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Prepared by

Ozmalyn Rohorua
March 1, 2023

ID#: 700039459
Assess#02: Research Project Implementation Plan
1. To overcome milestone for the development of Elite sports in Solomon Islands mainly
to improve players and boost the economy.
2. Building sportsmanship by encouraging young Solomon Islanders engaging willingly to
involve in various sports.
3. To maintain and improve health of the people of Solomon Islands to become healthy
from diseases as well as to be fit.
4. To provide education in sports for young Solomon Islanders.
5. Marketing players or professional coaches internationally that can contribute to boost
the Solomon Islands economy.
6. To host sports that brings people from other countries which can help to improve the
Solomon Islander’s performance in sports and also contribute to the economy.
1.1 Introduction
The chosen topic is to find out about the national institute of sport and why is it important to the
socio-economic development of the Solomon Islands. And the agreed title is on the benefits of
SINIS specifically based on the Solomon Islands Men’s Football Team towards Socio-economic
development in Solomon Islands.

National Institute of sports in Solomon Islands also known as SINIS was founded in 2019. It is
located in Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, SINIS is a National Government funded sporting
institute of Solomon Islands. Its main office is situated in the east side of Honiara near Ranadi
Campus. The national institute of sports in Solomon Islands is a government agency which aims
to support athletes, coaches and National Federations of Solomon Islands to compete at
international competitions, including sports that represent Team Solomon at the major multi-
sport events. The company size is about 51- 200 employees but recently training 1200 athletes
and 100 coaches on scholarships across 30 various sports. Moreover, SINIS has been established
for the preparations of the Team Solomon. The Solomon Islands will be hosting the 2023 South
Pacific Game and its first ever stadium built for the sports is located near King George VI. SINIS
provides high performance sports programs, services and training facilities for athletes and
coaches for 30 NFs to improve health, education and etc. the young youths in Solomon Islands.

1.1. 1: The project

Project implementation Plan of the research project of the National Institute of sports in Solomon
Islands, hence specifically on the National Men’s Football Team from March 1st, 2023 until
September 31st, 2023.

1.1.2: The Scope

This project plan will consists of the preparation of action plans and budget breakdown for the
research project campaign. This will also focus on a group of people to be interviewed with
open-ended questionnaires as well as to gather relevant data from them. And this will mainly
base on the benefits of the National Institute of sport in Solomon Islands, hence specifically
Solomon Islands National Men’s Football Team on socio-economic development in Solomon
2.1: Methodology
The approach or methodology that applicable to use the research is mixed methodology. This is
relevant to the chosen topic because it states the question ‘why’ the National Institute of Sport
important to the socio-economic development in Solomon Islands. The mixed methodology
involves both the qualitative and the quantitative. Hence, I used mixed approach due to some of
the formulated questionnaires for open-ended interviews comes under qualitative method which
wants to find out more in-depth of perceptions or problem asking why. Conversely, by using the
quantitative approach to answer a question that ask how, what, etc. as well as to gathering data or
to carry out survey on a particular problem. However, the tools I used in the research project are
questionnaires for interviews, relevant information from the internet (secondary information),
survey to gather relevant data, etc.

2.1.1: Who are your respondents?

To carry out the research project respondents are those individuals who will be interviewed or
surveyed for the researcher, or provide data to be analyzed for the research study. They can be of
any age but determined by the scope of the study. Hence, the Solomon Islands Men’s National
Football Team roughly about 33 players including the coaches. The respondents to be
interviewed by me as a researcher includes 15 players, 2 coaches (the head coach and the
assistant coach), one individual from the team management and one from the administration. The
total estimation of 19 respondents will be interviewed.

2.1.2: Statistical analysis & exploring theoretical perspectives

To analyze data both statistical analysis and exploring theoretical perceptive methods are used to
collect data and explore viewpoints of respondents to the research project topic. Both methods
are carrying out in order to gather relevant data for analyzing of the research project.

2.1.3: Sampling method

The sampling methods used to select a number of individuals to interview from the selected
group. It will include selection of individual from the Solomon Islands Men’s National Football
Team. Both the probability and non-probability methods will be used to sample individual for
interview (McCombas, S, 2022 Oct 10). Thus, simple random and purposive sampling methods
will be used to sample for selecting of individual or respondents from the Solomon Islands
Men’s National Football Team. This two sampling methods both comes under the mixed
methodology or triangulation approach (McCombas, S, 2022 Oct 10).
3.1: Discussion (Discuss what you expect to find out by using the methodology mentioned
above (cite academic materials where relevant)

There are findings expected to find out by a researcher to gather relevant data for getting
efficient results from the two methods or approaches use. These are the things expected in my
findings listed as follows; to find out the economic benefits of SINIS specifically the Solomon
Islands Men’s National Football Team, its social benefits, how did Solomon Islands Men’s
National Football Team gain recognition regionally and internationally, who are the shareholders
with SINIS, work breakdown and budget breakdown, research project proposal, and also
resource mobilization, communication, reporting and decision making system, budget break
down , identifying problems and find solutions to them, monitoring and evaluation and annual
proposal as well as the expected relevant data for analysis.

3.1.1: Economic Benefits

By using of the right approaches or methodology discuss above can help a researcher to gather
data from interviewees or sample of respondents which will determines the economic benefits of
Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) specifically the National Men’s Football
Team to the country.

