looked like he could have come right out of a shadowy tower in
Thelanis. Bald-headed, pointy beard and mustache, hawky face, the whole nine yards.
And he acted the part too!

After the fellow finally got off his bruised ass, he marched up to the nearest
librarian and demanded that they bring him, "Mordenkainen, Lord Mage of Greyhawk,
Founder of the Circle of Eight", and several other titles I stopped paying
attention to, to the Keeper of Tomes. Now, since there's no Keeper of Tomes at
Korranberg, that naturally raised a few eyebrows, as did the pair's
rather...unusual method of entry.
Some increasingly confrontational discussion later, and the woman, who introduced
herself to the librarian simply as Tasha, cut Mordenkainen off mid-rant to say
"Mordy, we missed Candlekeep". Now that very much interested me, as I'm sure you
all can understand, dear seekers of secrets, since I don't know of a 'Candlekeep'
on Khorvaire. Mordenkainen also fascinatingly repeatedly referred to the librarian
as a "tinkerer", at least until the librarian walked off to find a superior.

At this point, I was deeply curious, and so decided to make myself visible and see
if I these two strangers. In a different form, of course--I decided
that a nice, friendly Khoravar would be an excellent one. I poofed into visibility
and approached them to say hello while they were arguing about whether to teleport
before the librarian's superior got there. And oh, my darling readers. What a
conversation that was.

It would seem that these two came from not a different plane, but a different
Material Plane, a little world called Greyhawk that from the brief summary I
received from Mordenkainen (who seemed quite proud of it) sounded inutterably
boring. They were trying to get to yet another Material Plane, somewhere called
Toril, where apparently there's some sort of magic library (that I would love to
visit myself) called Candlekeep. Anyway, they were trying to get to Candlekeep, but
(according to Tasha) Mordenkainen fucked up the plane shift, and now

Neither of them are quite sure how, and neither am I, given the warding effect of
the Ring of Siberys. I cannot tell you how many wizards come to me asking if I can
give them a spell to find parallel realities, unable to figure out how to get past
that shielding magic. And naturally I won't be telling you if I've got such a
spell, my dear seekers of secrets. That's information you've got to pay for.I think
that Tasha gave shifting to some other "Material Plane" a try during the
conversation, because at the end of the explanation she declared "Well, we're stuck
here, may as well see if they've got good alcohol". Which seemed to horrify
Mordenkainen, as he promptly launched into a lecture about how as mages of high
caliber, they needed to announce themselves to the local archmage.

I explained there wasn't a local archmage. I think his head nearly blew off. I also
decided to gently suggest that two extremely powerful wizards introducing
themselves to the Triumvirate would not go well, and offered my services to guide
them to somewhere a little...safer to plan. Mordenkainen scoffed, declared he did
not need the help of any "local child" (yes, it was hard not to fall over
laughing), and stormed off towards the exit. Tasha whispered it was best to let him
finish the tantrum, dematerialized her pestle, and collected my card before
following him.

Naturally, I turned invisible and followed the two of them. And my dear seekers of
secrets, it was so worth it. Mordenkainen walked out into the central atrium and
then just...stops. I assume he was getting some kind of telepathic message, and I
just watched him get steadily paler and paler. Tasha walked out about halfway
through and I assume gets a similar message, though she was grinning steadily wider
as she heard it.

Anyway, about ten seconds after they get to the atrium, I made myself visible again
and popped out of the hall. Tasha gave me a little nod and asked for a destination,
so I handed over a book from an old abandoned tower in southern Aundair, and we
teleported there. These two really throw around some high level magic casually, my
dear seekers of secrets! Anyway, Mordenkainen promptly created a rather impressive
extradimensional space (he claims to have invented the spell, which I doubt given
that its been in the library back home for several millennia), and we're camped out
in it now. Mordenkainen is muttering ominously while Tasha is doing something that
smells amazing with her remanifested pestle.

These two are really very interesting, and I seem to have successfully gotten them
to employ me as their guide, which I suppose means I better come up with a proper
story for this Khoravar. I've already named them Avanel, but I guess they need a
whole backstory now! I do love writing character backstories, I'm thinking there's
some tragic secret in their past that caused them to leave their home behind and
take up the nomadic life of a guide.

Anyway, I think guiding this pair around is going to be quite entertaining.

Tomorrow I'll try to find out what exactly they want--if they're looking for a way
back to their other Material Planes, perhaps I will at some point discover a way to
assist a cost, of course. And if not...well, they have the potential to
be excellent tools of my lady. No matter what, I think that I'm going to have quite
a lot of fun introducing these two to Eberron...and seeing what Eberron makes of
them. I wonder what our first destination should be?

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Comments (1)


DragonBlood472, invertedtritone, Gullwhacker, and Regitnui as well as 4 guests left

kudos on this work!
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