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Since I started my studies at university, I chose to continue in the HR Speciality, and it has been my forever dream to open

my own recruitment's office.

For this project I will need a Ceo, with a clear vision, a strong leadership and great communication skills who will set great
organizational strategy.

The CEO will need an assistant who will dispatch the work to the staff and coordinate between her manager and the

For the finance and HR department, I will need an accountant who will manage all financial services and a Humans
Ressources manager who will collaborate with hiring managers who will understand the needs and roles to be filled , verify
documents related to changes in employment's contract and termination employment contracts , (CNSS's declaration) ,
Tracking employee absences in the workplace , and then an consultant in recruitment that they will identifie the most
effective methods for recruiting and attracting candidates, drafts recruitment advertisements, post or place ads in the
most effective digital or print media for open position, identifies appropriate candidates and assesses their qualifications
through review of their resume, interviews and other forms of communications and finally connects qualified candidates
with hiring managers.

For the marketing and sales department, we will need a team who will look after the image of the company, for that we
will need a community manager who will take care of the whole social media entertainment, and an offline marketing
manager. Their job is to put the spotlight on the vision of the company and make it known by people and also bring as
much costumers as possible

And finally if it’s needed we will recruit interns to help.

Accountant Accounting

CEO Assistant


Consultant in
HR Manger

Marketing Community
and sales manager

SENNA Sawsen

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