3.1.2: Social Benefits

To find out the Social benefits of Solomon Islands National Institute of sport (SINIS),
specifically the Solomon Islands Men’s National Football Team. The benefits are mainly to
young Solomon Islanders which impact their life and have passion to become success in
sportsmanship. Hence, football is recognized as the main sport played in Solomon Islands. For
instance, as stated by (Simon, Abana, Jan 30, 2023) that marketing of players overseas like
Raphael Lea’i officially signed with Bosnia’s Velez FC that helps them to learn new sporting
skills, confidence, etc. and at the same time money earned contribute to the economy of the
Solomon Islands.
3.1.3: How did the National Men’s Football Team in Solomon Islands recognize regionally
and internationally?

The mixed methodology or triangulation approaches that was used to carry out the research
project will help to find out how comes the Solomon Islands Men’s National Team gain their
recognition regionally and internationally. And also the two approaches will be used to help the
researcher to support in gathering relevant data for analysis.

3.1.4: SINIS’s Shareholders

To find out who are the SINIS’s shareholders a researcher also uses the mixed methodology
which included qualitative and quantitative. The National Government is one of the major
shareholder with Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport, have partnerships with the
National Federations, the Honiara City Council and Telekom. (Solomon Islands National
Institute of Sport, 2023)

3.1.5: Work Breakdown and Budget Breakdown

Annual Work Break down of the research project will be prepared every week on the basis of the
intended outcomes, strategies and budgets taking step-by-step approach to complete large
projects with several performing tasks. This will consists of deliverables which the allocation of
work schedules for each tasks or activities to be done within a specific time frame of a project.
For instance, as mentioned by (…….) that the scheduled start and end dates of each tasks to be
done or completed within a plan timeframe. In addition, the budget breakdown will help allow
the estimation of costs, risks and time. The budget breakdown identified by the researcher will
include the estimated costs of all activities, tasks, and milestones that the project must fulfill
3.1.6: Research Project Proposal

This will help to know the funding of the research project proposal of the approved project
proposal. The researcher then will submit research project proposal to the government for
approval. Hence, therefore only the approved projects proposals will be implemented based on
allocated funding.

3.1.8: Resource Mobilization and Arrangements

The researcher undertakes its annual plans, budgetary requirements and any other requirements
for timely funding. Hence, a resource manager is responsible for the resource arrangements for
utilizing and managing resources intelligently within an organization. They ensure to effectively
managing resources in alignment with its organizational objectives. A resource manager can
proactively mobilize resources by allocating and forecasting for fully utilization. (………..)

3.1.7: Communication and Decision Making arrangements

The arrangements of communication in research projects will be a bottom up or top down

communication. Top down the manager effectively communicate down to the project staffs and
vice versa to bottom up communication. A project manager can communicate effectively to all
project staffs by formulating communication plan which is important because it ensures your
project stays on track, on time, and on budget. To have a good communication Plan also ensures
that all stakeholders are informed on the progress of the project, increasing customer satisfaction.
A project management platform will keep all projects communications centralized and will make
the public understand what they are doing; they can also prevent misinformation from arising
and help to sustain support for the research of the researcher.

The approach of decision- making in projects will be done by a project manager but
brainstorming all solutions preferably in a group. Effective decision making can arrange through
set of steps, firstly, identifying the problem, define the goals and then gather the information
needed to make rational decision to generate all possible decisions. Thus, decision making helps
to use information to set direction and solve problems.
3.1.9: Identifying Problems and Find Solutions

The mixed methodology use by the researcher will help to ensure potential risks are mitigated at
all levels of the research project phases. However, there will be identification of problems by the
researcher and ways to find solutions to them. Hence, the researcher will apply the risk-based
approach where the integrated risk management is not a one-time activity. And there must be an
establishment of risk framework to identify risk and manage them on the ongoing activities.
Therefore, the researcher will ensure that they comply with the requirements relevant to the
government policies on risk management.

3.1.10: Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation

The mixed methodology used will help to Monitor and evaluate the research project to achieve
relevant results from the data gathered. A researcher will design a monitoring and evaluation
framework. Also the researcher will identify and monitor by tracking a projects metrics, progress
and the associated tasks or activities each individual to perform within a specific timeline mainly
to achieve goals and objectives (Mondayblog, Oct 7, 2020). This is mainly to ensure that every
task is completed on time, on budget and according to project requirements and standards. A
project manager monitors on checking progress against plans and making reports in completed
tasks to the project (Mondayblog, Oct 7, 2020). Hence, in reporting the research will be able to
analysis implementation plan and reporting template table. In addition, a framework or structure
increases understanding of the research projects goals and objectives, defines the relationships
between factors key to implementation for clearly affecting the research project’s success.

However, the monitoring and evaluation reports will be used to improve succeeding research
project phases and this will be conducted as policy guidelines.

In conclusion, Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports specifically Men’s National Football
Team has contributes to the importance towards development of socio-economic in the country.
The mixed methodology or triangulation approaches use mainly to carry out research survey by
giving respondents open-ended questionnaires. This is useful for a researcher to ask interview
questions on the research topic by selecting a sample using the appropriate sampling methods
from the population of the Solomon Islands Men’s National Team. Hence, this mainly to gather
relevant data or information from the selected respondents answers and viewpoints. An
implementation plan is useful as well as it helpful to monitor and evaluate relevant data for
analysis to achieve research project success within a timeframe.
Reference (reference all that was cited above)
Appendix - Questionnaire

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