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senso ont SE BS, roa, iS ETRY comnssion Yer [ADVISORY ON COMPETENCY.BASED WAGE FOR DOMESTIC WORKERS, ‘This Advisory is being issued pursuant to Republc Act No. 10361 or "Bates asambahay’ which establishes the terms and conditions of employment and promotes the welfare of domestic workers towards decent employment and income. Specialy, the purpose of ths AdvSOry i C0 gue houselwt employers and domestic workers who will voluntary and mutually agree to adopt a competency-based pay scheme in setting and adjusting the pay of domestic workers over and above the applicable minimum wage. 1. Coverage ‘This Advisory covers all domestic workers and thelr employers as defined in R.A 10363, to wit: “Domestic worker or Kasambahay refers to any person in domestic work within an employment relationship such as, but not limited to, the following: general household help, nureemaid or ‘yay’, cook, gardener, or laundy person, but skal ‘exclude any person who performs domestic work ony occasionally or sporadically ‘and not on an occupational basis. ‘The term shall not Include children who are under foster family arrangement, and are provided access to education and given an allowance incidental to education, {e.baom’, transportation, school projects and school stivties” employer refers to any person who engages and controls the services of @ domestic worker and is party tothe employment contrac.” 1 Competeney-Based Pay Scheme: Conceptual Framework 8 A competency based pay scheme for domestic workers is 2 compensation system that rewards domestic workers with adstional pay in exchange for formal certification of the domestic worker's mastery of ski, knowledge and/or competences. This compersation system considers the level and ‘coverage of certification of competencies of domestic workers and grants domestic workers with additional pay for being certified on the elective ‘competencies ofthe qualifction. Competency pertsine to: 3) the application of kaowledge, skls and attitudes required to complete a work activity ina range of contexts and environment to oe ‘the standard expected inthe workplace; orb) the aossession and appiation of nonmamSeranRNEN t ee fe knowledge, skis and attitudes to the standard of performance required in the workplace b, The Technical Education and Skis Development Authority (TESDA) developed the ‘raining Regulation (TR) for Household Services NC Iisa package of competency standards, national qualification, training standards and assessment and certification arrangements. A domestic worker who passes the training or ‘assessment of any ofits accredited centers shall be issued a National Certificate (NC) I (Annex) «The Household Servees NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person ‘must achieve to clean living room, dining room, bedrooms, tlt, kitchen, wash and iron clothes, nen, fabrle, prepare hot and cold meals/food, provide food and beverage service. ‘The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the folowing: ‘uNrr cope 500312105 500312106 0312107 500311108 unr cove vHcsei3201, vacson3202, nmr cove vies913301 Hics913302 1acs913303, Hcs913308, BASIC COMPETENCIES Participate in workplace communication ‘Work in team environment Practice eaeer professionalism Practice eccupational health and safety procedures ‘COMMON COMPETENCIES Maintain an effective relationship with clients and customers Manage own performance ‘CORE COMPETENCIES Clean ving room, dining room, bedroons, tole and kitchen \Wash and ron clothes, linen and fabric Prepare hot and cold meals/food Provide food and beverage service Under the Household Services NC il, every unit of competency in the core ‘competencies include the training/assessment of use, proper care and correct storage of equipment inthe household service (Annex 8). 1d. A domestic worker is entitled to receive at least the minimum wage, regardless of ‘whether he/she possesses the basic, core and common competencies and whether he/she i NCH certified by TESDA, 2 Adomestic worker, however, may add existing competencies by acquiring any ofthe following elective competencies after passing the national competency assessment, and certiied by TESDA: UNITCODE ELECTIVE COMPETENCIES HCS323301 Provide care and support to infants and toddlers HCS323302 Provide care and support tochildren HCS323305 Provide care and support toeldery HCS323306 Provide care and support to people with special needs HCS913402 Assist nthe care of animals HcS.913402 Provide animal care hygiene routines [AGR6LI376 Trim and prune landscape plants AGRELI377 Perform weeding and cultivation AGR611379— Water/rigate plants ‘AGREI1380 Control and prevent plant pest and diseases f. The wages of domestic workers may be adjusted based on learned/acquired competences ofa domestic worker taking ito consideration, but not limited to, the fallowing vinieum exter Certified under the TESDA National Certificate i (++ lective competencies) for Household Service Workers; li. Able to demonstrate or apply the learned competency/ies in his/her ‘work; and ‘i, Existing market rate for skied household workers. |g Domestic workers who have satisfied the abovernentioned criteria may be entitled additional compensation equivalent to at least two point two percent (2.2%) of his/her carent basic pay for each element of the elective competency/es acquired, (annex). fh. Employers are encouraged to bear the costs of training, assessment or certification, futhout prejaice to any agreement between the employer and domestic worker relative tosaid costs. |. Aside from competency, employers may also consider additional pay onthe basis of ‘other relevant criteria for adjusting wages such as length of service, work attitude, trustworthiness, et. ‘Manila, Philipines, 24 February 203. fe “Po c wr \ weal Chairperson Designate EO, cvnanvet,eSSUERRA Ver charperson desert cn Ube cepwcr.acvas EDUARDO. RONAN tember Member Rend vacant tember ember Member

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